Connecting IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) devices to collect data and manage the respective devices centrally from the cloud becomes more and more relevant as the number of devices increase.
As part of our Microsoft strategy we want to achieve convergence between the Intelligent Cloud and the Intelligent Edge. Making use of data generated by an IoT device for various use cases is an essential part of this.
In this lab you will learn how you set up a complete IIoT scenario using the IoT Hub on Azure and IoT Edge to collect data, manage devices and visualize data again.
The following architecture diagram gives an overview about what you will deploy in the lab.
For the purpose of this lab, a simulated PLC providing OPC UA server is
running in a Docker container running in an Azure Container Instance. But you can just as easily exchange this for any other OPC UA server.
The simulated PLC and the IoT Edge Gateway are both part of a private virtual network and thus mimics a real-life scenario where the PLCs on a factory shopfloor won't have any connectivity outside of the factory network. The IoT Edge therefore provides a secure gateway mechanism to connect the PLC to the IoT Hub in Azure.
On the Azure side, we will set up a Time Series Insights instance to quickly gather first insights into the data.
Disclaimer: This lab requires an Azure Subscription. A couple of resources will be created which do incur some small cost. We recommend to delete the resources when you are finished with the lab and don't need them anymore. If you do not have an Azure Subscription yet, you can also do this lab with a free trial subscription
Below you find a detailed step-by-step guide that helps you connecting your first IoT Edge device and gaining insights into the produced data.
Please make sure to read all the instructions carefully.
Note: As certain details in Azure do change over time, some of the instructions or screenshots might be outdated by the time you do this lab. If you come across any major blockers, please open an Issue here on the GitHub page and we will try to fix it as soon as possible.
Deploy ARM Template
As a first step, we deploy the provided ARM (Azure Resource Manager) template for this lab. This includes a couple of resources which will be provisioned for you, ready to use in the lab. We rather want to focus on certain topics around IIoT than spending our time deploying virtual machines...
To start the deployment, click on this button (or better: right-click and open in new tab):
Note: Instead of using the Deploy to Azure button, you can also manually deploy the ARM template, for instance through the Azure Portal or CLI
Use your username and password to log into your Azure subscription.
Select your subscription and fill out the parameter fields. It is recommended to create a new resource group for this lab. This makes it easier to dispose of all the created resources after you are done.
Note: The list of available Azure regions for this template is currently limited as there is a dependency on a feature in Azure Container Instances (VNet support). -
Click on Purchase and wait until all the resources have been provisioned for you.
The ARM template deploys the following resources:
- 1 IoT Hub (S1 tier)
- 1 pre-configured IoT Edge Virtual Machine (Size B1ms). You can find this in the Azure Marketplace if you search for "Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS + Azure IoT Edge runtime"
- 1 OPC UA sample server running in an Azure Container Instance
Once this is finished, click on the Go to resource group link. This will take you directly into the newly created resource group.
Explore resources
Let us start by seeing which resources have been deployed for you through the provided ARM template.
The Azure Portal should have been opened to your newly created Resource Group. If not, look on the left-hand side of the Azure portal for "Resource groups" and click on it.
Navigate to the created resource group and familiarize yourself with what has been set up for you.
Like in the screenshot above, you should see one virtual machine (and its associated resources such as one virtual disk, a network interface, public IP address, virtual network etc.), one Azure Container Instance and one IoT Hub.
Create Edge Device
First step is to create a new Edge device identity in the IoT Hub. We will use this device identity later for our Edge device to authenticate and connect to the IoT Hub.
Get Edge Device Connection String
Select the newly created device. This will bring you to the device details page, including the connection string which we need soon.
Copy the Connection String (primary key) and store it e.g. in Notepad for easy access. Make sure to copy it in the Notepad in your lab environment. Copy & Paste to your local client won't work.
Connect IoT Edge device
Now that we have created the device identity in IoT Hub, we can connect our device. As the edge device, we use the pre-provisioned VM in your subscription. This VM has the IoT Edge runtime pre-installed and just needs your connection string to connect. In a real factory scenario, this Edge device would in most cases run inside the customer network (on-premises). It could, for instance, be a ruggedized hardware device, a server or a VM.
Go back to the resource group and then select your VM
Copy the public IP address of your VM. Each VM has SSH access enabled.
