diff --git a/.github/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md b/.github/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md deleted file mode 100644 index b2ec42775e..0000000000 --- a/.github/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,128 +0,0 @@ -# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct - -## Our Pledge - -We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our -community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body -size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender -identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, -nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity -and orientation. - -We pledge to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming, -diverse, inclusive, and healthy community. - -## Our Standards - -Examples of behavior that contributes to a positive environment for our -community include: - -* Demonstrating empathy and kindness toward other people -* Being respectful of differing opinions, viewpoints, and experiences -* Giving and gracefully accepting constructive feedback -* Accepting responsibility and apologizing to those affected by our mistakes, - and learning from the experience -* Focusing on what is best not just for us as individuals, but for the - overall community - -Examples of unacceptable behavior include: - -* The use of sexualized language or imagery, and sexual attention or - advances of any kind -* Trolling, insulting or derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks -* Public or private harassment -* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or email - address, without their explicit permission -* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a - professional setting - -## Enforcement Responsibilities - -Community leaders are responsible for clarifying and enforcing our standards of -acceptable behavior and will take appropriate and fair corrective action in -response to any behavior that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, -or harmful. - -Community leaders have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject -comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are -not aligned to this Code of Conduct, and will communicate reasons for moderation -decisions when appropriate. - -## Scope - -This Code of Conduct applies within all community spaces, and also applies when -an individual is officially representing the community in public spaces. -Examples of representing our community include using an official e-mail address, -posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed -representative at an online or offline event. - -## Enforcement - -Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be -reported to the community leaders responsible for enforcement at -[contact@miguelpimentel.do](mailto:contact@miguelpimentel.do). -All complaints will be reviewed and investigated promptly and fairly. - -All community leaders are obligated to respect the privacy and security of the -reporter of any incident. - -## Enforcement Guidelines - -Community leaders will follow these Community Impact Guidelines in determining -the consequences for any action they deem in violation of this Code of Conduct: - -### 1. Correction - -**Community Impact**: Use of inappropriate language or other behavior deemed -unprofessional or unwelcome in the community. - -**Consequence**: A private, written warning from community leaders, providing -clarity around the nature of the violation and an explanation of why the -behavior was inappropriate. A public apology may be requested. - -### 2. Warning - -**Community Impact**: A violation through a single incident or series -of actions. - -**Consequence**: A warning with consequences for continued behavior. No -interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction with -those enforcing the Code of Conduct, for a specified period of time. This -includes avoiding interactions in community spaces as well as external channels -like social media. Violating these terms may lead to a temporary or -permanent ban. - -### 3. Temporary Ban - -**Community Impact**: A serious violation of community standards, including -sustained inappropriate behavior. - -**Consequence**: A temporary ban from any sort of interaction or public -communication with the community for a specified period of time. No public or -private interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction -with those enforcing the Code of Conduct, is allowed during this period. -Violating these terms may lead to a permanent ban. - -### 4. Permanent Ban - -**Community Impact**: Demonstrating a pattern of violation of community -standards, including sustained inappropriate behavior, harassment of an -individual, or aggression toward or disparagement of classes of individuals. - -**Consequence**: A permanent ban from any sort of public interaction within -the community. - -## Attribution - -This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], -version 2.0, available at -. - -Community Impact Guidelines were inspired by [Mozilla's code of conduct -enforcement ladder](https://github.com/mozilla/diversity). - -[homepage]: https://www.contributor-covenant.org - -For answers to common questions about this code of conduct, see the FAQ at -. Translations are available at -. diff --git a/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md b/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md deleted file mode 100644 index 54ed38cd07..0000000000 --- a/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,45 +0,0 @@ -# Welcome to Minimal Contributing Guide - -Read our [Code of Conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT) to keep our community approachable and respectable. - -In this guide you will get an overview of the contribution workflow from opening an issue, creating a PR, reviewing, and merging the PR. - -## New Contributor Guide - -To get an overview of the project, read the [README](README.md). Here are some resources to help you get started with open source contributions: - -- [Finding ways to contribute to open source on GitHub](https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/exploring-projects-on-github/finding-ways-to-contribute-to-open-source-on-github) -- [Set up Git](https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/quickstart/set-up-git) -- [GitHub flow](https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/quickstart/github-flow) -- [Collaborating with pull requests](https://docs.github.com/en/github/collaborating-with-pull-requests) - -### Issues - -#### Create a New Issue - -If you spot a problem with the docs, [search if an issue already exists](https://docs.github.com/en/github/searching-for-information-on-github/searching-on-github/searching-issues-and-pull-requests#search-by-the-title-body-or-comments). If a related issue doesn't exist, you can open a new issue. - -#### Solve an Issue - -Scan through our [existing issues](https://github.com/semanticdata/silicon-dioxide/issues) to find one that interests you. As a general rule, we don’t assign issues to anyone. If you find an issue to work on, you are welcome to open a PR with a fix. - -### Commit Your Update - -Commit the changes once you are happy with them. Don't forget to self-review your work to speed up the review process. - -### Pull Request - -When you're finished with the changes, create a pull request, also known as a PR. - -- Don't forget to link PR to issue if you are solving one. -- Enable the checkbox to allow maintainer edits so the branch can be updated for a merge. -Once you submit your PR, a Docs team member will review your proposal. We may ask questions or request additional information. -- We may ask for changes to be made before a PR can be merged, either using suggested changes or pull request comments. You can apply suggested changes directly through the UI. You can make any other changes in your fork, then commit them to your branch. -- As you update your PR and apply changes, mark each conversation as resolved. -- If you run into any merge issues, checkout this [git tutorial](https://github.com/skills/resolve-merge-conflicts) to help you resolve merge conflicts and other issues. - -### Your PR is Merged - -Once your PR is merged, your contributions will be publicly visible on the [Contributors](https://github.com/semanticdata/silicon-dioxide/graphs/contributors) page. - -Now you are part of the Silicon Dioxide community. diff --git a/.github/FUNDING.yml b/.github/FUNDING.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 59aedca10d..0000000000 --- a/.github/FUNDING.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -github: [semanticdata] diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/actionable-item.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/actionable-item.md deleted file mode 100644 index f9c2ceb07b..0000000000 --- a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/actionable-item.