We strongly suggest to install the
Anaconda Python distribution.
Once the installation has finished, you should have a working conda
command in your shell. First of all, create a new environment:
$ conda create -n py3 python=3
load the new environment:
$ source activate py3
and install the dependencies (including a few optional but recommended):
(py3) $ conda install astropy scipy numpy matplotlib pyyaml h5py statsmodels numba
Install the dependencies with pip (including a few optional but recommended):
$ pip install astropy scipy numpy matplotlib pyyaml h5py statsmodels numba
Clone the repository:
(py3) $ cd /my/software/directory/
(py3) $ git clone https://github.com/matteobachetti/srt-single-dish-tools.git
or if you have deployed your SSH key to Github:
(py3) $ git clone git@github.com:matteobachetti/srt-single-dish-tools.git
(py3) $ cd srt-single-dish-tools
(py3) $ python setup.py install
That's it. After installation has ended, you can verify that software is installed by executing:
(py3) $ SDTimage -h
If the help message appears, you're done!
To update the code, simply run git pull
and reinstall:
(py3) $ git pull
(py3) $ python setup.py install
Please follow the Astropy contribution guidelines, and the Astropy coding guidelines. This code is written in Python 3.4+, and we strive to be compatible with Python 2.7. Tests run at each commit during Pull Requests, so it is easy to single out points in the code that break this compatibility. See the file Contributing.md for more details
First of all... This code is under development!... so, it might well be that something does not work as expected. For any inquiries, bug reports, or suggestions, please use the Issues page.
If you used this software package to reduce data for a publication, please write in the acknowledgements something along these lines:
This work makes use of the SRT Single Dish Tools developed by Matteo Bachetti.
We will submit it to the Astrophysics Source Code Library soon, and update the text accordingly.
- There is a known bug in numpy 0.14 that affects Python 2.7 builds. Python 2.7 users please force numpy to 0.13.