Open a SSH client of your choice, for instance a built-in one or PuTTY on Windows
Enter the IP and click Open
Accept the certificate prompt and enter the username and password which you have chosen when you deployed the ARM template in the beginning
To configure the Edge runtime, there is a script pre-installed that comes with the VM. To execute it, run (put in your connection string from the previous step):
sudo /etc/iotedge/ "your-connectionstring"
(Do not forget the double quotes around the connection string!)
This will set the connection string and restart the Edge runtime. This will start to pull the Edge Agent docker container from the public Microsoft Container Registry (MCR).
For debugging you can retrieve the log of the Edge daemon using journalctl -u iotedge --no-pager -
While this is running, we can continue with the next step and come back to our VM in a minute. Leave PuTTY open in the background.
Create Time Series Insights
As a first sink ("warm storage") for our IoT data, we use Azure Time Series Insights.
Go back to the portal and click on Create a resource. Search for Time Series Insights
Pick an Environment name and leave the other values as suggested. Click on Next: Event Source
Now we directly connect TSI against our IoT Hub.
Put in a name for the source, e.g. iothub
Select your IoT Hub from the list and select iothubowner as the access policy name.
Click on New for the consumer group and pick some name, e.g. tsi and click Add
Click Review + create, review the details and click Create
Deploy Simulated Temperature Sensor
As a first check if our Edge device is working, we deploy the simulated temperature sensor. This is a module built by Microsoft to create simulated sensor readings.
In the Search box on the top in the Azure portal enter Simulated Temperature Sensor
Select the item under Marketplace
In the following screen your IoT Hub should already have been pre-selected. If not, pick the one that was created as part of the ARM template.
Click on Find Device to get a list of your Edge devices. Select the device you created before.
Click on Create
This now brings us to the Set Modules screen of the IoT Edge device in your IoT Hub. Under Deployment Modules you can see that the temperature sensor has been already configured for you.
You can click on it to see its Image URI (again, hosted on MCR) and the preset desired properties of that module. Click on Save and then on Next.
Make sure to only have one route as shown in the screenshot below. If there is more than one route, delete the other ones. The route defines how messages flow between modules and/or to the IoT Hub in the cloud. In our case we do not do any Edge processing and send all messages directly to the cloud. ($upstream means "send to IoT Hub in Azure").
Click on Next. This shows an overview of the complete deployment.json that will be sent to the device as configuration. Take a look at it and then click Submit to start the deployment.
Check Edge Device
Now that we have kicked off the deployment let's see if our Edge device got it correctly.
Go back to your SSH client window (e.g. PuTTY).
Enter sudo iotedge list This will show you the list of all running modules. You should now see three modules running: edgeAgent, edgeHub (both modules of the Edge runtime) and the new SimulatedTemperatureSensor
Enter sudo iotedge logs SimulatedTemperatureSensor -f to see the logs of the module. You will see that the module is sending simulated events.
See simulated events in Time Series Insights
We can now go to our TSI environment and see the events.
Go back to the Azure portal and open your TSI resource. Go into your Resource Group and select your Time Series Insights environment.
Click on Go to Environment
This opens the TSI user interface and you should already see of spike of events
Right-click on the event graph and select Explore Events. This will show the raw data as it is being generated and sent by your Simulated Temperature Sensor.
Now it's time to move from our generated data to the real thing. We will now deploy another module, that connects against our OPC UA-enabled PLC.
For this we will use the Microsoft-built OPC UA Publisher module (
Deploy OPC UA Publisher module
Just as the Simulated Temperature Sensor, we will now add the OPC Publisher as a second module.
Go again to your IoT Hub in the portal (Hint: if you click into the search box on the top of the portal again, you IoT Hub should show up as a recently used resource and thus give you a quick navigation to the resource).
Click on IoT Edge in the left panel and select your previously created edge device.
Now go to Set modules. You will come back to the screen where we have deployed the temperature sensor module before.
The container create options are used to set specific command line switches for the module. For all the available switches, you can take a look at the module documentation.
In order to reduce complexity, the following example config contains a minimum set of options.
: The name of the file which will later store the published nodes configuration--diagnosticsinterval
: Enables the output of diagnostic info in the log every 10 seconds--autoaccept
: Automatically accept SSL certificates from the OPC UA server--fetchdisplayname
: Enables reading and sending of node display names (if set in the server)Additionally, in the HostConfig a Bind is created to persist the application data, such as the published nodes config on the host system over container restarts.
