Homeassistant has released homeassistant core 2023.9.1.
This release bumps the pymodbus library version to match the one used by the core modbus integration in ha core 2023.9.1 (home-assistant/core#99940).
This library version contains a breaking change in the naming scheme for decoding constants that are also used by this integration.
Users running both the core modbus integration and this integration should upgrade both in the same cycle.
If you upgrade either this integration or HA core without upgrading the other then you will get errors on startup and this integration might not function.
Furthermore, please check if you are using any other integrations that rely on the pymodbus library and update them to a patched version in the same patch round.
Breaking changes
This and any further releases of this integration will now only support HA core 2023.9.1 and newer. (For older ha core versions use previous releases) #122
New features
Full Changelog: https://github.com/sfstar/hass-victron/compare/v0.1.4..v0.1.5