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -name: Actionable Item -about: 'An actionable item has been identified.' -title: '' -labels: '' -assignees: 'semanticdata' ---- - -**Describe the actionable item** -A clear and concise description of what the actionable item is. - -**Steps To Follow?** -Are there any obvious steps to follow? - -1. Go to '...' -2. Click on '....' -3. Scroll down to '....' -4. See error - -**Expected outcome** -A clear and concise description of what your expected outcome is. - -**Additional context** -Add any other context about the actionable item. diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug-report.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug-report.md deleted file mode 100644 index a3914c631b..0000000000 --- a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug-report.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ ---- -name: Bug Report -about: 'Something about Minimal isn't working the way you expect.' -title: '' -labels: bug -assignees: 'semanticdata' ---- - -**Describe the bug** -A clear and concise description of what the bug is. - -**To Reproduce** -Steps to reproduce the behavior: - -1. Go to '...' -2. Click on '....' -3. Scroll down to '....' -4. See error - -**Expected behavior** -A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen. - -**Screenshots** -If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. - -**Desktop (please complete the following information):** - -- Device: [e.g. iPhone14, Pixel6, SamsungGalaxyS20FE] -- OS: [e.g. iOS, Android, Windows] -- Browser [e.g. chrome, safari, firefox] - -**Additional context** -Add any other context about the problem here. diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature-request.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature-request.md deleted file mode 100644 index e9d8dfb402..0000000000 --- a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature-request.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ ---- -name: Feature Request -about: 'Suggest an idea or improvement for Minimal.' -title: '' -labels: enhancement -assignees: 'semanticdata' ---- - -**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** -A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...] - -**Describe the solution you'd like** -A clear and concise description of what you want to happen. - -**Describe alternatives you've considered** -A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered. - -**Additional context** -Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here. diff --git a/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE/pull-request.md b/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE/pull-request.md deleted file mode 100644 index e115fc4e14..0000000000 --- a/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE/pull-request.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ ---- -name: Pull Request -about: '' -title: '' -labels: '' -assignees: 'semanticdata' ---- - -**Please describe your proposed changes** - -A detailed description of the changes proposed in the pull request. diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 198bda5768..5c37a10ac4 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -58,18 +58,6 @@ Adding your custom css is as easy as adding your own styles to the `sass/_custom | `zola build` | Build only | | `zola serve` | Build and Serve | -## Reporting Issues - -We use GitHub Issues as the official bug tracker for **Zola Minimal**. Please -search [existing issues](https://github.com/semanticdata/zola-minimal/issues). It’s -possible someone has already reported the same problem. - -If your problem or idea is not addressed yet, [open a new issue](https://github.com/semanticdata/zola-minimal/issues/new). - -## Contributing - -We'd love your help! Please see [CONTRIBUTING.md](./.github/CONTRIBUTING.md) to learn about the kinds of contributions we're looking for. - ## Acknowledgments Especial thanks to the [Minimal](https://github.com/pages-themes/minimal) theme for [Jekyll](https://jekyllrb.com/). They provided both the bulding blocks, and the inspiration necessary to make this happen. diff --git a/config.toml b/config.toml index 186ae8f4f4..6b7ab6a149 100644 --- a/config.toml +++ b/config.toml @@ -8,14 +8,9 @@ build_search_index = false generate_feed = false minify_html = false -# taxonomies = [ -# { name = "categories", feed = true }, -# { name = "tags", feed = true }, -# ] - [markdown] highlight_code = true -highlight_theme = "ayu-light" +# highlight_theme = "ayu-light" [search] include_title = true @@ -25,5 +20,5 @@ include_content = true index_format = "elasticlunr_javascript" [extra] -author = "Miguel Pimentel" -email = "contact@miguelpimentel.do" +author = "Miguel Pimentel" # Author's name +email = "contact@miguelpimentel.do" # Author's email diff --git a/content/_index.md b/content/_index.md index 8632e0109c..01b3bc1f05 100644 --- a/content/_index.md +++ b/content/_index.md @@ -4,14 +4,122 @@ sort_by: date # paginate_by: 4 --- -## Introduction +Text can be **bold**, _italic_, or ~~strikethrough~~. -Hi! I'm **Miguel Pimentel**. I am a problem solver, hobby developer, music enjoyer, and public infrastructure enthusiast. I live in Minnesota, also known as the _"Land of 10,000 Lakes"_ for having over 14,000 bodies of fresh water. +[Link to another page](./another-page). -I think a lot, work a lot, have existential crises, and know just enough about making websites to make me dangerous. I enjoy writing, reading, coding, listening to music, and love having a problem to solve. +There should be whitespace between paragraphs. -If you are aching for more, you can read the few [blog posts](https://miguelpimentel.do/) I've published, check out what [tools](https://forgetfulnotes.com/Tools) I use daily, or read my [public journal](https://forgetfulnotes.com/Public-Journal). +There should be whitespace between paragraphs. We recommend including a README, or a file with information about your project. -## Helpful Site Links +# Header 1 -[Posts](posts/) | [Markdown Showcase](posts/markdown-showcase) | [Projects](projects/) | [Mabuya](projects/mabuya/) | [Markdown](markdown/) | [Another](another-page/) +This is a normal paragraph following a header. GitHub is a code hosting platform for version control and collaboration. It lets you and others work together on projects from anywhere. + +## Header 2 + +> This is a blockquote following a header. +> +> When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor. + +### Header 3 + +```js +// Javascript code with syntax highlighting. +var fun = function lang(l) { + dateformat.i18n = require('./lang/' + l) + return true; +} +``` + +```ruby +# Ruby code with syntax highlighting +GitHubPages::Dependencies.gems.each do |gem, version| + s.add_dependency(gem, "= #{version}") +end +``` + +#### Header 4 + +* This is an unordered list following a header. +* This is an unordered list following a header. +* This is an unordered list following a header. + +##### Header 5 + +1. This is an ordered list following a header. +2. This is an ordered list following a header. +3. This is an ordered list following a header. + +###### Header 6 + +| head1 | head two | three | +|:-------------|:------------------|:------| +| ok | good swedish fish | nice | +| out of stock | good and plenty | nice | +| ok | good `oreos` | hmm | +| ok | good `zoute` drop | yumm | + +### There's a horizontal rule below this. + +* * * + +### Here is an unordered list: + +* Item foo +* Item bar +* Item baz +* Item zip + +### And an ordered list: + +1. Item one +1. Item two +1. Item three +1. Item four + +### And a nested list: + +- level 1 item + - level 2 item + - level 2 item + - level 3 item + - level 3 item +- level 1 item + - level 2 item + - level 2 item + - level 2 item +- level 1 item + - level 2 item + - level 2 item +- level 1 item + +### Small image + +![Octocat](https://github.githubassets.com/images/icons/emoji/octocat.png) + +### Large image + +![Branching](https://guides.github.com/activities/hello-world/branching.png) + + +### Definition lists can be used with HTML syntax. + +