Under Deployment Modules click on Add, choose IoT Edge Module and enter the following values:
Name: opc-publisher
Image URI:
Container Create Options:
{ "Hostname": "opc-publisher", "Cmd": [ "publisher", "--publishfile=./publishednodes.json", "--diagnosticsinterval=10", "--autoaccept", "--fetchdisplayname=true" ], "HostConfig": { "Binds": [ "/iiotedge:/appdata" ] } }
Click on Save and then on Next.
The routes will not be changed. Since we still want to send all messages from all modules to the cloud, the previous created route is still good.
Click Next and Submit to send the deployment to the Edge device. Leave the following page open as we will come back to it soon.
Check OPC UA Publisher module
After a few seconds the Edge device will have pulled the module.
Go back to your PuTTY session and enter sudo iotedge list again to see if the publisher module is yet there.
Once it shows up, do sudo iotedge logs opc-publisher -f to see its logs.
You will see, that yet no configuration has been set in the publisher. I.e. which OPC server to connect to and which nodes to read. This comes next. You can leave the log open and running for now.
Retrieve OPC UA Server address
In this lab, you will connect to a simulated PLC that exposes an OPC UA server. This server is running in an Azure Container Instance and was set up as part of the ARM deployment in the beginning of the lab. The sample server is available as open-source here.
Configure published nodes
The configuration of the publisher which nodes to read from the source OPC UA server, the so called "published nodes", can be done via a Direct Method call from the IoT Hub to the module.
Go back to the browser. You should still have the page of your Edge device opened.
Click Refresh (on the top right on the page, not the browser refresh!) to load the current list of modules.
The list of modules on the bottom should show now your opc-publisher and its status as running. Click on the module.
Click on Direct Method to open the screen to call methods on the module.
Via the Direct Method's payload, we provide a JSON which contains the OPC UA server which we want to connect to (field: EndpointUrl). Furthermore, it contains a list of all the OPC nodes on that server, that we would like to read and publish to the IoT Hub. Those are listed in the format "Id": "ns={namespace};i={index}"
For more optional parameters you can take a look at the OPC Publisher module documentation.
Enter the following values and make sure to put in your OPC UA server IP address, which you have copied in the previous step.
Method Name: PublishNodes
{ "EndpointUrl": "opc.tcp://{YOUR-OPC-UA-SERVER-IP-ADDRESS}:50000", "OpcNodes": [{ "Id": "ns=2;s=DipData" }, { "Id": "ns=2;s=SpikeData" }, { "Id": "ns=2;s=PositiveTrendData" } ] }
Then hit Invoke Method on the top
What happens here is that you subscribe to specific nodes of the information model of the respective OPC UA server. An information model in the context of OPC UA consists of nodes and references that describes the relationships and actions between those nodes. Those nodes are referenced via their NodeId and can contain different information or may invoke actions on the OPC UA server. In our case, the nodes we subscribe to deliver data from our process in regular intervals.
In the result window on the bottom you should see a similar output, confirming that the new nodes have been configured in the opc-publisher:
Now our publisher is all configured and ready-to-go. Switch to your PuTTY window and you should see a couple of new messages that the publisher is trying to connect to the OPC server.
Once the connection is established, you should see more log messages from the publisher output. But we don't need to rely on those. Instead we can directly see our data in TSI.
Validate data flow
You have almost completed this lab! Our last step is to validate that we can see our data.
Go once again to your Time Series Insights environment.
Hit the refresh button of your browser, not the one in the TSI screen! This will make sure you are seeing data up to the current time.
You should now see a bigger spike of events.
To separate your OPC events from the simulated temperature data, click on the SPLIT BY dropdown on the left side. Select iothub-connection-module-id. This separates the incoming events by Edge module.
You should see two different event sources now in the middle chart. One for the simulated temp sensor and one for the OPC UA Publisher.
Right-click on the one of the opc-publisher and select Show only this series.
This will now filter to the OPC events. You can again right-click the graph to Explore Events, to see the raw data.
Notice fields like ApplicationUri, Value.SourceTimestamp or Value.Value. Those contain the data as prescribed in the OPC UA standard.
Congratulations! You have successfully completed the lab and connected your first PLC data via OPC UA and data is flowing into the cloud! Your first steps into the world of Industrial IoT are done!
To save unnecessary costs, we recommend you dispose of your newly created resources once you do not need them anymore. To do this, you can simply delete the entire resource group from the Azure Portal.
If you have any feedback about the lab - positive as well as negative - or run into any issues, please open an Issue here on the GitHub page and we will try to help you as soon as possible.