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Selendrakit API Documentation

Configuration Utilities


Returns an ethers.js provider for the Selendra Network.

  • network (optional): 'mainnet' (default) or 'testnet'
const { getSelendraProvider } = require('./utils/selendraConfig');
const provider = getSelendraProvider('testnet');

getSelendraWallet(privateKey, network)

Returns an ethers.js wallet instance for the Selendra Network.

  • privateKey: Your account's private key
  • network (optional): 'mainnet' (default) or 'testnet'
const { getSelendraWallet } = require('./utils/selendraConfig');
const wallet = getSelendraWallet('your-private-key', 'mainnet');

Contract Interaction Utilities

deployContract(contractJson, constructorArgs, privateKey, network)

Deploys a contract to the Selendra Network.

  • contractJson: Object containing contract ABI and bytecode
  • constructorArgs: Array of constructor arguments
  • privateKey: Deployer's private key
  • network (optional): 'mainnet' (default) or 'testnet'
const { deployContract } = require('./utils/contractInteraction');
const contract = await deployContract(MyContract, [], 'your-private-key');

getContract(contractAddress, contractAbi, signerOrProvider)

Returns a contract instance.

  • contractAddress: Address of the deployed contract
  • contractAbi: ABI of the contract
  • signerOrProvider: Ethers.js signer or provider
const { getContract } = require('./utils/contractInteraction');
const contract = await getContract('0x...', MyContract.abi, provider);

estimateGas(contract, method, args)

Estimates gas for a contract method call.

  • contract: Contract instance
  • method: Name of the method to call
  • args: Array of method arguments
const { estimateGas } = require('./utils/contractInteraction');
const gasEstimate = await estimateGas(contract, 'myMethod', [arg1, arg2]);

sendTransaction(contract, method, args, options)

Sends a transaction to a contract method.

  • contract: Contract instance
  • method: Name of the method to call
  • args: Array of method arguments
  • options (optional): Transaction options
const { sendTransaction } = require('./utils/contractInteraction');
const tx = await sendTransaction(contract, 'myMethod', [arg1, arg2]);

For more detailed examples and use cases, refer to the Examples dapp documentation.