- Development
- Testing
- Templating
- Dependencies
- Playbooks
- Inventories
- Syntax and rules
- Special variables
- Tutorial 1 desktop icon
- Troubleshooting
The recommended way to develop code for this project is to pull a certain docker image (Development Docker) with a lot of tools already installed and open a container of this image, then clone the aurora GitHub repository inside it. It is not recommended to clone aurora directly on your local machine while you do development and testing.
The docker images used for aurora development are here.
Currently both bionic and focal tags are working well.
Use the tag that matches your host operating system.
The rest of the document assumes the user is using bionic tag.
Instructions on how to use this:
Use Ubuntu 20.04 computer
Install Docker (using instructions from here)
Run the following command in terminal to create a container for aurora development:
docker create -it --name aurora_dev -e DISPLAY -e QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1 -e LOCAL_USER_ID=$(id -u) -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw public.ecr.aws/shadowrobot/aurora-molecule-devel:focal
docker start aurora_dev
docker exec -u root aurora_dev /bin/chmod -v a+s /usr/bin/docker
docker exec -u root aurora_dev chmod 777 /var/run/docker.sock
- Once the container has launched, clone aurora to home directory:
cd ~/
git clone https://github.com/shadow-robot/aurora.git
- Go into the aurora folder:
cd aurora
- Open Visual Studio Code which is already installed inside the Docker container:
code .
Create test case for both docker in ansible/playbooks/molecule_docker/molecule folder and for AWS EC2 in ansible/playbooks/molecule_ec2/molecule folder. For additional molecule_docker tests, copy the folder structure from other tests and modify the .py, converge.yml and molecule.yml files in tests folder.For additional molecule_ec2 tests, copy the folder structure of another EC2 test and modify the molecule.yml file inside. The EC2 tests just run the same tests as the Docker tests, but they do it in AWS EC2, using virtual machines, not Docker.
Before executing any tests, it is very useful to make sure you have unlimited scroll in terminator, because Molecule produces a lot of debug logs. Follow these steps to enable it: right click on the Terminator -> Preferences -> Profiles -> Scrolling and select Infinite scrollback.
Once you have written your code for aurora in your branch, test it locally with Molecule first before pushing to GitHub.
There are some molecule_docker tests which require connecting to AWS to download files (such as downloading the hand manual). For this reason, before running any Molecule tests, ask the system administrator for your AWS access key and secret access key. Then, in the docker container terminal, type:
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY=your_key
export AWS_SECRET_KEY=your_secret
- In the docker container terminal execute the following command:
cd /home/user/aurora/ansible/playbooks/molecule_docker
- Start with testing only your test case, without extra debug statements:
ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH="/home/user/aurora/ansible/roles" molecule test -s name_of_your_test_case
- Fix any errors. If you want more debug information, execute the following:
ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH="/home/user/aurora/ansible/roles" molecule --debug test -s name_of_your_test_case
The --debug flag produces a lot of information. Remember to scroll up to see any possible lint or other errors that might have occurred.
- Now test all test cases to check for effects on other aurora components and knock-on-effects:
ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH="/home/user/aurora/ansible/roles" molecule test --all
- Fix any errors. If you want more debug information, execute the following:
ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH="/home/user/aurora/ansible/roles" molecule --debug test all
- Often it is useful to run Molecule in stages (create, converge, verify, login (if necessary), and finally destroy) for better debugging (so you can inspect every stage yourself). See this page, and do, for example:
molecule create -s name_of_your_test_case
molecule converge -s name_of_your_test_case
molecule verify -s name_of_your_test_case
molecule login -s name_of_your_test_case
molecule destroy -s name_of_your_test_case
For a successful test, Molecule requires that all lint checks (yaml lint, flake8 python lint and ansible lint) pass. The AWS EC2 build will fail if any lint check fails or if any Molecule test fails.
In the Molecule logs, do a text search for "error" or "error occurred" as well as "failure" and "fatal".
You can add the --debug flag after molecule for more debug information, but remember to scroll up to see any possible lint or other errors that might have happened.