+ +``` +Long, single-line code blocks should not wrap. They should horizontally scroll if they are too long. This line should be long enough to demonstrate this. +``` + +``` +The final element. +``` diff --git a/content/another-page.md b/content/another-page.md index 2d330aa539..c919b9152b 100644 --- a/content/another-page.md +++ b/content/another-page.md @@ -5,6 +5,6 @@ date: 2023-11-17 ## Welcome to another page -_yay_ +Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce suscipit aliquam consequat. Nunc auctor, massa molestie lacinia dapibus, quam augue condimentum metus, et auctor odio nulla eu augue. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nec eros scelerisque, consequat tortor quis, euismod tortor. Aenean sed massa magna. Mauris interdum mauris nec magna eleifend, vitae lacinia ex tempor. Nam facilisis ultricies orci, ac lobortis ex feugiat in. -[Go home](./) +[Go home](/) diff --git a/content/markdown.md b/content/markdown.md deleted file mode 100644 index 302029aa0f..0000000000 --- a/content/markdown.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,125 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Home -date: 2023-11-17 ---- - -Text can be **bold**, _italic_, or ~~strikethrough~~. - -[Link to another page](./another-page.html). - -There should be whitespace between paragraphs. - -There should be whitespace between paragraphs. We recommend including a README, or a file with information about your project. - -# Header 1 - -This is a normal paragraph following a header. GitHub is a code hosting platform for version control and collaboration. It lets you and others work together on projects from anywhere. - -## Header 2 - -> This is a blockquote following a header. -> -> When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor. - -### Header 3 - -```js -// Javascript code with syntax highlighting. -var fun = function lang(l) { - dateformat.i18n = require('./lang/' + l) - return true; -} -``` - -```ruby -# Ruby code with syntax highlighting -GitHubPages::Dependencies.gems.each do |gem, version| - s.add_dependency(gem, "= #{version}") -end -``` - -#### Header 4 - -* This is an unordered list following a header. -* This is an unordered list following a header. -* This is an unordered list following a header. - -##### Header 5 - -1. This is an ordered list following a header. -2. This is an ordered list following a header. -3. This is an ordered list following a header. - -###### Header 6 - -| head1 | head two | three | -|:-------------|:------------------|:------| -| ok | good swedish fish | nice | -| out of stock | good and plenty | nice | -| ok | good `oreos` | hmm | -| ok | good `zoute` drop | yumm | - -### There's a horizontal rule below this. - -* * * - -### Here is an unordered list: - -* Item foo -* Item bar -* Item baz -* Item zip - -### And an ordered list: - -1. Item one -1. Item two -1. Item three -1. Item four - -### And a nested list: - -- level 1 item - - level 2 item - - level 2 item - - level 3 item - - level 3 item -- level 1 item - - level 2 item - - level 2 item - - level 2 item -- level 1 item - - level 2 item - - level 2 item -- level 1 item - -### Small image - -![Octocat](https://github.githubassets.com/images/icons/emoji/octocat.png) - -### Large image - -![Branching](https://guides.github.com/activities/hello-world/branching.png) - - -### Definition lists can be used with HTML syntax. - -
- -``` -Long, single-line code blocks should not wrap. They should horizontally scroll if they are too long. This line should be long enough to demonstrate this. -``` - -``` -The final element. -``` -[Go home](./) diff --git a/content/posts/_index.md b/content/posts/_index.md deleted file mode 100644 index 865b34b52d..0000000000 --- a/content/posts/_index.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ ---- -# paginate_by: 4 -# transparent: true -title: "Blog" -sort_by: date -template: "blog.html" -page_template: "post.html" ---- diff --git a/content/posts/hello-world.md b/content/posts/hello-world.md deleted file mode 100644 index a927e30d6c..0000000000 --- a/content/posts/hello-world.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Hello World" -description: "This must be the fourth time I have started a blog. I haven't been very successful at being a consistent content producer. That changes today." -date: 2023-03-18 -# taxonomies: -# tags: -# - blogging ---- - -This must be the fourth time I have started a blog. I haven't been very successful at being a consistent content producer. That changes today. I made a promise I can't break. I have made a real commitment to someone in my life, who I rather not disappoint. - -The past few years have been difficult for me. I am privileged enough to have access to the resources I do. It is a scary thought; wondering where I would be without therapy and all the other resources I'm able to use. - -Since June 2022, I have been pushing myself to journal more often. Note-taking has changed the way I digest information. I've experienced the "productivity app rodeo". Jumping from productivity app to productivity app. Never settling, never producing content, just focused on the "workflow". I think I'm past that. It's time I sit down and type. - -I can't go on without mentioning some inspiring people I have had the pleasure of coming across. When it comes to blogging and just being great overall, I highly recommend following the likes of: - -- [Andy Bell](https://andy-bell.co.uk/) -- [Derek Sivers](https://sive.rs/) -- [Drew DeVault](https://drewdevault.com/) -- [Eric Bower](https://erock.prose.sh/) -- [Herman Martinus](https://herman.bearblog.dev/) - -Hope you found reading this worthwhile. If you take anything from this post, let it be: - -> “Better done than perfect.” - -Take care, and maybe I'll see you in the next post. diff --git a/content/posts/markdown-showcase.md b/content/posts/markdown-showcase.md deleted file mode 100644 index 5af42c2d22..0000000000 --- a/content/posts/markdown-showcase.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,177 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Markdown Showcase -description: "This is intended as a quick reference and showcase of Markdown's synthax. I use this test page with most, if not all of my Markdown related projects." -date: 2023-06-06 ---- - -# Heading Level 1 - -Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce bibendum neque eget nunc mattis eu sollicitudin enim tincidunt. Vestibulum lacus tortor, ultricies id dignissim ac, bibendum in velit. - -## Heading Level 2 - -Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce bibendum neque eget nunc mattis eu sollicitudin enim tincidunt. Vestibulum lacus tortor, ultricies id dignissim ac, bibendum in velit. - -### Heading Level 3 - -Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce bibendum neque eget nunc mattis eu sollicitudin enim tincidunt. Vestibulum lacus tortor, ultricies id dignissim ac, bibendum in velit. - -#### Heading Level 4 - -Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce bibendum neque eget nunc mattis eu sollicitudin enim tincidunt. - -##### Heading Level 5 - -Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce bibendum neque eget nunc mattis eu sollicitudin enim tincidunt. - -###### Heading Level 6 - -Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. - -## Text Formatting - -Text can be **bold**, _italic_, or ~~strikethrough~~. -**Bold**, _Italic_, _**Both**_. -**Bold**, _Italic_, ~~Strikethrough~~, ~~_**ALL OF THEM**_~~. - -## Links - -You can [link](https://example.dom/) to external pages. and other internal [[Markdown|links]]. - -## Blockquotes - -### Simple Example - -> This is a blockquote -> with several lines - -### Formatted Example - -> **Blockquote Embedded List** -> -> 1. This is the first list item. -> 2. This is the second list item. -> -> Here's some example code: -> `Markdown.generate();` - -## Lists - -### Ordered List - -In arcu magna, aliquet vel pretium et, molestie et arcu. Mauris lobortis nulla et felis ullamcorper bibendum. Phasellus et hendrerit mauris. - -1. First item -2. Second item -3. Third item - -### Unordered List - -In arcu magna, aliquet vel pretium et, molestie et arcu. Mauris lobortis nulla et felis ullamcorper bibendum. Phasellus et hendrerit mauris. - -* List item -* Another item -* And another item - -## Code - -### Inline Code - -Let us use some `inline code` and check out how it `looks`. Here's some `more`. - -### Code Blocks - -```html - - -
- Example -
- - -``` - -```css -.niceClass { - color: blue; - background-color: #fff; -} -``` - -```js -// Javascript code with syntax highlighting. -var fun = function lang(l) { - dateformat.i18n = require('./lang/' + l) - return true; -} -``` - -## Tables - -In arcu magna, aliquet vel pretium et, molestie et arcu. Mauris lobortis nulla et felis ullamcorper bibendum. Phasellus et hendrerit mauris. - -|head one|head two|head three| -|---|:---:|---:| -|ok|good swedish fish|nice| -|out of stock|good and plenty|nice| -|ok|good `oreos`|hmm| -|ok|good `zoute` drop|yumm| - -### Simple Example - -Title 1 | Title 2 | Title 3 | Title 4 ---------------------- | --------------------- | --------------------- | --------------------- -lorem | lorem ipsum | lorem ipsum dolor | lorem ipsum dolor sit -lorem ipsum dolor sit | lorem ipsum dolor sit | lorem ipsum dolor sit | lorem ipsum dolor sit -lorem ipsum dolor sit | lorem ipsum dolor sit | lorem ipsum dolor sit | lorem ipsum dolor sit -lorem ipsum dolor sit | lorem ipsum dolor sit | lorem ipsum dolor sit | lorem ipsum dolor sit - -### Longer Example - -Title 1 | Title 2 | Title 3 | Title 4 ---- | --- | --- | --- -lorem | lorem ipsum | lorem ipsum dolor | lorem ipsum dolor sit -lorem ipsum dolor sit amet | lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur | lorem ipsum dolor sit amet | lorem ipsum dolor sit -lorem ipsum dolor | lorem ipsum | lorem | lorem ipsum -lorem ipsum dolor | lorem ipsum dolor sit | lorem ipsum dolor sit amet | lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur - -### Inline Markdown Within Tables - -| Inline    | Markdown    | In    | Table | -| ---------- | --------- | ----------------- | ---------- | -| _italics_ | **bold** | ~~strikethrough~~    | `code` | - -## Horizontal Rule - ---- - -## Tasks - -* [ ] Pending Task -* [x] Completed Task - -## Images - -![image](https://just-the-docs.com/assets/images/small-image.jpg) - -## Other Elements — Abbr, Sub, Sup, Kbd, Mark - -### Description - -GIF is a bitmap image format. - -### Subscript - -H2O - -### Superscript - -Xn + Yn = Zn - -### Keys Representation - -Press CTRL+ALT+Delete to end the session. - -### Highlighting - -Most salamanders are nocturnal, and hunt for insects, worms, and other small creatures. diff --git a/content/posts/monkey-brain.md b/content/posts/monkey-brain.md deleted file mode 100644 index 42cb96d730..0000000000 --- a/content/posts/monkey-brain.