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Chat bot for future Resilient Coders students, powered by OpenAI GPT. Proof of concept using React/Node.

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ResilientGPT is an AI chatbot designed for future students matriculating into the Resilient Coders bootcamp. The goal is for students to have a reliable virtual assistant to ask questions to during their full-stack development studies. Note: This is a prototype of the final product.

View hosted client here


  • Real-time Messaging: Users can engage in real-time conversations with the AI chatbot, receiving instant responses to their queries.
  • AI-powered Responses: The chatbot utilizes OpenAI's ChatGPT technology (gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct model) to generate intelligent responses based on user input.
  • Customizable UI: The app allows users to switch between light and dark modes seamlessly, catering to their preferences and enhancing readability in different environments.



Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Navigate to the server directory: cd server
  3. Create an .env file with your OpenAI API information (gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct model):
    OPENAI_API_KEY={your key}
  4. Install server dependencies: npm install
  5. Run the server: node server
  6. Navigate to the client directory (in a new terminal): cd client
  7. Install client dependencies: npm install
  8. Run the client: npm run dev
  9. The app is now live at http://localhost:5173!

Tech Stack

  • React
  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • NextUI, Tailwind

Unit Testing - Vitest

  1. Open a separate terminal, while running application
  2. Run testing using (npm test)

Test Libraries Used

  • @testing-library/react: This library provides utilities for testing React components in a user-centric way.
  • vitest: A testing library (possibly custom) that offers functions like describe, it, expect, and beforeEach for structuring and defining test cases.

Here's a code snippet for the App testing component:

import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react'
import { describe, it, beforeEach } from 'vitest'
import App from '../src/App.jsx'

// Before each test, mock the scrollIntoView method
beforeEach(async () => {
  window.HTMLElement.prototype.scrollIntoView = function() {};

// Describe and test the App component
describe('App', () => {
it('renders the App component', () => {
  // Render the App component
  render(<App />)
  // Print the JSX structure to the command line for inspection

Test Logic:

  • Before Each Hook:

    • Modifies the scrollIntoView method before each test.
  • Test Description:

    • Groups tests for the App component.
    • Verifies that the App component renders correctly.
  • Component Rendering:

    • Renders the App component.
  • Debugging Output:

    • Prints the JSX structure for inspection.

Here's a code snippet for the UserCard testing component:

import React from 'react';
import UserCard from '../src/components/UserCard.jsx';
import { test, expect } from 'vitest'; 

test('renders user card with name and image', () => {
    const user = {
        name: "Daniel Garcia",
        img: "",

    const result = <UserCard name={} img={user.img} />;

The test case is defined using the test function from vitest. It ensures that the user card component renders correctly with the provided user data.

Test Logic

User Data Setup:

  • A user object is created with a name and an image url. This data represents the user whose information will be displayed on the user card component.

Component Rendering:

  • The UserCard component is instantiated with the user data passed as props. The name and img properties from the user object are passed as props to the UserCard component.

Snapshot Assertion:

  • The test verifies that the rendered output of the UserCard component matches the previously stored snapshot. This ensures that the component's rendering remains consistent over time.

Here's a code snippet for the ThemeSwitcher testing component:

Test Logic:

import { render, fireEvent, screen } from '@testing-library/react';
import { test, vi, expect } from 'vitest';
import ThemeSwitcher from '../src/components/ThemeSwitcher';

// Mock useDarkMode hook
const useDarkModeMock = (initialValue) => {
    let value = initialValue
    return {
        value: value,
        enable: vi.fn(() => (value = true)),
        disable: vi.fn(() => (value = false)),

// console.log('useDarkModeMock', useDarkModeMock())

test('renders ThemeSwitcher component with light mode', () => {
    const darkModeMock = useDarkModeMock(false);
    // console.log('useDarkModeMock', darkModeMock)

    render(<ThemeSwitcher darkMode={darkModeMock} />);
    const sunIcon = screen.getByTestId('sunempty');
    const moonIcon = screen.getByTestId('moonempty');


test('renders ThemeSwitcher component with dark mode', () => {
    const darkModeMock = useDarkModeMock(true);
    console.log('useDarkModeMock111', darkModeMock)
    render(<ThemeSwitcher darkMode={darkModeMock} />);
    const sunIcon = screen.getByTestId('sunfilled');
    const moonIcon = screen.getByTestId('moonfilled');

