diff --git a/.env.template b/.env.template
index 0131eb77d..78a103940 100644
--- a/.env.template
+++ b/.env.template
@@ -1,35 +1,73 @@
-REACT_APP_MAIN_ENVIRONMENT = "Sepolia" # used to determine which SCROLL_ENVIRONMENT is to be treated as the main/production one
+REACT_APP_MAIN_ENVIRONMENT = "Mainnet" # used to determine which SCROLL_ENVIRONMENT is to be treated as the main/production one
REACT_APP_SENTRY_DSN = "https://791d7df9132d46a9868de0863bd6583c@o4504371258785792.ingest.sentry.io/4504371261079552"
REACT_APP_CONNECT_WALLET_PROJECT_ID = "14efbaafcf5232a47d93a68229b71028"
+REACT_APP_UNIFRA_API_KEY = "9d431c1c-d717-4931-9595-ad0b3a246d13"
REACT_APP_API_BASE_URI = "https://sepolia-api.scroll.io"
-REACT_APP_BRIDGE_API_URI = "https://sepolia-api-bridge.scroll.io/api"
+REACT_APP_BRIDGE_API_URI = "https://sepolia-api-bridge-v2.scroll.io/api"
REACT_APP_ROLLUPSCAN_API_URI = "https://sepolia-api-re.scroll.io/api"
REACT_APP_CHAIN_ID_L1 = "11155111"
REACT_APP_CHAIN_ID_L2 = "534351"
REACT_APP_EXTERNAL_RPC_URI_L1 = "https://ethereum-sepolia.blockpi.network/v1/rpc/public"
REACT_APP_EXTERNAL_RPC_URI_L2 = "https://sepolia-rpc.scroll.io"
REACT_APP_EXTERNAL_EXPLORER_URI_L1 = "https://sepolia.etherscan.io"
-REACT_APP_EXTERNAL_EXPLORER_URI_L2 = "https://sepolia-blockscout.scroll.io"
-REACT_APP_L2_SCAN_URI = "https://scroll.unifra.xyz/"
-REACT_APP_EXTERNAL_EXPLORER_URI_DORA = "https://www.ondora.xyz/zh/network/scroll-sepolia/interactions"
-REACT_APP_ETHERSCAN_L2 = "https://sepolia.scrollscan.dev"
+REACT_APP_EXTERNAL_EXPLORER_URI_L2 = "https://sepolia.scrollscan.com"
+REACT_APP_L2_SCAN_URI = "https://scroll-sepolia.l2scan.co"
+REACT_APP_EXTERNAL_EXPLORER_URI_DORA = "https://www.ondora.xyz/network/scroll-sepolia"
+REACT_APP_ETHERSCAN_L2 = "https://sepolia.scrollscan.com"
+REACT_APP_SCROLL_VENUS_URI = "https://sepolia-venus.scroll.io"
REACT_APP_L2_SWAP_URI = "https://uniswap-showcase.sepolia.scroll.xyz/"
+REACT_APP_L1_ETH_GATEWAY_PROXY_ADDR = "0x8A54A2347Da2562917304141ab67324615e9866d"
+REACT_APP_L2_ETH_GATEWAY_PROXY_ADDR = "0x91e8ADDFe1358aCa5314c644312d38237fC1101C"
+REACT_APP_L1_WETH_GATEWAY_PROXY_ADDR = "0x3dA0BF44814cfC678376b3311838272158211695"
+REACT_APP_L2_WETH_GATEWAY_PROXY_ADDR = "0x481B20A927206aF7A754dB8b904B052e2781ea27"
+REACT_APP_L1_CUSTOM_ERC20_GATEWAY_PROXY_ADDR = "0x31C994F2017E71b82fd4D8118F140c81215bbb37"
+REACT_APP_L2_CUSTOM_ERC20_GATEWAY_PROXY_ADDR = "0x058dec71E53079F9ED053F3a0bBca877F6f3eAcf"
+REACT_APP_L1_DAI_GATEWAY_PROXY_ADDR = "0x8b0B9c4e9f41b9bbDEfFee24F9f11C328093d248"
+REACT_APP_L2_DAI_GATEWAY_PROXY_ADDR = "0xbF28c28490988026Dca2396148DE50136A54534e"
+REACT_APP_L1_LIDO_GATEWAY_PROXY_ADDR = "0xF22B24fa7c3168f30b17fd97b71bdd3162DDe029"
+REACT_APP_L2_LIDO_GATEWAY_PROXY_ADDR = "0x635B054A092F6aE61Ce0Fddc397A704F6626510D"
+REACT_APP_L1_PUFFER_GATEWAY_PROXY_ADDR = "0xA033Ff09f2da45f0e9ae495f525363722Df42b2a"
+REACT_APP_L2_PUFFER_GATEWAY_PROXY_ADDR = "0x9eBf2f33526CD571f8b2ad312492cb650870CFd6"
REACT_APP_L1_STANDARD_ERC20_GATEWAY_PROXY_ADDR = "0x65D123d6389b900d954677c26327bfc1C3e88A13"
REACT_APP_L2_STANDARD_ERC20_GATEWAY_PROXY_ADDR = "0xaDcA915971A336EA2f5b567e662F5bd74AEf9582"
+REACT_APP_L1_SCROLL_MESSENGER = "0x50c7d3e7f7c656493D1D76aaa1a836CedfCBB16A"
+REACT_APP_L2_SCROLL_MESSENGER = "0xBa50f5340FB9F3Bd074bD638c9BE13eCB36E603d"
REACT_APP_L1_GATEWAY_ROUTER_PROXY_ADDR = "0x13FBE0D0e5552b8c9c4AE9e2435F38f37355998a"
REACT_APP_L2_GATEWAY_ROUTER_PROXY_ADDR = "0x9aD3c5617eCAa556d6E166787A97081907171230"
REACT_APP_L1_GAS_PRICE_ORACLE = "0x5300000000000000000000000000000000000002"
+REACT_APP_SCROLL_CHAIN = "0x2D567EcE699Eabe5afCd141eDB7A4f2D0D6ce8a0"
+REACT_APP_L1_MESSAGE_QUEUE = "0xF0B2293F5D834eAe920c6974D50957A1732de763"
+REACT_APP_L1_BATCH_BRIDGE_GATEWAY_PROXY_ADDR = "0xE86ad3312FA693aDeD34dEc3899176d97ac883B2"
REACT_APP_L2_GAS_PRICE_ORACLE = "0x247969F4fad93a33d4826046bc3eAE0D36BdE548"
\ No newline at end of file
+REACT_APP_FFRONTENDS_URL = "https://scroll-skelly.env.scroll.io"
+REACT_APP_EAS_EXPLORER_URL = "https://scroll-sepolia.easscan.org"
+REACT_APP_ETHEREUM_YEAR_BADGE_API_URI = "https://genesis-nft-backend-git-sepolia-scroll-tech.vercel.app"
+REACT_APP_ETHEREUM_YEAR_BADGE_ADDRESS = "0xB59B6466B21a089c93B14030AF88b164905a58fd"
+REACT_APP_SCR_HOLDING_BADGE_ADDRESS = "0xef071708e09becfeac1e3d8afa1602bb6eb57922"
diff --git a/.envrc b/.envrc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c467cc7ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.envrc
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+layout node
+dotenv_if_exists .env
diff --git a/.github/workflows/bump_version.yml b/.github/workflows/bump_version.yml
index d329e99ec..f4d7c65ac 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/bump_version.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/bump_version.yml
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ name: "Bump Version on sepolia"
- - sepolia
+ - disabled-sepolia
diff --git a/.github/workflows/merge_prod_back_to_dev.yml b/.github/workflows/merge_prod_back_to_dev.yml
index df1bea7b5..ee4b52719 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/merge_prod_back_to_dev.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/merge_prod_back_to_dev.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ name: "Merge Prod Back to Dev"
- - mainnet
+ - disabled-mainnet
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 25d16984e..aec92f6b9 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -24,4 +24,13 @@ yarn-error.log*
\ No newline at end of file
+# Local Netlify folder
diff --git a/craco.config.js b/craco.config.js
index 42de06d76..7e8d9763a 100644
--- a/craco.config.js
+++ b/craco.config.js
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ const CracoLessPlugin = require("craco-less")
const webpack = require("webpack")
const path = require("path")
const MiniCssExtractPlugin = require("mini-css-extract-plugin")
-const SentryWebpackPlugin = require("@sentry/webpack-plugin")
+// const SentryWebpackPlugin = require("@sentry/webpack-plugin")
module.exports = {
babel: {
@@ -73,14 +74,22 @@ module.exports = {
fullySpecified: false,
- if (env === "production") {
- const sentryPlugin = new SentryWebpackPlugin({
- org: "scroll-zkp",
- project: "scroll-io",
- include: "./build",
- release: process.env.REACT_APP_VERSION,
- })
- webpackConfig.plugins.push(sentryPlugin)
+ webpackConfig.module.rules.push({
+ test: /\.m?js$/,
+ include: /node_modules/,
+ type: "javascript/auto",
+ resolve: {
+ fullySpecified: false,
+ },
+ })
+ if (env === "production" && process.env.CI) {
+ // const sentryPlugin = new SentryWebpackPlugin({
+ // include: "./build",
+ // release: process.env.REACT_APP_VERSION,
+ // })
+ // webpackConfig.plugins.push(sentryPlugin)
const instanceOfMiniCssExtractPlugin = webpackConfig.plugins.find(plugin => plugin instanceof MiniCssExtractPlugin)
instanceOfMiniCssExtractPlugin.options.ignoreOrder = true
diff --git a/docs/canvas.md b/docs/canvas.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b8293388f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/canvas.md
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+# Scroll Canvas - Anthropomorphic "assistants" Integration Guide for Developers
+## Introduction
+This guide provides developers with the necessary steps to integrate the Canvas minting functionality on the Scroll network into third-party platforms. By following this guide, you will enable your users to mint badges directly from your platform.
+## Prerequisites
+Ensure that your platform is compatible with and connected to the Scroll network. Developers should have a basic understanding of blockchain interactions and contract operations within the Scroll ecosystem.
+## Integration Steps
+### Step 1: Network Connection
+Before initiating any minting operations, verify that the platform is connected to the Scroll network.
+### Step 2: Compliance with Minting Requirements
+Check for compliance with predefined minting rules set by your platform. These rules are defined by partners and should be verified before proceeding.
+### Step 3: Mint Prompt
+A scrolly can be placed in the corner of the page to remind the user to mint a badge.
+[Reference code](https://github.com/scroll-tech/frontends/blob/mainnet/src/pages/bridge/components/MintBadge/index.tsx)
+After clicking the button, there are two ways to show the badge introduction:
+- Redirect to badge introduction page 【officially used】
+ [Reference code](https://github.com/scroll-tech/frontends/blob/mainnet/src/pages/canvas/badgeContract/index.tsx)
+- Show a mint pop-up displaying badge introduction
+ [Reference code](https://github.com/scroll-tech/frontends/blob/mainnet/src/pages/canvas/Dashboard/BadgeDetailDialog/index.tsx)
+##### Main actions:
+1. Retrieve the badge description information according to [badgeTokenURI](https://github.com/scroll-tech/canvas-contracts/blob/master/src/badge/extensions/ScrollBadgeDefaultURI.sol) and display it to the user.
+2. Check if the user already has this badge
+3. Check user eligibility for minting
+4. Display an ineligibility message according to the badge type
+5. Disable the mint button for ineligible users
+6. Enable the mint button for eligible users
+### Step 4: Additional Conditions
+Badges and Canvas are not inherently linked, meaning a user can mint a badge without minting a Canvas. However, if you want to require the user to mint the Canvas first before minting the badge (so that the minted badge can be automatically attached to the Scroll Canvas), you can add an extra check for this.
+- On a badge introduction page
+- On a badge introduction modal
+[Reference Code](https://github.com/scroll-tech/frontends/blob/mainnet/src/services/canvasService.ts#L128)
+### Step 5: Execute Mint Operation
+Scroll supports 3 different types of badges, each with its corresponding minting method except for gifted badge which would be minted by the issuer. You can refer to [the function](https://github.com/scroll-tech/frontends/blob/mainnet/src/services/canvasService.ts#L330) for details.
+### Step 6: Post-Mint Process
+After minting successfully,
+- Redirect to the user’s badge detail page and display the badge details.
+ [Reference code](https://github.com/scroll-tech/frontends/blob/mainnet/src/pages/canvas/badge/index.tsx)
+- Only display a success notification.
+ [Reference code](https://github.com/scroll-tech/frontends/blob/mainnet/src/pages/canvas/Dashboard/BadgeDetailDialog/index.tsx#L121)
+## Conclusion
+[canvasService](https://github.com/scroll-tech/frontends/blob/mainnet/src/services/canvasService.ts) includes many useful methods for interacting with Canvas-related contracts, like: `getBadgeMetadata`, `checkIfHasBadgeByAddress`, `mintBadge`.
+[badgeContract](https://github.com/scroll-tech/frontends/blob/mainnet/src/pages/canvas/badgeContract/index.tsx) and [badge](https://github.com/scroll-tech/frontends/blob/mainnet/src/pages/canvas/badge/index.tsx) are the two important parts currently used in the Scroll frontend's mint badge process.
+Additionally, if you want a more lightweight way to integrate the mint badge process into your website, [BadgeDetailDialog](https://github.com/scroll-tech/frontends/blob/mainnet/src/pages/canvas/Dashboard/BadgeDetailDialog/index.tsx) is a solution worth trying.
+This guide should assist you in integrating the Canvas mint functionality within your platform. If you need additional support or have some questions, please contact our developer support team.
diff --git a/netlify.toml b/netlify.toml
index 025ed33d2..759c5aadb 100644
--- a/netlify.toml
+++ b/netlify.toml
@@ -1,3 +1,94 @@
+from = "/blog/scalingSecurity"
+to = "/blog/scaling-security"
+status = 301
+from = "/blog/founderLetter"
+to = "/blog/founder-letter"
+status = 301
+from = "/blog/scrollSepolia"
+to = "/blog/scroll-sepolia"
+status = 301
+from = "/blog/contributeToScroll"
+to = "/blog/contribute-to-scroll"
+status = 301
+from = "/blog/alphaTestnet"
+to = "/blog/alpha-testnet"
+status = 301
+from = "/blog/releaseNote0109"
+to = "/blog/release-note-0109"
+status = 301
+from = "/blog/proofGeneration"
+to = "/blog/proof-generation"
+status = 301
+from = "/blog/upgradingPreAlphaTestnet"
+to = "/blog/upgrading-pre-alpha-testnet"
+status = 301
+from = "/blog/technicalPrinciples"
+to = "/blog/technical-principles"
+status = 301
+from = "/blog/preAlphaTestnet"
+to = "/blog/pre-alpha-testnet"
+status = 301
+from = "/blog/visionAndValues"
+to = "/blog/vision-and-values"
+status = 301
+from = "/blog/zkEVM"
+to = "/blog/zkevm"
+status = 301
+from = "/blog/scrollsFreshCoat"
+to = "/blog/scrolls-fresh-coat"
+status = 301
+from = "/sticker-vote"
+to = "/sticker-winners"
+status = 301
+from = "/canvas/listing"
+to = "https://badge-registry.canvas.scroll.cat/badge-registry"
+status = 200
+force = true
+from = "/badge-registry/*"
+to = "https://badge-registry.canvas.scroll.cat/badge-registry/:splat"
+status = 200
+from = "/airdrop-faq"
+to = "https://scroll-faqs.gitbook.io/faqs"
+status = 301
+from = "/gov-docs/*"
+to = "https://scroll-governance-documentation.vercel.app/:splat"
+status = 200
from = "/*"
to = "/"
@@ -21,13 +112,15 @@ package = "/plugins/netlify/env"
REACT_APP_MAIN_ENVIRONMENT = "Mainnet" # used to determine which SCROLL_ENVIRONMENT is to be treated as the main/production one
-REACT_APP_SENTRY_DSN = "https://791d7df9132d46a9868de0863bd6583c@o4504371258785792.ingest.sentry.io/4504371261079552"
+REACT_APP_SENTRY_DSN = "https://ca6f303c47c5bb4f0077d0cf6ae31b52@sentry.scroll.io/2"
REACT_APP_CONNECT_WALLET_PROJECT_ID = "14efbaafcf5232a47d93a68229b71028"
REACT_APP_UNIFRA_API_KEY = "9d431c1c-d717-4931-9595-ad0b3a246d13"
@@ -43,6 +136,7 @@ REACT_APP_EXTERNAL_EXPLORER_URI_L2 = "https://sepolia.scrollscan.com"
REACT_APP_L2_SCAN_URI = "https://scroll-sepolia.l2scan.co"
REACT_APP_EXTERNAL_EXPLORER_URI_DORA = "https://www.ondora.xyz/network/scroll-sepolia"
REACT_APP_ETHERSCAN_L2 = "https://sepolia.scrollscan.com"
+REACT_APP_SCROLL_VENUS_URI = "https://sepolia-venus.scroll.io"
REACT_APP_L2_SWAP_URI = "https://uniswap-showcase.sepolia.scroll.xyz/"
REACT_APP_L1_ETH_GATEWAY_PROXY_ADDR = "0x8A54A2347Da2562917304141ab67324615e9866d"
REACT_APP_L2_ETH_GATEWAY_PROXY_ADDR = "0x91e8ADDFe1358aCa5314c644312d38237fC1101C"
@@ -54,8 +148,10 @@ REACT_APP_L1_USDC_GATEWAY_PROXY_ADDR = ""
REACT_APP_L1_DAI_GATEWAY_PROXY_ADDR = "0x8b0B9c4e9f41b9bbDEfFee24F9f11C328093d248"
REACT_APP_L2_DAI_GATEWAY_PROXY_ADDR = "0xbF28c28490988026Dca2396148DE50136A54534e"
+REACT_APP_L1_LIDO_GATEWAY_PROXY_ADDR = "0xF22B24fa7c3168f30b17fd97b71bdd3162DDe029"
+REACT_APP_L2_LIDO_GATEWAY_PROXY_ADDR = "0x635B054A092F6aE61Ce0Fddc397A704F6626510D"
+REACT_APP_L1_PUFFER_GATEWAY_PROXY_ADDR = "0xA033Ff09f2da45f0e9ae495f525363722Df42b2a"
+REACT_APP_L2_PUFFER_GATEWAY_PROXY_ADDR = "0x9eBf2f33526CD571f8b2ad312492cb650870CFd6"
REACT_APP_L1_STANDARD_ERC20_GATEWAY_PROXY_ADDR = "0x65D123d6389b900d954677c26327bfc1C3e88A13"
REACT_APP_L2_STANDARD_ERC20_GATEWAY_PROXY_ADDR = "0xaDcA915971A336EA2f5b567e662F5bd74AEf9582"
REACT_APP_L1_SCROLL_MESSENGER = "0x50c7d3e7f7c656493D1D76aaa1a836CedfCBB16A"
@@ -63,51 +159,28 @@ REACT_APP_L2_SCROLL_MESSENGER = "0xBa50f5340FB9F3Bd074bD638c9BE13eCB36E603d"
REACT_APP_L1_GATEWAY_ROUTER_PROXY_ADDR = "0x13FBE0D0e5552b8c9c4AE9e2435F38f37355998a"
REACT_APP_L2_GATEWAY_ROUTER_PROXY_ADDR = "0x9aD3c5617eCAa556d6E166787A97081907171230"
REACT_APP_L1_GAS_PRICE_ORACLE = "0x5300000000000000000000000000000000000002"
-REACT_APP_L2_GAS_PRICE_ORACLE = "0x247969F4fad93a33d4826046bc3eAE0D36BdE548"
REACT_APP_SCROLL_CHAIN = "0x2D567EcE699Eabe5afCd141eDB7A4f2D0D6ce8a0"
REACT_APP_L1_MESSAGE_QUEUE = "0xF0B2293F5D834eAe920c6974D50957A1732de763"
+REACT_APP_L1_BATCH_BRIDGE_GATEWAY_PROXY_ADDR = "0xE86ad3312FA693aDeD34dEc3899176d97ac883B2"
+REACT_APP_OPEN_BLOCK_URI = "http://obl-data-gateway-dev-568660380.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com:8000"
+REACT_APP_FFRONTENDS_URL = "https://scroll-skelly.env.scroll.io"
+REACT_APP_EAS_EXPLORER_URL = "https://scroll-sepolia.easscan.org"
+REACT_APP_ETHEREUM_YEAR_BADGE_API_URI = "https://genesis-nft-backend-git-sepolia-scroll-tech.vercel.app"
+REACT_APP_ETHEREUM_YEAR_BADGE_ADDRESS = "0xB59B6466B21a089c93B14030AF88b164905a58fd"
-REACT_APP_API_BASE_URI = "https://sepolia-api.scroll.io"
-REACT_APP_BRIDGE_API_URI = "https://sepolia-api-bridge-v2.scroll.io/api"
-REACT_APP_ROLLUPSCAN_API_URI = "https://sepolia-api-re.scroll.io/api"
-REACT_APP_CHAIN_ID_L1 = "11155111"
-REACT_APP_CHAIN_ID_L2 = "534351"
-REACT_APP_EXTERNAL_RPC_URI_L1 = "https://ethereum-sepolia.blockpi.network/v1/rpc/public"
-REACT_APP_EXTERNAL_RPC_URI_L2 = "https://sepolia-rpc.scroll.io"
-REACT_APP_EXTERNAL_EXPLORER_URI_L1 = "https://sepolia.etherscan.io"
-REACT_APP_EXTERNAL_EXPLORER_URI_L2 = "https://sepolia.scrollscan.com"
-REACT_APP_L2_SCAN_URI = "https://scroll-sepolia.l2scan.co"
-REACT_APP_EXTERNAL_EXPLORER_URI_DORA = "https://www.ondora.xyz/network/scroll-sepolia"
-REACT_APP_ETHERSCAN_L2 = "https://sepolia.scrollscan.com"
-REACT_APP_L2_SWAP_URI = "https://uniswap-showcase.sepolia.scroll.xyz/"
-REACT_APP_L1_ETH_GATEWAY_PROXY_ADDR = "0x8A54A2347Da2562917304141ab67324615e9866d"
-REACT_APP_L2_ETH_GATEWAY_PROXY_ADDR = "0x91e8ADDFe1358aCa5314c644312d38237fC1101C"
-REACT_APP_L1_WETH_GATEWAY_PROXY_ADDR = "0x3dA0BF44814cfC678376b3311838272158211695"
-REACT_APP_L2_WETH_GATEWAY_PROXY_ADDR = "0x481B20A927206aF7A754dB8b904B052e2781ea27"
-REACT_APP_L1_CUSTOM_ERC20_GATEWAY_PROXY_ADDR = "0x31C994F2017E71b82fd4D8118F140c81215bbb37"
-REACT_APP_L2_CUSTOM_ERC20_GATEWAY_PROXY_ADDR = "0x058dec71E53079F9ED053F3a0bBca877F6f3eAcf"
-REACT_APP_L1_DAI_GATEWAY_PROXY_ADDR = "0x8b0B9c4e9f41b9bbDEfFee24F9f11C328093d248"
-REACT_APP_L2_DAI_GATEWAY_PROXY_ADDR = "0xbF28c28490988026Dca2396148DE50136A54534e"
-REACT_APP_L1_STANDARD_ERC20_GATEWAY_PROXY_ADDR = "0x65D123d6389b900d954677c26327bfc1C3e88A13"
-REACT_APP_L2_STANDARD_ERC20_GATEWAY_PROXY_ADDR = "0xaDcA915971A336EA2f5b567e662F5bd74AEf9582"
-REACT_APP_L1_SCROLL_MESSENGER = "0x50c7d3e7f7c656493D1D76aaa1a836CedfCBB16A"
-REACT_APP_L2_SCROLL_MESSENGER = "0xBa50f5340FB9F3Bd074bD638c9BE13eCB36E603d"
-REACT_APP_L1_GATEWAY_ROUTER_PROXY_ADDR = "0x13FBE0D0e5552b8c9c4AE9e2435F38f37355998a"
-REACT_APP_L2_GATEWAY_ROUTER_PROXY_ADDR = "0x9aD3c5617eCAa556d6E166787A97081907171230"
-REACT_APP_L1_GAS_PRICE_ORACLE = "0x5300000000000000000000000000000000000002"
-REACT_APP_L2_GAS_PRICE_ORACLE = "0x247969F4fad93a33d4826046bc3eAE0D36BdE548"
-REACT_APP_SCROLL_CHAIN = "0x2D567EcE699Eabe5afCd141eDB7A4f2D0D6ce8a0"
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+ [-126.525244140625, 49.719580078125],
+ [-126.9033203125, 49.944140625],
+ [-127.114306640625, 49.879736328125],
+ [-127.2498046875, 50.13798828125],
+ [-127.3494140625, 50.051953125],
+ [-127.467138671875, 50.163427734375],
+ [-127.863916015625, 50.127734375],
+ [-127.905859375, 50.44521484375],
+ [-127.4865234375, 50.404638671875],
+ [-127.46591796875, 50.5831054687501],
+ [-128.058349609375, 50.498486328125],
+ [-128.346044921875, 50.74423828125],
+ [-127.91806640625, 50.860546875],
+ [-127.197314453125, 50.640380859375]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-55.4587402343749, 51.5365234375001],
+ [-55.5833984374999, 51.38857421875],
+ [-56.031103515625, 51.328369140625],
+ [-55.8, 51.03330078125],
+ [-56.73232421875, 50.00771484375],
+ [-56.82216796875, 49.6134765625],
+ [-56.17939453125, 50.114990234375],
+ [-56.161279296875, 49.94013671875],
+ [-55.5029296875, 49.983154296875],
+ [-56.140185546875, 49.6191406250001],
+ [-55.86982421875, 49.6701660156251],
+ [-56.0873046875, 49.451953125],
+ [-55.375927734375, 49.48974609375],
+ [-55.34384765625, 49.3729003906251],
+ [-55.229541015625, 49.508154296875],
+ [-55.353173828125, 49.0794433593751],
+ [-54.502197265625, 49.52734375],
+ [-54.4482421875, 49.329443359375],
+ [-53.95771484375, 49.441845703125],
+ [-53.61943359375, 49.321630859375],
+ [-53.5734375, 49.1412109375],
+ [-54.1612792968749, 48.7876953125],
+ [-53.852880859375, 48.811328125],
+ [-53.966015625, 48.7066894531251],
+ [-53.70634765625, 48.655517578125],
+ [-54.114453125, 48.393603515625],
+ [-53.027587890625, 48.634716796875],
+ [-53.1357421875, 48.40185546875],
+ [-53.609765625, 48.20771484375],
+ [-53.56943359375, 48.0880859375],
+ [-53.8695800781249, 48.019677734375],
+ [-53.638232421875, 48.0146484375],
+ [-53.863671875, 47.78701171875],
+ [-53.67236328125, 47.6482421875],
+ [-53.28271484375, 47.9978515625],
+ [-52.8660156249999, 48.11298828125],
+ [-53.16982421875, 47.5121093750001],
+ [-52.94501953125, 47.55283203125],
+ [-52.782421875, 47.76943359375],
+ [-52.653662109375, 47.5494140625],
+ [-53.11484375, 46.655810546875],
+ [-53.323046875, 46.718359375],
+ [-53.589794921875, 46.6388671875],
+ [-53.59736328125, 47.14599609375],
+ [-54.0095703124999, 46.839599609375],
+ [-54.17373046875, 46.88037109375],
+ [-53.84951171875, 47.44033203125],
+ [-53.989013671875, 47.756201171875],
+ [-54.191845703125, 47.859814453125],
+ [-54.488134765625, 47.403857421875],
+ [-54.47392578125, 47.5470703125],
