Client written in Python3 for CoinDesk API service.
- Get Bitcoin current price
- Get Bitcoin historical price
These instructions will get you a copy of the project on your local system.
CoinDesk API client uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- aiohttp - Asynchronous HTTP client/server for asyncio and Python
- furl - URL parsing and manipulation made easy
- jsonschema - An implementation of JSON Schema validation for Python
- requests - Python HTTP for Humans
And of course CoinDesk API client itself is open source with a public repository on GitHub.
Intall the package from Pypi using the command:
pip install -U coindesk
A series of simple examples:
Get currentprice price for Bitcoin in json format
from coindesk.client import CoindeskAPIClient
api_client = CoindeskAPIClient.start('currentprice')
response = api_client.get()
Get currentprice price for Bitcoin in other currency than USD
from coindesk.client import CoindeskAPIClient
api_client = CoindeskAPIClient.start('currentprice', {'currency': 'EUR'})
response = api_client.get()
Get historical price for Bitcoin in json format
from coindesk.client import CoindeskAPIClient
api_client = CoindeskAPIClient.start('historical')
response = api_client.get()
Get historical price for Bitcoin providing optional parameters
from coindesk.client import CoinDeskAPIClient
api_client = CoindeskAPIClient.start('historical', {'currency': 'EUR', 'for': 'yesterday'})
response = api_client.get()
Make a request with custom parameters either for currentprice or historical
from coindesk.client import CoinDeskAPIClient
api_client = CoindeskAPIClient.start('currentprice', retries=5, redirects=False, timeout=10)
response = api_client.get()
Get raw http response either for currentprice or historical
from coindesk.client import CoinDeskAPIClient
api_client = CoindeskAPIClient.start('currentprice')
response = api_client.get(raw=True)
Get supported currencies to fetch Bitcoin price in
from coindesk.client import CoindeskAPIClient
api_client = CoindeskAPIClient()
supported_currencies = api_client.get_supported_currencies()
Full documentation for CoinDesk API is available at
Free Software. Hell Yeah!