This project implements a hybrid JavaScript call-graph framework that refines statically extracted JavaScript call-graphs with dynamic analysis. The project has been developed within the SETIT Project (2018-1.2.1-NKP-2018-00004). Project no. 2018-1.2.1-NKP-2018-00004 has been implemented with the support provided from the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund of Hungary, financed under the 2018-1.2.1-NKP funding scheme. The connected publication can be referenced as follows:
author = {Antal, Gábor and Tóth, Zoltán Gábor and Hegedűs, Péter and Ferenc, Rudolf},
doi = {10.3390/technologies9010003},
title = {{Enhanced Bug Prediction in JavaScript Programs with Hybrid Call-Graph Based Invocation Metrics}},
journal = {Technologies},
volume = {9},
unique-id = {31818460},
year = {2021},
pages = {3},
orcid-numbers = {Tóth, Zoltán Gábor/0000-0002-2268-1877; Hegedűs, Péter/0000-0003-4592-6504; Ferenc, Rudolf/0000-0001-8897-7403}
The framework itself is a command line tool. The package is built up as follows:
util - a folder containing the necessary tools for the framework, like the dynmaic and static analysis programs, helper scripts for handling dynamic traces, etc.
hybrid-metrics-extractor - a folder containing scripts for deriving hybrid call-graph metrics (NOI/NII) from hcg result json
- - the main script of the framework
- - a module for merging various JSON files into one
- - a module for generating csv data for vizualization
- - a module for converting the different tool outputs to the common JSON format
- - the configuration file describing the arguments of the program analysis
In the CONFIG file, there should be a Python dictionary named CONF, which contains the following:
modules - the description of the Node.js modules to be analyzed
name - the name of the module
repo - the Git repository where the sources can be found
hash - the SHA hash of the commit to be analyzed
filter - a set of filters to define which parts of the source code should be included in the analysis
patch - if there is a modification to the source that should be applied before the analysis, list it here
node-orig - the path for the original, unmodified node binary (default: "/usr/bin/node")
js-tools - the utils directory (default: "util")
working-directed - the working directory where the sources are downloaded (default: "node-sources")
cg-path - the folder where the resulting call-graphs should be placed (default: "callgraphs")
To run the tool, type the following in a command line:
python3 {skip-clone}
This will run the necessary tools and produces a hybrid call-graph in the previously discussed JSON format. If the sources need not to be cloned from a Git repository, one can apply the "skip-clone" parameter.
You are free to use the framework on your own, however, University of Szeged, Software Engineering Department offers a support service as well in order to help the application of the framework. For details, please contact us by opening an issue or filing in a pull request.