A TV app for the AVerMedia AVerTV USB2.0
tvM026 is a Linux app for the AVerMedia AVerTV USB2.0 (USB Id: 07ca:0026). The main controller of the device - Crescentec/Syntek CT-DC1100 video controller - is an ancestor of Syntek STK11xx series video imaging controllers and has similar registers with this series of controllers.
The Python class M026Device
provides a set of functions to control the hardware.
Device access
For non-root users, an udev rule is necessary to access the device.
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="07ca", ATTR{idProduct}=="0026", MODE="0666"
v4l2loopback kernel module
Loading kernel module for the video device /dev/video0:
sudo modprobe v4l2loopback exclusive_caps=0 video_nr=0 card_label="AVerMedia AVerTV USB 2.0"
VLC media player
It is used to play audio and video stream.
Python >= 3.7
It is recommended that using a virtual environment and installing the required modules with the command
pip install -r requirements.txt
Compiling the streamer
gcc -lusb-1.0 m026-streamer.c -o m026-streamer
Audio control
Audio control is only possible if the headphone output signal is transmitted to a sound input on the computer.
TV system
The device is for reception of analog television signals. In the `tvChannels' module, a frequency dictinoary is given for PAL B/G TV standard. It needs to be modified for other TV standards.
Channel scanner
to create and modify channel list.