+ [-54.856640625, 47.385009765625],
+ [-55.3157226562499, 46.905712890625],
+ [-55.788525390625, 46.867236328125],
+ [-55.91923828125, 47.01689453125],
+ [-55.49150390625, 47.16064453125],
+ [-54.784619140625, 47.66474609375],
+ [-55.36630859375, 47.661083984375],
+ [-55.576123046875, 47.465234375],
+ [-56.12724609375, 47.50283203125],
+ [-55.86708984375, 47.592333984375],
+ [-55.85791015625, 47.819189453125],
+ [-56.77412109375, 47.564990234375],
+ [-58.336865234375, 47.730859375],
+ [-59.1169433593749, 47.570703125],
+ [-59.320654296875, 47.7369140625],
+ [-59.2720703125, 47.995556640625],
+ [-58.330224609375, 48.522119140625],
+ [-59.16767578125, 48.55849609375],
+ [-58.841796875, 48.746435546875],
+ [-58.9064453125, 48.6501953125],
+ [-58.716455078125, 48.598046875],
+ [-58.403662109375, 49.084326171875],
+ [-57.99052734375, 48.987939453125],
+ [-58.0989257812499, 49.07744140625],
+ [-57.980078125, 49.229638671875],
+ [-58.19091796875, 49.258740234375],
+ [-58.21337890625, 49.386669921875],
+ [-58.0158203125, 49.54248046875],
+ [-57.79130859375, 49.489990234375],
+ [-57.926171875, 49.700830078125],
+ [-57.4326171875, 50.505810546875],
+ [-57.17958984375, 50.61484375],
+ [-57.297998046875, 50.69873046875],
+ [-57.0359375, 51.01083984375],
+ [-56.682421875, 51.332763671875],
+ [-56.0255859375, 51.5683593750001],
+ [-55.6904296875, 51.471337890625],
+ [-55.66640625, 51.57890625],
+ [-55.4587402343749, 51.5365234375001]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-127.924658203125, 51.473876953125],
+ [-128.148779296875, 51.626708984375],
+ [-128.03173828125, 51.7083984375],
+ [-127.924658203125, 51.473876953125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-79.38427734375, 51.951953125],
+ [-79.64375, 52.01005859375],
+ [-79.2712890625, 52.08681640625],
+ [-79.38427734375, 51.951953125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-128.36875, 52.40087890625],
+ [-128.439794921875, 52.69638671875],
+ [-128.247265625, 52.784375],
+ [-128.36875, 52.40087890625]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-80.7316894531249, 52.747265625],
+ [-82.0392578125, 53.04990234375],
+ [-81.8473144531249, 53.186279296875],
+ [-81.135595703125, 53.205810546875],
+ [-80.7316894531249, 52.747265625]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-131.7537109375, 53.195556640625],
+ [-131.63466796875, 52.92216796875],
+ [-131.97177734375, 52.879833984375],
+ [-131.455224609375, 52.701708984375],
+ [-131.590576171875, 52.57822265625],
+ [-131.259716796875, 52.41591796875],
+ [-131.319921875, 52.303076171875],
+ [-131.142626953125, 52.29111328125],
+ [-131.221533203125, 52.15361328125],
+ [-132.165087890625, 52.78330078125],
+ [-132.14375, 52.99931640625],
+ [-132.54677734375, 53.1375],
+ [-131.7537109375, 53.195556640625]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-128.55244140625, 52.93974609375],
+ [-128.509912109375, 52.518603515625],
+ [-128.678955078125, 52.2896484375],
+ [-128.746337890625, 52.76337890625],
+ [-128.8998046875, 52.673828125],
+ [-129.175927734375, 52.96494140625],
+ [-129.033251953125, 53.2799316406251],
+ [-128.632666015625, 53.1125],
+ [-128.55244140625, 52.93974609375]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-129.167724609375, 53.11787109375],
+ [-129.323876953125, 53.142138671875],
+ [-129.23818359375, 53.3300781250001],
+ [-129.167724609375, 53.11787109375]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-129.848583984375, 53.167919921875],
+ [-130.517578125, 53.54423828125],
+ [-130.452001953125, 53.63115234375],
+ [-129.9447265625, 53.436376953125],
+ [-129.754833984375, 53.244775390625],
+ [-129.848583984375, 53.167919921875]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-130.236279296875, 53.958544921875],
+ [-130.384228515625, 53.8439453125],
+ [-130.703173828125, 53.892236328125],
+ [-130.447998046875, 54.089013671875],
+ [-130.236279296875, 53.958544921875]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-132.655517578125, 54.127490234375],
+ [-132.303369140625, 54.098876953125],
+ [-132.16611328125, 53.9552246093751],
+ [-132.53466796875, 53.651708984375],
+ [-132.186962890625, 53.684814453125],
+ [-132.134423828125, 54.03427734375],
+ [-131.667626953125, 54.141357421875],
+ [-131.957421875, 53.30869140625],
+ [-132.347265625, 53.189208984375],
+ [-132.747509765625, 53.310498046875],
+ [-132.425, 53.336962890625],
+ [-132.84501953125, 53.50771484375],
+ [-133.0794921875, 53.83701171875],
+ [-133.048388671875, 54.158935546875],
+ [-132.655517578125, 54.127490234375]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-130.9271484375, 54.479052734375],
+ [-130.9068359375, 54.631787109375],
+ [-130.7580078125, 54.61376953125],
+ [-130.9271484375, 54.479052734375]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-130.575341796875, 54.769677734375],
+ [-130.2140625, 55.02587890625],
+ [-130.3494140625, 54.81455078125],
+ [-130.575341796875, 54.769677734375]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-79.977587890625, 56.2070312500001],
+ [-80.057470703125, 56.287353515625],
+ [-79.579736328125, 56.466357421875],
+ [-79.977587890625, 56.2070312500001]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-78.935595703125, 56.266064453125],
+ [-79.17548828125, 55.88505859375],
+ [-79.18212890625, 56.212158203125],
+ [-79.4951171875, 55.874755859375],
+ [-79.76474609375, 55.8067871093751],
+ [-79.5447265625, 56.128369140625],
+ [-79.9875, 55.892138671875],
+ [-79.45888671875, 56.53974609375],
+ [-79.536328125, 56.180078125],
+ [-79.2724121093749, 56.600439453125],
+ [-78.935595703125, 56.266064453125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-61.743603515625, 57.5545898437501],
+ [-61.6375, 57.416064453125],
+ [-62.01123046875, 57.5484863281251],
+ [-61.743603515625, 57.5545898437501]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-79.71650390625, 57.51552734375],
+ [-79.808447265625, 57.442431640625],
+ [-79.742578125, 57.607958984375],
+ [-79.71650390625, 57.51552734375]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-69.16005859375, 59.040234375],
+ [-69.35283203125, 58.9607421875],
+ [-69.30322265625, 59.144873046875],
+ [-69.16005859375, 59.040234375]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-64.40703125, 60.36708984375],
+ [-64.441943359375, 60.2978515625],
+ [-64.737939453125, 60.375634765625],
+ [-64.83642578125, 60.501025390625],
+ [-64.40703125, 60.36708984375]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-68.2337890625, 60.24091796875],
+ [-68.36787109375, 60.31474609375],
+ [-68.08759765625, 60.587841796875],
+ [-67.8188476562499, 60.4495117187501],
+ [-68.2337890625, 60.24091796875]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-78.531640625, 60.728564453125],
+ [-78.668896484375, 60.71689453125],
+ [-78.24169921875, 60.81865234375],
+ [-78.531640625, 60.728564453125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-64.8326171875, 61.366064453125],
+ [-65.43212890625, 61.64951171875],
+ [-64.7896484375, 61.66220703125],
+ [-64.8326171875, 61.366064453125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-65.03056640625, 61.879052734375],
+ [-64.89658203125, 61.7333007812501],
+ [-65.2353515625, 61.8977050781251],
+ [-65.03056640625, 61.879052734375]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-79.5453125, 62.4117187500001],
+ [-79.286474609375, 62.24765625],
+ [-79.32392578125, 62.02607421875],
+ [-79.81611328125, 61.59462890625],
+ [-80.265185546875, 61.818212890625],
+ [-80.26005859375, 62.109033203125],
+ [-79.9267578125, 62.39287109375],
+ [-79.5453125, 62.4117187500001]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-64.823828125, 62.558740234375],
+ [-64.4650390625, 62.5359375],
+ [-64.4783203125, 62.41787109375],
+ [-64.901220703125, 62.421044921875],
+ [-64.823828125, 62.558740234375]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-70.337060546875, 62.54873046875],
+ [-70.766064453125, 62.596875],
+ [-71.2201171875, 62.87392578125],
+ [-70.442626953125, 62.7337890625],
+ [-70.337060546875, 62.54873046875]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-82.00048828125, 62.95419921875],
+ [-82.025830078125, 62.730078125],
+ [-82.56826171875, 62.40322265625],
+ [-83.0158203125, 62.209912109375],
+ [-83.698876953125, 62.16025390625],
+ [-83.910498046875, 62.454150390625],
+ [-83.376416015625, 62.904931640625],
+ [-82.00048828125, 62.95419921875]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-77.876708984375, 63.470556640625],
+ [-77.53271484375, 63.233642578125],
+ [-77.942431640625, 63.114404296875],
+ [-78.536767578125, 63.42373046875],
+ [-77.876708984375, 63.470556640625]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-76.677587890625, 63.3939453125],
+ [-77.3647460937499, 63.588330078125],
+ [-77.13369140625, 63.68203125],
+ [-76.65244140625, 63.503564453125],
+ [-76.677587890625, 63.3939453125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-84.91962890625, 65.261083984375],
+ [-84.501123046875, 65.458447265625],
+ [-84.08486328125, 65.217822265625],
+ [-82.05, 64.6442871093751],
+ [-81.676123046875, 64.212646484375],
+ [-81.887109375, 64.01640625],
+ [-80.828955078125, 64.08994140625],
+ [-80.30205078125, 63.76220703125],
+ [-81.04638671875, 63.461572265625],
+ [-82.378125, 63.706787109375],
+ [-82.46708984375, 63.926953125],
+ [-83.303955078125, 64.1437988281251],
+ [-84.63291015625, 63.309228515625],
+ [-85.392626953125, 63.119677734375],
+ [-85.7689453125, 63.700341796875],
+ [-87.151904296875, 63.58564453125],
+ [-86.93203125, 63.90166015625],
+ [-86.252099609375, 64.136865234375],
+ [-86.374267578125, 64.5658203125],
+ [-86.074609375, 65.533837890625],
+ [-85.5546875, 65.91865234375],
+ [-85.176220703125, 65.746875],
+ [-85.2399414062499, 65.510302734375],
+ [-84.91962890625, 65.261083984375]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-84.674755859375, 65.575],
+ [-85.096337890625, 65.756201171875],
+ [-85.149609375, 66.0153808593751],
+ [-84.757373046875, 65.8589355468751],
+ [-84.674755859375, 65.575]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-83.7259765625, 65.796728515625],
+ [-83.233740234375, 65.7150390625],
+ [-83.332421875, 65.6310546875],
+ [-84.11826171875, 65.7717773437501],
+ [-84.407177734375, 66.131005859375],
+ [-83.786962890625, 65.965771484375],
+ [-83.7259765625, 65.796728515625]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-108.092724609375, 67.00517578125],
+ [-107.805517578125, 66.9985839843751],
+ [-107.9439453125, 66.8578125],
+ [-108.092724609375, 67.00517578125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-62.68154296875, 67.056298828125],
+ [-62.871630859375, 67.0625976562501],
+ [-62.416796875, 67.1884765625],
+ [-62.68154296875, 67.056298828125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-107.899853515625, 67.401806640625],
+ [-107.950244140625, 67.318212890625],
+ [-108.15224609375, 67.429443359375],
+ [-108.048974609375, 67.664892578125],
+ [-107.899853515625, 67.401806640625]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-73.621728515625, 67.783837890625],
+ [-74.573388671875, 67.8286621093751],
+ [-74.70654296875, 68.06708984375],
+ [-73.49375, 68.000634765625],
+ [-73.407177734375, 67.79306640625],
+ [-73.621728515625, 67.783837890625]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-86.595556640625, 67.7359375],
+ [-86.892529296875, 67.836572265625],
+ [-86.959814453125, 68.100244140625],
+ [-86.702099609375, 68.305615234375],
+ [-86.421142578125, 68.183447265625],
+ [-86.595556640625, 67.7359375]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-75.67587890625, 68.3225097656251],
+ [-75.078125, 68.17314453125],
+ [-75.201953125, 67.4591796875],
+ [-75.780078125, 67.283544921875],
+ [-76.944189453125, 67.25029296875],
+ [-77.30439453125, 67.6851074218751],
+ [-77.12587890625, 67.9470703125],
+ [-76.59580078125, 68.278955078125],
+ [-75.67587890625, 68.3225097656251]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-78.98271484375, 68.192822265625],
+ [-79.1747558593749, 68.264453125],
+ [-78.952587890625, 68.3530273437501],
+ [-78.98271484375, 68.192822265625]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-104.540673828125, 68.405908203125],
+ [-105.0513671875, 68.559033203125],
+ [-104.602001953125, 68.5615234375],
+ [-104.540673828125, 68.405908203125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-74.880859375, 68.3486816406251],
+ [-75.400244140625, 68.52548828125],
+ [-75.28740234375, 68.687744140625],
+ [-74.983642578125, 68.647607421875],
+ [-74.880859375, 68.3486816406251]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-101.8458984375, 68.586328125],
+ [-102.308154296875, 68.681982421875],
+ [-102.01337890625, 68.825390625],
+ [-101.732958984375, 68.75341796875],
+ [-101.8458984375, 68.586328125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-100.217236328125, 68.806689453125],
+ [-100.596533203125, 68.7664062500001],
+ [-100.565478515625, 69.026806640625],
+ [-100.217236328125, 68.806689453125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-99.994677734375, 69.013525390625],
+ [-100.195703125, 68.991455078125],
+ [-100.153125, 69.1294921875],
+ [-99.994677734375, 69.013525390625]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-79.21064453125, 68.845458984375],
+ [-79.24267578125, 69.049267578125],
+ [-78.332568359375, 69.38603515625],
+ [-78.77919921875, 68.95048828125],
+ [-79.21064453125, 68.845458984375]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-90.1998046875, 69.419091796875],
+ [-90.3302734374999, 69.252197265625],
+ [-90.492041015625, 69.369873046875],
+ [-90.1998046875, 69.419091796875]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-76.995361328125, 69.14375],
+ [-77.37939453125, 69.2740234375],
+ [-77.187548828125, 69.440087890625],
+ [-76.66884765625, 69.366162109375],
+ [-76.995361328125, 69.14375]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-101.171728515625, 69.3970703125],
+ [-101.312890625, 69.57607421875],
+ [-101.000634765625, 69.4619140625],
+ [-101.171728515625, 69.3970703125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-95.513671875, 69.5736328125],
+ [-95.437451171875, 69.3784667968751],
+ [-95.730126953125, 69.34755859375],
+ [-95.806201171875, 69.560498046875],
+ [-95.89345703125, 69.3517578125],
+ [-95.875830078125, 69.6060058593751],
+ [-95.513671875, 69.5736328125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-67.9146972656249, 69.540966796875],
+ [-68.22138671875, 69.616748046875],
+ [-67.908837890625, 69.6818359375],
+ [-67.9146972656249, 69.540966796875]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-78.0291015624999, 69.714892578125],
+ [-78.039990234375, 69.6083984375],
+ [-78.848193359375, 69.4828125],
+ [-78.0291015624999, 69.714892578125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-79.4306640625, 69.78779296875],
+ [-79.55283203125, 69.6308593750001],
+ [-80.047509765625, 69.6343261718751],
+ [-79.9778320312499, 69.50966796875],
+ [-80.794775390625, 69.6892578125001],
+ [-80.42421875, 69.797607421875],
+ [-79.4306640625, 69.78779296875]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-97.439453125, 69.6426757812501],
+ [-96.2999511718749, 69.3443847656251],
+ [-95.7513671875, 68.89765625],
+ [-95.2677734375, 68.82607421875],
+ [-96.4015625, 68.470703125],
+ [-97.472021484375, 68.543701171875],
+ [-98.320556640625, 68.842724609375],
+ [-98.7038085937499, 68.802783203125],
+ [-98.9044921875, 68.9324218750001],
+ [-99.25400390625, 68.86318359375],
+ [-99.4946777343749, 68.9595703125],
+ [-99.455712890625, 69.131201171875],
+ [-98.45595703125, 69.33466796875],
+ [-98.54599609375, 69.572900390625],
+ [-98.041357421875, 69.456640625],
+ [-98.20048828125, 69.7969726562501],
+ [-97.79072265625, 69.86162109375],
+ [-97.439453125, 69.6426757812501]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-86.913037109375, 70.113232421875],
+ [-86.557666015625, 69.9953125],
+ [-87.3232421875, 70.080126953125],
+ [-86.913037109375, 70.113232421875]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-74.70888671875, 45.0038574218751],
+ [-74.7624511718749, 44.999072265625],
+ [-74.996142578125, 44.9701171875],
+ [-75.40126953125, 44.772265625],
+ [-75.8193359375, 44.468017578125],
+ [-76.185791015625, 44.242236328125],
+ [-76.819970703125, 43.6288085937501],
+ [-77.5965332031249, 43.6286132812501],
+ [-78.458251953125, 43.6314941406251],
+ [-78.7204101562499, 43.624951171875],
+ [-78.8455566406249, 43.5833496093751],
+ [-79.171875, 43.4665527343751],
+ [-79.0830566406249, 43.3313964843751],
+ [-79.0592285156249, 43.2780761718751],
+ [-79.066064453125, 43.106103515625],
+ [-79.026171875, 43.0173339843751],
+ [-78.9807617187499, 42.980615234375],
+ [-78.915087890625, 42.909130859375],
+ [-79.17373046875, 42.74853515625],
+ [-80.2475585937499, 42.366015625],
+ [-81.02822265625, 42.24716796875],
+ [-81.50732421875, 42.103466796875],
+ [-81.974169921875, 41.888720703125],
+ [-82.4390624999999, 41.6748535156251],
+ [-82.6900390625, 41.6751953125],
+ [-83.141943359375, 41.97587890625],
+ [-83.109521484375, 42.25068359375],
+ [-82.5453125, 42.62470703125],
+ [-82.190380859375, 43.474072265625],
+ [-82.137841796875, 43.5708984375],
+ [-82.4850585937499, 45.083740234375],
+ [-82.5510742187499, 45.3473632812501],
+ [-82.9193359374999, 45.51796875],
+ [-83.59267578125, 45.8171386718751],
+ [-83.469482421875, 45.994677734375],
+ [-83.615966796875, 46.116845703125],
+ [-83.9777832031249, 46.0849121093751],
+ [-84.123193359375, 46.5029296875],
+ [-84.440478515625, 46.4981445312501],
+ [-84.665771484375, 46.54326171875],
+ [-84.8759765624999, 46.89990234375],
+ [-85.070068359375, 46.979931640625],
+ [-85.65224609375, 47.219970703125],
+ [-86.67216796875, 47.63642578125],
+ [-87.2080078125, 47.848486328125],
+ [-87.743896484375, 48.060546875],
+ [-88.378173828125, 48.3030761718751],
+ [-89.4556640624999, 47.9962402343751],
+ [-90.797314453125, 48.1310546875],
+ [-91.0434570312499, 48.193701171875],
+ [-91.38720703125, 48.058544921875],
+ [-92.00517578125, 48.30185546875],
+ [-92.3484375, 48.276611328125],
+ [-92.4145996093749, 48.276611328125],
+ [-92.5005859375, 48.4353515625],
+ [-92.83671875, 48.5677734375],
+ [-93.257958984375, 48.628857421875],
+ [-93.377880859375, 48.616552734375],
+ [-93.70771484375, 48.5254394531251],
+ [-93.851611328125, 48.607275390625],
+ [-94.6208984374999, 48.7426269531251],
+ [-94.71279296875, 48.863427734375],
+ [-94.803466796875, 49.0029296875],
+ [-94.8604003906249, 49.25859375],
+ [-94.854345703125, 49.30458984375],
+ [-95.1552734375, 49.3696777343751],
+ [-95.1620605468749, 48.991748046875],
+ [-95.3979003906249, 48.9931640625],
+ [-96.2506835937499, 48.9931640625],
+ [-96.6770507812499, 48.9931640625],
+ [-97.5298339843749, 48.9931640625],
+ [-98.808984375, 48.9931640625],
+ [-104.7783203125, 48.9931152343751],
+ [-110.74765625, 48.9930664062501],
+ [-116.717041015625, 48.9930664062501],
+ [-118.84892578125, 48.9930664062501],
+ [-119.275341796875, 48.9930664062501],
+ [-119.701708984375, 48.993017578125],
+ [-120.980859375, 48.993017578125],
+ [-122.78876953125, 48.993017578125],
+ [-122.826708984375, 49.02841796875],
+ [-122.924169921875, 49.074658203125],
+ [-122.9626953125, 49.0746093750001],
+ [-123.06328125, 48.977734375],
+ [-123.229443359375, 49.2604980468751],
+ [-122.8791015625, 49.39892578125],
+ [-123.2767578125, 49.3439453125],
+ [-123.1875, 49.680322265625],
+ [-123.53056640625, 49.3973144531251],
+ [-124.02861328125, 49.602880859375],
+ [-123.992626953125, 49.736181640625],
+ [-123.8171875, 49.5865722656251],
+ [-123.582470703125, 49.68125],
+ [-123.8744140625, 49.7368164062501],
+ [-123.825439453125, 50.14423828125],
+ [-123.9458984375, 50.1839355468751],
+ [-123.984912109375, 49.8755859375],
+ [-124.28125, 49.772119140625],
+ [-124.782373046875, 50.0201171874999],
+ [-125.056689453125, 50.4186523437501],
+ [-124.85986328125, 50.872412109375],
+ [-125.0587890625, 50.5138671875],
+ [-125.476318359375, 50.49716796875],
+ [-125.53935546875, 50.6490234375],
+ [-125.64130859375, 50.4662109375001],
+ [-126.0943359375, 50.497607421875],
+ [-126.4474609375, 50.5877441406249],
+ [-125.9041015625, 50.704931640625],
+ [-126.51435546875, 50.6793945312501],
+ [-126.374609375, 50.837353515625],
+ [-126.52177734375, 50.866064453125],
+ [-126.517333984375, 51.0568359375001],
+ [-126.631787109375, 50.91513671875],
+ [-127.057568359375, 50.8675292968751],
+ [-127.70810546875, 51.151171875],
+ [-127.419677734375, 51.6080566406251],
+ [-126.691455078125, 51.70341796875],
+ [-127.338720703125, 51.707373046875],
+ [-127.668701171875, 51.477587890625],
+ [-127.850537109375, 51.6731933593751],
+ [-127.795361328125, 52.1910156250001],
+ [-127.437939453125, 52.3561523437501],
+ [-127.242236328125, 52.3951171875001],
+ [-126.71396484375, 52.060693359375],
+ [-127.193994140625, 52.457666015625],
+ [-126.9513671875, 52.7510253906251],
+ [-127.0193359375, 52.8424804687501],
+ [-127.0662109375, 52.652685546875],
+ [-127.79189453125, 52.28935546875],