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,47 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Blogging to Tame the Monkey Mind" -description: "The term monkey mind is a Buddhist term meaning: restless, unsettled, incontrollable. The original analogy comes from describing the human mind as being full of drunken monkeys, constantly screeching, fighting, distracting, and creating general mental chaos. I’ll go over what helps me keep the monkeys at bay. I hope some of this resonates with you and your monkeys as well." -date: 2023-04-12 -# taxonomies: -# tags: -# - mental-health -# - blogging ---- - - - -## Clear My Mind - -My brain seems to always find distractions for me to tangent off to. Sitting down and making an effort to write everything rushing through my head has been an important mechanism to reduce my stress levels. This concept of dumping your brain by writing isn’t new, but it was to me. - -It took me some time to mold the raw output into something I could use. In my case, it started within my journal. Using the left page for brain dump, and the right page to process it down to simple tasks, references, and other tagged entries. Small details like leaving space between entries allow me to go back and add an entry in a much closer position relative to other similar ones. - -## Share Knowledge - -When I think of sharing knowledge, the image of me boring my friends to death on a topic they aren’t interested in comes to mind. It is my goal to minimize those kinds of situations. I find it easier to talk about a topic in person if I have already “talked” about it on the blog. I can actually debate the idea, without feeling the need to interject at every interaction. - -A sure way to tell whether you know a topic, comes from being able to teach it to someone else. I am _horrible_ at keeping explanations simple. I am _terrible_ at controlling my impulse to talk when engaged in conversation. Sharing _knowledge_ via these posts helps my overall mental state. It reduces the amount of fleeting ideas going back and forth, and provides me with an opportunity to turn those into actionable ideas instead of letting them grow old and irrelevant. - -## Document My Learning - -Recently, I have been down the rabbit-hole that is Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) tools and apps. Jumping from app to app, looking for something that “_works_” for you. It’s fun! But, it is stupid easy to lose sight of your initial goal and turn that curiosity into wasted efforts. - -By making a public commitment (even if nobody reads it), I am imposing a healthy amount of pressure on myself to be more open and honest about how I use my time. Keeping yourself accountable is _hard work_. Any amount of effort to curb “mindless wonder” helps tremendously. - -## Starting a Blog - -Blogging pushes me to refine my better ideas. Expanding a fleeting thought into a blog post has a liberating feeling. It’s not even related to others reading your post. You don’t need an audience to start. The same way you should _just_ journal, you should _just_ blog. - -Comes from the same idea that producing content is and should be a priority over consuming it. Find what topics make you want to write. Compile your reference material. List articles you’ve read, blogs you have enjoyed, reference that weird website you know and talk about why. - -Avoid getting stuck on details. You can change your hosting provider later. The first thing you’d need to consider is whether you’ll be using a custom domain. I highly suggest you do so, as it makes for easier _platform changes_. My personal recommendation is to start writing anywhere. Pick a platform and focus on writing about things you are interested in. - -Here are a few places to start: - -- [WordPress](https://wordpress.com/) -- [Blogger](https://www.blogger.com/) -- [Medium](https://medium.com/) -- [Bear](https://bearblog.dev/) -- [Mataroa](https://mataroa.blog/) -- [Prose.sh](https://prose.sh/) -- [DEV Community](https://dev.to/) diff --git a/content/posts/on-burning-out.md b/content/posts/on-burning-out.md deleted file mode 100644 index 0cc6929c83..0000000000 --- a/content/posts/on-burning-out.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Being a Firefighter Does Not Save You From Burnout" -description: "My life took a sharp turn early last year. I am a very private person. You will not find me sharing my personal life on social media. That said, these last 18 months have changed me profoundly, and I feel like I need to write these feelings down." -date: 2023-07-06 -# taxonomies: -# tags: -# - mental-health -# - burnout ---- - - - -Burning out is something I had little experience with. A mental image of what it looks like when you burn out was all I had. My only context coming from watching online influencers post articles/videos about how bad it can be. I never really learned what it looks like before you burn out, how you get to there, what the signs are. After three and a half years of being a volunteer firefighter, I burned out. It did not catch me by surprise; I had been struggling mentally for some time. Every day, telling myself that it would be different, that it would change. That feeling went away eventually, leaving me with too much to handle. - -## What Being a Volunteer Firefighter Means - -Depends on where the question is being asked. Volunteer, or sometimes paid-on-call firefighters make up more than 70% of registered fire departments. Minnesota sits at more than 85% volunteer fire departments, according to the [National Fire Department Registry](https://apps.usfa.fema.gov/registry/summary). Our setting is Bloomington, Minnesota in the US. - -Here are some quick facts on being a volunteer/paid-on-call firefighter for the fourth-largest city (by population) in Minnesota a few of years before: - -- Bloomington has 6 fire stations spread somewhat evenly over the city. -- To be eligible, you need to live within 4 minutes of your nearest fire station. -- You carry a pager around, when specific tones play, you are being asked to respond. This meant stopping anything you were doing, driving to the station, and responding to the incident in a fire vehicle. -- Depending on incident time, one, two, three, or all six stations can be paged together to respond. For example, medicals calls involve 1 station responding with 1 truck, while residential fire calls start a 3 station response immediately. -- You need to respond to at least 30% of the calls that were assigned to your station. These meant emergency calls during your work hours, weekends, holidays count against you. - -## Learning What Being Homesick Was All About - -During the pandemic, the emergency medical calls went through the roof. The Police Department was unable to keep up with the large number of incidents, so the city came to rely on the approximate 100 volunteer Fire Department to pick up the slack. This meant those working normal 8 to 5 jobs had a harder time keeping up with their 30% minimum. Without going into details, it was difficult. - -At the time, I was not in a good place mentally. Lots of things were lingering in the back of my mind. Everything has been made worse since I became woefully aware that I was homesick. I had planned to go visit for winter in 2020, but that option was quickly taken off the table. For context, I moved to the United States in Summer 2015, and to this day, due to one reason or another, I have yet to return. - -The later half of 2021 overwhelmed me. Several things accumulated over time, some went under the radar and were never addressed until it was too late, and others were willfully ignored. Struggling to maintain my sanity and mental health, I decided to take a 90-day leave of absence from the fire department. My plans were to spend the extra time looking after my mental health. Unfortunately, nothing improved. - -When the time came to rejoin, I opted to extend my leave as much as I could. I opted for another 90-day leave of absence, the maximum time allowed before needing to rejoin or separate. Again, nothing improved. I was just not in a good place mentally. A few days before needing to rejoin after 6 months of leave, I broke a bone in my hand. - -## How Did This Happen - -Distracted, I went to move a glass/ceramic base from my desk to the kitchen. It made it a good foot before I accidentally dropped it on a dog bowl on the floor. (we fed the dogs in weird places back them) It slipped from my hands and fell on the bowl and shattered. This was _not_ the first time this had happened. I… struggle to describe what my feelings at the time were. My brain approved the decision to punch something. When tasked with finding something to punch, once again, my regretful train of thought took me outside, to the patio where I proceeded to turn around and punch the side of the house. The factors considered at the time were overwritten by rage. - -## Being Stubborn is Not the Same as Being Naive - -So it happened. I punched the side of the house. _**Pain.