I had a problem with official ZF3 FlashMessenger module and decided to write own independent module. As a basis for flash messages, I got a simple pure PHP library. https://github.com/plasticbrain/PhpFlashMessages
I wanted to integrate Toastr js library for better flash messages UI. And make it easy to switch between Toastr view and standard bootstrap view. https://codeseven.github.io/toastr/
If you want to use standard ZF3 Flashmessanger there is another module available. https://github.com/jenzri-nizar/zf3-flashmessenger
This is how it will look like with Toastr view.
And this is Bootstrap
composer require seyfer/zend-flashmessenger-toastr
Than add module to your config/modules.config.php
'modules' => [
You can switch the source of Toastr lib files by using this config in your module.config.php
'toastr' => [
//cdn or assets
'source' => 'cdn',
Add messages somewhere in your controller with provided plugin.
If you want output Toastr style messages just use provided view helper method in your layout.phtml. Also, you need inlineSript helper to be included.
<?php $this->msg()->renderToastr(); ?>
<?php echo $this->inlineScript() ?>
For a standard Bootstrap, view uses another method.
<?php $this->msg()->renderToastr(); ?>
<?php echo $this->inlineScript() ?>
That's it!
Please, don't hesitate to contribute and send pull requests.