A Vue Instagram clone built with Vue 3, Pinia, TailwindCss, Firebase, iconify/vue, vuelidate, vue-timeago, vue3-emoji-picker, vueuse/core and Vue-toastification. This project will enable you to learn how to use and understand Firebase's amazing features such as authentication, database, and storage.
A Vue Whatsapp clone built with Vue 3, Pinia, TailwindCss, Firebase, @heroicons/vue, vuelidate, vue-timeago, and vue3-emoji-picker. This project will enable you to learn how to use and understand Firebase's amazing features such as authentication, database, and storage.
A Vue Netflix Clone built with Vue 3, Supabase, Pinia, TailwindCss, movieTrailer, heroicons/vue,Vue-toastification, Vuelidate, Vitest and Youtube-Vue 3. This project will enable you to learn how to use Supabase's authentication feature and how to write unit tests using Vitest. Head over to TMDB and get your API KEY and add it in your .env
file as so VITE_API_KEY = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
A Vue Coinbase project built with Vue 3, TypeScript, TailwindCss, heroicons/vue, millify and vue3-smooth-scroll. This project will enable you to learn how to use Rapid Api to fetch data from one of its huge collection of APIs.
A shopping cart built with Vue 3, Pinia, Vue-toastification, TailwindCss, heroicons/vue and vueuse/core. This project will enable you to learn and understand how to use Pinia by building a basic shopping cart with all its functionalities.
A Todo App built with Nuxt 3, TailwindCss, Firebase and Vuelidate. This project will enable you to learn how to setup and use Firebase's amazing features with Nuxt 3.
A Todo App built with Nuxt 3, TailwindCss, Vue-toastification and Joi. This project will enable you to learn how to setup and use MongoDB with Nuxt 3.
A Blog built with Nuxt 3, TailwindCss and Nuxt Content module. This project will enable you to learn how to setup and use the Nuxt Content module to create an amazing blog.
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Use these commands in your git bash to make a clone of the project in your pc.
SSH Github Docs
$ git clone git@github.com:username/8-Awesome-Vue-Projects
$ gh repo clone username/8-Awesome-Vue-Projects
$ git clone https://github.com/username/8-Awesome-Vue-Projects.git
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I hope you find my projects to be educative and fun. If you encounter errors or have any improvements to make to the projects, don't be shy, go ahead and create a pull request. Happy coding ✨