It's useful to enable Unlimited scroll in terminator
At the moment, we don't want to give Molecule access to private docker hub / AWS private ECR credentials for private docker images (e.g. shadow-teleop). That is why, in every converge.yml inside the test cases in the molecule_docker folder, we override the image with image="public.ecr.aws/shadowrobot/dexterous-hand" for any teleop-related test cases. When we actually deploy Aurora, the user will be asked to fill in their private Docker hub credentials.
Once you have written your code for aurora in your branch, and tested it locally with molecule_docker, you can test it with AWS EC2 (initiated from local), by following the steps here:
- Ask the system administrator for your AWS access key and secret access key. Then, in the docker container terminal, type:
aws configure
Paste the access key and the secret access key
Default region name must be: eu-west-2
Press enter on the Default format
Then continue testing with molecule_ec2:
- In the docker container terminal go to /ansible/playbooks/molecule_ec2 folder
cd /home/user/aurora/ansible/playbooks/molecule_ec2
- Start with testing only your test case, without extra debug statements:
molecule test -s name_of_your_test_case
- Fix any errors. If you want more debug information, execute the following:
molecule --debug test -s name_of_your_test_case
The --debug flag produces a lot of information. Remember to scroll up to see any possible lint or other errors that might have occurred.
- Now test all test cases to check for effects on other aurora components and knock-on-effects:
molecule test --all
- Fix any errors. If you want more debug information, execute the following:
molecule --debug test all
- Often it is useful to run Molecule in stages (create, converge, verify, login (if necessary), and finally destroy) for better debugging (so you can inspect every stage yourself). See this page, and do, for example:
molecule create -s name_of_your_test_case
molecule converge -s name_of_your_test_case
molecule verify -s name_of_your_test_case
molecule login -s name_of_your_test_case
molecule destroy -s name_of_your_test_case
Some of our molecule tests will spawn ec2 instances. In PR checks, these are aurora_server_and_nuc
, aurora_simulation
, aurora_local_inventories
and aurora_teleop
. In the aurora repo these can be found under ansible/playbooks/molecule_ec2_*
Unfortunately, there are some differences between these instances and our local machines. For example:
For me, locally:
tom@tomhome:~/Desktop$ gio set Launch\ Shadow\ Right\ Teleop.desktop "metadata::trusted" yes
tom@tomhome:~/Desktop$ echo $?
and on the remote ec2 instance:
ubuntu@ip-10-120-1-33:~/Desktop$ gio set Launch\ Shadow\ Right\ Teleop.desktop "metadata::trusted" yes
gio: Setting attribute metadata::trusted not supported
ubuntu@ip-10-120-1-33:~/Desktop$ echo $?
So, sometimes it can be helpful to connect to one of these instances to see what's going wrong with a test or PR check.
In this section we will use the aurora_teleop
test (teleop_server_check_desktop_icons_docker_ec2
) as an example.
Start by creating your development container (as described in the Development Docker section).
We need to set the aws region to eu-west-2
. Run the following:
aws configure
Ignore all prompts other than Default region name
. For that, enter eu-west-2
Now grab your...
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=...
... lines and paste them into the terminal.
If we have a look here, we can see the stages that a PR check would go through.
Let's run these steps individually so that we have time to introspect the instance. Running the full molecule test
will eventually call destroy
, which will tear down the ec2 instance you are currently debugging. Remember to manually call ...molecule destroy -s teleop_server_check_desktop_icons_docker_ec2
when you're done!
Open your aurora_dev container, split the terminal window, and in the first terminal run:
cd /home/user/aurora/ansible/playbooks/molecule_ec2_teleop
ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH="/home/user/aurora/ansible/roles" molecule create -s teleop_server_check_desktop_icons_docker_ec2
This will create an ec2 instance, connect to it, and start running aurora. For us to connect to this instance, we will need its IP address and key.