+ [-128.10224609375, 51.788427734375],
+ [-128.3576171875, 52.1588867187501],
+ [-128.0375, 52.3181640625],
+ [-127.940234375, 52.5451660156251],
+ [-128.271533203125, 52.3629882812501],
+ [-128.053271484375, 52.910693359375],
+ [-128.3650390625, 52.8257812500001],
+ [-128.52470703125, 53.1406738281251],
+ [-129.080908203125, 53.3672851562501],
+ [-129.17158203125, 53.53359375],
+ [-128.85458984375, 53.704541015625],
+ [-128.905615234375, 53.5593261718751],
+ [-128.542138671875, 53.4206542968751],
+ [-128.13271484375, 53.4177734375],
+ [-127.92783203125, 53.27470703125],
+ [-128.2072265625, 53.4832031250001],
+ [-128.675537109375, 53.5545898437501],
+ [-128.763671875, 53.746875],
+ [-128.53212890625, 53.8581054687501],
+ [-128.959375, 53.8414550781251],
+ [-129.257861328125, 53.4179687500001],
+ [-129.563720703125, 53.2514648437501],
+ [-130.33525390625, 53.7239257812501],
+ [-130.043310546875, 54.133544921875],
+ [-129.626025390625, 54.2302734375],
+ [-130.084228515625, 54.181396484375],
+ [-130.4302734375, 54.42099609375],
+ [-129.56064453125, 55.4625488281251],
+ [-129.795166015625, 55.5595703125001],
+ [-130.048486328125, 55.0572753906251],
+ [-130.0140625, 55.950537109375],
+ [-130.0978515625, 56.10927734375],
+ [-130.413134765625, 56.1225097656251],
+ [-130.477099609375, 56.23056640625],
+ [-130.649072265625, 56.263671875],
+ [-131.471875, 56.5567382812501],
+ [-131.824267578125, 56.5899902343751],
+ [-131.866162109375, 56.792822265625],
+ [-132.104296875, 56.8567871093751],
+ [-132.062890625, 56.953369140625],
+ [-132.33798828125, 57.079443359375],
+ [-132.27939453125, 57.1453613281251],
+ [-132.232177734375, 57.1985351562501],
+ [-132.30166015625, 57.2763183593751],
+ [-132.44248046875, 57.40673828125],
+ [-132.55048828125, 57.49990234375],
+ [-133.001416015625, 57.948974609375],
+ [-133.27529296875, 58.2228515625],
+ [-133.54638671875, 58.503466796875],
+ [-134.218505859375, 58.84990234375],
+ [-134.329638671875, 58.9396972656251],
+ [-134.39306640625, 59.0091796875],
+ [-134.67724609375, 59.199267578125],
+ [-134.94375, 59.28828125],
+ [-135.051025390625, 59.578662109375],
+ [-135.36787109375, 59.743310546875],
+ [-135.702587890625, 59.7287597656251],
+ [-136.321826171875, 59.604833984375],
+ [-136.277978515625, 59.4803222656251],
+ [-136.466357421875, 59.45908203125],
+ [-136.578759765625, 59.15224609375],
+ [-136.81328125, 59.1500488281251],
+ [-137.126220703125, 59.0409667968751],
+ [-137.2775390625, 58.98818359375],
+ [-137.43857421875, 58.903125],
+ [-137.5208984375, 58.9153808593751],
+ [-137.593310546875, 59.22626953125],
+ [-138.317626953125, 59.6111328125001],
+ [-138.86875, 59.945751953125],
+ [-139.18515625, 60.08359375],
+ [-139.136962890625, 60.1727050781251],
+ [-139.079248046875, 60.2794433593751],
+ [-139.079248046875, 60.3437011718751],
+ [-139.234765625, 60.33974609375],
+ [-139.676318359375, 60.3283203125],
+ [-139.973291015625, 60.1831542968751],
+ [-140.45283203125, 60.29970703125],
+ [-140.525439453125, 60.218359375],
+ [-140.762744140625, 60.2591308593751],
+ [-141.0021484375, 60.3002441406251],
+ [-141.0021484375, 60.88466796875],
+ [-141.0021484375, 61.761279296875],
+ [-141.0021484375, 63.222265625],
+ [-141.0021484375, 64.0988769531251],
+ [-141.0021484375, 65.559912109375],
+ [-141.0021484375, 66.4365234375001],
+ [-141.0021484375, 67.89755859375],
+ [-141.0021484375, 68.7741699218751],
+ [-141.0021484375, 69.6507812500001],
+ [-139.18154296875, 69.5155273437501],
+ [-137.2599609375, 68.964111328125],
+ [-136.12236328125, 68.8822265625],
+ [-135.258837890625, 68.684326171875],
+ [-135.939013671875, 68.9741699218751],
+ [-135.575537109375, 69.026953125],
+ [-135.910205078125, 69.111474609375],
+ [-135.691455078125, 69.311181640625],
+ [-135.292822265625, 69.3078613281251],
+ [-135.1408203125, 69.467822265625],
+ [-134.4568359375, 69.47763671875],
+ [-134.408935546875, 69.681787109375],
+ [-133.87978515625, 69.5077148437501],
+ [-134.17431640625, 69.2528320312501],
+ [-133.163134765625, 69.43388671875],
+ [-132.91533203125, 69.6296386718751],
+ [-132.40390625, 69.658740234375],
+ [-132.4884765625, 69.7380859375],
+ [-132.163427734375, 69.7049804687501],
+ [-131.136376953125, 69.9068847656251],
+ [-130.665478515625, 70.12705078125],
+ [-129.944970703125, 70.0909179687501],
+ [-129.675634765625, 70.1929687500001],
+ [-129.648291015625, 69.9977539062501],
+ [-130.832080078125, 69.6514648437501],
+ [-131.93779296875, 69.5347167968751],
+ [-132.81748046875, 69.20576171875],
+ [-133.418310546875, 68.8442871093749],
+ [-133.138037109375, 68.7465820312501],
+ [-133.336669921875, 68.8352539062501],
+ [-132.57763671875, 68.8478027343751],
+ [-132.7189453125, 69.07919921875],
+ [-131.78837890625, 69.431982421875],
+ [-131.32470703125, 69.3611816406251],
+ [-131.063427734375, 69.45068359375],
+ [-130.970654296875, 69.20908203125],
+ [-130.117626953125, 69.720068359375],
+ [-128.89892578125, 69.9661621093751],
+ [-129.15791015625, 69.80009765625],
+ [-129.054345703125, 69.7010742187501],
+ [-128.85302734375, 69.7510253906251],
+ [-127.6837890625, 70.2603515625],
+ [-128.1701171875, 70.41845703125],
+ [-127.991015625, 70.573828125],
+ [-127.2259765625, 70.296142578125],
+ [-126.250439453125, 69.5452636718749],
+ [-125.524951171875, 69.3515625000001],
+ [-125.171875, 69.427978515625],
+ [-125.35693359375, 69.6259765625],
+ [-124.767919921875, 69.9900390625],
+ [-124.990380859375, 70.0266113281251],
+ [-124.555029296875, 70.1512207031251],
+ [-124.40693359375, 69.7674316406251],
+ [-124.124609375, 69.6899902343751],
+ [-124.3380859375, 69.36484375],
+ [-123.52841796875, 69.38935546875],
+ [-123.02578125, 69.810009765625],
+ [-122.070068359375, 69.8161621093751],
+ [-120.962451171875, 69.6604003906251],
+ [-120.139990234375, 69.3805664062501],
+ [-117.226953125, 68.913427734375],
+ [-116.05947265625, 68.8370117187501],
+ [-116.243408203125, 68.9740722656251],
+ [-115.44228515625, 68.9409179687501],
+ [-114.620166015625, 68.74609375],
+ [-113.964404296875, 68.399072265625],
+ [-114.095947265625, 68.2667968750001],
+ [-114.765283203125, 68.27021484375],
+ [-115.12705078125, 68.13203125],
+ [-115.43447265625, 67.9023437500001],
+ [-115.133203125, 67.819189453125],
+ [-112.50302734375, 67.6819335937501],
+ [-110.9900390625, 67.7908203125001],
+ [-110.07392578125, 67.9929199218751],
+ [-109.63037109375, 67.73271484375],
+ [-109.038037109375, 67.691162109375],
+ [-108.852001953125, 67.4219726562501],
+ [-108.613330078125, 67.5980468750001],
+ [-107.988720703125, 67.2563964843751],
+ [-107.99130859375, 67.0951660156251],
+ [-108.496044921875, 67.0922851562501],
+ [-107.25947265625, 66.39853515625],
+ [-107.7103515625, 66.7400390625001],
+ [-107.72509765625, 66.9841308593751],
+ [-107.156494140625, 66.88173828125],
+ [-107.9583984375, 67.8186035156251],
+ [-107.798291015625, 68.0369140625],
+ [-106.424267578125, 68.2005859375001],
+ [-105.7501953125, 68.5922851562501],
+ [-106.458056640625, 68.516455078125],
+ [-106.60849609375, 68.357373046875],
+ [-107.6193359375, 68.3310546875],
+ [-107.7341796875, 68.1737304687501],
+ [-108.322802734375, 68.1541015625],
+ [-108.718115234375, 68.2974609375001],
+ [-108.3134765625, 68.610791015625],
+ [-106.164453125, 68.9198730468751],
+ [-105.685595703125, 68.8281738281251],
+ [-105.37744140625, 68.413818359375],
+ [-104.653173828125, 68.230078125],
+ [-104.48681640625, 68.06318359375],
+ [-103.47412109375, 68.1150390625001],
+ [-102.320361328125, 67.7356445312501],
+ [-101.55498046875, 67.6931640625001],
+ [-100.212939453125, 67.83857421875],
+ [-98.920458984375, 67.72578125],
+ [-98.4121093749999, 67.8071777343751],
+ [-98.63154296875, 68.0725585937501],
+ [-97.4549316406249, 67.6169921875],
+ [-97.2065429687499, 67.855078125],
+ [-97.739111328125, 67.9781738281251],
+ [-98.1925292968749, 67.922998046875],
+ [-98.6504882812499, 68.3635253906251],
+ [-98.2185546875, 68.3174316406251],
+ [-97.7942382812499, 68.38759765625],
+ [-97.9250976562499, 68.523681640625],
+ [-97.4103515624999, 68.496533203125],
+ [-96.976708984375, 68.2554199218751],
+ [-96.4306640624999, 68.3105957031251],
+ [-96.7220703125001, 68.03876953125],
+ [-95.9703125, 68.24912109375],
+ [-96.3691406249999, 67.509765625],
+ [-96.1414550781249, 67.271826171875],
+ [-95.719921875, 67.3167968750001],
+ [-95.777685546875, 67.1846191406251],
+ [-95.4159179687501, 67.15556640625],
+ [-95.418896484375, 67.0132324218749],
+ [-96.42255859375, 67.0517578125],
+ [-95.7875488281249, 66.616796875],
+ [-96.0368652343749, 66.9375],
+ [-95.399658203125, 66.9494628906251],
+ [-95.2587402343749, 67.2625488281249],
+ [-95.6504882812499, 67.7374511718751],
+ [-95.460693359375, 68.02138671875],
+ [-94.7444335937499, 68.0708984375],
+ [-93.44892578125, 68.618896484375],
+ [-93.8524414062499, 69.000341796875],
+ [-94.064892578125, 68.7847656250001],
+ [-94.600439453125, 68.8032226562501],
+ [-94.083642578125, 69.1230957031251],
+ [-94.254736328125, 69.31376953125],
+ [-93.6194824218749, 69.4169921875001],
+ [-93.7485351562499, 69.2261230468751],
+ [-93.5322753906249, 69.480908203125],
+ [-94.2708007812499, 69.4551269531251],
+ [-94.633837890625, 69.6496582031251],
+ [-94.8225097656249, 69.577783203125],
+ [-95.9649414062499, 69.802783203125],
+ [-96.5513671875, 70.2103027343751],
+ [-96.2977050781249, 70.5113769531251],
+ [-95.87861328125, 70.5489746093751],
+ [-95.8863281249999, 70.6942871093751],
+ [-96.2580078124999, 70.6422851562501],
+ [-96.54892578125, 70.8087402343751],
+ [-96.44658203125, 71.239892578125],
+ [-96.06201171875, 71.4138671874999],
+ [-95.5642578124999, 71.336767578125],
+ [-95.40625, 71.491650390625],
+ [-95.8723144531249, 71.5731445312501],
+ [-94.7348632812499, 71.9829589843751],
+ [-94.3083496093749, 71.7648925781251],
+ [-93.7462890625, 71.742822265625],
+ [-92.9486816406249, 71.2621093750001],
+ [-92.9814453124999, 70.8522460937501],
+ [-91.5640625, 70.1782714843751],
+ [-92.3205078125, 70.2353515625],
+ [-92.5118652343749, 70.103857421875],
+ [-91.976708984375, 70.0386718750001],
+ [-92.8877929687499, 69.6682128906251],
+ [-92.3116699218749, 69.672900390625],
+ [-91.911962890625, 69.53125],
+ [-91.2018066406249, 69.6447753906249],
+ [-91.43994140625, 69.52568359375],
+ [-90.4155761718749, 69.4569824218751],
+ [-90.89228515625, 69.26728515625],
+ [-91.2372070312501, 69.2855468750001],
+ [-90.4790039062499, 68.88115234375],
+ [-90.5736328125001, 68.47470703125],
+ [-90.20478515625, 68.2574707031251],
+ [-89.2795410156249, 69.25546875],
+ [-88.22353515625, 68.9150390625],
+ [-87.8135742187499, 68.345703125],
+ [-87.89267578125, 68.24814453125],
+ [-88.3469726562499, 68.28828125],
+ [-88.313818359375, 67.9503417968751],
+ [-87.359375, 67.17724609375],
+ [-86.5607910156249, 67.4821289062501],
+ [-85.6431640624999, 68.69970703125],
+ [-84.8675781249999, 68.7733398437501],
+ [-85.106640625, 68.8440429687501],
+ [-84.86220703125, 69.073974609375],
+ [-85.3867675781249, 69.231884765625],
+ [-85.5073730468749, 69.8452636718749],
+ [-82.6183593749999, 69.6910644531251],
+ [-82.3902343749999, 69.6008789062501],
+ [-82.7548339843749, 69.4943847656251],
+ [-82.30986328125, 69.4100097656251],
+ [-82.2275390625, 69.248876953125],
+ [-81.3778320312501, 69.18564453125],
+ [-81.9579101562499, 68.883642578125],
+ [-81.380908203125, 68.850048828125],
+ [-81.2815429687499, 68.6572265625],
+ [-81.9148437499999, 68.4587890625001],
+ [-82.552685546875, 68.4464843750001],
+ [-82.2224121093749, 68.145263671875],
+ [-82.0125, 68.193896484375],
+ [-81.97646484375, 67.86201171875],
+ [-81.2943359375, 67.497412109375],
+ [-81.467578125, 67.0698730468751],
+ [-83.4064453125, 66.3712402343751],
+ [-84.5384765624999, 66.9728027343751],
+ [-84.845751953125, 67.0287109375001],
+ [-85.113720703125, 66.9069335937501],
+ [-84.737744140625, 66.9335937500001],
+ [-84.223046875, 66.6824707031251],
+ [-83.86904296875, 66.2135742187501],
+ [-84.29306640625, 66.2917968750001],
+ [-84.628076171875, 66.20771484375],
+ [-85.603857421875, 66.5682617187501],
+ [-86.708154296875, 66.5230468750001],
+ [-86.685107421875, 66.360400390625],
+ [-85.9587402343749, 66.11904296875],
+ [-87.452880859375, 65.3389648437501],
+ [-87.969970703125, 65.34892578125],
+ [-89.7494140625, 65.9360351562501],
+ [-89.8896972656249, 65.8685546875],
+ [-91.4272460937499, 65.947900390625],
+ [-91.0411132812499, 65.8298339843751],
+ [-90.983447265625, 65.91923828125],
+ [-89.924072265625, 65.7802734375001],
+ [-88.9740234374999, 65.348291015625],
+ [-87.0275390625, 65.198095703125],
+ [-88.105615234375, 64.18330078125],
+ [-88.8177246093749, 63.992236328125],
+ [-89.2006347656249, 64.1137695312501],
+ [-89.13154296875, 63.9685058593749],
+ [-89.6158203125, 64.030615234375],
+ [-89.8113281249999, 64.18056640625],
+ [-90.0416503906249, 64.1408691406251],
+ [-89.855712890625, 63.9569824218751],
+ [-90.1681640625, 63.9787597656251],
+ [-90.154736328125, 63.6896484375],
+ [-90.8119140624999, 63.580908203125],
+ [-91.9822265625, 63.822412109375],
+ [-92.338427734375, 63.787646484375],
+ [-93.6963378906249, 64.1471679687501],
+ [-93.5598144531249, 63.8652832031251],
+ [-93.27021484375, 63.8408691406251],
+ [-93.3785156249999, 63.948486328125],
+ [-92.1568847656249, 63.69169921875],
+ [-92.4650878906249, 63.5550781250001],
+ [-91.841845703125, 63.69755859375],
+ [-90.9700683593749, 63.4427734375001],
+ [-90.6985839843749, 63.0638671875001],
+ [-91.448974609375, 62.804052734375],
+ [-92.3612792968749, 62.819384765625],
+ [-91.9358398437499, 62.5923828125001],
+ [-92.5514160156249, 62.546728515625],
+ [-92.7659667968749, 62.3499511718751],
+ [-92.5279785156249, 62.168408203125],
+ [-93.2053710937499, 62.3649414062501],
+ [-92.905517578125, 62.21513671875],
+ [-93.3330566406249, 61.93291015625],
+ [-93.5817871093749, 61.9420410156251],
+ [-93.31201171875, 61.76728515625],
+ [-93.912744140625, 61.4814453125001],
+ [-94.509375, 60.6045410156249],
+ [-94.7617187499999, 60.4982421875001],
+ [-94.78828125, 59.2678710937499],
+ [-94.95732421875, 59.0688476562501],
+ [-94.2870605468749, 58.7160156250001],
+ [-94.3322265625, 58.2973632812501],
+ [-94.1231933593749, 58.7367187500001],
+ [-93.1787597656249, 58.725634765625],
+ [-92.4328124999999, 57.3203125],
+ [-92.7981445312499, 56.92197265625],
+ [-90.8974609375, 57.2569335937501],
+ [-88.9484863281249, 56.851318359375],
+ [-88.07509765625, 56.4672851562499],
+ [-87.4824218749999, 56.0212890625],
+ [-85.5593261718749, 55.5401855468751],
+ [-85.2180175781249, 55.348974609375],
+ [-85.3652832031249, 55.079296875],
+ [-85.0609375, 55.2856445312501],
+ [-83.9105957031249, 55.3146484375],
+ [-82.39326171875, 55.0678222656251],
+ [-82.219384765625, 54.8134765625],
+ [-82.4241699218749, 54.2445800781251],
+ [-82.1414550781249, 53.817626953125],
+ [-82.291552734375, 53.0307128906251],
+ [-81.5994140624999, 52.4326171875001],
+ [-81.8278808593749, 52.2242187500001],
+ [-81.4662109374999, 52.2044921875001],
+ [-80.588037109375, 51.6672363281251],
+ [-80.4433105468749, 51.38857421875],
+ [-80.851220703125, 51.125],
+ [-80.4783203124999, 51.30732421875],
+ [-80.1035644531249, 51.2828613281251],
+ [-79.3479003906249, 50.762646484375],
+ [-79.737451171875, 51.186279296875],
+ [-79.338671875, 51.628173828125],
+ [-79.04052734375, 51.4637695312501],
+ [-78.903173828125, 51.20029296875],
+ [-78.7313476562499, 51.4974609375],
+ [-78.9816406249999, 51.7745605468751],
+ [-78.448095703125, 52.261376953125],
+ [-78.7441406249999, 52.65537109375],
+ [-79.100341796875, 53.6566406250001],
+ [-78.9960449218749, 54.002490234375],
+ [-79.241796875, 54.0988769531251],
+ [-79.1467285156249, 54.16923828125],
+ [-79.712353515625, 54.6718261718751],
+ [-77.7752929687499, 55.291259765625],
+ [-76.604052734375, 56.199560546875],
+ [-76.5255859375, 56.8917968750001],
+ [-76.809814453125, 57.6579589843751],
+ [-77.156787109375, 58.018896484375],
+ [-78.5150878906249, 58.682373046875],
+ [-77.760693359375, 59.3800292968751],
+ [-77.726171875, 59.6758789062499],
+ [-77.349072265625, 59.5789550781251],
+ [-77.4853027343749, 59.6845703125001],
+ [-77.2892089843749, 60.0220214843751],
+ [-77.585888671875, 60.0881835937501],
+ [-77.452880859375, 60.1458007812501],
+ [-77.6814453124999, 60.427099609375],
+ [-77.503564453125, 60.542724609375],
+ [-77.7908203124999, 60.63984375],
+ [-77.5895507812499, 60.8085937500001],
+ [-78.18134765625, 60.819140625],
+ [-77.51435546875, 61.5562988281251],
+ [-78.02138671875, 61.8320800781251],
+ [-78.1333984374999, 62.282275390625],
+ [-77.372412109375, 62.5725097656251],
+ [-75.8168945312499, 62.3158691406251],
+ [-75.7898437499999, 62.17958984375],
+ [-75.3412109375, 62.312109375],
+ [-74.632568359375, 62.1156738281251],
+ [-74.6458007812499, 62.2111328125],
+ [-73.7050781249999, 62.4731445312499],
+ [-72.686962890625, 62.124560546875],
+ [-72.771630859375, 61.8404296875],
+ [-72.50556640625, 61.9226562500001],
+ [-72.2261230468749, 61.831591796875],
+ [-72.0400390624999, 61.6802734375001],
+ [-72.215869140625, 61.587255859375],
+ [-71.86611328125, 61.688525390625],
+ [-71.63828125, 61.6171875],
+ [-71.8543945312499, 61.4397949218749],
+ [-71.4227050781249, 61.1589355468751],
+ [-70.2792968749999, 61.06865234375],
+ [-69.9924316406249, 60.8564941406251],
+ [-69.5033203124999, 61.0404296875001],
+ [-69.4047363281249, 60.8467773437501],
+ [-69.75947265625, 60.440234375],
+ [-69.6737304687499, 60.0758789062501],
+ [-70.654833984375, 60.0262207031251],
+ [-69.7339355468749, 59.918017578125],
+ [-69.6818847656249, 59.3417480468751],
+ [-69.3440429687499, 59.303076171875],
+ [-69.5316406249999, 58.8692382812501],
+ [-69.6483886718749, 58.82080078125],
+ [-69.7841796874999, 58.9557128906251],
+ [-70.154345703125, 58.760595703125],
+ [-69.7898925781249, 58.689306640625],
+ [-69.2710937499999, 58.8839355468751],
+ [-68.698193359375, 58.904541015625],
+ [-68.3811523437499, 58.7435058593751],
+ [-68.2293945312499, 58.4845703125001],
+ [-68.3565429687499, 58.1632324218751],
+ [-69.0408203125, 57.9024902343751],
+ [-68.41357421875, 58.0517578125],
+ [-68.0210449218749, 58.485302734375],
+ [-67.8882812499999, 58.295751953125],
+ [-68.0638671875001, 58.13896484375],
+ [-67.7559570312499, 58.4045898437501],
+ [-67.6782714843749, 57.9911132812501],
+ [-67.5696289062499, 58.2134765625001],
+ [-66.7221679687499, 58.491015625],
+ [-66.3624023437499, 58.791162109375],
+ [-66.0023925781249, 58.431201171875],
+ [-66.04306640625, 58.820654296875],
+ [-65.72099609375, 59.023779296875],
+ [-65.3835449218749, 59.0602050781251],
+ [-65.7, 59.213330078125],
+ [-65.4117187499999, 59.314990234375],
+ [-65.4750976562499, 59.4703125],
+ [-65.0382324218749, 59.3878906250001],
+ [-65.4074218749999, 59.53935546875],
+ [-65.4333984374999, 59.776513671875],
+ [-65.028173828125, 59.7707031250001],
+ [-65.1717285156249, 59.9080078125],
+ [-64.817333984375, 60.3310546875],
+ [-64.4994140625001, 60.26826171875],
+ [-64.4195800781249, 60.17138671875],
+ [-64.76845703125, 60.0121093750001],
+ [-64.2834960937499, 60.0640625],
+ [-64.2263183593749, 59.7412109375001],
+ [-64.0560546875001, 59.82255859375],
+ [-63.7501953124999, 59.5125976562501],
+ [-63.945458984375, 59.3801757812501],
+ [-63.7758789062499, 59.2771484375],
+ [-63.5398925781249, 59.332861328125],
+ [-63.41513671875, 59.1943847656251],
+ [-63.971142578125, 59.05380859375],
+ [-63.2484374999999, 59.068310546875],
+ [-63.2821289062499, 58.8673828125001],
+ [-63.05029296875, 58.8781738281249],
+ [-62.8738769531249, 58.6724609375],
+ [-63.5370605468749, 58.329931640625],
+ [-63.2099609374999, 58.466943359375],
+ [-62.5938476562499, 58.4740234375001],
+ [-62.812060546875, 58.2003906250001],
+ [-63.2615234374999, 58.0146972656251],
+ [-62.48623046875, 58.1540527343751],
+ [-62.3056640625, 57.972265625],
+ [-61.9586425781251, 57.9117675781251],
+ [-61.9679687499999, 57.6119140625001],
+ [-62.4955566406249, 57.4892089843751],
+ [-61.921142578125, 57.4208007812501],
+ [-61.97744140625, 57.24794921875],
+ [-61.3337402343749, 57.010595703125],
+ [-61.371630859375, 56.6808105468751],
+ [-62.4972656249999, 56.801708984375],
+ [-61.737744140625, 56.526025390625],
+ [-61.9404296874999, 56.4235839843751],
+ [-61.4252929687499, 56.3606445312501],
+ [-61.7130859375, 56.2309570312501],
+ [-61.3646972656249, 56.2160156250001],
+ [-61.301123046875, 56.04716796875],
+ [-61.4495117187499, 55.995703125],
+ [-61.08935546875, 55.8663574218751],
+ [-60.7432617187499, 55.9414550781249],
+ [-60.562109375, 55.7270019531251],
+ [-60.3410156249999, 55.78466796875],
+ [-60.40830078125, 55.649560546875],
+ [-60.1923828124999, 55.4809082031251],
+ [-60.617138671875, 55.060205078125],
+ [-59.7587890625, 55.3095703125],
+ [-59.6890624999999, 55.196337890625],
+ [-59.4378906250001, 55.1759277343751],
+ [-59.83779296875, 54.8139648437501],
+ [-59.2595703125, 55.1999511718751],
+ [-58.997119140625, 55.1494628906251],
+ [-58.78017578125, 54.8383789062501],
+ [-58.39814453125, 54.77412109375],
+ [-57.9624511718749, 54.8757324218751],
+ [-57.4044921875, 54.590869140625],
+ [-57.699267578125, 54.3865722656251],
