Releases: sfstar/hass-victron
🐛 Bug fixes
- resolve bug report not showing up and make blank issues not an option @sfstar (#295)
- Bugfix/correction of ev charger status (Manual, Auto, Scheduled) @rattkin (#302)
🚀 Enhancements
- Add bug, feature and change request issue templates since present template isn't working @sfstar (#294)
🧰 Maintenance
- Add bug, feature and change request issue templates since present template isn't working @sfstar (#294)
📚 Documentation
This release prepares the integration for homeassistant 2025.2 and is an partial backport of @remcom work on his fork.
Please install this release before updating to home assistant 2025.2
Breaking changes
New features
- Ensure new pymodbus version in Home assistant 2025.2 is supported #278
Full Changelog:
This release contains an partial revert of changes made in the previous release regarding how some values should be decoded
Breaking changes
- Same requirement for ha core 2025.1 as v0.4.0
- revert decoding settings for battery capacity #275
- revert decoding settings for min max cell voltage #276
New features
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This release ensures the integrations interoperability with home assistant version 2025.1
Please note that the release only works when running home assistant 2025.1 or higher.
Thans to @julesxxl for creating an PR to address this issue
Breaking changes
- make the integration only compatible with 2025.1 or higher.
Full Changelog:
This release contains several bug fixes, improvements and a breaking change.
Users that have a device with modbus id 0 connected should perform a rescan after installing this update.
This will seperate the modbus device with id 0 into it's seperate dedicated device.
Unfortunately historical data for the entities, when the device was placed under unit id 100, will not be transfered.
All other entities and devices should remain unaffected.
Breaking changes
- Split device with unit id 0 into a dedicated device instead of grouping under device 100 #21, #47, #96, #138, #161, #191
- Add unit id 101 as valid unit id for temp sensors #45
- Add unit id 36 to allow for the detection of more pvinverters #200
- Decode ess_mode values more accurately #44
- Scale startervoltage of alternator by 10 instead of 100 #27
New features
- Allow users to change the host IP when migrating subnets/ip's by reconfiguring the integration #121
- Add solarcharge state "WAKE-UP" as a decodable value #178
- Add tank status "ERROR" as decodable value #102
Full Changelog:
This release contains several bug fixes and fixes that improve the integrations stability.
Users that have devices not being detected by this integration should perform a rescan after upgrading.
Furthermore, the stability of handling victron non-documented output has been improved.
Previously returning undocumented values had the unfortunate effect of stopping entities from being updating.
Starting from this release the integration will now log an error and set the state of the entity as "nondecodeable".
Please note that also starting from this release the integration will allow some community sourced register decodings that are not properly documented by victron to be added. This entails a parting ways from the rigid approach of if it's not documented it's not added.
Breaking changes
- PV-inverters, solarchargers and grid meters with modbus id 35 or 36 are now correctly detected #36, #129, #137, #182
- State of charge is now correctly displayed for battery entities #130
- Improved resilliency to unsupported values being returned by the gx device #189
New features
- Unit id range introduced by gx release 3.20 is now supported #8, #157, #179, #192
- Ruuvi battery state low is now a supported decodeable value #186
Full Changelog:
Victron has released an new modbus register XLSX file.
In this file the registers for:
sensor.victron_ gps_altitude
Have been marked with new unit of measurements reflecting the actual value being reported.
Users that have an pvinverter and/or an GPS device connected to the GX device will have to manually "fix" the entities after updating the integration.
This can be done by pressing the "Fix Issue" button on the page "developer tools" -> "statistics"
You can also use this button to navigate to the page (if you have my homeassistant configured):
Ensure that you choose the "Update the unit of the historic statistic values from '' to 'W', without converting." option.
Please note that if you downgrade from v0.1.7 to an earlier version you will need to perform the "Fix Issue" flow again (after downgrading) to revert the statistics unit of measurement back to the value used in those releases.
Users that don't follow the "Fix Issue" flow will experience no statistics data being compiled for these entities.
Breaking changes
- This release changes the unit of measurement for pvinverter_max_capacity, pvinverter_power_total #133 #142 #159 #169 based on victronenergy/dbus_modbustcp#30
- This release changes the unit of measurement for gps_altitude #28 based on victronenergy/dbus_modbustcp#31
New features
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This release contains fixes contributed by @ChristophCaina to resolve warnings related to deprecated constants that will be removed in HA 2025.1 #154
Breaking changes
New features
Prepared this integration for ha constants deprecations slated for 2025.1
Full Changelog:
Homeassistant has released homeassistant core 2023.9.1.
This release bumps the pymodbus library version to match the one used by the core modbus integration in ha core 2023.9.1 (home-assistant/core#99940).
This library version contains a breaking change in the naming scheme for decoding constants that are also used by this integration.
Users running both the core modbus integration and this integration should upgrade both in the same cycle.
If you upgrade either this integration or HA core without upgrading the other then you will get errors on startup and this integration might not function.
Furthermore, please check if you are using any other integrations that rely on the pymodbus library and update them to a patched version in the same patch round.
Breaking changes
This and any further releases of this integration will now only support HA core 2023.9.1 and newer. (For older ha core versions use previous releases) #122
New features
Full Changelog:
This release changes the behaviour of this integration regarding the modbus library that is also used by the core modbus integration.
Due to multiple breaking changes (for core modbus integration) being introduced in the last couple of ha core releases a lot of users that also use the core modbus integration were experiencing issues when this integration was activated due to it's strict version constraint conflicting with the ha core required version.
By loosening the version constraint to a greater than pymodbus version, this integration should clash less with the ha core version constraint and should make it compatible again with ha core 2023.7.0 until 2023.9.0 (for 2023.9.1 and newer check v0.1.5).
This will however come at the cost of this integration being quicker to break upon HA core version upgrades.
If the working of this integration is mission critical to you then please be slower to upgrade and check for reported issues before eventually bumping versions.
Breaking changes
- Loosening of the pymodbus library version constraint should most likely address several of the following issues #115, #112, #105, #97 and #103
New features
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