The key will be generated and written to the following path:
The IP can either be found by scrolling back up to the TASK [Wait for SSH] ************************************************************
section of the console printout, where you can find:
"item": {
"address": "",
"identity_file": "/home/user/.cache/molecule/molecule_ec2_teleop/teleop_server_check_desktop_icons_docker_ec2/ssh_key",
"instance": "teleop_server_check_desktop_icons_docker_ec2_",
"instance_ids": [
"port": 22,
"region": "eu-west-2",
"user": "ubuntu"
OR, by examining current connections in a new terminal (terminal 2) in the aurora_dev container:
sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y iproute2
ss | grep ssh
(will return something like tcp ESTAB 0 0
if there is currently a connection between your machine and the ec2 instance)
In terminal 2, we can now connect to the ec2 instance:
ssh -i /home/user/.cache/molecule/molecule_ec2_teleop/teleop_server_check_desktop_icons_docker_ec2/ssh_key ubuntu@
In terminal 1, we can continue to run the steps in the check section in sequence. Eventually, when the test fails, being able to connect to the ec2 instance where the test is running can make it much easier to find out what's gone wrong and fix it.
e.g - to run the next step in the check
cd /home/user/aurora/ansible/playbooks/molecule_ec2_teleop
ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH="/home/user/aurora/ansible/roles" molecule converge -s teleop_server_check_desktop_icons_docker_ec2
By running these stages individually (or, by interrupting the full ... molecule test
command), it is possible (easy) to never reach the destroy
part of the check sequence. Doing this will leave an ec2 instance running forever, costing us money. It is STRONGLY ADVISED to log in to aws ec2 and see if any ec2 instances have been left alive. They will have a key name of molecule_key_aurora...*
. Make sure no PR checks are running against aurora first, you don't want to delete an instance that is in use by someone else.
In your local aurora_dev container, ansible will be serializing/zipping commands, wrapping the zipped payload in python, and sending them to the remote machine (the ec2 instance) for execution. Sometimes it can be helpful to re-run just the last failed command (instead of re-running the whole check/task/playbook). By default, ansible will delete these remote payloads after execution, but you can ask it to keep them by setting the ANSIBLE_KEEP_REMOTE_FILES variable:
ANSIBLE_KEEP_REMOTE_FILES=1 ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH="/home/user/aurora/ansible/roles" molecule converge -s teleop_server_check_desktop_icons_docker_ec2
We can see what ansible is running if we look at the terminal printout for task executions. With ANSIBLE_KEEP_REMOTE_FILES=1, we can run these parts again. Example part of molecule printout:
TASK [products/common/documentation : Downloading the Documentation from AWS to Desktop (for Molecule in AWS)] ***
task path: /home/user/aurora/ansible/roles/products/common/documentation/tasks/main.yml:135
<> SSH: EXEC ssh -C -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=60s -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o Port=22 -o 'IdentityFile="/home/user/.cache/molecule/molecule_ec2_teleop/teleop_server_check_desktop_icons_docker_ec2/ssh_key"' -o KbdInteractiveAuthentication=no -o PreferredAuthentications=gssapi-with-mic,gssapi-keyex,hostbased,publickey -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o 'User="ubuntu"' -o ConnectTimeout=10 -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=60s -o ForwardX11=no -o LogLevel=ERROR -o IdentitiesOnly=yes -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o 'ControlPath="/home/user/.ansible/cp/%h-%p-%r"' -tt '/bin/sh -c '"'"'/usr/bin/python3 /home/ubuntu/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1737565534.8406236-7021-70129049106883/AnsiballZ_s3_object.py && sleep 0'"'"''
The full traceback is:
fatal: [teleop_server_check_desktop_icons_docker_ec2_]: FAILED! => {
"changed": false,
"module_stderr": "Shared connection to closed.\r\n",
"module_stdout": "Traceback (most recent call last):\r\n File \"/tmp/ansible_amazon.aws.s3_object_payload_fb5mmjvj/ansible_amazon.aws.s3_object_payload.zip/ansible_collections/amazon/aws/plugins/modules/s3_object.py\", line 517, in bucket_check\r\n File \"/tmp/ansible_amazon.aws.s3_object_payload_fb5mmjvj/ansible_amazon.aws.s3_object_payload.zip/ansible_collections/amazon/aws/plugins/module_utils/retries.py\", line 105, in deciding_wrapper\r\n File \"/tmp/ansible_amazon.aws.s3_object_payload_fb5mmjvj/ansible_amazon.aws.s3_object_payload.zip/ansible_collections/amazon/aws/plugins/module_utils/cloud.py\", line 119, in _retry_wrapper\r\n File ...