+ [-58.435205078125, 54.228125],
+ [-58.633203125, 54.049560546875],
+ [-59.8230468749999, 53.834423828125],
+ [-60.1449218749999, 53.596142578125],
+ [-60.39541015625, 53.6533203125001],
+ [-60.1002929687499, 53.4869628906251],
+ [-60.3294921875, 53.2661132812501],
+ [-58.6520507812499, 53.977880859375],
+ [-57.935986328125, 54.0911621093749],
+ [-58.3174804687499, 54.1144531250001],
+ [-58.1920898437499, 54.2281738281251],
+ [-57.4160644531249, 54.1627441406251],
+ [-57.1349609374999, 53.7918457031251],
+ [-57.524072265625, 53.6114257812501],
+ [-57.33173828125, 53.469091796875],
+ [-56.840869140625, 53.739453125],
+ [-56.4649902343751, 53.7650390625001],
+ [-55.96611328125, 53.4711425781251],
+ [-55.79794921875, 53.211962890625],
+ [-55.8028320312499, 52.6431640625],
+ [-56.3249023437499, 52.54453125],
+ [-55.7464843749999, 52.4745605468751],
+ [-55.7771484374999, 52.3642578125],
+ [-56.01171875, 52.3944824218751],
+ [-55.69521484375, 52.1377929687501],
+ [-56.9759765625001, 51.4576660156251],
+ [-58.5103515625, 51.2950683593751],
+ [-59.8863281249999, 50.3164062500001],
+ [-61.724853515625, 50.104052734375],
+ [-61.9195312499999, 50.2328613281251],
+ [-62.7154296875, 50.3016601562501],
+ [-66.4955078124999, 50.2118652343751],
+ [-66.941162109375, 49.993701171875],
+ [-67.372021484375, 49.3484375],
+ [-68.28193359375, 49.1971679687501],
+ [-69.673876953125, 48.199169921875],
+ [-71.0182617187499, 48.455615234375],
+ [-69.8655273437499, 48.1722656250001],
+ [-69.775, 48.098095703125],
+ [-69.9944335937499, 47.7398925781251],
+ [-70.705859375, 47.1397949218751],
+ [-71.2677734375, 46.795947265625],
+ [-71.87958984375, 46.68681640625],
+ [-72.9810058593749, 46.2097167968751],
+ [-73.4766113281249, 45.738232421875],
+ [-74.0378417968749, 45.5018554687501],
+ [-74.3150878906249, 45.5310546875],
+ [-73.973828125, 45.3451171875],
+ [-74.70888671875, 45.0038574218751]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-96.78232421875, 72.93662109375],
+ [-97.0927734375, 72.996923828125],
+ [-96.86240234375, 73.1888183593751],
+ [-96.78232421875, 72.93662109375]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-114.521533203125, 72.592919921875],
+ [-113.578076171875, 72.6520996093751],
+ [-113.2923828125, 72.9498046875],
+ [-112.75361328125, 72.98603515625],
+ [-111.2697265625, 72.713720703125],
+ [-111.895166015625, 72.356103515625],
+ [-111.67509765625, 72.300146484375],
+ [-110.205126953125, 72.661279296875],
+ [-110.66083984375, 73.008203125],
+ [-110.008447265625, 72.983642578125],
+ [-108.75498046875, 72.55107421875],
+ [-108.188232421875, 71.723779296875],
+ [-107.812841796875, 71.626171875],
+ [-107.306005859375, 71.894677734375],
+ [-108.23740234375, 73.14990234375],
+ [-108.029052734375, 73.34873046875],
+ [-106.48212890625, 73.19619140625],
+ [-105.41513671875, 72.788330078125],
+ [-104.3859375, 71.5769531250001],
+ [-104.514794921875, 71.0642578125001],
+ [-103.5845703125, 70.630859375],
+ [-103.077197265625, 70.5088378906251],
+ [-103.049560546875, 70.655078125],
+ [-101.676318359375, 70.278271484375],
+ [-101.56240234375, 70.135009765625],
+ [-101.04267578125, 70.110791015625],
+ [-100.982373046875, 69.6798828125],
+ [-101.483837890625, 69.8501953125001],
+ [-101.64765625, 69.6985351562501],
+ [-102.18212890625, 69.845947265625],
+ [-102.5958984375, 69.717919921875],
+ [-102.62109375, 69.5515136718751],
+ [-103.464892578125, 69.644482421875],
+ [-103.04892578125, 69.4717773437501],
+ [-103.12021484375, 69.20458984375],
+ [-102.44677734375, 69.476318359375],
+ [-102.045947265625, 69.46484375],
+ [-101.85712890625, 69.0239746093751],
+ [-102.895068359375, 68.8236328125],
+ [-104.571435546875, 68.872119140625],
+ [-105.105859375, 68.92041015625],
+ [-105.019580078125, 69.08125],
+ [-106.270166015625, 69.194580078125],
+ [-106.65908203125, 69.439599609375],
+ [-107.439892578125, 69.0021484375],
+ [-108.364990234375, 68.934765625],
+ [-109.472119140625, 68.676708984375],
+ [-113.127734375, 68.494140625],
+ [-113.616845703125, 68.8384765625],
+ [-113.694140625, 69.19501953125],
+ [-115.618115234375, 69.2829589843751],
+ [-116.5134765625, 69.4246093750001],
+ [-117.19541015625, 70.054052734375],
+ [-114.592333984375, 70.312451171875],
+ [-112.637890625, 70.225244140625],
+ [-111.632568359375, 70.308837890625],
+ [-113.757275390625, 70.6907226562501],
+ [-115.99091796875, 70.586279296875],
+ [-117.587060546875, 70.629541015625],
+ [-118.2640625, 70.888330078125],
+ [-118.269091796875, 71.0347167968751],
+ [-115.30341796875, 71.4937011718751],
+ [-117.93564453125, 71.39208984375],
+ [-118.22646484375, 71.4670898437501],
+ [-117.742333984375, 71.659326171875],
+ [-118.5830078125, 71.6490234375],
+ [-118.9876953125, 71.7642578125],
+ [-118.94462890625, 71.985546875],
+ [-118.2134765625, 72.262890625],
+ [-118.481298828125, 72.427685546875],
+ [-118.13310546875, 72.6328125],
+ [-114.638232421875, 73.37265625],
+ [-114.206396484375, 73.297802734375],
+ [-114.051708984375, 73.07099609375],
+ [-114.521533203125, 72.592919921875]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-105.288916015625, 72.919921875],
+ [-106.921533203125, 73.479833984375],
+ [-106.61396484375, 73.69560546875],
+ [-105.31796875, 73.767138671875],
+ [-104.5875, 73.578076171875],
+ [-104.621728515625, 73.3111328125],
+ [-105.288916015625, 72.919921875]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-79.5373046875, 73.6544921875],
+ [-78.2865234375, 73.6658203125001],
+ [-77.20654296875, 73.4995605468751],
+ [-76.1833984375, 72.8430664062501],
+ [-77.8359375, 72.896826171875],
+ [-79.3193359375, 72.75771484375],
+ [-79.820703125, 72.826318359375],
+ [-80.18330078125, 73.224658203125],
+ [-80.776416015625, 73.3341796875],
+ [-80.848876953125, 73.721240234375],
+ [-79.5373046875, 73.6544921875]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-86.58935546875, 71.0107910156251],
+ [-85.64384765625, 71.15244140625],
+ [-85.094873046875, 71.1519531250001],
+ [-84.82373046875, 71.0286132812501],
+ [-84.6994140625, 71.6314453125],
+ [-85.3390625, 71.697265625],
+ [-85.91162109375, 71.9865234375],
+ [-85.321875, 72.2331542968751],
+ [-84.283740234375, 72.044482421875],
+ [-84.8419921875, 72.3081542968751],
+ [-84.623046875, 72.3765625],
+ [-85.3411132812499, 72.421533203125],
+ [-85.64990234375, 72.72216796875],
+ [-85.262109375, 72.95400390625],
+ [-84.256640625, 72.796728515625],
+ [-85.454736328125, 73.10546875],
+ [-84.416064453125, 73.456494140625],
+ [-83.781884765625, 73.41689453125],
+ [-83.729833984375, 73.57587890625],
+ [-81.946142578125, 73.7298339843751],
+ [-81.40615234375, 73.634521484375],
+ [-80.27724609375, 72.770166015625],
+ [-81.229345703125, 72.31171875],
+ [-80.611474609375, 72.450830078125],
+ [-80.925146484375, 71.907666015625],
+ [-80.18193359375, 72.2087890625001],
+ [-79.884375, 72.177197265625],
+ [-80.108935546875, 72.332177734375],
+ [-79.831298828125, 72.4462890625],
+ [-79.000244140625, 72.2720214843751],
+ [-79.0078125, 72.042919921875],
+ [-78.585107421875, 71.880615234375],
+ [-78.862744140625, 72.100830078125],
+ [-78.699267578125, 72.351416015625],
+ [-77.51650390625, 72.1777832031251],
+ [-78.4842773437499, 72.47060546875],
+ [-77.75322265625, 72.724755859375],
+ [-75.704296875, 72.571533203125],
+ [-75.0526855468749, 72.2263671875],
+ [-75.922802734375, 71.717236328125],
+ [-74.903173828125, 72.10048828125],
+ [-74.209326171875, 71.978662109375],
+ [-74.31572265625, 71.84267578125],
+ [-75.20478515625, 71.709130859375],
+ [-74.70078125, 71.6755859375001],
+ [-74.99619140625, 71.218115234375],
+ [-74.4880859375, 71.648388671875],
+ [-73.8140625, 71.771435546875],
+ [-74.197265625, 71.404150390625],
+ [-73.712841796875, 71.58759765625],
+ [-73.180615234375, 71.282861328125],
+ [-73.27822265625, 71.53798828125],
+ [-72.901953125, 71.6777832031251],
+ [-71.640673828125, 71.516259765625],
+ [-71.22939453125, 71.33876953125],
+ [-71.49501953125, 71.105126953125],
+ [-71.937939453125, 71.094287109375],
+ [-72.6327148437499, 70.83076171875],
+ [-71.742529296875, 71.046875],
+ [-71.370849609375, 70.975146484375],
+ [-70.8260742187499, 71.108740234375],
+ [-70.67265625, 71.052197265625],
+ [-70.76171875, 70.792236328125],
+ [-71.890185546875, 70.43154296875],
+ [-71.27587890625, 70.50029296875],
+ [-71.429443359375, 70.127783203125],
+ [-70.97978515625, 70.5810546875],
+ [-69.9498046875, 70.8450195312501],
+ [-68.495751953125, 70.61025390625],
+ [-68.363525390625, 70.48125],
+ [-70.05771484375, 70.042626953125],
+ [-68.77822265625, 70.203564453125],
+ [-69.00830078125, 69.978955078125],
+ [-68.74404296875, 69.94140625],
+ [-68.05908203125, 70.317236328125],
+ [-67.3636718749999, 70.034423828125],
+ [-67.221630859375, 69.7307128906251],
+ [-68.02041015625, 69.770068359375],
+ [-69.25078125, 69.5119140625],
+ [-68.513037109375, 69.577294921875],
+ [-67.236962890625, 69.460107421875],
+ [-66.716748046875, 69.311865234375],
+ [-66.707421875, 69.168212890625],
+ [-68.406298828125, 69.2322265625],
+ [-69.040625, 69.097998046875],
+ [-68.41552734375, 69.1720703125],
+ [-67.8326171875, 69.065966796875],
+ [-67.883203125, 68.783984375],
+ [-69.319091796875, 68.8569824218751],
+ [-68.210400390625, 68.702978515625],
+ [-67.9384765625, 68.524169921875],
+ [-66.742724609375, 68.457763671875],
+ [-67.032958984375, 68.32607421875],
+ [-66.923095703125, 68.0657226562501],
+ [-66.72900390625, 68.1290039062501],
+ [-66.6626953125, 68.034423828125],
+ [-66.63095703125, 68.21064453125],
+ [-66.21240234375, 68.280419921875],
+ [-66.4439453125, 67.8338378906251],
+ [-65.9423828125, 68.0709472656251],
+ [-65.86435546875, 67.9228515625],
+ [-65.50908203125, 67.96826171875],
+ [-65.40126953125, 67.674853515625],
+ [-65.41533203125, 67.879248046875],
+ [-64.922314453125, 68.031640625],
+ [-65.02109375, 67.787548828125],
+ [-64.63779296875, 67.840234375],
+ [-63.8501953125, 67.566064453125],
+ [-64.007958984375, 67.347314453125],
+ [-64.6999511718749, 67.350537109375],
+ [-63.8362304687499, 67.264111328125],
+ [-63.5916015625, 67.3775390625],
+ [-63.04013671875, 67.235009765625],
+ [-63.7015624999999, 66.82236328125],
+ [-62.9623046875, 66.9492675781251],
+ [-62.379736328125, 66.90537109375],
+ [-62.123583984375, 67.046728515625],
+ [-61.3534179687499, 66.689208984375],
+ [-61.5278320312499, 66.55810546875],
+ [-62.1233398437499, 66.64306640625],
+ [-61.57080078125, 66.3729003906251],
+ [-61.9563476562499, 66.309326171875],
+ [-62.553125, 66.4068359375],
+ [-62.5335937499999, 66.227001953125],
+ [-61.9916015625, 66.035302734375],
+ [-62.62412109375, 66.0162597656251],
+ [-62.381982421875, 65.83330078125],
+ [-62.65888671875, 65.63994140625],
+ [-63.1689453125, 65.65732421875],
+ [-63.4587402343749, 65.85302734375],
+ [-63.4208984375, 65.70859375],
+ [-63.65107421875, 65.6609863281251],
+ [-63.3374511718749, 65.616748046875],
+ [-63.36337890625, 65.229736328125],
+ [-63.606591796875, 64.928076171875],
+ [-64.345703125, 65.172412109375],
+ [-64.269677734375, 65.40078125],
+ [-64.555078125, 65.1166015625],
+ [-65.401611328125, 65.764013671875],
+ [-64.445361328125, 66.317138671875],
+ [-65.0044921875, 66.077734375],
+ [-65.825732421875, 65.996923828125],
+ [-65.65634765625, 66.204736328125],
+ [-66.063720703125, 66.13271484375],
+ [-66.986328125, 66.6274902343751],
+ [-67.07685546875, 66.5254882812501],
+ [-67.3073242187499, 66.5697265625],
+ [-67.2253906249999, 66.31025390625],
+ [-67.8833984375, 66.467431640625],
+ [-67.183203125, 66.034423828125],
+ [-67.350439453125, 65.929736328125],
+ [-67.82802734375, 65.965185546875],
+ [-68.459912109375, 66.249267578125],
+ [-68.74892578125, 66.200048828125],
+ [-68.2171875, 66.078857421875],
+ [-68.1867187499999, 65.87099609375],
+ [-67.866455078125, 65.773681640625],
+ [-67.936767578125, 65.564892578125],
+ [-67.56962890625, 65.6435546875],
+ [-67.11796875, 65.440380859375],
+ [-67.3365234375, 65.3465820312501],
+ [-66.697412109375, 64.8151855468751],
+ [-66.635498046875, 65.000341796875],
+ [-66.2146484375, 64.722412109375],
+ [-65.938525390625, 64.8857421875],
+ [-65.2748046875, 64.63154296875],
+ [-65.529345703125, 64.50478515625],
+ [-65.074609375, 64.436669921875],
+ [-65.21298828125, 64.303271484375],
+ [-65.580322265625, 64.29384765625],
+ [-65.169873046875, 64.028173828125],
+ [-64.678466796875, 64.027978515625],
+ [-64.79814453125, 63.915966796875],
+ [-64.4109375, 63.70634765625],
+ [-64.6646484375, 63.245361328125],
+ [-65.191845703125, 63.7642578125],
+ [-65.0689453125, 63.2634765625],
+ [-64.67236328125, 62.92197265625],
+ [-65.16279296875, 62.9326171875],
+ [-65.10849609375, 62.62646484375],
+ [-66.2240234374999, 63.107177734375],
+ [-66.228662109375, 62.990966796875],
+ [-66.414453125, 63.027197265625],
+ [-66.65498046875, 63.26474609375],
+ [-66.6974609374999, 63.06953125],
+ [-67.8932617187499, 63.733740234375],
+ [-67.72255859375, 63.42275390625],
+ [-68.49375, 63.72548828125],
+ [-68.911083984375, 63.70322265625],
+ [-68.141259765625, 63.172314453125],
+ [-67.6759765625, 63.0935546875],
+ [-67.736962890625, 63.0095703125],
+ [-65.98017578125, 62.20888671875],
+ [-66.123876953125, 61.89306640625],
+ [-68.535888671875, 62.2556152343751],
+ [-69.1255859375, 62.423974609375],
+ [-69.604736328125, 62.767724609375],
+ [-70.2361328125, 62.76337890625],
+ [-70.801416015625, 62.9104980468751],
+ [-71.10576171875, 63.00224609375],
+ [-70.946044921875, 63.120703125],
+ [-71.347265625, 63.06611328125],
+ [-71.9922363281249, 63.4161621093751],
+ [-71.380859375, 63.580322265625],
+ [-72.29013671875, 63.727978515625],
+ [-72.174267578125, 63.893408203125],
+ [-72.4984374999999, 63.823486328125],
+ [-73.454541015625, 64.399267578125],
+ [-73.2712890625, 64.58251953125],
+ [-73.9103515625, 64.578125],
+ [-74.064794921875, 64.424658203125],
+ [-74.13046875, 64.6078125],
+ [-74.46123046875, 64.6446777343751],
+ [-74.681396484375, 64.8306640625],
+ [-74.91943359375, 64.76552734375],
+ [-74.6947265625, 64.49658203125],
+ [-75.7150390625, 64.524365234375],
+ [-75.76669921875, 64.391943359375],
+ [-76.85615234375, 64.237646484375],
+ [-77.760498046875, 64.36015625],
+ [-78.0452148437499, 64.499267578125],
+ [-78.09560546875, 64.9392578125],
+ [-77.360888671875, 65.196533203125],
+ [-77.3267089843749, 65.453125],
+ [-75.8283203124999, 65.22705078125],
+ [-75.452099609375, 64.8416015625],
+ [-75.35712890625, 65.008740234375],
+ [-75.798681640625, 65.297509765625],
+ [-75.16630859375, 65.283935546875],
+ [-74.1384765625, 65.503466796875],
+ [-73.55078125, 65.4852539062501],
+ [-74.41640625, 66.16708984375],
+ [-73.033251953125, 66.7281738281251],
+ [-72.7888183593749, 67.030615234375],
+ [-72.22001953125, 67.254296875],
+ [-73.2844726562499, 68.3569824218751],
+ [-73.8205078125, 68.362939453125],
+ [-73.822119140625, 68.685986328125],
+ [-74.11796875, 68.7009277343751],
+ [-73.9892578125, 68.5486328125],
+ [-74.2701171875, 68.5412109375],
+ [-74.89296875, 68.8081542968751],
+ [-74.71669921875, 69.0455078125],
+ [-76.58505859375, 68.69873046875],
+ [-76.5572265625, 69.00947265625],
+ [-75.9537109375, 69.030810546875],
+ [-75.64775390625, 69.212548828125],
+ [-76.46494140625, 69.46943359375],
+ [-76.23408203125, 69.662109375],
+ [-76.742333984375, 69.572900390625],
+ [-77.08994140625, 69.635107421875],
+ [-76.85859375, 69.775390625],
+ [-77.591650390625, 69.84560546875],
+ [-77.7740234375, 70.238525390625],
+ [-78.2828125, 70.229150390625],
+ [-79.06640625, 70.6035644531251],
+ [-79.405224609375, 70.400732421875],
+ [-78.862841796875, 70.24189453125],
+ [-78.8896484375, 69.977490234375],
+ [-79.5154296875, 69.8875976562501],
+ [-81.651953125, 70.09462890625],
+ [-80.921728515625, 69.730908203125],
+ [-81.564697265625, 69.942724609375],
+ [-82.29384765625, 69.8369140625],
+ [-83.1499511718749, 70.00908203125],
+ [-83.85908203125, 69.962744140625],
+ [-85.432373046875, 70.1113769531251],
+ [-85.780029296875, 70.0366699218751],
+ [-86.322021484375, 70.14541015625],
+ [-86.396875, 70.46533203125],
+ [-87.838134765625, 70.24658203125],
+ [-88.78271484375, 70.494482421875],
+ [-89.455908203125, 71.06171875],
+ [-87.844921875, 70.9443847656251],
+ [-87.140087890625, 71.01162109375],
+ [-89.8053710937499, 71.4623046875001],
+ [-89.8615234375, 72.4119140625001],
+ [-88.70517578125, 73.403271484375],
+ [-87.719775390625, 73.722900390625],
+ [-85.95078125, 73.8501464843751],
+ [-84.94677734375, 73.721630859375],
+ [-86.000537109375, 73.3125488281251],
+ [-86.656298828125, 72.7240234375001],
+ [-86.21845703125, 71.89912109375],
+ [-85.023388671875, 71.35322265625],
+ [-86.58935546875, 71.0107910156251]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-100.001904296875, 73.9458984375],
+ [-99.157958984375, 73.731591796875],
+ [-97.669970703125, 73.887744140625],
+ [-97.1705078125, 73.824853515625],
+ [-97.001708984375, 73.66650390625],
+ [-97.62587890625, 73.502294921875],
+ [-97.272509765625, 73.38681640625],
+ [-98.42177734375, 72.941015625],
+ [-97.636328125, 73.02763671875],
+ [-97.128125, 72.627587890625],
+ [-96.59208984375, 72.71025390625],
+ [-96.44560546875, 72.55244140625],
+ [-96.80146484375, 72.322412109375],
+ [-96.6134277343749, 71.8338378906251],
+ [-97.582275390625, 71.6296875000001],
+ [-98.18134765625, 71.662451171875],
+ [-98.322705078125, 71.85234375],
+ [-98.1986328124999, 71.440869140625],
+ [-98.6628906249999, 71.302099609375],
+ [-99.2236328125, 71.387109375],
+ [-100.594482421875, 72.15234375],
+ [-101.208544921875, 72.3169921875],
+ [-101.72392578125, 72.314892578125],
+ [-102.708740234375, 72.764501953125],
+ [-102.20400390625, 73.077294921875],
+ [-101.273193359375, 72.7216796875],
+ [-100.484765625, 72.77294921875],
+ [-100.395703125, 72.977001953125],
+ [-100.128125, 72.906689453125],
+ [-100.536376953125, 73.1978515625],
+ [-99.825146484375, 73.2138671875],
+ [-100.36611328125, 73.359033203125],
+ [-100.88935546875, 73.275341796875],
+ [-101.523193359375, 73.486376953125],
+ [-100.97578125, 73.599755859375],
+ [-100.5216796875, 73.44931640625],
+ [-100.96298828125, 73.79140625],
+ [-99.99111328125, 73.795166015625],
+ [-100.001904296875, 73.9458984375]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-98.270361328125, 73.868505859375],
+ [-98.97392578125, 73.812060546875],
+ [-99.4169921875, 73.89541015625],
+ [-97.6982421875, 74.1086914062501],
+ [-98.270361328125, 73.868505859375]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-93.170849609375, 74.1609863281251],
+ [-92.222705078125, 73.97236328125],
+ [-90.62744140625, 73.9517089843751],
+ [-90.381396484375, 73.824755859375],
+ [-92.117919921875, 72.75380859375],
+ [-94.211328125, 72.75693359375],
+ [-93.770556640625, 72.6682128906251],
+ [-93.5551757812499, 72.421142578125],
+ [-94.037548828125, 72.028759765625],
+ [-95.007861328125, 72.01279296875],
+ [-95.6021484375, 72.88447265625],
+ [-95.63291015625, 73.695458984375],
+ [-94.697607421875, 73.66357421875],
+ [-95.134130859375, 73.88125],
+ [-94.97353515625, 74.04140625],
+ [-93.170849609375, 74.1609863281251]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-119.736328125, 74.112646484375],
+ [-119.20595703125, 74.197998046875],
+ [-119.11796875, 74.01552734375],
+ [-118.543994140625, 74.24462890625],
+ [-117.51484375, 74.23173828125],
+ [-115.510693359375, 73.61875],
+ [-115.446875, 73.4388671875],
+ [-118.961572265625, 72.684130859375],
+ [-119.512841796875, 72.302685546875],
+ [-120.1798828125, 72.2126464843751],
+ [-120.6193359375, 71.50576171875],
+ [-121.47216796875, 71.389013671875],
+ [-121.749365234375, 71.444775390625],
+ [-123.095654296875, 71.093798828125],
+ [-124.007763671875, 71.67744140625],
+ [-125.2966796875, 71.973046875],
+ [-125.8453125, 71.978662109375],
+ [-123.797265625, 73.7681640625],
+ [-124.696240234375, 74.348193359375],
+ [-121.504150390625, 74.5451171875],
+ [-119.562646484375, 74.2328125],
+ [-119.736328125, 74.112646484375]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-97.355517578125, 74.526318359375],
+ [-97.75, 74.5105468750001],
+ [-97.4165039062499, 74.6265625],
+ [-97.355517578125, 74.526318359375]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-95.306640625, 74.5054199218751],
+ [-95.850732421875, 74.582470703125],
+ [-95.510205078125, 74.636767578125],
+ [-95.306640625, 74.5054199218751]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-104.119921875, 75.036328125],
+ [-104.88740234375, 75.14775390625],
+ [-104.34619140625, 75.429931640625],
+ [-103.643505859375, 75.186572265625],
+ [-104.119921875, 75.036328125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-93.542578125, 75.0279296875],
+ [-93.573095703125, 74.6688476562501],
+ [-94.534521484375, 74.63671875],
+ [-96.599609375, 75.031787109375],
+ [-95.9546386718749, 75.443798828125],
+ [-94.878173828125, 75.630029296875],
+ [-93.90908203125, 75.422509765625],
+ [-93.542578125, 75.0279296875]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-96.078564453125, 75.510107421875],
+ [-96.91513671875, 75.3796875],
+ [-96.9828125, 75.5098144531251],
+ [-96.367822265625, 75.6546386718751],
