0dd7d28 Fixed a bug related to deriving requirements structures from Cucumber feature files. (@wakaleo)
23af5a6 Added basic support for RestAssured. (@wakaleo)
You can now add the serenity-rest-assured module to have tight integration with Rest Assured for testing REST web services. Serenity provides a wrapper around the RestAssured methods that reports on the REST queries sent and the responses recieved. Use the SerenityRest.rest() method as a starting point, e.g.
rest().given().contentType("application/json").content(jsonPet).post("http://petstore.swagger.io/v2/pet"); rest().get("http://petstore.swagger.io/v2/pet/{id}", pet.getId()).then().statusCode(200) .and().body("name", equalTo(pet.getName()));
28b9b7b Fixed #61: issue with path checks on remote appium server (@wakaleo)
35250bd Made the reporting a bit more robust (@wakaleo)
Correctly cater for exceptions without an error message.
6ab197f Inject EnvironmentVariables fields in PageObjects (@wakaleo)
95f84a1 JUnit tests using the 'expected' attribute are not supported. (@wakaleo)
a47b0ae Fixed #64: issue with resetting implicit timeouts (@wakaleo)
ad83c2a Display full screenshots in the slideshow view. (@wakaleo)
d4404c1 Fixed #65 - temporary screenshots not deleted (@wakaleo)