"msg": "MODULE FAILURE\nSee stdout/stderr for the exact error",
"rc": 1
PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
teleop_server_check_desktop_icons_docker_ec2_ : ok=80 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=1 skipped=104 rescued=0 ignored=0
was set on the run that generated that error, and if we want to re-try just that part, we can run the ansible command again (because the payload /home/ubuntu/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1737565534.8406236-7021-70129049106883/AnsiballZ_s3_object.py
) still exists on the remote machine. To do this, from the aurora_dev container on your local machine, run (the equilvalent command to):
ssh -C -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=60s -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o Port=22 -o 'IdentityFile="/home/user/.cache/molecule/molecule_ec2_teleop/teleop_server_check_desktop_icons_docker_ec2/ssh_key"' -o KbdInteractiveAuthentication=no -o PreferredAuthentications=gssapi-with-mic,gssapi-keyex,hostbased,publickey -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o 'User="ubuntu"' -o ConnectTimeout=10 -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=60s -o ForwardX11=no -o LogLevel=ERROR -o IdentitiesOnly=yes -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o 'ControlPath="/home/user/.ansible/cp/%h-%p-%r"' -tt '/bin/sh -c '"'"'/usr/bin/python3 /home/ubuntu/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1737565534.8406236-7021-70129049106883/AnsiballZ_s3_object.py && sleep 0'"'"''
Running the above command showed that botocore.exceptions.NoCredentialsError: Unable to locate credentials
. This made it clear that the TASK [products/common/documentation : Downloading the Documentation from AWS to Desktop (for Molecule in AWS)] ***
task was failing due to an authentication issue on the remote machine. SSHing to the remote machine and pasting the three export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=...
lines at the TOP of the .bashrc and running the above command again showed a success, and the testing/debugging could continue.
The buildspec.yml file in the root of the project defines what AWS CodeBuild should run when a PR is created or updated or when a daily build runs. It is configured to run all tests in /ansible/playbooks/molecule_ec2 folder. AWS buildspec specification is here
Note that AWS EC2 tests take about 1 hour to complete a build due to provisioning a new AWS virtual machines for each test and for each test running in a separate virtual machine and each virtual machine needing to pull the right Docker images and then execute the tests
For debugging (not using the master branch), you can add the following immediately after playbook name (for example docker_deploy or teleop_deploy):
- --branch name_of_aurora_repo_branch (e.g. --branch F#SRC-2603_add_ansible_bootstrap)
For various bash/docker/etc. scripts, it's often useful to use Jinja2 templates (.j2 files). You can read more about .j2 files here). They are stored either in /products/common/resources/ or if they are specific to a particular product, they should be in that products /templates/scripts folder.
There are 2 main way of including dependencies in Ansible roles. The preferred way we use is the "include_role" method because it is dynamic (see here for documentation).
E.g. if we want to include a particular role to install Docker, we do:
- name: Include installation/docker role
name: installation/docker
The other way of having dependencies in Ansible is by using the meta folder and main.yml inside the meta folder. Please note: any meta dependencies are static only and will not take into account any group_vars or dynamic variables. That means that meta dependencies will only use the default/main.yml default value, nothing else. Any tasks in meta/main.yml are run before the task/main.yml. An example of meta/main.yml:
- { role: installation/aws-cli-v2 }
Playbooks are "the main thing that runs"/"main executable" in Aurora.
