- Driving-Test-Center-Application-Project
- Clone the repo
- Verify node version see .nvmrc
- Install dependencies
npm install
- Create a
file in the root directory. The only required environment variable for the development environment is SESS_SECRET:
- (Optional) For other environment variables, refer to the Docker Compose file for their defaults and options.
This application connects to a MongoDB instance. You can provide a full connection string using MONGODB_URI, which will override other MongoDB-related variables.
- Run a MongoDB container
docker run --name mongodb -p 27017:27017 -d mongo:latest
- Run the app (uses
npm run dev:start
- This project uses
for linting and formatting files - All files except js and json files are formatted using prettier
is used as a dev dependency for pre-commit hooks that format and lint staged files see .husky\pre-commit
- To build and run docker container
# env variables are auto detected from .env file
docker compose up -d --build
- To stop the container
docker compose down
- Node.js: The core runtime environment for server-side JavaScript execution.
- Express.js: Web application framework for Node.js, providing robust routing and middleware support.
- MongoDB: NoSQL database for storing user and application data.
- Mongoose: Object Data Modeling (ODM) library for MongoDB and Node.js, providing a schema-based solution for application data models.
- EJS (Embedded JavaScript): Templating engine for generating HTML markup with plain JavaScript.
- HTML/CSS: Standard web technologies for structure and styling.
- JavaScript: Client-side scripting for enhanced interactivity.
The application follows the MVC architectural pattern:
- Represents the data structure and business logic.
- Implemented using Mongoose schemas and models for MongoDB interaction.
- Handles CRUD operations for user data, license applications, and appointments.
- Responsible for presenting data to the user.
- Implemented using EJS templates for dynamic content rendering.
- Includes pages for dashboard, login, G2 application, and G application.
- Manages the flow of data between Model and View.
- Handles user requests, processes data, and sends responses.
- Implemented as Express.js route handlers and middleware.
- Middleware: Used for request processing, authentication, and error handling in Express.js.
- RESTful API: Follows REST principles for API design and resource management.
- Asynchronous Programming: Utilizes async/await and Promises for non-blocking I/O operations.
- Form Validation: Server-side validation for user inputs and data integrity.
- Session Management: For user authentication and maintaining user state.
- pnpm: Package manager for Node.js dependencies.
- Git: Version control system for collaborative development.
- Nodemon: Development tool for auto-restarting the Node.js application during development.
This tech stack and MVC architecture provide a robust, scalable foundation for the driver testing system, allowing for clear separation of concerns and maintainable code structure.
Name: Sarah Johnson Age: 18 Occupation: High School Student
Background: Sarah is a recent high school graduate who is eager to gain her independence through driving. She has completed her learner's permit requirements and is now ready to apply for her G2 license.
- To easily navigate the driver testing system and apply for her G2 license
- To track her application progress and receive timely updates
- To eventually progress to a full G license
- Limited experience with government systems and bureaucratic processes
- Anxiety about the testing process and potential for failure
- Balancing test preparation with other responsibilities
- Clear, step-by-step guidance through the application process
- Easy-to-understand information about requirements and test expectations
- Ability to practice and prepare for the test within the system
Name: Michael Chen Age: 35 Occupation: Certified Driving Examiner
Background: Michael has been a driving examiner for 7 years. He is detail-oriented and takes his responsibility of ensuring road safety seriously.
- To efficiently manage and conduct driving tests
- To provide fair and accurate assessments of drivers' skills
- To maintain a high standard of road safety through thorough examinations
- Managing a high volume of tests each day
- Ensuring consistency in test administration and scoring
- Dealing with nervous or unprepared test-takers
- A streamlined system for viewing and managing test schedules
- Easy-to-use tools for recording test results and comments
- Quick access to applicant information and driving history
Name: Alex Rodriguez Age: 42 Occupation: DMV Systems Administrator
Background: Alex has worked in IT for government agencies for over 15 years. They are responsible for managing and maintaining the driver testing system.
- To ensure the system runs smoothly and efficiently
- To manage user accounts and access levels
- To generate reports and analyze data for process improvement
- Balancing system updates with minimal downtime
- Managing security and data privacy concerns
- Accommodating changes in regulations and testing requirements
- Robust tools for user management and access control
- Flexible reporting and data analysis capabilities
- Ability to easily create and manage appointment slots
- System for monitoring and addressing technical issues
These personas represent the three main user types of the driver testing system: the driver applicant, the examiner, and the administrator. Each has unique goals, challenges, and needs that the system must address to provide a comprehensive and effective solution for driver licensing and testing.
As a new user I want to create an account So that I can access the driver testing system
Given I am on the signup page When I enter a unique username, matching passwords, and select a user type And I submit the form Then my account should be created And I should be redirected to the login page
Given I am on the signup page When I enter a username and mismatched passwords And I submit the form Then I should see an error message And I should remain on the signup page
Given I am on the signup page When I enter an existing username And I submit the form Then I should see an error message And I should remain on the signup page
As a registered user I want to log in to the system So that I can access my account
Given I am on the login page When I enter valid credentials And I submit the form Then I should be logged in And I should be redirected to my dashboard
Given I am on the login page When I enter invalid credentials And I submit the form Then I should see an error message And I should remain on the login page
As a driver user I want to apply for a G2 license So that I can progress in my driving journey
Given I am logged in as a driver When I navigate to the G2 page And I fill in all required fields And I upload two images And I submit the form Then my G2 application should be saved And I should see a confirmation message
Given I am logged in as a driver When I navigate to the G2 page And I fill in some but not all required fields And I submit the form Then I should see validation errors And my entered data should be retained
As a G2 license holder I want to apply for a G license So that I can become a fully licensed driver
Given I am logged in as a driver with a G2 license When I navigate to the G page And I see my pre-filled information And I update allowed fields And I submit the form Then my G application should be saved And I should see a confirmation message
As an examiner I want to view scheduled driving tests So that I can prepare for my upcoming examinations
Given I am logged in as an examiner When I navigate to the examiner page Then I should see a list of all scheduled driving tests
Given I am logged in as an examiner When I navigate to the examiner page And I select to filter by G2 tests Then I should see only G2 scheduled tests
As an examiner I want to record the results of a driving test So that the system can update the driver's status
Given I am logged in as an examiner When I select a scheduled test And I enter comments about the test And I mark the test as passed And I submit the form Then the driver's status should be updated to passed
Given I am logged in as an examiner When I select a scheduled test And I enter comments about the test And I mark the test as failed And I submit the form Then the driver's status should be updated to failed
As an admin I want to create appointment slots So that drivers can book their tests
Given I am logged in as an admin When I navigate to the appointment page And I select a date and time And I submit the form Then a new appointment slot should be created
Given I am logged in as an admin When I navigate to the appointment page And I select a date and time that already exists And I submit the form Then I should see an error message And no new appointment should be created
As an admin I want to view the results of completed tests So that I can initiate the license issuance process
Given I am logged in as an admin When I navigate to the test results page Then I should see a list of all completed tests with pass/fail status
Given I am logged in as an admin When I navigate to the test results page And I select to filter by passed tests Then I should see only the tests that were passed