**_ Broke a bone in my hand, unbeknownst to me, of course. I managed to convince myself that it was a minor injury and I didn't need to be seen by a doctor. The hand hurt, but I chose to ignore it because my pride was in danger! (it wasn't) I went about my business for _three days_ before the pain overtook my pride. After the initial triage, and x-rays were completed, the doctor returned to the room with x-rays of my hand and informed me that I had a boxer's fracture in my right hand. My brain could no longer hold the spell it had me under. I wasn't being naive, I was being stubborn. - -Unfortunately, having used all the time permitted for a leave of absence, and lacking the ability to rejoin due to my right hand being broken, I quit the fire department. - -## Accepting Help is the Hardest Part - -It does get tough sometimes, life can weight a lot more than what you can handle. What we often forget is to look around, to look for the people that are willing and lovingly ready to help. My biggest mistake was thinking I had no support, when it really was the complete opposite. I am in a **much** better place now. I have others to thank for that. The road back is long, but I have friends and family right beside me. It has been a long time, but I finally feel like I am moving forward. diff --git a/content/posts/unlock-firefox-sidebar.md b/content/posts/unlock-firefox-sidebar.md deleted file mode 100644 index 6a448223e9..0000000000 --- a/content/posts/unlock-firefox-sidebar.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Unlock the Sidebar Width in Firefox -description: "How-to guide about unlocking the max-width of Firefox's sidebar. Doing so net's you a better experience when using extensions within the sidebar." -date: 2023-03-19 -# taxonomies: -# tags: -# - firefox -# - tutorial ---- - -This post will guide you through unlocking the sidebar width in Firefox. It will let you resize it beyond what is possible by default. We will be setting both the maximum, and the minimum width. You will have a chance to customize these values once at the right step. - -## Why Would Anyone Want to Do This? - -- To enhance the use of the Firefox [Side View](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/side-view/) extension. -- To compliment the use of one of my Firefox sidebar [extensions](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/17772574/). - -## Step-by-Step Instructions - -1. In a new tab, navigate to `about:support`. -2. Under `Application Basics`, find `Profile Folder`. -3. Locate and click the `Open Folder` button next to it. It will be next to an address similar to: -`%appdata%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\{profile-id}.default`[^1] -4. Inside your Firefox Profile Folder, create a new folder named: `chrome`. -5. Inside the newly created chrome folder, create a new file named: `userChrome.css`. -6. Copy the following code[^2], paste as content and save: - -```css -/* You may change the units to any length you find more convenient. */ -#sidebar-box { - max-width: 40% !important; - min-width: 300px !important; -} -``` - -7. Finally, in a new tab, navigate to `about:config`, search for `toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets`, and change its value to `true`. -8. Restart Firefox and test it out! diff --git a/content/projects/_index.md b/content/projects/_index.md deleted file mode 100644 index 0808a684b2..0000000000 --- a/content/projects/_index.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Projects -sort_by: date -# template: "projects.html" -# page_template: "page.html" ---- diff --git a/content/projects/discord-in-sidebar.md b/content/projects/discord-in-sidebar.md deleted file mode 100644 index aec572335c..0000000000 --- a/content/projects/discord-in-sidebar.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,75 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Discord in Sidebar 🔗" -description: "Firefox WebExtension to display Discord within the Firefox sidebar. This extension adds a new section to the sidebar which contains the Discord web app. It also adds a shortcut, and a button toggle within the toolbar." -date: 2023-02-09 ---- - - - -## Introduction - -Firefox extension to display Discord within the Firefox sidebar. This extension adds a new section to the sidebar which contains the Discord web app. It also adds a shortcut, and a button toggle within the toolbar. - -## How to Use - -1. Toggle the sidebar by pressing _`Alt+Shift+D`_. This shortcut can be changed by going to _`Add-ons` → `Discord in Sidebar` → `Options`_. -2. If you prefer buttons over shortcuts, there is a toolbar button you can press to toggle the sidebar. - -## How to Unlock Firefox Sidebar Width - -The sidebar's width is _locked by default_ in Firefox. Unfortunately, the sidebar is very restrictive and I can only do so much to enhance the functionality of this extension. I put together a step-by-step guide on how to unlock it. - -### Step-by-Step Instructions - -1. In a new tab, navigate to `about:support`. -2. Under _Application Basics_, find _Profile Folder_. -3. Locate and click the `Open Folder` button next to it. It will be next to an address similar to: `%appdata%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\{profile-id}.default`. -4. Inside your Firefox _Profile Folder_, create a new folder named: `chrome`. -5. Inside the newly created chrome folder, create a new file named: `userChrome.css`. -6. Copy the following code, paste as content and save: - -```css -#sidebar-box { - max-width: 40% !important; - min-width: 300px !important; -} -``` - -7. Finally, in a new tab, navigate to `about:config` and search for `toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets` and change it to `true`. -8. Restart Firefox and test it out! - -### Notes - -- You can find the canonical publication for the guide on my [Blog](https://miguelpimentel.do/unlock-firefox-sidebar/). -- I also have instructions in Spanish in this GitHub [Gist](https://gist.github.com/semanticdata/ee0bca4f3617241aa98da114653c0b08#file-instrucciones-md). - -## Disclaimer - -This extension is an independent project, has no relationship, and is not affiliated to Discord in any way. This extension is primarily for personal use; a personal project if you will. This add-on only launches their web app in the sidebar. - -## Reporting Issues - -We use GitHub Issues as the official bug tracker for this repository. Please -search [existing issues](https://github.com/semanticdata/firefox-discord-in-sidebar/issues). It’s -possible someone has already reported the same problem. - -If your problem or idea is not addressed yet, [open a new issue](https://github.com/semanticdata/firefox-discord-in-sidebar/issues/new). - -## Contributing - -We'd love your help! Please see [CONTRIBUTING.md](./CONTRIBUTING.md) to learn -about the kinds of contributions we're looking for. - -## Acknowledgments - -Icons used for all my extensions are part of UXWing's collection. Take a look at their license. - -## License - -Source code in this repository is available under the [MIT](LICENSE) license. You are free to use this code however you see fit. That said, some acknowledgement would be well received. diff --git a/content/projects/forgetful-notes.md b/content/projects/forgetful-notes.md deleted file mode 100644 index e637ed9884..0000000000 --- a/content/projects/forgetful-notes.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Forgetful Notes 🌱" -description: "My digital garden of knowledge. It serves as a platform for my learning and creative endeavours. A space for thinking through, building upon, and coming back to." -date: 2023-09-19 ---- - - - -## Introduction - -[Forgetful Notes](https://forgetfulnotes.com)—my digital garden of knowledge. It serves as a platform for my learning and creative endeavours. A space for thinking through, building upon, and coming back to. - -It is powered by [Quartz](https://github.com/jackyzha0/quartz/) and [Obsidian](https://obsidian.md). You can read the [Documentation](https://quartz.jzhao.xyz/), and join the [Discord Community](https://discord.gg/cRFFHYye7t). - -## Screenshots - -Website Screenshot - -## Useful Commands - -| Description | Command | -| -------------------- | -------------------------- | -| Install Dependencies | `npm i` | -| Update Dependencies | `npm update` | -| Update Quartz (core) | `npx quartz update` | -| Build only | `npx quartz build` | -| Build and Serve | `npx quartz build --serve` | -| Sync Local Changes | `npx quartz sync` | -| Find Help | `npx quartz sync --help` | - -## Style - -### Fonts - -| Used in: | Font Family | -| -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -| Header | [Schibsted Grotesk](https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Schibsted+Grotesk) | -| Body | [Source Sans Pro](https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Source+Sans+3) | -| Code | [IBM Plex Mono](https://fonts.google.com/specimen/IBM+Plex+Mono) | - -## License - -Source code in this repository is available under the [MIT](LICENSE) license. You are free to use this code however you see fit. That said, some acknowledgement would be well received. diff --git a/content/projects/mabuya.md b/content/projects/mabuya.md deleted file mode 100644 index 416c21b632..0000000000 --- a/content/projects/mabuya.