Introducing "The Full Tankard": a free, streamlined, fully responsive web application that allows bar managers to find and save information about local beers and craft breweries in the Pacific Northwest (and beyond) without leaving the floor, built in JQuery, CSS, and HTML on top of the Materialize framework.
View the deployed application: [].
Bar managers have to make purchasing decisions, sometimes on the fly, sometimes mapped out weeks or months in advance. As such, they need access to information about the available offerings from local breweries.
AS A bar manager I WANT to search for beers by name, style, ABV, or characteristics in description SO THAT I can locate and procure local beers that my customers will enjoy or have enjoyed.
Also, AS A bar manager, I WANT a directory of brewers by name with styles of beer brewed and contact information SO THAT I can locate and procure local beers from brewers that my customers might enjoy at my bar.
Also, AS A bar manager, I WANT current news and events regarding craft beer and breweries SO THAT I can understand trends in the industry.
- UI Framework: Materialize []
- APIs:
- Open Brewery []
- Open Beer Database []
- Contextual Web Search []
- Google Maps []
- Photography courtesy of Unsplash []
The following images show the original appearance and functionality of our MVP. (Note: search by ABV functionality not available in this release).
- Rita Zhu [] is our lead UI/UX designer.
- Elias Calagiu [] is our lead developer.
- Shea Mullaney [] is our project manager.