+ [-96.078564453125, 75.510107421875]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-94.5265625, 75.74931640625],
+ [-94.901220703125, 75.93076171875],
+ [-94.537890625, 75.9964355468751],
+ [-94.5265625, 75.74931640625]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-118.328125, 75.5796875],
+ [-118.817138671875, 75.522119140625],
+ [-119.394580078125, 75.617333984375],
+ [-117.63369140625, 76.115087890625],
+ [-118.328125, 75.5796875]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-79.0630859375, 75.92587890625],
+ [-79.63876953125, 75.8429199218751],
+ [-79.009326171875, 76.1458984375001],
+ [-79.0630859375, 75.92587890625]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-102.22734375, 76.014892578125],
+ [-102.0080078125, 75.939404296875],
+ [-102.57958984375, 75.780224609375],
+ [-103.31474609375, 75.764208984375],
+ [-103.04150390625, 75.91884765625],
+ [-103.98525390625, 75.93310546875],
+ [-103.80078125, 76.03701171875],
+ [-104.24248046875, 76.0469726562501],
+ [-104.350634765625, 76.18232421875],
+ [-102.72802734375, 76.30703125],
+ [-102.22734375, 76.014892578125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-104.0228515625, 76.58310546875],
+ [-103.051318359375, 76.449853515625],
+ [-103.311376953125, 76.34755859375],
+ [-104.35751953125, 76.334619140625],
+ [-104.585693359375, 76.606494140625],
+ [-104.07451171875, 76.66611328125],
+ [-104.0228515625, 76.58310546875]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-97.700927734375, 76.46650390625],
+ [-97.89052734375, 75.7603515625],
+ [-97.40751953125, 75.672509765625],
+ [-97.33603515625, 75.41982421875],
+ [-97.6533203125, 75.507763671875],
+ [-97.87822265625, 75.41611328125],
+ [-97.67431640625, 75.127294921875],
+ [-98.0453125, 75.200830078125],
+ [-98.120947265625, 75.03271484375],
+ [-100.234375, 75.00771484375],
+ [-100.48349609375, 75.188427734375],
+ [-100.145703125, 75.2461425781251],
+ [-100.7119140625, 75.40634765625],
+ [-99.194580078125, 75.698388671875],
+ [-102.58740234375, 75.513671875],
+ [-102.797509765625, 75.5996582031251],
+ [-102.1447265625, 75.875048828125],
+ [-100.972802734375, 75.7984375],
+ [-101.414990234375, 75.845849609375],
+ [-101.872119140625, 76.08310546875],
+ [-101.528955078125, 76.21728515625],
+ [-102.1046875, 76.3312011718751],
+ [-101.415185546875, 76.42490234375],
+ [-99.865478515625, 75.92421875],
+ [-100.112841796875, 76.1172363281251],
+ [-99.541064453125, 76.1462890625001],
+ [-100.414208984375, 76.242529296875],
+ [-99.977734375, 76.312451171875],
+ [-100.829736328125, 76.523876953125],
+ [-99.8140625, 76.6322265625],
+ [-98.89033203125, 76.465576171875],
+ [-98.7108398437499, 76.69384765625],
+ [-97.700927734375, 76.46650390625]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-101.226123046875, 76.579345703125],
+ [-101.6130859375, 76.6045898437501],
+ [-100.269140625, 76.734130859375],
+ [-101.226123046875, 76.579345703125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-108.2923828125, 76.05712890625],
+ [-107.723486328125, 75.99541015625],
+ [-108.020703125, 75.80478515625],
+ [-107.2162109375, 75.891552734375],
+ [-106.913525390625, 75.679638671875],
+ [-106.677001953125, 76.02373046875],
+ [-105.632666015625, 75.9453613281251],
+ [-105.519482421875, 75.6323730468751],
+ [-106.092626953125, 75.089453125],
+ [-107.15341796875, 74.9271484375],
+ [-108.474755859375, 74.947216796875],
+ [-108.831298828125, 75.064892578125],
+ [-112.5193359375, 74.416845703125],
+ [-113.67158203125, 74.4530273437501],
+ [-114.3126953125, 74.7150878906251],
+ [-112.835986328125, 74.9755859375],
+ [-111.67109375, 75.01943359375],
+ [-111.09345703125, 75.256298828125],
+ [-113.711767578125, 75.068603515625],
+ [-113.8533203125, 75.259375],
+ [-113.46708984375, 75.41611328125],
+ [-114.01650390625, 75.43427734375],
+ [-114.16845703125, 75.239501953125],
+ [-114.513818359375, 75.27548828125],
+ [-114.4517578125, 75.087890625],
+ [-115.0201171875, 74.976171875],
+ [-115.41318359375, 75.114990234375],
+ [-115.728857421875, 74.968115234375],
+ [-116.47607421875, 75.17177734375],
+ [-117.565234375, 75.233349609375],
+ [-117.2576171875, 75.459521484375],
+ [-116.0771484375, 75.49296875],
+ [-115.141845703125, 75.6785156250001],
+ [-116.425634765625, 75.5853515625],
+ [-117.163623046875, 75.644873046875],
+ [-116.8021484375, 75.77158203125],
+ [-114.99150390625, 75.896337890625],
+ [-116.66455078125, 75.9575683593751],
+ [-116.20986328125, 76.19443359375],
+ [-114.77861328125, 76.172607421875],
+ [-115.82216796875, 76.27001953125],
+ [-114.998486328125, 76.4974609375],
+ [-114.1939453125, 76.4514648437501],
+ [-113.823486328125, 76.2068359375],
+ [-112.697607421875, 76.2017089843751],
+ [-111.052685546875, 75.54853515625],
+ [-108.94716796875, 75.541796875],
+ [-108.944775390625, 75.698974609375],
+ [-109.8705078125, 75.929052734375],
+ [-109.48681640625, 76.144677734375],
+ [-110.314453125, 76.369384765625],
+ [-109.0982421875, 76.811865234375],
+ [-108.4669921875, 76.7375976562501],
+ [-108.2923828125, 76.05712890625]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-89.7264648437499, 76.507421875],
+ [-90.55625, 76.7345703125],
+ [-90.136328125, 76.8369628906251],
+ [-89.69541015625, 76.741162109375],
+ [-89.7264648437499, 76.507421875]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-113.560693359375, 76.74326171875],
+ [-114.83525390625, 76.794677734375],
+ [-113.891650390625, 76.894873046875],
+ [-113.560693359375, 76.74326171875]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-94.2949707031249, 76.912451171875],
+ [-93.230029296875, 76.770263671875],
+ [-93.5345703125, 76.447705078125],
+ [-92.9953613281249, 76.62041015625],
+ [-91.305029296875, 76.68076171875],
+ [-90.5426269531249, 76.495751953125],
+ [-91.415087890625, 76.4558593750001],
+ [-89.284521484375, 76.3016113281251],
+ [-89.406591796875, 76.18916015625],
+ [-91.40732421875, 76.2200683593751],
+ [-89.277587890625, 75.795068359375],
+ [-89.646044921875, 75.5650390625],
+ [-88.91669921875, 75.453955078125],
+ [-88.644970703125, 75.658447265625],
+ [-88.201318359375, 75.5120117187501],
+ [-87.729736328125, 75.575634765625],
+ [-87.539111328125, 75.48486328125],
+ [-87.25693359375, 75.617724609375],
+ [-85.9514648437499, 75.39501953125],
+ [-85.972998046875, 75.5287109375],
+ [-83.931982421875, 75.8189453125],
+ [-83.2371093749999, 75.750830078125],
+ [-82.153662109375, 75.8310546875],
+ [-80.32197265625, 75.6291015625],
+ [-79.50908203125, 75.259814453125],
+ [-80.3819824218749, 75.0341796875],
+ [-79.401416015625, 74.917626953125],
+ [-79.944482421875, 74.8336425781251],
+ [-80.34775390625, 74.9029785156251],
+ [-80.262744140625, 74.58447265625],
+ [-81.9401855468749, 74.4727050781251],
+ [-82.735791015625, 74.5302734375],
+ [-83.5220703125, 74.90146484375],
+ [-83.5318847656249, 74.585693359375],
+ [-84.425537109375, 74.5081054687501],
+ [-85.06142578125, 74.60693359375],
+ [-85.133447265625, 74.517431640625],
+ [-85.442333984375, 74.6005859375],
+ [-85.8080078124999, 74.498974609375],
+ [-88.423046875, 74.494140625],
+ [-88.5349609374999, 74.83173828125],
+ [-89.55869140625, 74.5547363281251],
+ [-90.553271484375, 74.612744140625],
+ [-90.880224609375, 74.8177734375],
+ [-91.1345703125, 74.649853515625],
+ [-91.54912109375, 74.65556640625],
+ [-92.3892578125, 75.263330078125],
+ [-92.185107421875, 75.846533203125],
+ [-93.091748046875, 76.35400390625],
+ [-95.273876953125, 76.264404296875],
+ [-96.0396972656249, 76.48671875],
+ [-95.6509765625, 76.58466796875],
+ [-96.880712890625, 76.7383300781251],
+ [-96.4015625, 76.797216796875],
+ [-96.75830078125, 76.97177734375],
+ [-95.84951171875, 77.0662109375001],
+ [-94.2949707031249, 76.912451171875]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-115.55126953125, 77.36328125],
+ [-116.32919921875, 77.137060546875],
+ [-115.81005859375, 76.939111328125],
+ [-116.252734375, 76.9014160156251],
+ [-115.9462890625, 76.711279296875],
+ [-116.99921875, 76.531591796875],
+ [-117.23359375, 76.2815429687501],
+ [-117.99296875, 76.4058105468751],
+ [-117.880810546875, 76.8050781250001],
+ [-118.79140625, 76.5129882812501],
+ [-119.080712890625, 76.1240722656251],
+ [-119.58037109375, 76.326513671875],
+ [-119.526123046875, 75.9972167968751],
+ [-119.912890625, 75.858837890625],
+ [-120.40888671875, 75.825634765625],
+ [-120.848388671875, 76.182666015625],
+ [-121.2134765625, 75.9836914062501],
+ [-122.533056640625, 75.950927734375],
+ [-122.592724609375, 76.162060546875],
+ [-122.902783203125, 76.134716796875],
+ [-122.519384765625, 76.353173828125],
+ [-121.5611328125, 76.453466796875],
+ [-119.090185546875, 77.305078125],
+ [-116.8435546875, 77.33955078125],
+ [-117.03974609375, 77.4651367187501],
+ [-116.511328125, 77.547607421875],
+ [-115.55126953125, 77.36328125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-89.833251953125, 77.2676269531251],
+ [-90.228271484375, 77.212451171875],
+ [-90.993212890625, 77.3294921875],
+ [-91.01904296875, 77.643896484375],
+ [-89.83896484375, 77.49140625],
+ [-89.833251953125, 77.2676269531251]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-104.558154296875, 77.141748046875],
+ [-105.215087890625, 77.182080078125],
+ [-106.035595703125, 77.7398437500001],
+ [-105.587890625, 77.735986328125],
+ [-104.542236328125, 77.337744140625],
+ [-104.558154296875, 77.141748046875]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-95.484375, 77.7919921875],
+ [-93.3009765625, 77.7397949218751],
+ [-93.5439453125, 77.466650390625],
+ [-95.987060546875, 77.484130859375],
+ [-96.194580078125, 77.700537109375],
+ [-95.484375, 77.7919921875]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-101.6935546875, 77.6965820312501],
+ [-102.37783203125, 77.728125],
+ [-102.447705078125, 77.8806152343751],
+ [-101.193212890625, 77.82978515625],
+ [-101.00205078125, 77.735107421875],
+ [-101.6935546875, 77.6965820312501]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-113.832470703125, 77.7546386718751],
+ [-114.28720703125, 77.7214843750001],
+ [-114.980419921875, 77.9154296875],
+ [-114.33037109375, 78.0775390625],
+ [-113.832470703125, 77.7546386718751]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-110.458056640625, 78.10322265625],
+ [-109.622265625, 78.074755859375],
+ [-110.865625, 77.834130859375],
+ [-110.152734375, 77.7629394531251],
+ [-110.198486328125, 77.52451171875],
+ [-112.37265625, 77.364111328125],
+ [-113.16435546875, 77.5302734375],
+ [-113.215185546875, 77.903515625],
+ [-110.458056640625, 78.10322265625]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-109.815966796875, 78.650390625],
+ [-109.48447265625, 78.31640625],
+ [-111.169189453125, 78.3862792968751],
+ [-111.51748046875, 78.2747070312501],
+ [-112.13125, 78.366064453125],
+ [-113.223046875, 78.2979003906251],
+ [-112.855859375, 78.466845703125],
+ [-110.877587890625, 78.73505859375],
+ [-109.815966796875, 78.650390625]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-96.2044921874999, 78.531298828125],
+ [-94.915380859375, 78.39052734375],
+ [-95.329248046875, 78.225048828125],
+ [-94.93427734375, 78.075634765625],
+ [-96.9896484374999, 77.806005859375],
+ [-97.658154296875, 78.090625],
+ [-96.944677734375, 78.15185546875],
+ [-98.04951171875, 78.325927734375],
+ [-98.3326171875, 78.7735351562501],
+ [-97.38232421875, 78.78291015625],
+ [-96.2044921874999, 78.531298828125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-103.426025390625, 79.315625],
+ [-102.576171875, 78.87939453125],
+ [-101.703662109375, 79.07890625],
+ [-101.128125, 78.80166015625],
+ [-100.435498046875, 78.8203125],
+ [-99.609423828125, 78.5830566406251],
+ [-99.16640625, 77.85693359375],
+ [-100.274658203125, 77.83271484375],
+ [-101.07412109375, 78.19384765625],
+ [-102.606982421875, 78.24892578125],
+ [-102.73134765625, 78.371044921875],
+ [-103.94658203125, 78.260009765625],
+ [-104.76357421875, 78.35166015625],
+ [-104.909619140625, 78.55263671875],
+ [-103.5705078125, 78.5398437500001],
+ [-104.020849609375, 78.634912109375],
+ [-103.37158203125, 78.736328125],
+ [-104.185009765625, 78.7812988281251],
+ [-104.151953125, 78.989892578125],
+ [-104.8955078125, 78.808154296875],
+ [-104.74677734375, 79.027099609375],
+ [-105.53564453125, 79.0325195312501],
+ [-105.51455078125, 79.24248046875],
+ [-105.3876953125, 79.323583984375],
+ [-103.426025390625, 79.315625]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-98.7916015625, 79.9811035156251],
+ [-98.94521484375, 79.724072265625],
+ [-100.0568359375, 79.8982421875001],
+ [-100.053271484375, 80.093359375],
+ [-99.15322265625, 80.12421875],
+ [-98.7916015625, 79.9811035156251]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-91.885546875, 81.1328613281251],
+ [-90.643017578125, 80.593701171875],
+ [-89.2355957031249, 80.51064453125],
+ [-88.85732421875, 80.1662109375],
+ [-88.19990234375, 80.111474609375],
+ [-88.5248046875, 80.4180175781251],
+ [-87.675, 80.3721191406251],
+ [-87.922314453125, 80.097705078125],
+ [-86.977197265625, 79.89423828125],
+ [-87.2951660156249, 79.58017578125],
+ [-86.336962890625, 79.6349609375],
+ [-86.00703125, 79.479443359375],
+ [-85.6478515625, 79.6114257812501],
+ [-85.042138671875, 79.2845703125],
+ [-86.957177734375, 78.9749023437501],
+ [-87.6173828125, 78.6763183593751],
+ [-88.0401855468749, 78.9953125],
+ [-87.982861328125, 78.537060546875],
+ [-88.7416015625, 78.584033203125],
+ [-88.822412109375, 78.185888671875],
+ [-90.037109375, 78.6068359375],
+ [-89.52568359375, 78.159619140625],
+ [-90.297216796875, 78.32802734375],
+ [-90.614404296875, 78.149853515625],
+ [-92.35126953125, 78.312890625],
+ [-92.8482421875, 78.460107421875],
+ [-91.86689453125, 78.54267578125],
+ [-93.2666015625, 78.60830078125],
+ [-93.634423828125, 78.750927734375],
+ [-93.15986328125, 78.775634765625],
+ [-94.114599609375, 78.92890625],
+ [-92.547216796875, 79.2826171875],
+ [-91.29990234375, 79.372705078125],
+ [-92.821923828125, 79.44990234375],
+ [-93.933154296875, 79.29072265625],
+ [-94.110302734375, 79.4015625],
+ [-95.103173828125, 79.289892578125],
+ [-95.662890625, 79.52734375],
+ [-94.40185546875, 79.736328125],
+ [-95.73935546875, 79.66015625],
+ [-96.5890625, 79.916650390625],
+ [-96.7732421875, 80.135791015625],
+ [-94.6458984374999, 80.04873046875],
+ [-94.26259765625, 80.194873046875],
+ [-95.405078125, 80.1350097656251],
+ [-96.3940917968749, 80.3150390625],
+ [-95.549072265625, 80.3666015625],
+ [-95.926953125, 80.720654296875],
+ [-93.9279296875, 80.5591796875],
+ [-95.51474609375, 80.838134765625],
+ [-94.980517578125, 81.049658203125],
+ [-93.28671875, 81.10029296875],
+ [-94.2201171875, 81.33076171875],
+ [-93.03466796875, 81.3462890625],
+ [-91.885546875, 81.1328613281251]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-69.4888671875, 83.016796875],
+ [-66.42255859375, 82.92685546875],
+ [-68.4693359375, 82.653369140625],
+ [-65.2990234375, 82.7996093750001],
+ [-64.98388671875, 82.902294921875],
+ [-64.50400390625, 82.77841796875],
+ [-63.641015625, 82.81259765625],
+ [-63.2467773437499, 82.4501953125],
+ [-62.4751953125, 82.519580078125],
+ [-61.39248046875, 82.44189453125],
+ [-61.615380859375, 82.184423828125],
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+ [91.60400390625, 27.8390760947778],
+ [91.593017578125, 27.6640689653845],
+ [91.614990234375, 27.5764600762627],
+ [91.702880859375, 27.508271413876],
+ [91.900634765625, 27.4985267227983],
+ [92.054443359375, 27.4497903297842],
+ [92.13134765625, 27.3229749472457],
+ [92.109375, 27.2155562090297],
+ [92.010498046875, 27.1764691318989],
+ [92.076416015625, 27.0591257843741],
+ [92.164306640625, 26.8730809659384],
+ [92.4169921875, 26.9024768862798],
+ [92.724609375, 27.0101964319315],
+ [93.087158203125, 27.0004080035218],
+ [93.18603515625, 26.9514530834983],
+ [93.3837890625, 26.9710376062556],
+ [93.603515625, 26.9906187229647],
+ [93.724365234375, 27.0004080035218],
+ [93.84521484375, 27.1862421856087],
+ [93.955078125, 27.3034519910345],
+ [94.1748046875, 27.4595393327179],
+ [94.295654296875, 27.5667214304097],
+ [94.4384765625, 27.6154060133996],
+ [95.009765625, 27.8293608597898],
+ [95.16357421875, 27.8779283336795],
+ [95.3173828125, 27.9847001186127],
+ [95.4931640625, 28.1398159127545],
+ [95.679931640625, 28.2366494440145],
+ [95.8447265625, 28.2850332946407],
+ [96.031494140625, 28.2076085953274],
+ [96.119384765625, 28.2172897559571],
+ [96.1962890625, 28.2172897559571],
+ [96.35009765625, 28.1688751800633],
+ [96.492919921875, 28.0913662814069],
+ [96.65771484375, 28.0041018303687],
+ [96.778564453125, 27.9361805667694],
+ [96.8994140625, 27.8876392171365],
+ [96.9873046875, 27.8099277809084],
+ [97.196044921875, 27.8585039548412],
+ [97.3828125, 27.926474039865],
+ [97.36083984375, 28.1591896340467],
+ [97.415771484375, 28.323724553546],
+ [97.591552734375, 28.5362745129899],
+ [97.745361328125, 28.459033019728],
+ [97.855224609375, 28.3527337602378],
+ [97.998046875, 28.323724553546],
+ [98.074951171875, 28.1979265572262],
+ [98.140869140625, 28.0428947725616],
+ [98.173828125, 27.8487904598621],
+ [98.23974609375, 27.7029837355259],
+ [98.37158203125, 27.469287473692],
+ [98.492431640625, 27.6543381066919],
+ [98.712158203125, 27.5472415462533],
+ [98.7451171875, 27.410785702577],
+ [98.778076171875, 27.1862421856087],
+ [98.7451171875, 26.9024768862798],
+ [98.7451171875, 26.745610382199],
+ [98.778076171875, 26.6179967221168],
+ [98.72314453125, 26.391869671769],
+ [98.67919921875, 26.2244469456343],
+ [98.72314453125, 26.1455762075923],
+ [98.624267578125, 26.0863881493949],
+ [98.5693359375, 26.0074241568022],
+ [98.61328125, 25.9284070326941],
+ [98.624267578125, 25.8493368917076],
+ [98.514404296875, 25.7899995628736],
+ [98.404541015625, 25.6415263730658],
+ [98.3056640625, 25.5523536521655],
+ [98.184814453125, 25.5919941802547],
+ [98.140869140625, 25.5027845487554],
+ [98.0859375, 25.393660521998],
+ [97.998046875, 25.2546326197495],
+ [97.921142578125, 25.1950004243075],
+ [97.84423828125, 25.244695951306],
+ [97.767333984375, 25.0855988970648],
+ [97.745361328125, 24.9760994936954],
+ [97.80029296875, 24.8565343393107],
+ [97.6025390625, 24.7867345419889],
+ [97.525634765625, 24.7168954558593],
+ [97.525634765625, 24.5371293990799],
+ [97.569580078125, 24.427145340082],
+ [97.66845703125, 24.417142025372],
+ [97.679443359375, 24.3270765400186],
+ [97.745361328125, 24.2369470039175],
+ [97.66845703125, 24.1066471792018],
+ [97.547607421875, 23.966175871265],
+ [97.53662109375, 23.9059269273147],
+ [97.635498046875, 23.8556980097512],
+ [97.833251953125, 23.9561363339693],
+ [98.06396484375, 24.0564964907685],
+ [98.294677734375, 24.1166749617513],
+ [98.50341796875, 24.1267019586817],
+ [98.701171875, 24.1267019586817],
+ [98.865966796875, 24.1267019586817],
+ [98.843994140625, 24.0364307246674],
+ [98.701171875, 23.966175871265],
+ [98.72314453125, 23.835600986621],
+ [98.85498046875, 23.7551817661126],
+ [98.843994140625, 23.6042618470702],
+ [98.7890625, 23.4934766609609],
+ [98.876953125, 23.4330090774203],
+ [98.887939453125, 23.2110582764882],
+ [99.0087890625, 23.1706638271022],
+ [99.107666015625, 23.1403599878861],
+ [99.228515625, 23.0999442125314],
+ [99.47021484375, 23.0797317624499],
+ [99.580078125, 23.019076187293],
+ [99.55810546875, 22.8875622151745],
+ [99.42626953125, 22.9280416656518],
+ [99.305419921875, 22.7761815050865],
+ [99.3603515625, 22.5835825377339],
+ [99.261474609375, 22.339914425562],
+ [99.140625, 22.1772317928213],
+ [99.1845703125, 22.1059987997506],
+ [99.459228515625, 22.0856399016503],
+ [99.700927734375, 22.0652780677658],
+ [99.931640625, 22.0143606531032],
+ [99.986572265625, 21.8716946351427],
+ [100.01953125, 21.6982654968525],
+ [100.118408203125, 21.6676386067816],
+ [100.118408203125, 21.5041855007784],
+ [100.283203125, 21.5041855007784],
+ [100.458984375, 21.5246272205453],
+ [100.601806640625, 21.4939635630645],
+ [100.8544921875, 21.6267926347994],
+ [100.96435546875, 21.7288858739515],
+ [101.085205078125, 21.7901070598079],
+ [101.14013671875, 21.6574281973707],
+ [101.173095703125, 21.5144067200303],
+ [101.195068359375, 21.2996106049456],
+ [101.282958984375, 21.2074587304826],
+ [101.53564453125, 21.2177006731323],
+ [101.722412109375, 21.1869727141238],
+ [101.788330078125, 21.2688997199677],
+ [101.77734375, 21.4632934418993],
+ [101.71142578125, 21.7186798057032],
+ [101.590576171875, 21.993988560906],
+ [101.524658203125, 22.197577453351],
+ [101.57958984375, 22.3500758061249],
+ [101.66748046875, 22.4516488191262],
+ [101.77734375, 22.461802035334],
+ [101.942138671875, 22.461802035334],
+ [102.073974609375, 22.4719545077392],
+ [102.227783203125, 22.461802035334],
+ [102.45849609375, 22.6849841428721],
+ [102.557373046875, 22.7660514691269],
+ [102.733154296875, 22.6849841428721],
+ [102.886962890625, 22.5734382645724],
+ [102.974853515625, 22.5024074594978],
+ [103.07373046875, 22.5125569540515],
+ [103.172607421875, 22.6342926937935],
+ [103.282470703125, 22.7457891424259],
