A visually appealing Spotify Clone created using HTML and CSS. This project showcases a little bit responsive and interactive design that mimics the interface of the popular music streaming platform, Spotify. While this clone does not include backend functionality or music playback, it highlights the power of HTML and CSS in designing modern web interfaces.
Features : Responsive Design - Optimized for few different screen sizes, including desktops, tablets, and mobile devices. Intuitive Layout - Includes navigation bars, playlists, album sections, and a footer, almost similar to the original Spotify interface. Custom Styling - Designed with CSS to create an engaging user experience with animations, hover effects, and color schemes inspired by Spotify's branding.
Technologies Used : HTML5 - For the structure and semantic layout of the web pages. CSS3 - For styling, layout, and responsiveness, including Flexbox and Grid.
Future Improvements : Add interactivity using JavaScript (e.g., audio playback, volume control). Implement backend functionality with a framework like Node.js. Fetch real-time data using APIs for dynamic playlist updates.
Credits : This project was built as a learning exercise using HTML and CSS. Inspiration for the design was taken from Spotify.