CLI tool using one of two variants of evolutionary algorithms to optimize traffic lights on a single street.
- data generation or static data
- traffic simulation
- hillclimber with probability bitflip mutation
- genetic algorithm using probability bitflip mutation, 1-point-crossover or 2-point-crossover and tournament selection
You need Rust and Cargo installed to run this cli tool. The easiest way to get both is to simply install rustup
Clone the repository and use cargo to install all dependencies, build the tool and run it:
cargo run
This tool includes lots of configuration options you can set via cli arguments when running cargo run
For example to remove the iterational improvement output run:
cargo run -- -s
// or
cargo run -- --silent
To list all possible configuration options run:
cargo run -- --help
-b, --benchmark
Run optimization a set amount of times (default 20) and show mean of results
--benchmark-iterations <BENCHMARK_ITERATIONS>
Number of times to run optimization in benchmark [default: 20]
-d, --data <DATA>
Car traffic data to use for the traffic simulation [default: fixed] [possible values:
fixed, generate]
Disable the increasing passthrough to keep max passthrough always the same
Disable the max passthrough value to not limit cars per timestep
--fitness-value <FITNESS_VALUE>
Fitness value to use during optimization [default: ratio] [possible values: ratio,
difference, driving_cars, waiting_cars]
-h, --help
Print help information
-i, --iterations <ITERATIONS>
Number of iterations to run [default: 1000]
--intersections <INTERSECTIONS>
Number of intersections for the traffic simulation [default: 8]
-m, --mutation <MUTATION>
Mutation variant to use [default: prob_bitflip] [possible values: none, bitflip,
--main-max-count <MAIN_MAX_COUNT>
Maximum number of cars possible on the main road [default: 20]
--main-percentage <MAIN_PERCENTAGE>
Amount of cars staying on the main road [default: 0.8]
-o, --optimization <OPTIMIZATION>
Optimization variant to use [default: genetic] [possible values: genetic, hillclimb]
-p, --plot
Draw plot of best values of each iteration
--parents-size <PARENTS_SIZE>
Parent population size [default: 10]
--population-size <POPULATION_SIZE>
Population size [default: 50]
Print the simulation data for the final best candidate
--probability-bitflip <PROBABILITY_BITFLIP>
Probability for bitflip in prob_bitflip mutation [default: 0.0078125]
--probability-recombination <PROBABILITY_RECOMBINATION>
Probability for bitflip in prob_bitflip mutation [default: 0.75]
-r, --recombination <RECOMBINATION>
Mutation variant to use [default: two_point] [possible values: one_point, two_point]
-s, --silent
Hide output on iterations with improvements
--side-max-count <SIDE_MAX_COUNT>
Maximum number of cars possible on the side roads [default: 10]
--side-percentage <SIDE_PERCENTAGE>
Amount of cars coming to main road from side roads [default: 0.6]
--timesteps <TIMESTEPS>
Number of timesteps for the traffic simulation [default: 16]
--tournament-size <TOURNAMENT_SIZE>
Tournament size [default: 5]
-V, --version
Print version information