+ [103.359375, 22.8065671002715],
+ [103.4912109375, 22.6342926937935],
+ [103.612060546875, 22.7255238110894],
+ [103.699951171875, 22.7863107891043],
+ [103.897705078125, 22.5632932447078],
+ [104.0185546875, 22.5430009659219],
+ [104.08447265625, 22.7356568522065],
+ [104.161376953125, 22.8166941268998],
+ [104.43603515625, 22.7153900193359],
+ [104.578857421875, 22.8369459209439],
+ [104.732666015625, 22.9078034510584],
+ [104.83154296875, 22.9988515941429],
+ [104.83154296875, 23.0999442125314],
+ [105.05126953125, 23.2211549818466],
+ [105.205078125, 23.3019011241889],
+ [105.303955078125, 23.3523425975811],
+ [105.413818359375, 23.2716270539183],
+ [105.567626953125, 23.1807635831294],
+ [105.633544921875, 23.1100492973567],
+ [105.8203125, 23.0089642696731],
+ [105.897216796875, 22.9381596393164],
+ [106.116943359375, 22.9887381609607],
+ [106.28173828125, 22.8774404648971],
+ [106.54541015625, 22.9280416656518],
+ [106.798095703125, 22.8571947009696],
+ [106.710205078125, 22.6241521580904],
+ [106.58935546875, 22.5937260639293],
+ [106.54541015625, 22.3907139168386],
+ [106.69921875, 22.2585967409757],
+ [106.710205078125, 22.0856399016503],
+ [106.72119140625, 21.9838014173847],
+ [106.951904296875, 21.9532356003645],
+ [107.07275390625, 21.9124709526803],
+ [107.138671875, 21.820707853875],
+ [107.259521484375, 21.7288858739515],
+ [107.33642578125, 21.7288858739515],
+ [107.413330078125, 21.5757189324585],
+ [107.523193359375, 21.6370052111063],
+ [107.73193359375, 21.6063653172034],
+ [107.8857421875, 21.6267926347994],
+ [108.017578125, 21.5655020297453],
+ [108.25927734375, 21.6267926347994],
+ [108.5009765625, 21.6370052111063],
+ [108.52294921875, 21.8003080509726],
+ [108.577880859375, 21.7799053425296],
+ [108.6767578125, 21.6778482933475],
+ [108.78662109375, 21.6472170653878],
+ [108.907470703125, 21.6676386067816],
+ [109.09423828125, 21.5348470020488],
+ [109.09423828125, 21.4326168644774],
+ [109.193115234375, 21.4121622297254],
+ [109.35791015625, 21.4530686330868],
+ [109.48974609375, 21.4939635630645],
+ [109.57763671875, 21.6063653172034],
+ [109.6875, 21.6063653172034],
+ [109.84130859375, 21.4428431071877],
+ [109.9072265625, 21.4223899052314],
+ [109.75341796875, 21.2791373941087],
+ [109.676513671875, 21.1767286409708],
+ [109.632568359375, 21.0332372344673],
+ [109.676513671875, 20.8690777320185],
+ [109.742431640625, 20.7663868125152],
+ [109.79736328125, 20.6533461480761],
+ [109.852294921875, 20.468189222641],
+ [109.951171875, 20.3343256168355],
+ [110.159912109375, 20.2828086913301],
+ [110.4345703125, 20.2828086913301],
+ [110.5224609375, 20.4476023975942],
+ [110.423583984375, 20.6430655467265],
+ [110.3466796875, 20.7663868125152],
+ [110.23681640625, 20.8690777320185],
+ [110.269775390625, 20.9511799939762],
+ [110.41259765625, 21.0024710543567],
+ [110.5224609375, 20.8998713470764],
+ [110.577392578125, 20.9819567428323],
+ [110.577392578125, 21.1050002753821],
+ [110.72021484375, 21.2996106049456],
+ [110.8740234375, 21.4019338382352],
+ [111.0498046875, 21.4428431071877],
+ [111.181640625, 21.4530686330868],
+ [111.368408203125, 21.4735175333499],
+ [111.62109375, 21.5246272205453],
+ [111.763916015625, 21.5961505764614],
+ [111.961669921875, 21.5961505764614],
+ [112.005615234375, 21.6778482933475],
+ [111.983642578125, 21.7697028994097],
+ [112.1044921875, 21.820707853875],
+ [112.17041015625, 21.7799053425296],
+ [112.25830078125, 21.7288858739515],
+ [112.401123046875, 21.7390912177186],
+ [112.47802734375, 21.7799053425296],
+ [112.587890625, 21.7697028994097],
+ [112.796630859375, 21.9022779666686],
+ [112.840576171875, 21.820707853875],
+ [112.950439453125, 21.8309066650698],
+ [113.038330078125, 21.9532356003645],
+ [113.060302734375, 22.0347298170442],
+ [113.203125, 21.9226632093259],
+ [113.280029296875, 21.8818898076293],
+ [113.44482421875, 22.0245456012403],
+ [113.57666015625, 22.1874049913988],
+ [113.70849609375, 22.2992614997412],
+ [113.829345703125, 22.217920166311],
+ [113.994140625, 22.2382599295643],
+ [114.071044921875, 22.2280904167845],
+ [114.27978515625, 22.1874049913988],
+ [114.2138671875, 22.3805555014215],
+ [114.3017578125, 22.5227057034825],
+ [114.41162109375, 22.5125569540515],
+ [114.58740234375, 22.4719545077392],
+ [114.58740234375, 22.5937260639293],
+ [114.598388671875, 22.7052554772075],
+ [114.708251953125, 22.6038688428957],
+ [114.85107421875, 22.6241521580904],
+ [114.9169921875, 22.7052554772075],
+ [115.13671875, 22.8470706878391],
+ [115.3125, 22.7255238110894],
+ [115.499267578125, 22.6647098101768],
+ [115.631103515625, 22.6748473511885],
+ [115.6201171875, 22.8369459209439],
+ [115.828857421875, 22.7964393209195],
+ [116.092529296875, 22.826820400544],
+ [116.224365234375, 22.8976832106481],
+ [116.400146484375, 22.9786239703849],
+ [116.54296875, 23.0291873467446],
+ [116.60888671875, 23.1706638271022],
+ [116.7626953125, 23.2615341676518],
+ [116.806640625, 23.392681978613],
+ [117.1142578125, 23.402764905408],
+ [117.0703125, 23.5237000588241],
+ [117.158203125, 23.6042618470702],
+ [117.344970703125, 23.5438451365058],
+ [117.48779296875, 23.6747128366088],
+ [117.5537109375, 23.8456498876594],
+ [117.586669921875, 23.7551817661126],
+ [117.7294921875, 23.9159703705102],
+ [117.916259765625, 24.0564964907685],
+ [118.10302734375, 24.206889622398],
+ [118.19091796875, 24.3270765400186],
+ [118.0810546875, 24.4471495897308],
+ [118.201904296875, 24.4371478616156],
+ [118.421630859375, 24.417142025372],
+ [118.5205078125, 24.5271348225978],
+ [118.663330078125, 24.5970801370964],
+ [118.817138671875, 24.7667845228745],
+ [118.828125, 24.8764699108315],
+ [118.9599609375, 24.9760994936954],
+ [119.02587890625, 25.0955485396043],
+ [119.15771484375, 25.1054973730147],
+ [119.300537109375, 25.2049411535691],
+ [119.366455078125, 25.3043037644036],
+ [119.234619140625, 25.3837352547069],
+ [119.366455078125, 25.4432746123057],
+ [119.4873046875, 25.373809171544],
+ [119.6630859375, 25.393660521998],
+ [119.849853515625, 25.5127000076205],
+ [119.761962890625, 25.6316215772585],
+ [119.696044921875, 25.7801071184222],
+ [119.72900390625, 26.0271701404974],
+ [119.674072265625, 26.1751589901781],
+ [119.805908203125, 26.3229601989254],
+ [119.937744140625, 26.4902404588696],
+ [120.179443359375, 26.7357990204317],
+ [120.234375, 26.961245770527],
+ [120.41015625, 27.1764691318989],
+ [120.618896484375, 27.3132138985683],
+ [120.728759765625, 27.5569819203383],
+ [120.7177734375, 27.6835280837878],
+ [120.87158203125, 27.8779283336795],
+ [121.036376953125, 27.8876392171365],
+ [121.168212890625, 27.8585039548412],
+ [121.146240234375, 27.9847001186127],
+ [121.04736328125, 28.0816737290443],
+ [121.190185546875, 28.023500048883],
+ [121.278076171875, 28.1204386871011],
+ [121.365966796875, 28.2172897559571],
+ [121.453857421875, 28.3043806829628],
+ [121.5966796875, 28.2850332946407],
+ [121.673583984375, 28.4397138170279],
+ [121.57470703125, 28.6713109158808],
+ [121.6845703125, 28.6905876542507],
+ [121.6845703125, 28.8061735088548],
+ [121.695556640625, 28.9889223719041],
+ [121.66259765625, 29.1329701308786],
+ [121.717529296875, 29.1233732108192],
+ [121.871337890625, 29.0753751795583],
+ [121.9921875, 29.200123477645],
+ [121.981201171875, 29.410890376109],
+ [121.915283203125, 29.6116701151974],
+ [122.047119140625, 29.7166812872311],
+ [122.49755859375, 29.7071393481341],
+ [122.486572265625, 29.9549345496561],
+ [122.420654296875, 30.2021136790972],
+ [122.530517578125, 30.4865508425885],
+ [122.32177734375, 30.5622609504994],
+ [122.135009765625, 30.4581443510181],
+ [122.047119140625, 30.2970178833721],
+ [121.7724609375, 30.0976132772171],
+ [121.695556640625, 30.1831218421955],
+ [121.541748046875, 30.3349538819886],
+ [121.343994140625, 30.4107817908459],
+ [121.168212890625, 30.524413269924],
+ [121.212158203125, 30.6757154041677],
+ [121.53076171875, 30.8079106813665],
+ [121.739501953125, 30.8456474201826],
+ [121.981201171875, 30.6379120283411],
+ [122.135009765625, 30.6284588747536],
+ [122.080078125, 30.8739402378876],
+ [121.981201171875, 31.0717559028201],
+ [122.080078125, 31.3067151550752],
+ [122.025146484375, 31.5785354264734],
+ [121.959228515625, 31.7748776185074],
+ [121.61865234375, 32.0732655510424],
+ [121.5087890625, 32.1477110659557],
+ [121.475830078125, 32.2964197989691],
+ [121.22314453125, 32.4356130411628],
+ [121.014404296875, 32.5931059742654],
+ [120.926513671875, 32.7318408968657],
+ [120.95947265625, 32.9164853473144],
+ [120.838623046875, 33.1375511923461],
+ [120.706787109375, 33.4039312002347],
+ [120.5859375, 33.6694969727955],
+ [120.41015625, 33.9798087287246],
+ [120.322265625, 34.2163446884346],
+ [120.201416015625, 34.3343644870263],
+ [120.003662109375, 34.4431586745058],
+ [119.783935546875, 34.5789524103695],
+ [119.5751953125, 34.6964611727235],
+ [119.322509765625, 34.8138033171132],
+ [119.212646484375, 34.8859309407532],
+ [119.234619140625, 35.0389920467808],
+ [119.37744140625, 35.1019340572461],
+ [119.443359375, 35.2456190942068],
+ [119.564208984375, 35.406960932702],
+ [119.6630859375, 35.5858515932324],
+ [119.937744140625, 35.6929946320988],
+ [120.16845703125, 35.7732575910373],
+ [120.311279296875, 35.9691150757748],
+ [120.498046875, 36.1023764487364],
+ [120.76171875, 36.2885631983624],
+ [120.82763671875, 36.4477991295848],
+ [121.04736328125, 36.5802466014987],
+ [121.409912109375, 36.7300795070784],
+ [121.61865234375, 36.8092847020594],
+ [121.893310546875, 36.8884080431382],
+ [122.047119140625, 36.9586711315303],
+ [122.16796875, 36.8708321556463],
+ [122.40966796875, 36.8268747428773],
+ [122.574462890625, 36.976226784641],
+ [122.4755859375, 37.0902398030721],
+ [122.640380859375, 37.2653099556188],
+ [122.662353515625, 37.4486965859104],
+ [122.376708984375, 37.483576550427],
+ [122.2119140625, 37.5358659779204],
+ [121.92626953125, 37.5097258429375],
+ [121.640625, 37.474858084971],
+ [121.387939453125, 37.5707052423312],
+ [121.2451171875, 37.6664292120906],
+ [121.014404296875, 37.7533440131066],
+ [120.87158203125, 37.7967631768216],
+ [120.7177734375, 37.7880813841205],
+ [120.498046875, 37.6838203266938],
+ [120.25634765625, 37.5358659779204],
+ [120.091552734375, 37.4399740522706],
+ [119.915771484375, 37.3963461331892],
+ [119.915771484375, 37.2653099556188],
+ [119.630126953125, 37.1428034437168],
+ [119.55322265625, 37.1252862849668],
+ [119.3115234375, 37.2040815558985],
+ [119.15771484375, 37.2303283876039],
+ [119.102783203125, 37.2827946491105],
+ [119.00390625, 37.483576550427],
+ [119.02587890625, 37.6490340215787],
+ [119.168701171875, 37.7012073647414],
+ [119.278564453125, 37.7880813841205],
+ [119.278564453125, 37.857507156252],
+ [119.11376953125, 37.8835249808713],
+ [119.02587890625, 38.0307856938229],
+ [118.817138671875, 38.1518374030068],
+ [118.58642578125, 38.0740414594196],
+ [118.3447265625, 38.1086276643213],
+ [118.048095703125, 38.1950215579558],
+ [117.784423828125, 38.3588878586668],
+ [117.630615234375, 38.5395726720391],
+ [117.696533203125, 38.7626503383342],
+ [117.762451171875, 38.8739285392363],
+ [117.8173828125, 39.1044888094405],
+ [117.97119140625, 39.1896908210968],
+ [118.092041015625, 39.1896908210968],
+ [118.157958984375, 39.0533181067413],
+ [118.32275390625, 38.9764924855394],
+ [118.54248046875, 38.95086540092],
+ [118.5205078125, 39.0789080970648],
+ [118.6962890625, 39.1300602421351],
+ [118.98193359375, 39.1896908210968],
+ [119.168701171875, 39.2832938689385],
+ [119.234619140625, 39.410733055085],
+ [119.300537109375, 39.5802902744087],
+ [119.410400390625, 39.7916548352534],
+ [119.652099609375, 39.9518589266301],
+ [119.8828125, 40.0192013076868],
+ [120.05859375, 40.0864772938088],
+ [120.399169921875, 40.178873314347],
+ [120.640869140625, 40.3465441211801],
+ [120.684814453125, 40.5388515253547],
+ [120.78369140625, 40.6389673438172],
+ [121.014404296875, 40.8054938438942],
+ [121.2451171875, 40.89690577586],
+ [121.563720703125, 40.89690577586],
+ [121.717529296875, 40.9135125761276],
+ [121.937255859375, 40.7971774151877],
+ [122.047119140625, 40.7222826728315],
+ [122.244873046875, 40.572240117769],
+ [122.27783203125, 40.3883968738836],
+ [122.069091796875, 40.2795256688129],
+ [121.893310546875, 40.1284910568541],
+ [121.673583984375, 39.9939556939733],
+ [121.5087890625, 39.8000959563484],
+ [121.519775390625, 39.6564560481283],
+ [121.365966796875, 39.6056881783208],
+ [121.234130859375, 39.5464119196867],
+ [121.300048828125, 39.4531611280739],
+ [121.46484375, 39.410733055085],
+ [121.563720703125, 39.317300373271],
+ [121.673583984375, 39.3767719966164],
+ [121.57470703125, 39.2237427413913],
+ [121.640625, 39.1300602421351],
+ [121.497802734375, 39.0618491342915],
+ [121.35498046875, 38.9764924855394],
+ [121.11328125, 38.9166815363751],
+ [121.09130859375, 38.7969083034843],
+ [121.168212890625, 38.6940850475683],
+ [121.563720703125, 38.7797813780492],
+ [121.695556640625, 38.8824811975508],
+ [121.695556640625, 38.9850327869591],
+ [121.8603515625, 38.95086540092],
+ [122.047119140625, 39.0789080970648],
+ [122.16796875, 39.2152313091049],
+ [122.27783203125, 39.3342974298073],
+ [122.3876953125, 39.3937545922435],
+ [122.816162109375, 39.5718222373437],
+ [122.969970703125, 39.6649137374913],
+ [123.211669921875, 39.7071866568265],
+ [123.50830078125, 39.7916548352534],
+ [123.837890625, 39.81697509049],
+ [124.090576171875, 39.7916548352534],
+ [124.244384765625, 39.8928799002948],
+ [124.4091796875, 40.0612565814047],
+ [124.56298828125, 40.2292181887012],
+ [124.8046875, 40.3465441211801],
+ [125.057373046875, 40.5054462840521],
+ [125.299072265625, 40.6389673438172],
+ [125.44189453125, 40.6972990086368],
+ [125.66162109375, 40.7888599444948],
+ [125.826416015625, 40.9052096972736],
+ [126.14501953125, 41.079351149469],
+ [126.353759765625, 41.1786539723317],
+ [126.463623046875, 41.3273263203662],
+ [126.551513671875, 41.4180150360802],
+ [126.661376953125, 41.6236553906864],
+ [126.881103515625, 41.8122671435998],
+ [127.056884765625, 41.7958880981914],
+ [127.08984375, 41.5825796014303],
+ [127.188720703125, 41.4921208396878],
+ [127.41943359375, 41.4427263776721],
+ [127.628173828125, 41.4262531950727],
+ [127.9248046875, 41.4509614012039],
+ [128.023681640625, 41.4180150360802],
+ [128.155517578125, 41.4180150360802],
+ [128.232421875, 41.5414776667903],
+ [128.243408203125, 41.6811175629065],
+ [128.12255859375, 41.7713116797641],
+ [128.089599609375, 41.951319946797],
+ [128.232421875, 42.0411340094081],
+ [128.4521484375, 42.0329743324414],
+ [128.73779296875, 42.0248136078178],
+ [128.836669921875, 42.0248136078178],
+ [129.0234375, 42.1308213018881],
+ [129.210205078125, 42.2122451628858],
+ [129.287109375, 42.39912215986],
+ [129.364013671875, 42.4477814346225],
+ [129.462890625, 42.4072346615519],
+ [129.61669921875, 42.4396741781494],
+ [129.70458984375, 42.4558876419717],
+ [129.79248046875, 42.5935326256499],
+ [129.79248046875, 42.7470121731807],
+ [129.90234375, 42.9001126552533],
+ [129.96826171875, 42.9644625738713],
+ [130.1220703125, 42.972501586026],
+ [130.220947265625, 42.8195807157959],
+ [130.308837890625, 42.6662807056493],
+ [130.40771484375, 42.5935326256499],
+ [130.484619140625, 42.5773548395579],
+ [130.5615234375, 42.6258756025914],
+ [130.550537109375, 42.4964029409371],
+ [130.67138671875, 42.3016903282445],
+ [130.594482421875, 42.5126017157367],
+ [130.45166015625, 42.7550795450721],
+ [130.572509765625, 42.8437513262902],
+ [130.80322265625, 42.8920641880734],
+ [131.055908203125, 42.9001126552533],
+ [131.209716796875, 42.9242517538707],
+ [131.209716796875, 43.0528339176279],
+ [131.253662109375, 43.2131833007389],
+ [131.319580078125, 43.3810975872786],
+ [131.253662109375, 43.5565103750476],
+ [131.253662109375, 43.7155347262051],
+ [131.253662109375, 43.8899753738369],
+ [131.319580078125, 44.0639066080178],
+ [131.055908203125, 44.7935309047441],
+ [130.95703125, 44.8714427501659],
+ [131.209716796875, 44.9725706822406],
+ [131.473388671875, 44.9803423808497],
+ [131.63818359375, 45.0735206067097],
+ [131.72607421875, 45.2052634561624],
+ [131.923828125, 45.3289786621856],
+ [131.94580078125, 45.2748864370489],
+ [132.86865234375, 45.0735206067097],
+ [132.945556640625, 45.0114186422773],
+ [133.077392578125, 45.0967914639474],
+ [133.154296875, 45.2207426025537],
+ [133.121337890625, 45.3367019099681],
+ [133.209228515625, 45.4447167915956],
+ [133.39599609375, 45.5832897560063],
+ [133.472900390625, 45.6831580325331],
+ [133.52783203125, 45.8287992519213],
+ [133.61572265625, 45.8976545343469],
+ [133.692626953125, 46.0198533728763],
+ [133.70361328125, 46.1189415061071],
+ [133.780517578125, 46.2026463806102],
+ [133.857421875, 46.2558468184803],
+ [133.92333984375, 46.3620930120499],
+ [133.868408203125, 46.4605655457854],
+ [133.9013671875, 46.5437496027386],
+ [134.022216796875, 46.6946673077731],
+ [134.044189453125, 46.890231573594],
+ [134.09912109375, 47.0476686404608],
+ [134.18701171875, 47.1224758166411],
+ [134.176025390625, 47.2568640440887],
+ [134.208984375, 47.3537106195136],
+ [134.4287109375, 47.4355191531953],
+ [134.67041015625, 47.53203824676],
+ [134.769287109375, 47.6653873563265],
+ [134.747314453125, 47.7836346352638],
+ [134.62646484375, 47.8647739557922],
+ [134.560546875, 47.9825684192141],
+ [134.593505859375, 48.1074311884804],
+ [134.681396484375, 48.2319913432096],
+ [134.75830078125, 48.3781454697624],
+ [134.637451171875, 48.4364899559442],
+ [134.395751953125, 48.4219101094288],
+ [134.241943359375, 48.3854421911548],
+ [134.01123046875, 48.3489481240138],
+ [133.802490234375, 48.2393089902491],
+ [133.857421875, 48.1734124865808],
+ [133.692626953125, 48.1953874083334],
+ [133.582763671875, 48.1880634812114],
+ [133.472900390625, 48.1147666318763],
+ [133.275146484375, 48.1000946979738],
+ [133.077392578125, 48.1000946979738],
+ [132.86865234375, 48.026672195436],
+ [132.78076171875, 47.9531449501559],
+ [132.6708984375, 47.9605023889151],
+ [132.626953125, 47.8057761193681],
+ [132.5830078125, 47.746711194756],
+ [132.330322265625, 47.7245445490997],
+ [132.1875, 47.7023684665737],
+ [131.912841796875, 47.6801829464841],
+ [131.605224609375, 47.7023684665737],
+ [131.077880859375, 47.7393233613686],
+ [130.836181640625, 47.7910161782626],
+ [130.75927734375, 47.9678587799925],
+ [130.660400390625, 48.0780789434986],
+ [130.693359375, 48.2246726495652],
+ [130.80322265625, 48.3781454697624],
+ [130.7373046875, 48.4947675153073],
+ [130.572509765625, 48.5747899109289],
+ [130.49560546875, 48.7054628957905],
+ [130.6494140625, 48.8647147618028],
+ [130.462646484375, 48.9080593996501],
+ [130.198974609375, 48.8791671489602],
+ [130.01220703125, 48.9946359835341],
+ [129.759521484375, 49.217597105176],
+ [129.627685546875, 49.2678045506375],
+ [129.539794921875, 49.4109731996958],
+ [129.429931640625, 49.4467002969547],
+ [129.35302734375, 49.3609115471262],
+ [129.22119140625, 49.3895244515822],
+ [128.8916015625, 49.475263243038],
+ [128.792724609375, 49.5679778589272],
+ [128.638916015625, 49.6107099380742],
+ [128.38623046875, 49.5751024717232],
+ [128.14453125, 49.5608522061919],
+ [127.891845703125, 49.6249456465015],
+ [127.650146484375, 49.724479188713],
+ [127.55126953125, 49.85215166777],
+ [127.518310546875, 49.9936154625411],
+ [127.606201171875, 50.1698617460073],
+ [127.44140625, 50.2893392532918],
+ [127.342529296875, 50.3875078030031],
+ [127.320556640625, 50.5064398321055],
+ [127.320556640625, 50.6111317133236],
+ [127.232666015625, 50.7434077402921],
+ [127.1337890625, 50.9030328311126],
+ [126.97998046875, 51.0483011333122],
+ [126.9580078125, 51.227527905265],
+ [126.968994140625, 51.3443386605992],
+ [126.837158203125, 51.4471603469801],
+ [126.80419921875, 51.5770695372257],
+ [126.661376953125, 51.7338326727411],
+ [126.485595703125, 51.9713458088517],
+ [126.54052734375, 52.0930076396382],
+ [126.397705078125, 52.2748801306805],
+ [126.298828125, 52.476089041239],
+ [126.112060546875, 52.6030475337285],
+ [125.9912109375, 52.7495937267411],
+ [125.6396484375, 53.0412130407565],
+ [125.474853515625, 53.1006208792143],
+ [125.3759765625, 53.1204052831066],
+ [124.969482421875, 53.2257684357902],
+ [124.87060546875, 53.1599467884681],
+ [124.716796875, 53.1994519028316],
+ [124.43115234375, 53.2783530175318],
+ [124.2333984375, 53.3374334371297],
+ [124.112548828125, 53.3898807515603],
+ [123.870849609375, 53.4749699995486],
+ [123.629150390625, 53.5141845207711],
+ [123.486328125, 53.5598889724546],
+ [123.343505859375, 53.5468355919001],
+ [123.255615234375, 53.5272479701025],
+ [123.123779296875, 53.5272479701025],
+ [122.969970703125, 53.5011170429432],
+ [122.750244140625, 53.4749699995486],
+ [122.5634765625, 53.4749699995486],
+ [122.332763671875, 53.4488068354276],
+ [122.27783203125, 53.4945817931672],
+ [122.1240234375, 53.4422635250086],
+ [121.937255859375, 53.396432127096],
