- This is a React single page application.
- User authentication systems with Firebase.
- Private routes feature, access for only logged in user.
- Dynamic route & warning non-logged user for job details.
- CRUD operation of job data.
- Site job status count.
- User Authorization with JWT Token.
- Light/Dark Theme Available.
- Responsive design for Mobile, Tablet & Desktop.
- Backend using Express JS & MongoDB database
- React simple typewriter
- Moment JS
- React Icon
- TanStack Query
- Axios
- AOS Animation
- React pdf
- React Countup
- React Tabs
- React Datepicker
If you run this project locally you hove to follow these steps below step 1: You have node js environment in your local machine step 3: You have to clone this repository to your local machine
git clone https://github.com/shahin-hossain-dev/job-hive-client.git
then your have to enter the folder location with your command line and install dependencies you use this command below
npm install
step 4: You have to make .env.local in your folder root level and need some credentials, you can make your own
- firebase credentials accroding to firebase.config.js
step 5: You have backend integration with this clinet that instruction is here
step 6: Make sure these credentials now you could run this project
npm run dev