From the Ansible website: "Playbooks are the basis for a really simple configuration management and multi-machine deployment system, unlike any that already exist, and one that is very well suited to deploying complex applications."
Create your playbook in ansible/playbooks folder. It has be a .yml file with no hyphens (underscores are allowed).
You can read more about playbooks here
It has to have a similar structure to this (let's say your playbook is called "my_playbook")
- name: Install Python 3
import_playbook: ./install_python3.yml
- name: Install product Docker container and icons
hosts: docker_deploy
- name: include products/common/validation role
name: products/common/validation
playbook: "docker_deploy"
- name: Running playbook setup role
name: installation/playbook_setup
when: not skip_molecule_task|bool
- name: check if customer_key is provided and not false
when: customer_key is defined and customer_key | length > 0
use_aws: true
- { role: products/common/get-system-variables }
- { role: products/hand-e/docker-deploy/deploy }
- { role: products/common/dolphin-icons, when: ansible_distribution_release|string == 'focal' or ansible_distribution_release|string == 'jammy'}
Key points:
Always start by having:
- name: Install Python 3
import_playbook: ./install_python3.yml
This is to ensure Python3 is installed. Aurora uses Python3.
Then you need to have one or more of task sections (or pre-task sections, which are executed before tasks) and an optional role section. Another example of a task section in a playbook (without role section):
- name: Check which hosts are available for teleop system Install
hosts: all
gather_facts: no
- name: ping all the machines
become: yes
Some task sections specify "hosts", which tells Ansible which hosts to limit the execution to. You can read more about hosts in playbooks here
An example of a role section:
- { role: products/common/get-system-variables }
- { role: products/hand-e/docker-deploy/deploy }
- { role: products/common/dolphin-icons, when: ansible_distribution_release|string == 'focal' or ansible_distribution_release|string == 'jammy' }
An inventory is a file with group names and fixed IP addresses and some limited connection-related variables of the machines where we want the playbook to run. The inventory group names are required in playbooks in the hosts parameter (e.g. hosts: all). You can read more about hosts in playbooks here
Inventories for teleop correspond to fixed IP addresses as shown here:
More information available here
- Use lower case, words_separated_by_underscore file, folder, task, role, inventory group, playbook and any other names
- Spaces are very important! Don't leave extra, unnecessary spaces anywhere, but also remember to add a newline to the end of all files
- Follow this YAML syntax, paying special attention to the "Gotchas" here
Ansible has several special variables which can be accessed in playbooks, roles and tasks. E.g. if the special variable is ansible_user, you can access it using {{ ansible_user }}. Full list of special variables is here
Aim: to create a branch of aurora which has an Ansible role to install a desktop icon. When the user clicks on the desktop icon, a terminal window will open and say: "Hello, User!". The user can supply a different username as an extra vars parameter, so e.g. if the user runs the playbook with username=Peter, the terminal window will show "Hello, Peter!"
Requirements: you need a laptop/PC with internet, Ubuntu 18.04 or 20.04 installed.