+ [121.6845703125, 53.3833283675716],
+ [121.46484375, 53.3243115198272],
+ [121.365966796875, 53.2914890653002],
+ [121.212158203125, 53.2849215461962],
+ [121.11328125, 53.3111855659391],
+ [120.91552734375, 53.2914890653002],
+ [120.794677734375, 53.2520688058941],
+ [120.6298828125, 53.153359065124],
+ [120.56396484375, 53.0874262193726],
+ [120.377197265625, 52.9817232239068],
+ [120.30029296875, 52.9155272204414],
+ [120.1025390625, 52.8027614154197],
+ [120.003662109375, 52.7628917375837],
+ [119.981689453125, 52.6430634366589],
+ [120.069580078125, 52.5830258614165],
+ [120.311279296875, 52.5897007687178],
+ [120.498046875, 52.6230600582296],
+ [120.684814453125, 52.5696729969008],
+ [120.69580078125, 52.5095347703273],
+ [120.60791015625, 52.4024188739733],
+ [120.618896484375, 52.3084786236634],
+ [120.728759765625, 52.2345282942136],
+ [120.76171875, 52.0862573323384],
+ [120.673828125, 51.9916457721973],
+ [120.5419921875, 51.8764909706148],
+ [120.3662109375, 51.8221981833694],
+ [120.245361328125, 51.7270281570477],
+ [120.05859375, 51.5975476577146],
+ [120.0146484375, 51.5429188223739],
+ [119.915771484375, 51.3443386605992],
+ [119.794921875, 51.1999998341207],
+ [119.72900390625, 51.1104199102926],
+ [119.50927734375, 50.8614441105892],
+ [119.432373046875, 50.7155911334338],
+ [119.300537109375, 50.5832366148059],
+ [119.15771484375, 50.3734961443035],
+ [119.24560546875, 50.3454604086048],
+ [119.344482421875, 50.3384488872547],
+ [119.3115234375, 50.2050332649433],
+ [119.190673828125, 50.0430297438006],
+ [118.970947265625, 49.9865521305062],
+ [118.85009765625, 49.9582884280697],
+ [118.6083984375, 49.9370797569753],
+ [118.45458984375, 49.8733977031892],
+ [118.32275390625, 49.7812640581783],
+ [118.01513671875, 49.6249456465015],
+ [117.9052734375, 49.5822260446217],
+ [117.79541015625, 49.5679778589272],
+ [117.53173828125, 49.6035905243487],
+ [117.26806640625, 49.6605167252267],
+ [117.0263671875, 49.7457813061557],
+ [116.751708984375, 49.85215166777],
+ [116.03759765625, 48.8647147618028],
+ [116.070556640625, 48.7923901964641],
+ [115.99365234375, 48.7417008797654],
+ [115.77392578125, 48.5093264497663],
+ [115.784912109375, 48.261255652041],
+ [115.51025390625, 48.1880634812114],
+ [115.55419921875, 47.9310663475098],
+ [115.916748046875, 47.6727856757654],
+ [116.12548828125, 47.8205318674605],
+ [116.224365234375, 47.886880851069],
+ [116.422119140625, 47.8426576281654],
+ [116.641845703125, 47.8795129339705],
+ [116.78466796875, 47.8721439688873],
+ [116.883544921875, 47.8352834227526],
+ [117.037353515625, 47.7836346352638],
+ [117.169189453125, 47.7393233613686],
+ [117.322998046875, 47.6283800274471],
+ [117.44384765625, 47.6801829464841],
+ [117.608642578125, 47.8500307854583],
+ [117.75146484375, 47.9678587799925],
+ [117.850341796875, 48.01197512671],
+ [118.026123046875, 47.9972738680447],
+ [118.135986328125, 48.026672195436],
+ [118.289794921875, 48.0193241848012],
+ [118.45458984375, 47.9678587799925],
+ [118.63037109375, 47.886880851069],
+ [118.729248046875, 47.7614837161667],
+ [118.828125, 47.7097615426664],
+ [119.15771484375, 47.6209754151585],
+ [119.2236328125, 47.5172006978394],
+ [119.35546875, 47.4578085307503],
+ [119.3994140625, 47.346267182053],
+ [119.53125, 47.2643200802548],
+ [119.739990234375, 47.1075227853425],
+ [119.7509765625, 47.0401821448067],
+ [119.937744140625, 46.897739085507],
+ [119.937744140625, 46.7774927637683],
+ [119.871826171875, 46.6494361633502],
+ [119.674072265625, 46.5890690830918],
+ [119.11376953125, 46.6041671629318],
+ [118.98193359375, 46.6569773162161],
+ [118.85009765625, 46.7323310128679],
+ [118.729248046875, 46.6871314124441],
+ [118.49853515625, 46.6946673077731],
+ [118.23486328125, 46.7022021516435],
+ [118.14697265625, 46.6795944656402],
+ [117.92724609375, 46.6192610361715],
+ [117.7734375, 46.5664140756859],
+ [117.696533203125, 46.5361926748986],
+ [117.564697265625, 46.5739667965278],
+ [117.410888671875, 46.581518465658],
+ [117.44384765625, 46.4983922585976],
+ [117.388916015625, 46.4529970474829],
+ [117.344970703125, 46.4075639663007],
+ [116.982421875, 46.3545108373652],
+ [116.87255859375, 46.3924111898146],
+ [116.729736328125, 46.3620930120499],
+ [116.553955078125, 46.2482499128917],
+ [116.43310546875, 46.111325657298],
+ [116.356201171875, 46.0122238406324],
+ [116.268310546875, 45.9358706211905],
+ [116.268310546875, 45.8211434007947],
+ [116.136474609375, 45.7291910612999],
+ [115.982666015625, 45.6601273027219],
+ [115.850830078125, 45.5525252513401],
+ [115.77392578125, 45.4832435086822],
+ [115.64208984375, 45.4215881232909],
+ [115.433349609375, 45.3907351542489],
+ [115.169677734375, 45.3289786621856],
+ [114.993896484375, 45.3444241045224],
+ [114.686279296875, 45.3598653339597],
+ [114.54345703125, 45.3675843688498],
+ [114.312744140625, 45.089035564831],
+ [114.049072265625, 44.9570241251212],
+ [113.873291015625, 44.840290651398],
+ [113.653564453125, 44.7545354841601],
+ [113.302001953125, 44.7545354841601],
+ [112.96142578125, 44.8169155178286],
+ [112.620849609375, 44.887012479813],
+ [112.489013671875, 44.9958826181655],
+ [112.159423828125, 45.0580014353983],
+ [111.97265625, 45.0812786124187],
+ [111.8408203125, 45.0191850743818],
+ [111.741943359375, 44.8792281416352],
+ [111.64306640625, 44.7857339271659],
+ [111.533203125, 44.6998976584032],
+ [111.37939453125, 44.4102404129601],
+ [111.4013671875, 44.3238480725069],
+ [111.55517578125, 44.1427978281806],
+ [111.697998046875, 44.0007178342828],
+ [111.8408203125, 43.9374616903166],
+ [111.917724609375, 43.794889072266],
+ [111.8408203125, 43.6678716101175],
+ [111.5771484375, 43.5326204268101],
+ [111.37939453125, 43.4688676148293],
+ [111.15966796875, 43.4289879234416],
+ [110.91796875, 43.2692062491496],
+ [110.7861328125, 43.1811470593997],
+ [110.63232421875, 42.972501586026],
+ [110.489501953125, 42.8679124839153],
+ [110.159912109375, 42.7066595635104],
+ [110.0390625, 42.6339587226731],
+ [109.786376953125, 42.5530802889558],
+ [109.456787109375, 42.4964029409371],
+ [109.27001953125, 42.4477814346225],
+ [109.0283203125, 42.4153461142536],
+ [108.8525390625, 42.4477814346225],
+ [108.6328125, 42.4558876419717],
+ [108.446044921875, 42.4396741781494],
+ [108.226318359375, 42.4558876419717],
+ [108.028564453125, 42.4396741781494],
+ [107.830810546875, 42.3666616637327],
+ [107.666015625, 42.391008609205],
+ [107.523193359375, 42.4801999690121],
+ [107.347412109375, 42.4477814346225],
+ [107.149658203125, 42.3585439174971],
+ [106.842041015625, 42.3016903282445],
+ [106.600341796875, 42.2691794924351],
+ [106.402587890625, 42.1959687762918],
+ [106.1279296875, 42.1063737057932],
+ [105.743408203125, 41.9349765005466],
+ [105.479736328125, 41.8286420018605],
+ [105.325927734375, 41.7631174470059],
+ [105.128173828125, 41.7139300733713],
+ [104.996337890625, 41.6400783846789],
+ [104.798583984375, 41.6482883125953],
+ [104.490966796875, 41.6893222599704],
+ [104.512939453125, 41.8695608269946],
+ [104.359130859375, 41.8859210281474],
+ [104.007568359375, 41.8122671435998],
+ [103.7548828125, 41.8122671435998],
+ [103.568115234375, 41.8531964377668],
+ [103.3154296875, 41.894099558114],
+ [103.24951171875, 41.951319946797],
+ [103.1396484375, 42.0003251483162],
+ [102.864990234375, 42.0819166783063],
+ [102.568359375, 42.1796881966596],
+ [102.3046875, 42.147114459221],
+ [102.117919921875, 42.2773087742371],
+ [101.920166015625, 42.391008609205],
+ [101.689453125, 42.4883019796023],
+ [101.634521484375, 42.5773548395579],
+ [101.282958984375, 42.6258756025914],
+ [100.83251953125, 42.7066595635104],
+ [100.513916015625, 42.7228037573273],
+ [100.294189453125, 42.7066595635104],
+ [100.21728515625, 42.6420407930443],
+ [99.942626953125, 42.6824353983862],
+ [99.349365234375, 42.6258756025914],
+ [99.07470703125, 42.6420407930443],
+ [98.7451171875, 42.6662807056493],
+ [98.23974609375, 42.6824353983862],
+ [97.965087890625, 42.6662807056493],
+ [97.84423828125, 42.7308742792849],
+ [97.53662109375, 42.7712111386259],
+ [97.294921875, 42.8034617241708],
+ [97.05322265625, 42.8034617241708],
+ [96.5478515625, 42.7470121731807],
+ [96.39404296875, 42.7631458668949],
+ [96.383056640625, 42.8920641880734],
+ [96.119384765625, 43.0528339176279],
+ [95.987548828125, 43.1971672825013],
+ [95.855712890625, 43.2772053221202],
+ [95.8447265625, 43.3890819391175],
+ [95.73486328125, 43.5565103750476],
+ [95.657958984375, 43.7155347262051],
+ [95.55908203125, 43.8741381814747],
+ [95.4931640625, 43.9928145004899],
+ [95.394287109375, 44.0323206427508],
+ [95.33935546875, 44.2373283182254],
+ [95.38330078125, 44.3002644115815],
+ [95.240478515625, 44.3081266848861],
+ [95.07568359375, 44.2924010852901],
+ [94.910888671875, 44.2924010852901],
+ [94.76806640625, 44.3709869629717],
+ [94.54833984375, 44.4573098013193],
+ [94.427490234375, 44.5121761710711],
+ [94.28466796875, 44.6061127451739],
+ [94.119873046875, 44.7233201889583],
+ [93.955078125, 44.7935309047441],
+ [93.790283203125, 44.8247082823002],
+ [93.702392578125, 44.9025779962889],
+ [93.515625, 44.9570241251212],
+ [93.372802734375, 45.0036511568719],
+ [93.043212890625, 45.0269504531855],
+ [92.757568359375, 45.0580014353983],
+ [92.43896484375, 45.0657615477031],
+ [92.26318359375, 45.0347147786886],
+ [92.04345703125, 45.0735206067097],
+ [91.64794921875, 45.1123001022961],
+ [91.483154296875, 45.0967914639474],
+ [91.29638671875, 45.166547157856],
+ [91.0986328125, 45.1975223030568],
+ [90.90087890625, 45.2594220363517],
+ [90.802001953125, 45.3598653339597],
+ [90.714111328125, 45.4755402715859],
+ [90.692138671875, 45.629404920645],
+ [90.7470703125, 45.7828483519768],
+ [90.845947265625, 45.905299857248],
+ [90.966796875, 46.0503609756163],
+ [90.98876953125, 46.217851767403],
+ [90.90087890625, 46.3848332234928],
+ [91.021728515625, 46.4983922585976],
+ [91.03271484375, 46.7022021516435],
+ [91.0107421875, 46.8526782485311],
+ [90.845947265625, 47.0850853599539],
+ [90.714111328125, 47.1523692744639],
+ [90.516357421875, 47.4429499951795],
+ [90.450439453125, 47.5172006978394],
+ [90.406494140625, 47.6431861054366],
+ [90.263671875, 47.7393233613686],
+ [90.142822265625, 47.8426576281654],
+ [90.02197265625, 47.9089783147287],
+ [89.879150390625, 47.8647739557922],
+ [89.659423828125, 47.8574028946583],
+ [89.593505859375, 47.9605023889151],
+ [89.45068359375, 48.0413650744503],
+ [89.296875, 48.026672195436],
+ [89.09912109375, 48.026672195436],
+ [88.890380859375, 48.1147666318763],
+ [88.65966796875, 48.2027102886997],
+ [88.57177734375, 48.275881527435],
+ [88.48388671875, 48.3635488889869],
+ [88.231201171875, 48.4583518828087],
+ [88.033447265625, 48.5820584028382],
+ [88.033447265625, 48.7054628957905],
+ [88.011474609375, 48.7561887628055],
+ [87.747802734375, 48.9152798534438],
+ [87.8466796875, 49.0306652257167],
+ [87.73681640625, 49.1673386062911],
+ [87.5830078125, 49.1529696561704],
+ [87.484130859375, 49.1314084139986],
+ [87.044677734375, 49.1745215180678],
+ [86.8798828125, 49.1242192485914],
+ [86.748046875, 49.0018439179785],
+ [86.781005859375, 48.9008379023409],
+ [86.737060546875, 48.7417008797654],
+ [86.66015625, 48.6183851868849],
+ [86.55029296875, 48.5457054918475],
+ [86.41845703125, 48.5238812025934],
+ [86.30859375, 48.5238812025934],
+ [86.24267578125, 48.4729212724878],
+ [86.044921875, 48.4292005555684],
+ [85.869140625, 48.4146186174932],
+ [85.67138671875, 48.3708477023837],
+ [85.58349609375, 48.1880634812114],
+ [85.49560546875, 48.0560537639813],
+ [85.550537109375, 47.9531449501559],
+ [85.517578125, 47.7910161782626],
+ [85.528564453125, 47.6505875711873],
+ [85.5615234375, 47.5617007545197],
+ [85.638427734375, 47.4652362243836],
+ [85.682373046875, 47.3834738721015],
+ [85.693359375, 47.2941337250102],
+ [85.693359375, 47.2121057756224],
+ [85.58349609375, 47.1224758166411],
+ [85.517578125, 47.0626384799543],
+ [85.330810546875, 47.0476686404608],
+ [85.2099609375, 47.0326945985214],
+ [85.1220703125, 46.9652594003493],
+ [85.001220703125, 46.8677027317281],
+ [84.814453125, 46.9577613466887],
+ [84.70458984375, 46.9877472564657],
+ [84.539794921875, 46.9727564031864],
+ [84.44091796875, 46.9802523552188],
+ [83.95751953125, 46.9952411069459],
+ [83.8037109375, 47.0252060015854],
+ [83.69384765625, 47.0776041171596],
+ [83.4521484375, 47.1149998262077],
+ [83.309326171875, 47.1598400130443],
+ [83.16650390625, 47.2568640440887],
+ [83.056640625, 47.2270293988673],
+ [82.99072265625, 47.1598400130443],
+ [82.891845703125, 46.890231573594],
+ [82.77099609375, 46.8376495609375],
+ [82.72705078125, 46.6795944656402],
+ [82.672119140625, 46.5135155805974],
+ [82.584228515625, 46.3696741346237],
+ [82.50732421875, 46.217851767403],
+ [82.353515625, 45.9282295093362],
+ [82.3095703125, 45.8287992519213],
+ [82.276611328125, 45.6601273027219],
+ [82.254638671875, 45.5679096098613],
+ [82.353515625, 45.4524242413431],
+ [82.55126953125, 45.3907351542489],
+ [82.562255859375, 45.2439534226232],
+ [82.50732421875, 45.1897800966753],
+ [82.320556640625, 45.1820368370159],
+ [82.11181640625, 45.1742925240767],
+ [81.9580078125, 45.2748864370489],
+ [81.80419921875, 45.3521452458518],
+ [81.54052734375, 45.298075138708],
+ [81.375732421875, 45.236217535866],
+ [81.23291015625, 45.2207426025537],
+ [80.914306640625, 45.1123001022961],
+ [80.738525390625, 45.1355551601254],
+ [80.606689453125, 45.1045463097687],
+ [80.17822265625, 45.0502402697946],
+ [79.991455078125, 44.9958826181655],
+ [79.892578125, 44.8636563054061],
+ [80.068359375, 44.7701368121972],
+ [80.189208984375, 44.7779358963162],
+ [80.3759765625, 44.6686528722732],
+ [80.44189453125, 44.5748174046703],
+ [80.364990234375, 44.4416242175881],
+ [80.39794921875, 44.2058350010418],
+ [80.419921875, 44.0796932742571],
+ [80.452880859375, 43.9453723924421],
+ [80.48583984375, 43.7631599615726],
+ [80.606689453125, 43.6360751559658],
+ [80.716552734375, 43.5007524356904],
+ [80.7275390625, 43.3171849156671],
+ [80.738525390625, 43.2772053221202],
+ [80.782470703125, 43.1571088409533],
+ [80.61767578125, 43.0849374270759],
+ [80.4638671875, 43.0448054130437],
+ [80.419921875, 42.9805395475164],
+ [80.595703125, 42.8840146704425],
+ [80.452880859375, 42.8759641023826],
+ [80.255126953125, 42.7470121731807],
+ [80.167236328125, 42.6420407930443],
+ [80.211181640625, 42.5530802889558],
+ [80.211181640625, 42.4072346615519],
+ [80.277099609375, 42.2610491621139],
+ [80.068359375, 42.1389684045809],
+ [80.167236328125, 42.0737622400872],
+ [80.00244140625, 42.0248136078178],
+ [79.881591796875, 42.0492926386868],
+ [79.8046875, 41.9268032064879],
+ [79.6728515625, 41.8777414510968],
+ [79.508056640625, 41.8040781442723],
+ [79.398193359375, 41.8286420018605],
+ [79.27734375, 41.754922167663],
+ [79.024658203125, 41.6647050300921],
+ [78.8818359375, 41.5990130548302],
+ [78.695068359375, 41.5414776667903],
+ [78.563232421875, 41.4427263776721],
+ [78.387451171875, 41.4097758320096],
+ [78.167724609375, 41.3850519497068],
+ [78.123779296875, 41.2860623874983],
+ [78.046875, 41.2282490151853],
+ [77.904052734375, 41.1538423571145],
+ [77.80517578125, 41.079351149469],
+ [77.7392578125, 41.0130657870063],
+ [77.574462890625, 40.9964840143779],
+ [77.376708984375, 41.0130657870063],
+ [77.135009765625, 41.021355108666],
+ [76.9921875, 41.0296433871664],
+ [76.83837890625, 40.938414956898],
+ [76.717529296875, 40.8553705319249],
+ [76.651611328125, 40.713955826286],
+ [76.57470703125, 40.5638945306651],
+ [76.475830078125, 40.4469470596005],
+ [76.322021484375, 40.4302236345086],
+ [76.201171875, 40.4302236345086],
+ [76.00341796875, 40.396764305572],
+ [75.882568359375, 40.3465441211801],
+ [75.706787109375, 40.3214199959344],
+ [75.684814453125, 40.4385858670433],
+ [75.673828125, 40.5972706344202],
+ [75.60791015625, 40.6639728763869],
+ [75.069580078125, 40.4803814290817],
+ [74.871826171875, 40.5388515253547],
+ [74.794921875, 40.4469470596005],
+ [74.871826171875, 40.3800284025118],
+ [74.783935546875, 40.3716588915061],
+ [74.608154296875, 40.2627606643718],
+ [74.454345703125, 40.1368906953459],
+ [74.278564453125, 40.111688665596],
+ [74.11376953125, 40.0864772938088],
+ [73.9599609375, 40.0360265298117],
+ [73.80615234375, 39.8928799002948],
+ [73.93798828125, 39.7409863558836],
+ [73.948974609375, 39.6395375643667],
+ [73.817138671875, 39.4786055689221],
+ [73.6083984375, 39.4361929993141],
+ [73.487548828125, 39.3852638109977],
+ [73.564453125, 39.2577781502834],
+ [73.80615234375, 39.0362529596366],
+ [73.828125, 38.9594087924542],
+ [73.729248046875, 38.9081329959671],
+ [73.76220703125, 38.7797813780492],
+ [73.839111328125, 38.6082859285056],
+ [74.0478515625, 38.5739375155759],
+ [74.102783203125, 38.6597777307125],
+ [74.278564453125, 38.6683561015151],
+ [74.476318359375, 38.6340364529192],
+ [74.564208984375, 38.5911137761474],
+ [74.718017578125, 38.5223840902008],
+ [74.805908203125, 38.4707937112038],
+ [74.805908203125, 38.376115424036],
+ [74.783935546875, 38.2640629683396],
+ [74.805908203125, 38.1431975016677],
+ [74.8388671875, 38.0394388918217],
+ [74.90478515625, 37.8661807852967],
+ [74.94873046875, 37.7098993548551],
+ [75.025634765625, 37.5445773208558],
+ [75.1025390625, 37.4399740522706],
+ [75.025634765625, 37.2827946491105],
+ [74.827880859375, 37.2478212015543],
+ [74.59716796875, 37.2478212015543],
+ [74.498291015625, 37.1515605022367],
+ [74.5751953125, 37.0639443005669],
+ [74.81689453125, 37.0288694469647],
+ [74.9267578125, 36.985003092856],
+ [75.05859375, 37.0200982013681],
+ [75.1904296875, 36.985003092856],
+ [75.38818359375, 36.9235476810893],
+ [75.443115234375, 36.774092494642],
+ [75.509033203125, 36.7388841243943],
+ [75.6298828125, 36.7652919171162],
+ [75.73974609375, 36.6948509415623],
+ [75.860595703125, 36.6067088864182],
+ [75.992431640625, 36.5184659896759],
+ [76.014404296875, 36.4654718867981],
+ [76.22314453125, 36.4301223455158],
+ [76.322021484375, 36.3505270054276],
+ [76.39892578125, 36.2265501474709],
+ [76.585693359375, 36.1556178338185],
+ [76.673583984375, 36.1290016556965],
+ [76.75048828125, 35.9957853864203],
+ [76.8603515625, 35.871246850028],
+ [77.0361328125, 35.8089040440686],
+ [77.200927734375, 35.7643434796672],
+ [77.398681640625, 35.6572962480963],
+ [77.486572265625, 35.5947856654872],
+ [77.530517578125, 35.5143431343182],
+ [77.6513671875, 35.4875110238538],
+ [77.772216796875, 35.4785649953573],
+ [77.926025390625, 35.5054000934413],
+ [77.98095703125, 35.4964560565842],
+ [78.06884765625, 35.5054000934413],
+ [78.101806640625, 35.4517209363447],
+ [78.0029296875, 35.3084014016916],
+ [78.046875, 35.1648275060503],
+ [78.15673828125, 35.0749648539896],
+ [78.1787109375, 34.9399851515604],
+ [78.22265625, 34.7596661246625],
+ [78.2666015625, 34.6783937401165],
+ [78.431396484375, 34.5789524103695],
+ [78.585205078125, 34.5427623872348],
+ [78.782958984375, 34.4431586745058],
+ [79.002685546875, 34.3797125804622],
+ [78.892822265625, 34.1527269801182],
+ [78.717041015625, 34.0890613158499],
+ [78.7060546875, 34.0253477381479],
+ [78.77197265625, 33.8065380250961],
+ [78.651123046875, 33.6146192923338],
+ [78.848876953125, 33.4314413355753],
+ [79.024658203125, 33.2846199688877],
+ [79.156494140625, 33.1927309419069],
+ [79.200439453125, 33.0178760185549],
+ [79.222412109375, 32.8611323228109],
+ [79.25537109375, 32.7503226078097],
+ [79.266357421875, 32.6116164031703],
+ [79.134521484375, 32.4726950220615],
+ [79.046630859375, 32.389239109859],
+ [78.85986328125, 32.4263401615464],
+ [78.739013671875, 32.7225986040441],
+ [78.343505859375, 32.5282893648253],
+ [78.475341796875, 32.2964197989691],
+ [78.64013671875, 32.1384086967725],
+ [78.739013671875, 31.6346755495413],
+ [78.85986328125, 31.5317261445172],
+ [78.826904296875, 31.4192881242884],
+ [79.03564453125, 31.2785508589465],
+ [79.07958984375, 31.4192881242884],
+ [79.2333984375, 31.3442544556681],
+ [79.354248046875, 31.156408414557],
+ [79.4970703125, 30.9681892967942],
+ [79.65087890625, 30.8927974775082],
+ [79.837646484375, 30.8645102262584],
+ [80.101318359375, 30.8173462564921],
+ [80.15625, 30.6757154041677],
+ [80.321044921875, 30.524413269924],
+ [80.44189453125, 30.4676141022579],
+ [80.738525390625, 30.3349538819886],
+ [80.83740234375, 30.2685562490477],
+ [80.936279296875, 30.2305945649322],
+ [81.046142578125, 30.154627220776],
+ [81.090087890625, 30.0881077533673],
+ [81.177978515625, 30.0405664305846],
+ [81.27685546875, 30.1166215828194],
+ [81.353759765625, 30.221101852486],
+ [81.5185546875, 30.4581443510181],
+ [81.683349609375, 30.4581443510181],
+ [82.012939453125, 30.353916372297],
+ [82.122802734375, 30.2116082238169],
+ [82.177734375, 30.1071178870924],
+ [82.276611328125, 30.0595856997082],
+ [82.430419921875, 29.9834867184747],
+ [82.540283203125, 29.9073293768515],
+ [82.63916015625, 29.8406438998344],
+ [82.77099609375, 29.7357624444491],
+ [83.265380859375, 29.5447877961995],
