A list of known bugs in, and to-dos for, Pygenda.
This is in-development code, released for testing and feedback. As such there are many major features still to add, as well as numerous bugs. This is a (certainly incomplete) list to help keep track of these issues.
Note also, that the code is released as-is and there is no guarantee of any sort.
Missing views: Day, List, Anniversary, Busy. (Also, a Month View, e.g. https://www.rmrsoft.com/epoc/month.htm )
Setting alarms is under development. See Usage.md for current details. Alarms with absolute times are not supported at all. (Note: a separate alarm program should handle the actual alarm notifications.)
Several event properties are not implemented (attendees, url, transparency (i.e. free/busy), user tags, attachments, etc.)
Many todo item properties are not implemented (start date, user tags, timed-but-undated (use daily repeating?), etc.)
Todo items can only be sorted by priority - add sort by duedate, by status, manual...
Repeated event UI missing many elements (more complete repeat by BYMONTHDAY, BYSETPOS, Monday & Wednesday every week, first weekday of month, extra dates, hourly/minutely/secondly repeats). See: https://icalendar.org/iCalendar-RFC-5545/3-3-10-recurrence-rule.html Doesn't handle repeat by RDATE at all. See: https://icalendar.org/iCalendar-RFC-5545/3-8-5-2-recurrence-date-times.html
Editing exception dates not very clean. E.g. can add "exceptions" that are not part of the repeat run, and they are saved without problem, and not highlighted in UI as problematic in any way; dates can be added that are not visible because box doesn't scroll to newly added date; events can be made invisible (thus uneditable) by making all occurrences exceptions; keyboard navigation in menu is not intuitive.
When editing repeated entries, what is the best behaviour if, for example, the 5th occurrence is an exception (or is cancelled, or the time for that one repeat is different) and the start date is changed. Should the exception be moved? How should this be communicated to the user?
Multi-day events (i.e. ones that span multiple days) only displayed on first day. (In progress - started on Week View.) (Future: config option "next_day_crossover" to determine if an entry crosses over.)
Cutting repeating events is not implemented. (Not sure how to do UI - probably need to bring up a dialog "Cut just this occurrence, or all repeats?". That then raises question about behaviour when copying repeating events, where currently just one occurrence is copied. See also deleting repeated events - currently all repeats are deleted.)
Creating/updating new entries in large calendars is unusably slow. (In tests, with iCal file, file writing is slow; with CalDAV server re-sorting the lists is slow.)
"Find" function is rudimentary/placeholder (no options, just searches for full string, only searches in the Summary, can't jump to entries from results, not progressive, order of results is not useful, ...)
Support for multiple calendar sources is basic. To add: styling, set default calendar.
Import functionality is work-in-progress (can't specify todo list, can't replace existing entries, needs better error messages when file could not be parsed, filechooser dialog isn't good on mobile, how should alarms be handled?, a progress indicator when there are multiple entries would be nice, more keyboard shortcuts).
How do we share events? Do we need an "Export" function?
How to handle setting the status of a repeating event? (E.g., a reasonable use-case would be to cancel just one occurrence of a repeating event. Need to use RECURRENCE-ID in icalendar, see https://icalendar.org/iCalendar-RFC-5545/3-8-4-4-recurrence-id.html)
Need InfoPrints (a.k.a. toast notifications) for some situations
Todo items cannot be shown in Week or Year views
Todo due-dates display improvements: date without year; date with day; date like "tomorrow", "today", "2 days", "yesterday!"; don't show if completed/cancelled; formatting for today/overdue items.
A natural way to organise todo lists is to have a dedicated calendar source for each todo list. There is currently no support for this (except manually placing items in each calendar).
When deleting a repeated event, all are deleted. Should offer option of deleting this one (better, also offer delete all from, all before...)
No goto next/previous entry (for those without endless appointments)
No time-zone support (should at least be part of time widget) (Options: "Travels with me" (default), zone xxx (list local first))
No GUI for configuration settings/preferences
More translations are needed - only French, English & Dutch so far. (And the French needs checking by a native speaker.)
Setting number of days for "all day" events could be friendlier (e.g. show/set end date)
Timed events can't last more than 24 hours (need to augment duration widget)
No support for encryption/password protected entries
Currently, if using CalDAV server & the connection fails (e.g. server halted), Pygenda just exits. Unclear what the best course is. To review later. (In "delete event" scenario, an error message & event remains probably good behaviour.)
Ctrl+z does not work to undo in text entry fields. (Surprisingly, GTK3 does not take care of this. Need to wait for GTK4? Port to QT??)
An undo/redo function would be useful
Softkeys should be user-customisable
Date/time widgets are not easy to click (tap) on since most of the area does not respond to mouse clicks
On Psion Agenda, could specify letter to use for display in Year view. Maybe add similar functionality by allowing user to add a Category https://icalendar.org/iCalendar-RFC-5545/3-8-1-2-categories.html This would add a "category_xxx" style to element, and css can be used to style these as wanted (user-supplied css).
Potential optimisations when drawing Year View, which might make it quicker when going from year to year. (See comments in source for thoughts.)