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Mabuya 🦎" -description: "Mabuya is a minimal Zola theme focused on helping you build an elegant, fast, lightweight, and SEO-ready blog. Put your work front and center with Mabuya as the base of your project." -date: 2023-09-20 -extra: - github: "https://github.com/semanticdata/mabuya/" ---- - - - -## Introduction - -Mabuya is a minimal Zola theme focused on helping you build an elegant, fast, lightweight, and SEO-ready blog. - -While searching for themes, I came across [Zola Tale](https://github.com/aaranxu/tale-zola). Sadly, the project's last update was almost 2 years ago on Dec 4, 2021. I forked the project to add my own touches to it. - -[Demo](https://miguelpimentel.do/mabuya/) | [Source](https://github.com/semanticdata/mabuya) - -## Where The Name Comes From - -The name Mabuya comes from the [Mabuya hispaniolae](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mabuya_hispaniolae?useskin=vector), a possibly extinct[^1] species of skink endemic to the Dominican Republic, my home country. - -## Features and Improvements - -While working on the theme, I have added new functionality and many quality of life improvements. Here's a short non-inclusive list: - -* Fully refactored stylesheets. -* Added Dark theme and color scheme toggle. -* Added new footer navigation. -* Created a custom GitHub Action that is faster than any other in GitHub. -* Refined page transitions from desktop to mobile and viceversa. -* Centralized custom variables. Made it easier to make color changes to the site. -* Addressed PR [#7](https://github.com/aaranxu/tale-zola/pull/7). -* Addressed (temporarily) Issue [#1](https://github.com/aaranxu/tale-zola/issues/1). -* Addressed Issue [#4](https://github.com/aaranxu/tale-zola/issues/4). -* Optimized for speed and Accesibility. -* And many other small improvements. - -## Screenshots - -| Desktop | -| :----------------------------------------------------------: | -| ![website screenshot](screenshots/screenshot-index-dark.png) | - -## Acknowledgments - -Icons used in this project are part of UXWing's collection. Take a look at their license. - -## License - -Source code in this repository is available under the [MIT](LICENSE) license. You are free to use this code however you see fit. That said, some acknowledgement would be well received. diff --git a/content/projects/obsidian-starter-vault.md b/content/projects/obsidian-starter-vault.md deleted file mode 100644 index 934d024e8f..0000000000 --- a/content/projects/obsidian-starter-vault.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,100 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Obsidian Starter Vault 🔮" -description: "Opinionated compilation of extensions and settings to help you learn and start exploring Obsidian." -date: 2023-08-26 ---- - -## Getting Started - -1. Clone or download this repo. -2. Open the repo in Obsidian. -3. Use it and customize it. -4. Have fun! - -## Appearance - -* Obsidian [Minimal Theme](https://github.com/kepano/obsidian-minimal) - -### CSS Snippets - -* Compact Tab Header - Arranges items in Tab header into groups. -* Default Style Settings - Adds the option to customize Obsidian further. -* Frontmatter Tweaks - Improves the legibility of Frontmatter elements. -* MySnippets Tweaks - Essential UI setting while using [MySnippets](https://github.com/chetachiezikeuzor/MySnippets-Plugin) Plugin. -* Normalize Links - Removes decoration from external links. -* Status bar Tweaks - Improves legibility of the Status bar. -* Table Tweaks - Improves legibility of Tables. -* Typography Fixes - Normalizes styling and typography. - -## Community Plugins - -* [Advance Tables](https://github.com/tgrosinger/advanced-tables-obsidian) - Improved navigation, formatting, and manipulation to markdown tables. -* [Calendar](https://github.com/liamcain/obsidian-calendar-plugin) - Integrates Daily Notes. Let's you visit any Daily Notes with ease. -* [Doubleshift](https://github.com/Qwyntex/doubleshift) - Press `shift` or `ctrl` twice and activate custom actions. -* [Editor Shortcuts](https://github.com/timhor/obsidian-editor-shortcuts) - Adds Hotkeys commonly found in other common code editors. -* [Home Tab](https://github.com/olrenso/obsidian-home-tab) - Integrates recent notes and Omnisearch. -* [Linter](https://github.com/platers/obsidian-linter) - Format and style notes. Akin to something like Prettier. -* [Minimal Settings](https://github.com/kepano/obsidian-minimal-settings) - Allows you to customize the minimal theme settings panel. -* [Mononote](https://github.com/czottmann/obsidian-mononote) - Ensures each note occupies only one tab. -* [MySnippets](https://github.com/chetachiezikeuzor/MySnippets-Plugin) - Adds a status bar menu allowing the user to quickly manage their snippets. -* [Natural Language Dates](https://github.com/argenos/nldates-obsidian) - Allows `@today` style shortcuts. -* [Omnisearch](https://github.com/scambier/obsidian-omnisearch) - Better search. Period. -* [Settings Search](https://github.com/javalent/settings-search) - Adds a search bar to Obsidian settings. -* [Style Settings](https://github.com/mgmeyers/obsidian-style-settings) - Allows snippet, theme, and plugin CSS files define as a set of config options. -* [YAOS - Yet Another Obsidian Synchronizer](https://github.com/mahyarmirrashed/yaos) - Sync your vault to GitHub. - -## File Structure - -``` -root -├── assets/ -├── journals/ -│ └── first-journal.md -├── templates -│ └── daily-journal.md -└── README.md -``` - -## Workflows - -### Formatting Text - -The _Markdown Linter_ plugin is configured to lint on save for a smoother typing experience. This means everytime you press `Ctrl + S`, it will **format the note** as well as save it. - -### Hotkeys - -#### Search - -* You may open the _Command Palette_ by pressing `Ctrl` `Ctrl` in rapid succession. -* You may start _Omnisearch: Search Vault_ by pressing `Shift` `Shift` in rapid succession. -* Reassigned `Ctrl + F` to _Omnisearch: In File Search_. -* Reassigned `Ctrl + Shift + F` to _Omnisearch: Search Vault_. - -#### Editor Shortcuts - -| Action | Keybinding | -| ------------------------ | -------------------- | -| Move line up | `Alt + Up` | -| Move line down | `Alt + Down` | -| Copy line above | `Alt + Shift + Up` | -| Copy line below | `Alt + shift + Down` | -| Select word / selection | `Ctrl + D` | -| Select line (repeatable) | `Ctrl + L` | - -### Natural Language Dates - -Autocomplete and link natural language expressions to daily notes. - -Examples: - -* `@today` -* `@tomorrow` -* `@next week` - -### Tables - -Start a Markdown table by typing `|` followed by a `` and `Tab`. - -## License - -Source code in this repository is available under the [MIT](LICENSE) license. You are free to use this code however you see fit. That said, some acknowledgement would be well received. diff --git a/content/projects/text-revealer.md b/content/projects/text-revealer.md deleted file mode 100644 index 516dfd71d1..0000000000 --- a/content/projects/text-revealer.