From 07a2a56c5a2a490caec7f09bbe7c6b2e7dfca691 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "Sean P. Myrick V19.1.7.2" Date: Sun, 21 Aug 2022 17:16:15 -0700 Subject: [PATCH] CODEOWNERS [V2] Version 2 of the CODEOWNERS file for this project. --- .github/CODEOWNERS | 194 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 194 insertions(+) create mode 100644 .github/CODEOWNERS diff --git a/.github/CODEOWNERS b/.github/CODEOWNERS new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cb88cf5 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/CODEOWNERS @@ -0,0 +1,194 @@ +# Start of script +# I am going to keep trying on this until I get it right +# @seanpm2001 is the global code owner for this project +/// @seanpm2001 +// @seanpm2001 +# / @seanpm2001 +/* @seanpm2001 +* @seanpm2001 +# Directories at root +# .github +/.github/ @seanpm2001 +# Docs +/Docs/ @seanpm2001 +# External +/External/ @seanpm2001 +# OldVersions +/OldVersions/ @seanpm2001 +# RepoData +/RepoData/ @seanpm2001 +# Files at root +.editorconfig @seanpm2001 +.gitattributes @seanpm2001 +.gitignore @seanpm2001 +AUTHORS @seanpm2001 +CITATION.cff @seanpm2001 @seanpm2001 +COPYINGL @seanpm2001 +CREDITS @seanpm2001 +DRM-free_label.en.svg @seanpm2001 +INSTALL @seanpm2001 +LINUX_DEFENDER.desktop @seanpm2001 +LICENSE.txt @seanpm2001 +Pax_tux.png @seanpm2001 @seanpm2001 @seanpm2001 @seanpm2001 @seanpm2001 +SponsorButton.png @seanpm2001 +desktop.ini @seanpm2001 @seanpm2001 +# Individual file types +# Section A +*.aiff @seanpm2001 +*.AIFF @seanpm2001 +*.alac @seanpm2001 +*.ALAC @seanpm2001 +*.applescript @seanpm2001 +*.asm @seanpm2001 +*.ASM @seanpm2001 +# Section B +*.bib @seanpm2001 +# Section C +*.c @seanpm2001 +*.C @seanpm2001 +*.cff @seanpm2001 +*.cpp @seanpm2001 +*.css @seanpm2001 +*.cxx @seanpm2001 +# Section D +*.DS_STORE @seanpm2001 +*.desktop @seanpm2001 +*.dmg @seanpm2001 +*.DMG @seanpm2001 +# Section E +*.editorconfig @seanpm2001 +# Section F +# No entries starting with the letter F +# Section G +*.gif @seanpm2001 +*.GIF @seanpm2001 +*.gitattributes @seanpm2001 +*.gitignore @seanpm2001 +*.go @seanpm2001 +# Section H +*.h @seanpm2001 +*.H @seanpm2001 +*.htm @seanpm2001 +*.html @seanpm2001 +# Section I +*.ini @seanpm2001 +*.ipa @seanpm2001 +*.IPA @seanpm2001 +*.iso @seanpm2001 +*.ISO @seanpm2001 +# Section J +*.java @seanpm2001 +*.js @seanpm2001 +*.jpg @seanpm2001 +*.jpeg @seanpm2001 +*.jpp @seanpm2001 +*.json @seanpm2001 +*.jspp @seanpm2001 +# Section K +# No entries starting with the letter K +# Section L +# No entries starting with the letter L +# Section M +*.m @seanpm2001 +*.m4 @seanpm2001 +*.mm @seanpm2001 +*.mak @seanpm2001 +*.make @seanpm2001 +*.markdown @seanpm2001 +*.md @seanpm2001 +*.mdown @seanpm2001 +*.metal @seanpm2001 +*.mhtm @seanpm2001 +*.mhtml @seanpm2001 +*.mp3 @seanpm2001 +*.mk @seanpm2001 +*.mkd @seanpm2001 +*.mot @seanpm2001 +*.MOT @seanpm2001 +*.mov @seanpm2001 +*.MOV @seanpm2001 +# Section N +# No entries starting with the letter N +# Section O +*.oga @seanpm2001 +*.ogg @seanpm2001 +# Section P +*.p @seanpm2001 +*.P @seanpm2001 +*.pas @seanpm2001 +*.PAS @seanpm2001 +*.php @seanpm2001 +*.png @seanpm2001 +*.PNG @seanpm2001 +*.pl @seanpm2001 +*.pro @seanpm2001 +*.ps @seanpm2001 +*.PS @seanpm2001 +*.py @seanpm2001 +# Section Q +*.qs @seanpm2001 +*.qt @seanpm2001 +# Section R +*.rb @seanpm2001 +*.rs @seanpm2001 +# Section S +*.self @seanpm2001 +*.sh @seanpm2001 +*.st @seanpm2001 +*.sql @seanpm2001 +*.svg @seanpm2001 +*.swift @seanpm2001 +# Section T +*.tex @seanpm2001 +*.ts @seanpm2001 +*.tsx @seanpm2001 +*.ttf @seanpm2001 +*.TTF @seanpm2001 +*.txt @seanpm2001 +*.TXT @seanpm2001 +# Section U +*.url @seanpm2001 +*.URL @seanpm2001 +# Section V +*.v @seanpm2001 +*.vh @seanpm2001 +*.vhd @seanpm2001 +*.vhdl @seanpm2001 +*.vtt @seanpm2001 +# Setion W +*.wim @seanpm2001 +*.woff @seanpm2001 +*.WOFF @Seanpm2001 +# Section X +*.xhtm @seanpm2001 +*.xhtml @seanpm2001 +*.xml @seanpm2001 +# Section Y +*.yaml @seanpm2001 +*.yml @seanpm2001 +# Section Z +# No entries starting with the letter Z + +# No more individual file types for now + +# Todo + +# Add every individual file +# Finish adding all file types +# Add new entries as they are added + +# Past goals (completed) +# Add all Wiki entries +# Add all graphics entries + +# File info +# File type: codeowners file (CODEOWNERS) +# File version: 2 (2022, Monday, February 21st at 3:05 pm) +# Line count (including blank lines and compiler line): 195 +# End of script