Go to Development Docker section and follow instructions there to set up your development environment
Create your own branch of aurora (from master). You can call your branch: Tutorial_YourName
Follow instructions in the Playbook creation section to create your own playbook, you can call it tutorial_icon_deploy.yml. Remember use the Install Python3 import as documented in Playbook creation and include a roles section. Your playbook should look something like this (yes, use hosts: docker_deploy for this tutorial):
- name: Install Python 3
import_playbook: ./install_python3.yml
- name: Tutorial 1 installation
hosts: docker_deploy
- {role: products/tutorial/deploy }
- Create a role in roles/products/tutorial folder (you will have to create the tutorial folder). Inside the tutorial folder, create the following folder structure and empty files where indicated. You should have the following file structure:
- You deploy/defaults/main.yml should look like this:
user: "{{ ansible_user_id }}"
user_folder: "/home/{{ user }}"
- Your deploy/tasks/main.yml should look like this:
- name: Include products/tutorial/desktop-icons role
name: products/tutorial/desktop-icons
- Your desktop-icons/defaults/main.yml should look like this:
user: "{{ ansible_user_id }}"
user_folder: "/home/{{ user }}"
username: "{{ user }}"
tutorial_launcher_folder: "{{ user_folder }}/.tutorial/tutorial_1"
- Your desktop-icons/tasks/main.yml should look like this:
- name: Ensures that Desktop folder exists
path: "{{ desktop_path }}"
mode: '755'
state: directory
- name: Ensures that tutorial directory exists
path: "{{ tutorial_launcher_folder }}"
state: directory
- name: Copy the tutorial desktop icon
src: files/tutorial_1_icon.png
dest: "{{ tutorial_launcher_folder }}/tutorial_1_icon.png"
mode: '664'
- name: Create the executable launch script
src: templates/scripts/show_terminal.j2
dest: "{{ tutorial_launcher_folder }}/show_terminal.sh"
mode: '755'
- name: Create the tutorial desktop icon
src: ../../../common/resources/templates/desktop-icons/standard-icon.j2
dest: "{{ desktop_path }}/Launch_Tutorial_1.desktop"
mode: '755'
desktop_shortcut_name: Launch_Tutorial_1
comment: "This is application launches Tutorial 1 of Aurora"
folder: "{{ tutorial_launcher_folder }}"
shell_script_file_name: show_terminal.sh
icon_file_name: tutorial_1_icon.png
- name: Make Desktop icon trusted
shell: gio set "{{ desktop_path }}/Launch_Tutorial_1.desktop" "metadata::trusted" yes
- ansible_distribution|string == 'Ubuntu'
- ansible_distribution_release|string == 'bionic'
- not skip_molecule_task|bool
Download a suitable image (.jpg or .png) (e.g min 64x64 resolution, max 1000x1000 resolution) from the internet to be your tutorial_1_icon.png (or .jpg but then remember to change the extension to .jpg in your Ansible scripts as well). Place this image in the desktop-icons/files folder
Your desktop-icons/templates/scripts/show_terminal.j2 should look like this: (you can read more about .j2 files in Templating)
#jinja2: trim_blocks:False
#! /bin/bash
echo -e \"Hello, {{ username }}!\"
sleep infinity
- Now, let's add a Molecule test, which tests if the desktop icon exists. In /playbooks/molecule_docker folder, copy an existing folder (e.g. teleop_empty_server_docker) and paste it and then change the name to e.g. tutorial_1_docker. Inside tutorial_1_docker folder you should have the following folders and files (change file and folder names when necessary)
- You don't need to edit the Dockerfile.j2. Just edit the molecule.yml so it looks like this:
name: docker
lint: |
set -e
yamllint .
- name: tutorial_1_docker
image: public.ecr.aws/shadowrobot/aurora-test-ubuntu-docker:focal
- docker_deploy
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:rw
name: ansible
ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH: ../../../../roles
group_vars: ../../../../inventory/local/group_vars
name: testinfra
- create
- destroy
- create
- converge
- check
- destroy
- create
- converge
- destroy
- lint
- destroy
- syntax
- create
- converge
- idempotence
- verify
- destroy
- Edit the converge.yml so it looks like this:
- name: Tutorial 1 playbook
import_playbook: ../../../tutorial_icon_deploy.yml
- Edit the test_tutorial_1.py so it looks like this (we are using a general pattern here, which is why we have for loops for icons and scripts).
import os
import testinfra.utils.ansible_runner
testinfra_hosts = testinfra.utils.ansible_runner.AnsibleRunner(
def test_icons_in_docker(host):
desktop_path = '/home/' + str(host.user().name) + '/Desktop/'
script_path = '/home/' + str(host.user().name) + \
icons = (
scripts = (
for icon in icons:
assert host.file(desktop_path+icon+'.desktop').exists
for script in scripts:
assert host.file(script_path+script+'.sh').exists
- Now that your Docker test is ready, create the EC2 test which tests if the desktop icon exists, but it runs on an AWS virtual machine (not in Docker). In /playbooks/molecule_ec2 folder, copy an existing folder (e.g. teleop_server_chrony_ec2) and paste it and then change the name to e.g. tutorial_1_ec2. Inside tutorial_1_ec2 folder you should have the following folders and files (change file and folder names when necessary):
- Edit the molecule.yml so it looks like this:
name: galaxy
name: ec2
lint: |
set -e
yamllint .
