Go package for common methods and operations to produce Who's On First (WOF) style GeoJSON Feature documents for media records.
is a package providing common methods and operations to produce Who's On First (WOF) style GeoJSON Feature documents for media records. Specifically it is designed to provide methods for "gathering" images from gocloud.dev/blob Bucket sources, generating one or more image hashes (for comparison and deduplication purposes), cloning (writing) images to a destination for processing and finally for updating WOF feature records after an image has been processed.
Image processing is not handled by this package. As written it is assumed to be handled by the go-iiif/go-iiif package and its "process image" tools which will produce "reports" that this package will use to update WOF feature records.
package main
import (
_ "gocloud.dev/blob/fileblob"
_ "image/gif"
_ "image/jpeg"
_ "image/png"
func main() {
ctx := context.Background()
cb := func(rsp *gather.GatherImagesResponse) error {
enc, _ := json.Marshal(rsp)
return nil
for _, uri := range flag.Args() {
bucket, _ := blob.OpenBucket(ctx, uri)
gather.GatherImages(ctx, bucket, cb)
For example:
$> go run -mod vendor cmd/gather/main.go file:///usr/local/images/
...and so on
For cloning records, and other common operations, please consult the operations documentation.