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AWS Terraform

module "secoda" {
  source  = "secoda/secoda/aws"
  version     = "2025.1.13"

  name        = "secoda"
  environment = "production"

  aws_region = "us-east-1"

  docker_password = "" # Must be filled in.

Updating to the latest version

  1. Pull the latest terraform OR if using Secoda as a terraform module, bump the pinned version. Reapply the terraform.
  2. Wait for a new ECS task to start automatically. Hit the refresh button to check. It should pull the latest version of Secoda.

SSO Options

  • Google
  • Microsoft
  • Okta
  • OneLogin
  • SAML2.0

Troubleshooting / FAQ

MalformedPolicyDocumentException: Policy contains a statement with one or more invalid service principals: please try using a different AWS administrator account, or create a new one with a different name.

Subnets can currently only be created in the following availability zones: us-west-1b, us-west-1c: This is due to using inconsistent regions in the tfvars file and the AWS_REGION environment variable. Make sure these are consistent.

Error: error creating ELBv2 Listener (arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:***): ValidationError: Certificate ARN 'arn:aws:acm:us-west-1:482836992928:certificate/***' is not valid: This is due to the certificate being in a different region than the deployment.

Hashicorp Cloud

To store state in Hashicorp cloud, which we recommend, please complete the following steps. You should be a member of a Terraform Cloud account before proceeding.

In this directory, run terraform login. In please uncomment the following lines and replace secoda with your organization name.

backend "remote" {
organization = "secoda"

Connecting to the infrastructure

  • Load balancer is publicly accessible by default (DNS name is returned after running terraform apply). There will be a delay on first setup as the registration target happens ~5 minutes.
  • Containers are in private subnets by default. They cannot be accessed from outside the network (VPC). If you need to do maintenance, we suggest using a solution like Tailscale.
  • We suggest using Cloudflare ZeroTrust to limit access to Secoda.

Network configuration for integrations

By default, this terraform code will put the on-premise version of Secoda in a separate VPC (#1 below).

There are three different ways of connecting your on-premise integrations to Secoda:

  1. (Default) Whitelisting and setting up security rules for the NAT Gateway EIP to your resource. (VPC to Internet to VPC)
    • Works OOTB.
  2. AWS VPC Peering and whitelisting security rules for access from the AWS VPC network. (VPC to VPC)
    • Requires manual setup or additional terraform code.
  3. Put Secoda in the same VPC and setup security rules to your resource. (intra-VPC)
    • You can override VPC variables in to achieve this.