# Adding CODEBUILD_BUILD_ID to instance name in order to allow parallel EC2 execution of tests from CodeBuild
- name: tutorial_1_ec2_${CODEBUILD_BUILD_ID}
image: ami-0820357ff5cf2333d
instance_type: t2.micro
region: eu-west-2
vpc_id: vpc-0f8cc2cc245d57eb4
vpc_subnet_id: subnet-0c8cfe80927f04845
- docker_deploy
name: ansible
ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH: ../../../../roles
ansible_python_interpreter: /usr/bin/python3
group_vars: ../../../../inventory/local/group_vars
create: ../resources/ec2/create.yml
destroy: ../resources/ec2/destroy.yml
prepare: ../../../install_python3.yml
converge: ../../../molecule_docker/molecule/tutorial_1_docker/converge.yml
name: testinfra
directory: ../../../molecule_docker/molecule/tutorial_1_docker/tests/
- dependency
- create
- prepare
- dependency
- destroy
- create
- prepare
- converge
- check
- destroy
- dependency
- create
- prepare
- converge
- dependency
- destroy
- dependency
- lint
- destroy
- syntax
- create
- prepare
- converge
- idempotence
- verify
- destroy
Now all the Ansible code is done and both Docker and EC2 tests added. Next step is to execute the Docker test locally: follow the steps here: Testing with molecule_docker (you may want to use the -s flag to limit the test to your tutorial_1 test only. Normally we want to re-test everything for every introduced change, but it's pretty safe to say tutorial_1 hasn't broken other parts of Aurora)
After local Docker tests are complete, you can optionally run the EC2 triggered locally as well by following the steps here: Testing with molecule_ec2 (However, you need to contact the System Administrator for credentials as explained here: Credentials)
When all tests are passing (initiated locally), create a PR of your branch and see the AWS automatic build activate as well as the AWS ECR tests (building aurora Docker images). All tests must pass before even thinking about merging to master (and in this exercise, please DO NOT MERGE to master!). More information available here: Automatic tests
Once your PR is passing (all green), you are ready to test your branch on real hardware. For this tutorial, you will test your branch on your own local machine by opening a terminal window by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T and run this:
bash <(curl -Ls bit.ly/run-aurora) tutorial_icon_deploy --branch NameOfYourBranch --inventory local/docker_deploy username=YourName
Rememeber to substitute in NameOfYourBranch and YourName
You will have to enter the sudo password for your computer twice (once for the bash script and once for ansible)
- The desktop icon should be created and when you double-click on it, a window should pop up and greet you using the username you passed in. You have now completed Tutorial 1
SSH warning when using the same laptops for multiple different NUCs (in server_and_nuc_deploy and teleop_deploy): for a given server laptop, only 1 NUC is supposed to be used. If the NUC is changed, the SSH keys stored on the laptop don't match the NUC, so aurora has to be re-run. In this case, it's required that the user manually deletes the .ssh folder on the server laptop to clear ssh keys.
Unable to connect to a new NUC with SSH (not cloned from Clonezilla image) (in server_and_nuc_deploy and teleop_deploy): the NUC with Ubuntu Server 18.04 needs manual netplan configuration as below in order to recognize and connect the ethernet-USB adapters: edit the file /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml in the NUC host so it has the following:
version: 2
name: enx*
dhcp4: true
optional: true
- Unable to launch RQT on NUC (or other graphical programs running on the NUC), due to Xauthority issues (in server_and_nuc_deploy and teleop_deploy): Before running aurora, execute ssh -X user@nuc-control to create a proper .Xauthority file in the NUC host (user home folder). This is required before aurora runs and creates the container.