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,54 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Text Revealer 🔎" -description: "Reveal deeper information about highlighted text on a web page. It creates a pop up with additional information about the text selected. Such as Wikipedia definitions, Dictionary definitions, and others." -date: 2023-11-15 ---- - - - -## Introduction - -Firefox extension to reveal deeper information about highlighted text on a web page. Creates a pop up with additional information about the text selected. When text is selected, a popover displays useful details about the text such as: - -- Wikipedia entries -- Dictionary definition -- ...and more to come. - -[Demo](https://jamigibbs.github.io/text-revealer-js/) - -[![Get the Addon](firefox.png)](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/text-revealer/) - -There is also a [vanilla JS version](https://github.com/jamigibbs/text-revealer-js) available. The script for this extension is generated from that project so please report any issues on [that repo](https://github.com/jamigibbs/text-revealer-js/issues/new/choose) unless it's a Firefox Extension specific issue. - -## Preview - -Preview - -## Available Settings - -After activating the extenion, settings are available by clicking the Text Revealer icon in your browser navigation bar and selecting "Options": - -Settings - -## Changes from Original - -- Toggle - - Shunk size - - Changed color -- Popover - - Removed selection background - -## Acknowledgments - -This is the Firefox port of [Text Revealer](https://github.com/jamigibbs/text-revealer-js) by [Jami Gibbs](https://github.com/jamigibbs/). - -## License - -Source code in this repository is available under the [MIT](LICENSE) license. You are free to use this code however you see fit. That said, some acknowledgement would be well received. diff --git a/netlify.toml b/netlify.toml deleted file mode 100644 index d47f8812e4..0000000000 --- a/netlify.toml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -[build] -publish = "public" -command = "zola build" - -[build.environment] -ZOLA_VERSION = "0.17.2" - -[context.deploy-preview] -command = "zola build --base-url $DEPLOY_PRIME_URL" diff --git a/sass/_base.scss b/sass/_base.scss index e79ae5cfd9..05c72c2b4b 100644 --- a/sass/_base.scss +++ b/sass/_base.scss @@ -1,211 +1,118 @@ @use "variables"; -// Core Styles -body { - background-color: variables.$bg-color; - padding: 50px; - font: 14px/1.5 variables.$font-family; - color: variables.$font-color; - font-weight: 400; -} - -section { - width: variables.$section-width; - float: right; - padding-bottom: 50px; +.wrapper { + width: 860px; + margin: 0 auto; } header { - width: variables.$header-width; + width: 270px; float: left; position: fixed; -webkit-font-smoothing: subpixel-antialiased; } -blockquote { - border-left: 1px solid variables.$border-color; - margin: 0; - padding: 0 0 0 20px; - font-style: italic; +body { + background-color: #fff; + padding: 50px; + font: + 14px/1.5 "Noto Sans", + "Helvetica Neue", + Helvetica, + Arial, + sans-serif; + color: #727272; + font-weight: 400; } -.wrapper { - width: variables.$wrapper-width; - margin: 0 auto; +h1, +h2, +h3, +h4, +h5, +h6 { + color: #222; + margin: 0 0 20px; +} + +p, +ul, +ol, +table, +pre, +dl { + margin: 0 0 20px; +} + +h1, +h2, +h3 { + line-height: 1.1; } h1 { - font-size: 24px; + font-size: 28px; +} + +h2 { + color: #393939; +} + +h3, +h4, +h5, +h6 { + color: #494949; } -// Links a { - color: variables.$link-color; + color: #267cb9; text-decoration: none; } a:hover, a:focus { - color: variables.$link-color-hover; + color: #069; font-weight: bold; } a small { font-size: 11px; - color: variables.$font-color-small; + color: #777; margin-top: -0.3em; display: block; } a:hover small { - color: variables.$font-color-small; + color: #777; } -// Code -code, -pre { - font-family: variables.$font-family-code; - color: variables.$font-color-code; +strong { + color: #222; + font-weight: 700; } -pre { - padding: 8px 15px; - background: #f8f8f8; - border-radius: 5px; - border: 1px solid variables.$border-color; - overflow-x: auto; -} - -kbd { - background-color: #fafbfc; - border: 1px solid #c6cbd1; - border-bottom-color: #959da5; - border-radius: 3px; - box-shadow: inset 0 -1px 0 #959da5; - color: #444d56; - display: inline-block; - font-size: 11px; - line-height: 10px; - padding: 3px 5px; - vertical-align: middle; -} - -// Miscellaneous -img { - max-width: 100%; +section { + width: 500px; + float: right; + padding-bottom: 50px; } small { - font-size: variables.$font-size-small; + font-size: 11px; } hr { border: 0; - background: variables.$border-color; + background: #e5e5e5; height: 1px; + margin: 0 0 20px; } footer { - width: variables.$footer-width; + width: 270px; float: left; position: fixed; bottom: 50px; -webkit-font-smoothing: subpixel-antialiased; } - -// Tables -table { - margin: 0 auto; - border-collapse: collapse; - font-size: 12px; -} -table thead th, -table tfoot th { - background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); -} -table th, -table td { - padding: 2px 5px; - border: 1px solid gray; - border-radius: 4px; -} - -// Media Layout -@media print, screen and (max-width: variables.$media-max-width) { - div.wrapper { - width: auto; - margin: 0; - } - - header, - section, - footer { - float: none; - position: static; - width: auto; - } - - header { - padding-right: 320px; - } - - section { - border: 1px solid variables.$border-color; - border-width: 1px 0; - padding: 20px 0; - margin: 0 0 20px; - } - - header a small { - display: inline; - } - - header ul { - position: absolute; - right: 50px; - top: 52px; - } -} - -@media print, screen and (max-width: variables.$media-max-width-smaller) { - body { - word-wrap: break-word; - } - - header { - padding: 0; - } - - header ul, - header p.view { - position: static; - } - - pre, - code { - word-wrap: normal; - } -} - -@media print, screen and (max-width: variables.$media-max-width-even-smaller) { - body { - padding: 15px; - } - - .downloads { - width: 99%; - } - - .downloads li, - .downloads li + li + li { - width: 33%; - } -} - -@media print { - body { - padding: 0.4in; - font-size: 12pt; - // color: #444; - } -} diff --git a/sass/_classes.scss b/sass/_classes.scss index 4c0f3c077f..fb60170416 100644 --- a/sass/_classes.scss +++ b/sass/_classes.scss @@ -1,83 +1,54 @@ -// CSS Classes -.is-invalid-input:not(:focus) { - background-color: rgba(198, 15, 19, 0.1); - border-color: #c60f13; -} -.row { - max-width: 62.5rem; - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: auto; -} -.row::before, -.row::after { - content: " "; - display: table; -} -.row::after { - clear: both; -} -.columns { - width: 100%; - float: left; - padding-left: 0.9375rem; - padding-right: 0.9375rem; -} -.columns:last-child:not(:first-child) { - float: right; -} - ul.downloads { - list-style: none; - height: 40px; - padding: 0; + list-style:none; + height:40px; + padding:0; background: #f4f4f4; - border-radius: 5px; - border: 1px solid #e0e0e0; - width: 270px; + border-radius:5px; + border:1px solid #e0e0e0; + width:270px; } .downloads li { - width: 89px; - float: left; - border-right: 1px solid #e0e0e0; - height: 40px; + width:89px; + float:left; + border-right:1px solid #e0e0e0; + height:40px; } .downloads li:first-child a { - border-radius: 5px 0 0 5px; + border-radius:5px 0 0 5px; } .downloads li:last-child a { - border-radius: 0 5px 5px 0; + border-radius:0 5px 5px 0; } .downloads a { - line-height: 1; - font-size: 11px; - color: #676767; - display: block; - text-align: center; - padding-top: 6px; - height: 34px; + line-height:1; + font-size:11px; + color:#676767; + display:block; + text-align:center; + padding-top:6px; + height:34px; } -.downloads a:hover, -.downloads a:focus { - color: #675c5c; - font-weight: bold; +.downloads a:hover, .downloads a:focus { + color:#675C5C; + font-weight:bold; } .downloads ul a:active { - background-color: #f0f0f0; + background-color:#f0f0f0; } .downloads li + li + li { - border-right: none; - width: 89px; + border-right:none; + width:89px; } .downloads a strong { - font-size: 14px; - display: block; - color: #222; + font-size:14px; + display:block; + color:#222; } diff --git a/sass/_layout.scss b/sass/_layout.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6b7b5df5dd --- /dev/null +++ b/sass/_layout.scss @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +@media print, screen and (max-width: 960px) { + div.wrapper { + width: auto; + margin: 0; + } + + header, + section, + footer { + float: none; + position: static; + width: auto; + } + + header { + padding-right: 320px; + } + + section { + border: 1px solid #e5e5e5; + border-width: 1px 0; + padding: 20px 0; + margin: 0 0 20px; + } + + header a small { + display: inline; + } + + header ul { + position: absolute; + right: 50px; + top: 52px; + } +} + +@media print, screen and (max-width: 720px) { + body { + word-wrap: break-word; + } + + header { + padding: 0; + } + + header ul, + header p.view { + position: static; + } + + pre, + code { + word-wrap: normal; + } +} + +@media print, screen and (max-width: 480px) { + body { + padding: 15px; + } + + .downloads { + width: 99%; + } + + .downloads li, + .downloads li + li + li { + width: 33%; + } +} + +@media print { + body { + padding: 0.4in; + font-size: 12pt; + color: #444; + } +} diff --git a/sass/styles.scss b/sass/styles.scss index 2caa1e9f17..431a5f03c6 100644 --- a/sass/styles.scss +++ b/sass/styles.scss @@ -2,4 +2,8 @@ @use "variables"; @use "base"; @use "classes"; +@use "layout"; @use "custom"; + +// @use "others/base1" +// @use "others/classes1" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/templates/base.html b/templates/base.html index 4af0491ed8..aa6a0f267a 100644 --- a/templates/base.html +++ b/templates/base.html @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
- Logo @@ -33,21 +33,17 @@
- {% block content %}{% endblock content %} -
+ +
diff --git a/templates/blog.html b/templates/blog.html deleted file mode 100644 index a1194b8f69..0000000000 --- a/templates/blog.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -{% extends "base.html" %} - - -{% block content %} -

