- Description
- Installation
- Usage
- Datetime 1. Relative
- Number 1. HumanByte 2. Ordinalize 3. Shorten 4. Textualize
- String 1. Camelize 2. Denamespace 3. Humanize 4. NamespaceOnly 5. Slugify 6. Shorten 7. Pluralize 8. Singularize 9. Tableize
- Run the test
- Contributing
- Requirements
- Authors
- License
InflexibleBundle provides a bridge between Symfony2 and Inflexible library which aims to gather a collection of commonly used Inflectors into a single lib. It provides twig extensions too.
Using Composer, just $ composer require sexyboys/inflexiblebundle
package or:
"require": {
"sexyboys/inflexiblebundle": "dev-master"
Define the bundle inside your AppKernel.php file
new Sexyboys\InflexibleBundle\SexyboysInflexibleBundle()
To use it, just call the service named "inflexible" which provides all functions of Inflexible library.
Convert a DateTime
object or a number of seconds into the most fitted unit:
You may also want to get the relative datetime from a given date:
$this->container->get('inflexible')->relativeDatetime(new DateTime('2012-01-10'), new DateTime('2012-01-17'));
The available units are:
- second
- minute
- hour
- day
- week
- month
- year
Convert bytes to an human readable representation to the most fitted unit:
// 1.00 KB
// 1.00 MB
// 1.00 GB
You may also provided an optional precision as a second argument (default to 2)
Converts number to its ordinal English form:
// 1st
// 13th
Formats a number using the SI units (k, M, G, etc.):
// array(100, null)
// No units for number < 1000
// 1k
Returns the textual representation of a number
// One Million, Twenty Five Thousand, Four Hundred and Thirty Three
Converts a word like "foo_bar" to "FooBar". It also removes non-alphanumeric characters:
// FooBar
Returns only the class name
// Baz
Converts CamelCased word and underscore to space to return a readable string:
// Foo Bar
// Foo Bar
Returns the namespace of a fully qualified class name:
// Foo\Bar
Slugify a string:
$this->container->get('inflexible')->slugify('lo\rem ipsum do|or sid amet||| #\`[|\" 10 .');
// lo-rem-ipsum-do-or-sid-amet-10
'lo\rem ipsum do|or sid amet||| #\`[|\" 10 .'|slugify
You may optionally set the separator, a max length or decide to whether lower the case:
'LoRem ipsum do|or sid amet||| #\`[|\" 10 .',
'maxlength' => 4,
'lowercase' => true,
'separator' => '_'
// lore
'lo\rem ipsum do|or sid amet||| #\`[|\" 10 .'|slugify(options)
Shorten a string using the options such as the maximum length, affix and its position:
$this->container->get('inflexible')->shorten("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet",5,Shorten::AFFIX_POSITION_START);
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"|shorten_string(5,'start')
Returns a word in plural form:
Returns a word in singular form:
Converts a word into the format for a Doctrine table name:
First make sure you have installed all the dependencies, run:
$ composer install --dev
then, run the test from within the root directory:
$ phpunit
- Take a look at the list of issues.
- Fork
- Write a test (for either new feature or bug)
- Make a PR
- PHP 5.3+
- Symfony 2
Boris Guéry - guery.b@gmail.com - http://twitter.com/borisguery - http://borisguery.com
Eric Pidoux - eric.pidoux@gmail.com - http://twitter.com/epidoux - http://eric-pidoux.com
is licensed under the WTFPL License - see the LICENSE file for details