I've run into apps which checked for being rooted or have a custom ROM. As Magisk was not always an option I decided to patch these apps.
Get it from the phone
adb shell pm list packages | grep adb shell pm path <app.package.name> adb pull data/app/<app.package.name>-==/base.apk
First install framework, then decompile and test if it builds
('-f -r and aapt2' used as for me apk does not build by default)apktool if <app.package.name> apktool d -f -r --use-aapt2 <app.package.name>.apk apktool b -f -r --use-aapt2 <app.package.name>
Modify the code
Search for root checker libraries in smali_classes directory. Usually they use some popular library like rootbeer. Check the consts as most probably they contain the blacklisted super user apps' package names. They also test super user by su binary, test-keys method, or some other way, take care of them as well. Overwriting them with some non-existent package name, file path is enough. After you have edited the code just build the app.
Create keystore first then sign
keytool -genkey -v -keystore my-release-key.keystore -alias android_rel -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore my-release-key.keystore /<app.package.name>/dist/<app.package.name>.apk android_rel zipalign -v 4 /<app.package.name>/dist/<app.package.name>.apk <app.package.name>_signed.apk
Upload and install or install directly
adb push /<app.package.name>_signed.apk /sdcard/ adb -d install -r <app.package.name>_signed.apk
Check for diffs
diff -q -r <app.package.name>.apk <app.package.name>.apk_ diff -Nau > file.patch diff -Naur <app.package.name> <app.package.name>_