{{ section.title | safe }}

-{{ section.content | safe }} -{% include "partials/post-loop.html" %} -{% endblock content %} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/templates/categories/list.html b/templates/categories/list.html deleted file mode 100644 index 5b27d817cc..0000000000 --- a/templates/categories/list.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -{% extends "base.html" %} - -{% block content %} -{% endblock content %} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/templates/categories/single.html b/templates/categories/single.html deleted file mode 100644 index 5b27d817cc..0000000000 --- a/templates/categories/single.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -{% extends "base.html" %} - -{% block content %} -{% endblock content %} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/templates/index.html b/templates/index.html index 16f2df088e..b1a3e4d80e 100644 --- a/templates/index.html +++ b/templates/index.html @@ -2,5 +2,4 @@ {% block content %} {{ section.content | safe }} -{# {% include "partials/page-loop.html" %} #} {% endblock content %} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/templates/macros.html b/templates/macros.html deleted file mode 100644 index 84e0dfb1c2..0000000000 --- a/templates/macros.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ -{% macro post(page) %} - - {% endmacro post %} - -{% macro post_nav(ref, extra) %} - -{% endmacro %} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/templates/page.html b/templates/page.html index a9c54747c0..d911e833bd 100644 --- a/templates/page.html +++ b/templates/page.html @@ -1,34 +1,6 @@ {% extends "base.html" %} {% block content %} - {{ page.date | safe }} -

{{ page.title | safe }}

- -

by Miguel Pimentel

- +

{{ page.title }}

{{ page.content | safe }} - -{% if page.tags %} -tags: {{ page.tags | safe }} -{% endif %} -{% endblock content %} - -{# {% extends "base.html" %} - - -{% block content %} -

{{ page.title | safe }}

- -{% if page.description %} -

{{ page.description | safe }}

-{% endif %} - - {% if page.toc %} - {% include "partials/toc.html" %} - {% endif %} - -
- {{ page.content | safe }} -
-{% endblock content %} #} +{% endblock content %} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/templates/partials/footer.html b/templates/partials/footer.html deleted file mode 100644 index 9b74e3f21e..0000000000 --- a/templates/partials/footer.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -

Get In Touch!


- Send me an - email or ping me on - Instagram. I’m also on - GitHub, and - LinkedIn if you’re into that sort of thing. -

- - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/templates/partials/head.html b/templates/partials/head.html deleted file mode 100644 index aa90412c1e..0000000000 --- a/templates/partials/head.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ - - - - {{ config.title }}{% if page.title %} | {{ page.title }}{% elif section.title %} | {{ section.pages }}{% endif %} - - - - {%- if config.generate_rss %} - - {%- endif -%} - - {# #} - - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/templates/partials/page-loop.html b/templates/partials/page-loop.html deleted file mode 100644 index 51f3457c2e..0000000000 --- a/templates/partials/page-loop.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -{% if section.pages %} -{% for page in section.pages %} - -
- -
- -

{{ page.title }}

- - {% if page.description %} -

{{ page.description | truncate(length=280) | safe }}

- {% endif %} - -
  • -
- -
-{% endfor %} -{% endif %} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/templates/partials/post-loop.html b/templates/partials/post-loop.html deleted file mode 100644 index c6161c0329..0000000000 --- a/templates/partials/post-loop.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -{% if section.pages %} -{% for page in section.pages %} - -
- - -{% endfor %} -{% endif %} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/templates/partials/toc.html b/templates/partials/toc.html deleted file mode 100644 index 5e98c666b6..0000000000 --- a/templates/partials/toc.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ -{#
#} -
- - Table of Contents - - -
    - {% for h1 in page.toc %} -
  • - {{ h1.title }} - {% if h1.children %} -
      - {% for h2 in h1.children %} -
    • - {{ h2.title }} - - - -
    • - {% endfor %} -
    - {% endif %} -
  • - {% endfor %} - -
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/templates/post.html b/templates/post.html deleted file mode 100644 index 5a2feb5980..0000000000 --- a/templates/post.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ -{% extends "base.html" %} - -{% block content %} - {{ page.date | safe }} -

{{ page.title | safe }}

- -

by Miguel Pimentel

- -{{ page.content | safe }} - -{% if page.tags %} -tags: {{ page.tags | safe }} -{% endif %} -{% endblock content %} - -{# {% extends "base.html" %} - - -{% block content %} -
- -

{{ page.title }}

- - {% if page.description %} -

{{ page.description }}

- {% endif %} - -{% if page.toc %} - {% include "partials/toc.html" %} -{% endif %} - -
- - {{ page.content | safe }} -
- -{% if page.extra.author %} -

by {{ page.extra.author }}

-{% endif %} - -{% if page.tags %} -tags: {{ page.tags }} -{% endif %} -{% endblock content %} #} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/templates/projects.html b/templates/projects.html deleted file mode 100644 index d534fd4423..0000000000 --- a/templates/projects.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -{% extends "base.html" %} - - -{% block content %} -{% if page.extra.github %} -{{ page.extra.github }} -

{{ section.title | safe }}

-{% else %} -

{{ section.title | safe }}

-{% endif %} -{{ section.content | safe }} -{% include "partials/post-loop.html" %} -{% endblock content %} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/templates/section.html b/templates/section.html deleted file mode 100644 index 3d20764e45..0000000000 --- a/templates/section.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ -{% extends "base.html" %} - -{% block content %} -

{{ section.title | safe }} - {{ section.content | safe}} - - {% if section.pages %} - {% for page in section.pages %} - -
- -
- -

{{ page.title }}

- - {% if page.description %} -

{{ page.description | truncate(length=280) | safe }}

- {% endif %} - -
- {% endfor %} - {% endif %} - -{% endblock content %} - -{# {% extends "base.html" %} - - -{% block content %} -

{{ section.title | safe }}

-{{ section.content | safe }} -{% endblock content %} #} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/templates/tags/list.html b/templates/tags/list.html deleted file mode 100644 index a953e19eaa..0000000000 --- a/templates/tags/list.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ -{% extends "base.html" %} - -{% block content %} -
- {#

{{ config.extra.label_tag }}

#} -
    - {% for tag in terms %} -
  • - {{ tag.name }}({{ tag.pages | length }}) -
  • - {% endfor %} -
-{% endblock content %} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/theme.toml b/theme.toml deleted file mode 100644 index 15eca92c3f..0000000000 --- a/theme.toml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -name = "Zola Minimal" -description = "Description of the theme or, at least a placeholder while a description is written." -license = "MIT" -homepage = "https://github.com/semanticdata/zola-minimal" -min_version = "0.17.2" -demo = "https://semanticdata.github.io/zola-minimal/" - -[author] -name = "Miguel Pimentel" -homepage = "https://miguelpimentel.do" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vercel.json b/vercel.json deleted file mode 100644 index e742601002..0000000000 --- a/vercel.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -{ - "build": { - "env": { - "ZOLA_VERSION": "0.17.2" - } - } -}