Some repeat types are slow to calculate (fallback types, e.g. by day in year, entries with timezones - see messages on the console). Several options to speed this up: custom iterators, or add "shortcuts" (e.g. if repeat is on Wednesdays, but retrieving events for a Sunday, check early to skip most of the calculations). Currently uses dateutil.rrule to calculate most complex repeats, see: https://dateutil.readthedocs.io/en/stable/rrule.html Check if using recurring-ical-events module could improve speed?? See: https://pypi.org/project/recurring-ical-events/
Startup is slow on Gemini. Possible optimisation: run independent tasks asynchronously.
If calendar data is updated externally while Pygenda is runing (e.g. another instance of Pygenda, or some other app, updates database) the changes are not detected/displayed.
In Event dialog, repeats until/occurrences. Until date can be wrong if occurrences very high; occurrences can be wrong if date in far future.
"Today" marked in views is not updated if day changes (e.g. midnight crossover, switch on device in new day, device time(zone) changed).
It would be better if the device was detected automatically at launch and the appropriate CSS loaded, rather than the user having to setup a user CSS to import the appropriate device CSS. (Before doing this, we should test on, and have CSS for, more than two platforms.)
It's sometimes easy to accidentally cancel edits to an entry. One possible factor is that up/down navigation in the dialog by default takes the focus to the Cancel button. Maybe add a "Discard changes?" dialog if changes have been made and editing is cancelled.
On the Gemini, touchscreen taps in Week View in the left pane get the wrong x-coordinate. The result of this is that individual entries are not correctly selected if taps are to the left of the space. This seems to be a bug in GTK, and does not happen with GTK3.24 (desktop). Added: The same bug occurs on postmarketOS, and that uses GTK3.24. Maybe it's connected with the touchscreen?
There's no portrait mode. This would be particularly useful on "transformer" phones like the Astro Slide.
If a single instance of Pygenda opens one iCal file twice (e.g. once for events, once for todos) there is potential for data loss when saving. (This can also happen if different programs open the same iCal file.) Not sure about the best way to handle this situation. Might be solved if Pygenda can detect changes in the file and re-read it.
(Note: minor bugs can still be irritating!)
If editable calendars only accept todo items, then trying to import an event gives internal errors. (Probably similar importing a todo when only events are accepted.)
If editable calendars only accept todo items then "New entry" softkey is disabled - even in Todo View.
After creating/editing a repeating event, cursor not always on that event
Todo View navigation refinements: left/right can sometimes make the cursor move to an unexpected entry (need to find a better algorithm); if there is a border/margin/padding, up/down navigation not obviously at start/end.
Would be nice to be able to edit dates with a calendar interface (Like pressing tab in S5)
Ctrl+Left-Shift+X/C/V/N don't work on Gemini (UI eats keypress?) Workaround: Use Right-Shift.
Anniversary event year (e.g. "20 years") not displayed (they're just annual repeats). (Maybe add category "Anniversary"?) (Symbian seem to have used X-EPOCAGENDAENTRYTYPE:ANNIVERSARY)
Event dialog needs some indication if tab contents are non-default (e.g. if there are repeats, alarms - maybe show a tick in the tab handle)
No user feedback for some actions (e.g. copy entry). Should flash or recolour cursor or something.
Menu shortcuts set in .ui files are not translated (e.g. aller à = ctrl+g)
If using a iCal file and multiple instances edit the same file, data can be lost (note: using iCal file is not recommended => minor)
In comboboxes, when in "popped out" state, +/-/</> keys don't work
In the Entry Properties dialog, some properties are missing (attendees), and dates aren't localised
In untranslated languages, there can be some awkward mixing of languages of fixed and generated content (e.g. "2. to last Sonntag of month")
Newline behaviour in the Notes field in Event and Todo dialogs is not user-friendly. Possible improvements: display a note in the field when it is empty; a config option to swap with/without-modifier behaviours.
There are accelerators to go to Time/Repeats/Alarm... subtabs for Event editing. The same should exist for Todo editing.
In code, various places marked with '!!' indicating known bugs or temporary/placeholder implementations.
If the first event edited after starting Pygenda has multiple exception dates, then it makes room for these in the Event dialog Repeats tab. This means that the Event dialog is made wide, and stays that way until Pygenda is restarted.
In Event dialog, "Repeat on" combobox can change width when date is changed (due to expanding to contain longer strings - it stops once maximum width has been reached).
Year View: Pixel missing in grid lines at top-left corner
If Todo View is initial view, the vertical separator is not shown until there is a redraw.
On Gemini, shows "no access" icons in instead of "minus" icons (e.g. in spin buttons of Event dialog) - Gemian bug?
Year view is slow to redraw on Gemini, so get black rectangles when e.g. closing dialogs.
Startup spinner is a bit glitchy (visible for large calendars).
In Event dialog, Repeats tab, "Repeat until" label doesn't seem to align quite correctly with the field content.
In Event and Todo dialogs, in Notes field, the scrollbar does not go to the border: there is a 1-pixel gap.
When using EDS calendars, there are error messages like:
e-data-server-CRITICAL: client_set_source: assertion 'E_IS_SOURCE (source)' failed
Need to test with corrupt iCal files. (Including when files become corrupt while the program is running.) Use a fuzzer? ? https://pypi.org/project/pythonfuzz/
Need more complete checking from type annotations, so
mypy .
gives useful results.