kubesealer is an interactive wrapper for kubeseal binary used to edit SealedSecrets with your favorite $EDITOR as it were native Secrets. This makes it easier to create and edit SealedSecrets.
This repo is a small edit to the original, the heavy lifting was done by: https://github.com/shini4i/kubeseal-auto .
The recommended way to install this script is pipx:
pipx install kubesealer
Running without commands will create a new secret with your $EDITOR
Editing an existing secret with your $EDITOR can be done as follows:
kubesealer foo.sealedsecret.yaml
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. If you want to adjust something on the underlying engine please open a Pull request at https://github.com/shini4i/kubeseal-auto .