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portable Go audio metadata read/write via TagLib compiled to WASM


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This project is a Go library for reading and writing audio metadata tags. By packaging an embedded WASM binary, the library needs no external dependencies or CGo. Meaning easy static builds and cross compilation.



  • Read and write metadata tags for audio files, including support for multi-valued tags.
  • Retrieve audio properties such as length, bitrate, sample rate, and channels.
  • Supports multiple audio formats including MP3, FLAC, M4A, WAV, OGG, WMA, and more.
  • Safe for concurrent use
  • Reasonably fast


Add the library to your project with go get

Reading metadata

func main() {
    tags, err := taglib.ReadTags("path/to/audiofile.mp3")
    // check(err)

    fmt.Printf("tags: %v\n", tags) // map[string][]string

    fmt.Printf("AlbumArtist: %q\n", tags[taglib.AlbumArtist])
    fmt.Printf("Album: %q\n", tags[taglib.Album])
    fmt.Printf("TrackNumber: %q\n", tags[taglib.TrackNumber])

Writing metadata

func main() {
    err := taglib.WriteTags("path/to/audiofile.mp3", map[string][]string{
        // Multi-valued tags allowed
        taglib.AlbumArtist:   {"David Bynre", "Brian Eno"},
        taglib.Album:         {"My Life in the Bush of Ghosts"},
        taglib.TrackNumber:   {"1"},

        // Non-standard allowed too
        "ALBUMARTIST_CREDIT": {"Brian Eno & David Bynre"},
    }, 0)
    // check(err)

Options for writing

The behaviour of writing can be configured with some bitset flags

The options are

  • Clear which indicates that all existing tags not present in the new map should be removed
  • DiffBeforeWrite which won't modify the file on disk if the new metadata is the same as the old

The options can be combined the with the bitwise OR operator (|)

    taglib.WriteTags(path, tags, taglib.Clear|taglib.DiffBeforeWrite) // clear and diff
    taglib.WriteTags(path, tags, taglib.DiffBeforeWrite)              // only diff diff
    taglib.WriteTags(path, tags, taglib.Clear)                        // only clear
    taglib.WriteTags(path, tags, 0)                                   // don't clear or diff

Reading properties

func main() {
    properties, err := taglib.ReadProperties("path/to/audiofile.mp3")
    // check(err)

    fmt.Printf("Length: %v\n", properties.Length)
    fmt.Printf("Bitrate: %d\n", properties.Bitrate)
    fmt.Printf("SampleRate: %d\n", properties.SampleRate)
    fmt.Printf("Channels: %d\n", properties.Channels)

Manually Building and Using the WASM Binary

The binary is already included in the package. However if you want to manually build and override it, you can with WASI SDK and Go build flags

  1. Install WASI SDK globally. The default installation path is /opt/wasi-sdk/

  2. Clone this repository and Git submodules

    $ git clone "" --recursive
    $ cd go-taglib
  3. Generate the WASM binary:

    $ go generate ./...
    $ # taglib.wasm created
  4. Use the new binary in your project

    $ GCO_ENABLED=0 go build -ldflags="-X ''" ./your/project/...


In this example, tracks are read on average in 0.3 ms, and written in 1.85 ms

goos: linux
goarch: amd64
cpu: AMD Ryzen 7 7840U w/ Radeon  780M Graphics
BenchmarkWrite-16         608   1847873 ns/op
BenchmarkRead-16         3802    299247 ns/op


This project is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1. See the LICENSE file for details.


Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request.


  • TagLib for the audio metadata library.
  • Wazero for the WebAssembly runtime in Go.