  • Mocking the useDarkMode Hook:

    • A mock function useDarkModeMock is created to simulate the behavior of the useDarkMode hook. It tracks the state of dark mode and provides functions to enable and disable it.
  • Test Case 1: Light Mode:

    • Renders the ThemeSwitcher component with light mode.
    • Verifies that the sun and moon icons are present.
    • Simulates a click on the sun icon to disable dark mode and checks if the disable function of the mock hook is called.
    • Simulates a click on the moon icon to enable dark mode and checks if the enable function of the mock hook is called.
  • Test Case 2: Dark Mode:

    • Renders the ThemeSwitcher component with dark mode.
    • Verifies that the sun and moon icons are present.
    • Simulates a click on the sun icon to disable dark mode and checks if the disable function of the mock hook is called.
    • Simulates a click on the moon icon to enable dark mode and checks if the enable function of the mock hook is called.

Here's a code snippet for the ChatHistory testing component:

import { test, vi, expect } from 'vitest';
import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react';
import { ChatHistoryContainer } from '../src/components/ChatHistoryContainer';

const useDarkModeMock = (initialValue) => {
    let value = initialValue
    return {
        value: value,
        enable: vi.fn(() => (value = true)),
        disable: vi.fn(() => (value = false)),

describe('ChatHistoryContainer', () => {
    beforeEach(() => {
        vi.spyOn(global.Math, 'random').mockReturnValue(0.8);

    afterEach(() => {

    it('renders without crashing', () => {
        // Mock darkMode prop
        const darkMode = useDarkModeMock(false);
        render(<ChatHistoryContainer darkMode={darkMode} />);
        expect(screen.getByText('New Chat')).toBeInTheDocument();

    it('renders messages for today', () => {
        // Mock darkMode prop
        const darkMode = useDarkModeMock(false);
        render(<ChatHistoryContainer darkMode={darkMode} />);

    it('renders messages for yesterday', () => {
        // Mock darkMode prop
        const darkMode = useDarkModeMock(false);
        render(<ChatHistoryContainer darkMode={darkMode} />);

    it('renders messages for the past 7 days', () => {
        // Mock darkMode prop
        const darkMode = useDarkModeMock(false);
        render(<ChatHistoryContainer darkMode={darkMode} />);
        expect(screen.getByText('Past 7 Days')).toBeInTheDocument();

    it('renders messages for the past 30 days', () => {
        // Mock darkMode prop
        const darkMode = useDarkModeMock(false);
        render(<ChatHistoryContainer darkMode={darkMode} />);
        expect(screen.getByText('Past 30 Days')).toBeInTheDocument();

    it('renders messages for the past 90 days', () => {
        // Mock darkMode prop
        const darkMode = useDarkModeMock(false);
        render(<ChatHistoryContainer darkMode={darkMode} />);
        expect(screen.getByText('Past 90 Days')).toBeInTheDocument();

    it('renders user information', () => {
        // Mock darkMode prop
        const darkMode = useDarkModeMock(false);
        render(<ChatHistoryContainer darkMode={darkMode} />);
        // Assuming UserCard component renders the user information
        expect(screen.getByText('Welcome, RC Student!')).toBeInTheDocument();

Test Logic

  • Mocking the useDarkMode Hook:

    • A mock function useDarkModeMock is created to simulate the behavior of the useDarkMode hook. It tracks the state of dark mode and provides functions to enable and disable it.
  • Setup and Teardown:

    • beforeEach: Sets up a spy on the Math.random function to consistently return a specific value (0.8) for each test.
    • afterEach: Restores all mocked functions after each test to ensure clean state for subsequent tests.
  • Test Cases:

    • Each test verifies specific behavior of the ChatHistoryContainer component under different conditions:
      1. Renders the component without crashing and ensures certain elements are present.
      2. Verifies that messages for today, yesterday, past 7 days, past 30 days, and past 90 days are displayed.
      3. Checks if user information is rendered correctly.


Chat bot for future Resilient Coders students, powered by OpenAI GPT. Proof of concept using React/Node.






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