This project is under developpment, please DO NOT use it for the moment, you can join the project by mailing user epidoux or SexyBoys github Group. TODO
- Install on your system needed extensions/modules
$ sudo apt-get install php5-xsl
$ sudo apt-get install php5-xmlrpc
- Install composer dependencies
$ php composer.phar install
Copy and rename parameters.yml.dist to parameters.yml and edit it
Prepare image directory used by Twitter Bootstrap
$ mkdir -p web/img
$ cd web/img
$ ln -s ../../vendor/twitter/bootstrap/img/glyphicons-halflings.png
$ ln -s ../../vendor/twitter/bootstrap/img/glyphicons-halflings-white.png
- Rebuild assets with Assetic
$ php app/console assetic:dump
- Create database and tables
$ php app/console doctrine:database:create
You can use to define your Xslt file