v1.1.27: Release of 1.1.27
Pull requests:
- #326 Updated report generation to use temp files. (@YamStranger)
- #324 Updated method to print exception if it will appear (@YamStranger)
- #323 Updated loader and reporter to load and generate testoutcomes concurrently with tests, updated gson core to 2.4 (@YamStranger)
- #319 Updated jbehave to 4.0.5 (@YamStranger)
- #317 Updated checking of empty string to use StringUtils, for #310 (@YamStranger)
- #316 Updated contiributing guide - explaned multiline commits and pull requests name convention (@YamStranger)
- #311 Change log generated for all releases (@YamStranger)
- #313 Fixed Test Failure stacktrace, now it can contain elements with no fileName (default.ftl), for #312 (@marek5050)
- 1314d42 feat: updated report generation to use atomic operations (@YamStranger)
- 3fe8573 perf: updated checking of empty string to use StringUtils (@YamStranger)
- 5afea72 fix: updated report generation to use temp files, it fixes bugs with running tests with multiple workers (and different Java Runtime as well) (@YamStranger)
- 80d82d0 fix: updated returned file to use generated file (@YamStranger)
- 82f8953 docs: updating contributing docs (@YamStranger)
- ab632f4 feat: updated jbehave to 4.0.5 (@YamStranger)
- d9e9c80 feat: updated method to pring exception ifit will appear (@YamStranger)
- e0200f2 fix: updated report loading and generating code and added test to be sure that all can be run concurrently (@YamStranger)
- f91e7b3 feat: test updated for reporter and loader - same testoutcoume should be writed only once in report dirrectory (@YamStranger)
- fa25694 fix: updated report generation to use temp files with random names (@YamStranger)