Matlab scripts to interpolate to hourly intervals the GDP dataset as described in Elipot S., R. Lumpkin, R. C. Perez, J. M. Lilly, J. J. Early, A. M. Sykulski (2016), A global surface drifter dataset at hourly resolution, J. Geophys. Res.-Oceans, 121, doi:10.1002/2016JC011716.
These scripts were written in Matlab R2016a and require some routines from the jLab Matlab toolbox available at this repository:
global_interpolation_GPS_1.01.m : code to apply the LOWESS plus linear interpolation for GPS-tracked drifters. This script calls gps_reduce.m, LatLonLocalWess.m, and piecelinvar.m.
global_interpolation_wmle_errors_1.01.m : code to apply the weighted maximum likelihood estimation for Argos-tracked drifters. This script calls argos_reduce.m and LatLonLikelihoodHessian.m