+ [83.3642578125, 29.4778611958168],
+ [83.4521484375, 29.2959805587157],
+ [83.551025390625, 29.200123477645],
+ [83.660888671875, 29.1905328322946],
+ [83.902587890625, 29.3151411931873],
+ [84.00146484375, 29.3151411931873],
+ [84.08935546875, 29.2672328652009],
+ [84.166259765625, 29.1425661551071],
+ [84.26513671875, 28.9697008086942],
+ [84.57275390625, 28.680949728555],
+ [84.70458984375, 28.6327467992259],
+ [84.803466796875, 28.5652254906547],
+ [84.957275390625, 28.6134594240044],
+ [85.155029296875, 28.6327467992259],
+ [85.111083984375, 28.459033019728],
+ [85.18798828125, 28.3333951691965],
+ [85.31982421875, 28.2753582818171],
+ [85.4736328125, 28.2656823901465],
+ [85.572509765625, 28.256005619825],
+ [85.6494140625, 28.323724553546],
+ [85.792236328125, 28.1591896340467],
+ [85.946044921875, 27.9555910046426],
+ [86.06689453125, 27.9944014110461],
+ [86.11083984375, 28.0816737290443],
+ [86.15478515625, 28.1398159127545],
+ [86.231689453125, 27.9652949152111],
+ [86.341552734375, 27.8973492296843],
+ [86.46240234375, 27.907058371122],
+ [86.572265625, 28.0428947725616],
+ [86.693115234375, 28.0816737290443],
+ [86.846923828125, 28.0331978476764],
+ [87.03369140625, 27.926474039865],
+ [87.154541015625, 27.8682165795141],
+ [87.242431640625, 27.8293608597898],
+ [87.4072265625, 27.8002099374183],
+ [87.659912109375, 27.8196447550994],
+ [87.95654296875, 27.8390760947778],
+ [87.967529296875, 27.8973492296843],
+ [88.154296875, 27.9167666412491],
+ [88.297119140625, 27.9458862217619],
+ [88.39599609375, 27.9749979532678],
+ [88.538818359375, 28.0138013763807],
+ [88.582763671875, 28.0719803017799]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [122.51865306, 23.46078502],
+ [122.79861399, 24.57367379],
+ [122.79889322, 24.57678999],
+ [122.79819583, 24.57983997],
+ [122.79659008, 24.58252516],
+ [122.79423315, 24.58458272],
+ [122.79135575, 24.58581125],
+ [122.78823955, 24.58609049],
+ [122.78518957, 24.5853931],
+ [122.78250438, 24.58378734],
+ [122.78044682, 24.58143041],
+ [122.77921829, 24.57855302],
+ [122.49925737, 23.46566424],
+ [122.49897813, 23.46254804],
+ [122.49967552, 23.45949807],
+ [122.50128127, 23.45681287],
+ [122.5036382, 23.45475531],
+ [122.5065156, 23.45352678],
+ [122.50963181, 23.45324755],
+ [122.51268178, 23.45394494],
+ [122.51536697, 23.45555069],
+ [122.51742454, 23.45790762],
+ [122.51865306, 23.46078502]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [121.17202617, 20.8054593],
+ [121.90938804, 21.68743347],
+ [121.9109946, 21.69011818],
+ [121.91169291, 21.69316794],
+ [121.91141462, 21.69628423],
+ [121.91018696, 21.699162],
+ [121.9081301, 21.70151955],
+ [121.9054454, 21.70312611],
+ [121.90239563, 21.70382443],
+ [121.89927934, 21.70354613],
+ [121.89640158, 21.70231847],
+ [121.89404403, 21.70026162],
+ [121.15668216, 20.81828744],
+ [121.1550756, 20.81560273],
+ [121.15437729, 20.81255297],
+ [121.15465558, 20.80943668],
+ [121.15588324, 20.80655891],
+ [121.1579401, 20.80420136],
+ [121.1606248, 20.8025948],
+ [121.16367457, 20.80189649],
+ [121.16679085, 20.80217478],
+ [121.16966862, 20.80340244],
+ [121.17202617, 20.8054593]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [119.47366172, 18.00707291],
+ [120.02569734, 19.02403788],
+ [120.02674143, 19.02698721],
+ [120.02682302, 19.03011484],
+ [120.02593412, 19.0331146],
+ [120.02416175, 19.03569286],
+ [120.02167941, 19.03759723],
+ [120.01873007, 19.03864132],
+ [120.01560245, 19.03872291],
+ [120.01260269, 19.03783401],
+ [120.01002443, 19.03606165],
+ [120.00812005, 19.0335793],
+ [119.45608443, 18.01661433],
+ [119.45504035, 18.01366499],
+ [119.45495876, 18.01053737],
+ [119.45584765, 18.00753761],
+ [119.45762002, 18.00495935],
+ [119.46010237, 18.00305497],
+ [119.4630517, 18.00201089],
+ [119.46617933, 18.0019293],
+ [119.46917909, 18.0028182],
+ [119.47175735, 18.00459056],
+ [119.47366172, 18.00707291]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [119.0726757, 15.04098494],
+ [119.0726757, 16.04388528],
+ [119.07218626, 16.04697545],
+ [119.07076587, 16.04976313],
+ [119.06855355, 16.05197545],
+ [119.06576587, 16.05339584],
+ [119.0626757, 16.05388528],
+ [119.05958553, 16.05339584],
+ [119.05679784, 16.05197545],
+ [119.05458553, 16.04976313],
+ [119.05316513, 16.04697545],
+ [119.0526757, 16.04388528],
+ [119.0526757, 15.04105889],
+ [119.0521839, 15.00781004],
+ [119.05262758, 15.00471297],
+ [119.05400659, 15.00190458],
+ [119.05618595, 14.99965979],
+ [119.05895232, 14.99819832],
+ [119.06203491, 14.99766324],
+ [119.06513198, 14.99810691],
+ [119.06794036, 14.99948592],
+ [119.07018516, 15.00166528],
+ [119.07164663, 15.00443165],
+ [119.07218171, 15.00751424],
+ [119.0726746, 15.04083704],
+ [119.0726757, 15.04098494]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [118.68646749, 11.18959191],
+ [118.52518702, 10.91547751],
+ [118.52404181, 10.91256595],
+ [118.52385237, 10.909443],
+ [118.52463726, 10.90641436],
+ [118.52631962, 10.9037765],
+ [118.5287348, 10.90178762],
+ [118.53164636, 10.90064241],
+ [118.53476931, 10.90045298],
+ [118.53779795, 10.90123786],
+ [118.54043581, 10.90292022],
+ [118.54242469, 10.9053354],
+ [118.70409227, 11.18010771],
+ [118.70476212, 11.18147468],
+ [118.87431591, 11.606662],
+ [118.87459939, 11.60747236],
+ [118.98894963, 11.98573108],
+ [118.98937534, 11.98883067],
+ [118.9888224, 11.99191011],
+ [118.98734492, 11.99466796],
+ [118.98508753, 11.99683427],
+ [118.98227119, 11.99819697],
+ [118.9791716, 11.99862269],
+ [118.97609216, 11.99806975],
+ [118.97333431, 11.99659227],
+ [118.97116801, 11.99433487],
+ [118.9698053, 11.99151854],
+ [118.85557939, 11.6136711],
+ [118.68646749, 11.18959191]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [115.54466883, 7.14672265],
+ [116.2504858, 7.979279],
+ [116.25211077, 7.98195261],
+ [116.25283001, 7.9849975],
+ [116.25257312, 7.98811563],
+ [116.25136525, 7.99100176],
+ [116.24932463, 7.99337338],
+ [116.24665102, 7.99499834],
+ [116.24360613, 7.99571758],
+ [116.240488, 7.99546069],
+ [116.23760187, 7.99425282],
+ [116.23523025, 7.99221221],
+ [115.52941328, 7.15965587],
+ [115.52778832, 7.15698226],
+ [115.52706908, 7.15393736],
+ [115.52732596, 7.15081924],
+ [115.52853383, 7.1479331],
+ [115.53057445, 7.14556148],
+ [115.53324806, 7.14393652],
+ [115.53629295, 7.14321728],
+ [115.53941108, 7.14347417],
+ [115.54229721, 7.14468204],
+ [115.54466883, 7.14672265]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [112.30705249, 3.53487257],
+ [111.78690114, 3.41687263],
+ [111.78399583, 3.41571167],
+ [111.78159146, 3.41370973],
+ [111.77992341, 3.41106279],
+ [111.77915495, 3.40802995],
+ [111.77936129, 3.40490807],
+ [111.78052226, 3.40200275],
+ [111.78252419, 3.39959839],
+ [111.78517113, 3.39793033],
+ [111.78820398, 3.39716187],
+ [111.79132585, 3.39736822],
+ [112.31181658, 3.51544515],
+ [112.31248917, 3.51562254],
+ [112.52147408, 3.5785908],
+ [112.52281386, 3.57910186],
+ [112.85206367, 3.73256867],
+ [112.85465776, 3.7343178],
+ [112.85658437, 3.73678292],
+ [112.85765492, 3.73972276],
+ [112.85776462, 3.74284952],
+ [112.85690272, 3.74585715],
+ [112.8551536, 3.74845124],
+ [112.85268847, 3.75037785],
+ [112.84974864, 3.7514484],
+ [112.84662187, 3.75155809],
+ [112.84361424, 3.7506962],
+ [112.51501594, 3.59753306],
+ [112.30705249, 3.53487257]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [108.26055972, 6.08912451],
+ [108.29013305, 6.01266273],
+ [108.29170425, 6.00995718],
+ [108.29403462, 6.00786957],
+ [108.29689603, 6.00660426],
+ [108.3000084, 6.00628511],
+ [108.30306706, 6.00694335],
+ [108.30577262, 6.00851455],
+ [108.30786022, 6.01084492],
+ [108.30912553, 6.01370633],
+ [108.30944469, 6.0168187],
+ [108.30878645, 6.01987736],
+ [108.279563, 6.09543449],
+ [108.25611734, 6.22752625],
+ [108.21679964, 6.53816468],
+ [108.21876335, 6.94964057],
+ [108.24419535, 7.07390742],
+ [108.24433543, 7.07703297],
+ [108.24350281, 7.08004883],
+ [108.24177899, 7.0826598],
+ [108.2393327, 7.08461028],
+ [108.23640341, 7.08570936],
+ [108.23327786, 7.08584944],
+ [108.230262, 7.08501682],
+ [108.22765103, 7.083293],
+ [108.22570055, 7.08084671],
+ [108.22460147, 7.07791743],
+ [108.19897125, 6.95268198],
+ [108.1987683, 6.95072469],
+ [108.19679674, 6.53760583],
+ [108.19687578, 6.53630242],
+ [108.23630689, 6.22476797],
+ [108.23638164, 6.22427602],
+ [108.26004031, 6.09098419],
+ [108.26055972, 6.08912451]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [110.12822847, 11.36894451],
+ [110.05553696, 11.25335394],
+ [110.05430621, 11.25047749],
+ [110.05402458, 11.2473615],
+ [110.05471962, 11.24431099],
+ [110.05632331, 11.24162456],
+ [110.05867865, 11.23956519],
+ [110.0615551, 11.23833444],
+ [110.06467109, 11.23805281],
+ [110.0677216, 11.23874785],
+ [110.07040803, 11.24035153],
+ [110.07246741, 11.24270688],
+ [110.14541497, 11.35870461],
+ [110.14588682, 11.35954163],
+ [110.20700505, 11.48128846],
+ [110.20728377, 11.48189306],
+ [110.25854422, 11.60358735],
+ [110.25901765, 11.60499559],
+ [110.30436343, 11.7826124],
+ [110.30456934, 11.78364161],
+ [110.32822801, 11.94571326],
+ [110.32832827, 11.94685414],
+ [110.33424294, 12.14159753],
+ [110.33424553, 12.14210167],
+ [110.33227398, 12.24038351],
+ [110.33172267, 12.24346324],
+ [110.33024665, 12.24622187],
+ [110.3279904, 12.24838938],
+ [110.32517479, 12.24975358],
+ [110.32207543, 12.25018094],
+ [110.3189957, 12.24962962],
+ [110.31623706, 12.2481536],
+ [110.31406956, 12.24589736],
+ [110.31270536, 12.24308175],
+ [110.312278, 12.23998238],
+ [110.3142445, 12.14195265],
+ [110.3083549, 11.94803461],
+ [110.28485499, 11.78705054],
+ [110.23982347, 11.61066468],
+ [110.18898148, 11.48996382],
+ [110.12822847, 11.36894451]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [109.82951587, 15.22896754],
+ [109.84522534, 15.15316562],
+ [109.84633168, 15.15023907],
+ [109.84828823, 15.14779763],
+ [109.85090347, 15.14608029],
+ [109.85392139, 15.14525516],
+ [109.85704658, 15.145403],
+ [109.85997314, 15.14650935],
+ [109.86241457, 15.1484659],
+ [109.86413191, 15.15108113],
+ [109.86495704, 15.15409906],
+ [109.8648092, 15.15722425],
+ [109.84903675, 15.23333003],
+ [109.84889209, 15.23393326],
+ [109.78974541, 15.45068337],
+ [109.7892391, 15.45210582],
+ [109.69066131, 15.67432448],
+ [109.6900529, 15.67548445],
+ [109.59147511, 15.83677407],
+ [109.59116145, 15.8372556],
+ [109.53201478, 15.92259221],
+ [109.53166592, 15.92306523],
+ [109.30888011, 16.20725797],
+ [109.30658844, 16.20938798],
+ [109.30375073, 16.21070558],
+ [109.30064474, 16.21108179],
+ [109.29757451, 16.21047978],
+ [109.29484059, 16.20895848],
+ [109.29271057, 16.20666681],
+ [109.29139298, 16.2038291],
+ [109.29101677, 16.20072311],
+ [109.29161878, 16.19765288],
+ [109.29314007, 16.19491896],
+ [109.51574449, 15.91095759],
+ [109.57455994, 15.82609887],
+ [109.67264555, 15.66561455],
+ [109.77065019, 15.44468789],
+ [109.82951587, 15.22896754]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [120.443706, 22.441432],
+ [120.517619, 22.408793],
+ [120.569973, 22.361757],
+ [120.640806, 22.241605],
+ [120.659285, 22.154056],
+ [120.661748, 22.067007],
+ [120.651277, 22.033171],
+ [120.667908, 21.983235],
+ [120.701784, 21.927174],
+ [120.743052, 21.915515],
+ [120.781857, 21.923843],
+ [120.854537, 21.883309],
+ [120.873016, 21.897191],
+ [120.86624, 21.984345],
+ [120.907508, 22.033171],
+ [120.912436, 22.086418],
+ [120.903197, 22.12634],
+ [120.914899, 22.302525],
+ [120.981421, 22.528248],
+ [121.014682, 22.584069],
+ [121.03316, 22.650914],
+ [121.078739, 22.669691],
+ [121.170514, 22.723247],
+ [121.21055, 22.770711],
+ [121.237652, 22.836362],
+ [121.276456, 22.877171],
+ [121.324499, 22.945526],
+ [121.35468, 23.00999],
+ [121.370695, 23.084334],
+ [121.409499, 23.1025],
+ [121.430441, 23.137175],
+ [121.415042, 23.196047],
+ [121.440296, 23.271937],
+ [121.479716, 23.322507],
+ [121.497578, 23.419744],
+ [121.5216, 23.483431],
+ [121.522832, 23.538858],
+ [121.587505, 23.760878],
+ [121.621382, 23.920718],
+ [121.65957, 24.007125],
+ [121.63986, 24.064514],
+ [121.643556, 24.097843],
+ [121.678048, 24.133895],
+ [121.689135, 24.174303],
+ [121.809243, 24.339083],
+ [121.82649, 24.423572],
+ [121.867758, 24.47914],
+ [121.88562, 24.529784],
+ [121.892395, 24.617953],
+ [121.86283, 24.671261],
+ [121.841272, 24.734329],
+ [121.844968, 24.836476],
+ [121.933047, 24.938539],
+ [122.012503, 25.001471],
+ [121.98109, 25.030757],
+ [121.947214, 25.031841],
+ [121.917033, 25.138076],
+ [121.841888, 25.135367],
+ [121.782142, 25.160287],
+ [121.745186, 25.161912],
+ [121.707613, 25.191701],
+ [121.700222, 25.226896],
+ [121.655259, 25.242054],
+ [121.62323, 25.29455],
+ [121.585041, 25.309159],
+ [121.53515, 25.307535],
+ [121.444607, 25.27074],
+ [121.413194, 25.238806],
+ [121.371926, 25.159746],
+ [121.319572, 25.140785],
+ [121.209318, 25.12724],
+ [121.132942, 25.078466],
+ [121.102145, 25.075214],
+ [121.024537, 25.040517],
+ [121.009754, 24.993878],
+ [120.961095, 24.940167],
+ [120.914899, 24.864715],
+ [120.89211, 24.767482],
+ [120.82374, 24.688118],
+ [120.762147, 24.658208],
+ [120.68885, 24.600542],
+ [120.642654, 24.490033],
+ [120.589068, 24.43229],
+ [120.546568, 24.370159],
+ [120.520698, 24.311816],
+ [120.470807, 24.242533],
+ [120.451713, 24.182493],
+ [120.391967, 24.118055],
+ [120.316206, 23.984708],
+ [120.278018, 23.92783],
+ [120.245989, 23.840276],
+ [120.175156, 23.807427],
+ [120.102476, 23.701162],
+ [120.095084, 23.58768],
+ [120.12157, 23.504836],
+ [120.108019, 23.341191],
+ [120.081534, 23.291728],
+ [120.018708, 23.073322],
+ [120.029795, 23.048544],
+ [120.133272, 23.000625],
+ [120.149287, 22.896468],
+ [120.20041, 22.721039],
+ [120.274323, 22.560307],
+ [120.297112, 22.531565],
+ [120.443706, 22.441432]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [124.542782, 25.903886],
+ [124.584666, 25.908731],
+ [124.566804, 25.941563],
+ [124.542782, 25.903886]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [123.445178, 25.726102],
+ [123.469816, 25.712623],
+ [123.50862, 25.722867],
+ [123.512316, 25.755212],
+ [123.479055, 25.768687],
+ [123.445794, 25.749822],
+ [123.445178, 25.726102]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [119.646064, 23.550928],
+ [119.691028, 23.547087],
+ [119.678093, 23.600294],
+ [119.61034, 23.604132],
+ [119.601717, 23.575613],
+ [119.566608, 23.584937],
+ [119.562297, 23.530627],
+ [119.578927, 23.502641],
+ [119.609108, 23.503738],
+ [119.646064, 23.550928]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [123.666916, 25.914114],
+ [123.706952, 25.91519],
+ [123.689706, 25.939949],
+ [123.666916, 25.914114]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [119.506246, 23.625518],
+ [119.506246, 23.577259],
+ [119.47237, 23.556962],
+ [119.519181, 23.559705],
+ [119.52534, 23.62497],
+ [119.506246, 23.625518]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [119.497623, 23.38679],
+ [119.495159, 23.349982],
+ [119.516717, 23.349982],
+ [119.497623, 23.38679]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [119.557369, 23.666634],
+ [119.608492, 23.620035],
+ [119.615268, 23.661153],
+ [119.586318, 23.675952],
+ [119.557369, 23.666634]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [122.066706, 25.6247],
+ [122.087032, 25.61067],
+ [122.092575, 25.639268],
+ [122.066706, 25.6247]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [121.468013, 22.67687],
+ [121.474788, 22.643734],
+ [121.513592, 22.631582],
+ [121.514824, 22.676318],
+ [121.468013, 22.67687]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [121.510513, 22.086972],
+ [121.507433, 22.048704],
+ [121.533918, 22.022076],
+ [121.594281, 21.995443],
+ [121.604752, 22.022631],
+ [121.575186, 22.037055],
+ [121.575802, 22.0842],
+ [121.510513, 22.086972]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [122.097503, 25.499987],
+ [122.110438, 25.465952],
+ [122.122141, 25.495666],
+ [122.097503, 25.499987]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [119.421247, 23.216949],
+ [119.436029, 23.186146],
+ [119.453275, 23.216399],
+ [119.421247, 23.216949]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [120.355011, 22.327439],
+ [120.395663, 22.342385],
+ [120.383344, 22.355669],
+ [120.355011, 22.327439]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [110.106396, 20.026812],
+ [110.042339, 19.991384],
+ [109.997375, 19.980136],
+ [109.965346, 19.993634],
+ [109.898825, 19.994196],
+ [109.855093, 19.984073],
+ [109.814441, 19.993072],
+ [109.76147, 19.981261],
+ [109.712195, 20.017253],
+ [109.657993, 20.01163],
+ [109.585312, 19.98801],
+ [109.526797, 19.943573],
+ [109.498464, 19.873236],
+ [109.411001, 19.895184],
+ [109.349407, 19.898561],
+ [109.300748, 19.917693],
+ [109.25948, 19.898561],
+ [109.255784, 19.867045],
+ [109.231147, 19.863105],
+ [109.159082, 19.79048],
+ [109.169553, 19.736411],
+ [109.147379, 19.704863],
+ [109.093792, 19.68965],
+ [109.048829, 19.619764],
+ [108.993394, 19.587065],
+ [108.92872, 19.524468],
+ [108.855424, 19.469182],
+ [108.806148, 19.450561],
+ [108.765496, 19.400894],
+ [108.694047, 19.387346],
+ [108.644772, 19.349518],
+ [108.609048, 19.276661],
+ [108.591186, 19.141592],
+ [108.598577, 19.055633],
+ [108.630606, 19.003017],
+ [108.637997, 18.924346],
+ [108.595497, 18.872256],
+ [108.593033, 18.809386],
+ [108.65278, 18.740258],
+ [108.663866, 18.67337],
+ [108.641077, 18.565614],
+ [108.644772, 18.486738],
+ [108.68912, 18.447571],
+ [108.776583, 18.441894],
+ [108.881293, 18.416344],
+ [108.905315, 18.389087],
+ [108.944735, 18.314107],
+ [109.006329, 18.323198],
+ [109.108575, 18.323766],
+ [109.138756, 18.268081],
+ [109.17448, 18.260125],
+ [109.287813, 18.264671],
+ [109.355566, 18.215221],
+ [109.441182, 18.199303],
+ [109.467051, 18.173718],
+ [109.527413, 18.169169],
+ [109.584696, 18.143579],
+ [109.661688, 18.175424],
+ [109.726362, 18.177698],
+ [109.749767, 18.193618],
+ [109.785492, 18.339672],
+ [109.919767, 18.375457],
+ [110.022629, 18.360121],
+ [110.070672, 18.376025],
+ [110.090382, 18.399309],
+ [110.116867, 18.506602],
+ [110.214186, 18.578662],
+ [110.246215, 18.609859],
+ [110.329366, 18.642185],
+ [110.367555, 18.631977],
+ [110.499366, 18.651824],
+ [110.499366, 18.751592],
+ [110.578206, 18.784458],
+ [110.590525, 18.838841],
+ [110.585597, 18.88075],
+ [110.619474, 19.152334],
+ [110.676756, 19.286264],
+ [110.706321, 19.320153],
+ [110.729727, 19.378878],
+ [110.787009, 19.399765],
+ [110.844292, 19.449996],
+ [110.888023, 19.518827],
+ [110.920668, 19.552668],
+ [111.008747, 19.60398],
+ [111.061718, 19.612436],
+ [111.071573, 19.628784],
+ [111.043856, 19.763448],
+ [111.013675, 19.850159],
+ [110.966248, 20.018377],
+ [110.940994, 20.028499],
+ [110.871393, 20.01163],
+ [110.808567, 20.035808],
+ [110.778386, 20.068415],
+ [110.744509, 20.074036],
+ [110.717408, 20.148778],
+ [110.687843, 20.163947],
+ [110.655814, 20.134169],
+ [110.562191, 20.110006],
+ [110.526467, 20.07516],
+ [110.495054, 20.077408],
+ [110.387265, 20.113378],
+ [110.318279, 20.108882],
+ [110.28933, 20.056047],
+ [110.243135, 20.077408],
+ [110.144585, 20.074598],
+ [110.106396, 20.026812]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [112.208597, 3.876129],
+ [112.241858, 3.845677],
+ [112.280046, 3.86777],
+ [112.260336, 3.917925],
+ [112.219068, 3.908969],
+ [112.208597, 3.876129]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [113.266165, 8.125929],
+ [113.311129, 8.177469],
+ [113.343157, 8.193463],
+ [113.288955, 8.119412],
+ [113.349933, 8.172137],
+ [113.386273, 8.238479],
+ [113.386273, 8.289412],
+ [113.354244, 8.304217],
+ [113.353628, 8.237887],
+ [113.293882, 8.176284],
+ [113.266165, 8.125929]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [111.99733, 3.848065],
+ [112.015192, 3.823583],
+ [112.064467, 3.830152],
+ [112.073707, 3.865979],
+ [112.03367, 3.892251],
+ [111.99733, 3.848065]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [111.463311, 17.077491],
+ [111.536607, 17.104949],
+ [111.4861, 17.058039],
+ [111.559397, 17.087788],
+ [111.542151, 17.11982],
+ [111.452224, 17.092936],
+ [111.463311, 17.077491]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [117.708319, 15.182712],
+ [117.712631, 15.118592],
+ [117.726798, 15.105303],
+ [117.827812, 15.111659],
+ [117.72495, 15.131302],
+ [117.720638, 15.195418],
+ [117.74466, 15.217941],
+ [117.784696, 15.16885],
+ [117.838899, 15.15903],
+ [117.782848, 15.187333],
+ [117.748355, 15.230068],
+ [117.715095, 15.222561],
+ [117.708319, 15.182712]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [112.241858, 3.942404],
+ [112.292365, 3.946583],
+ [112.288053, 3.97345],
+ [112.254177, 3.97942],
+ [112.241858, 3.942404]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [111.734324, 16.19732],
+ [111.779903, 16.19732],
+ [111.81686, 16.224329],
+ [111.813164, 16.261676],
+ [111.782367, 16.273741],
+ [111.716462, 16.249036],
+ [111.789758, 16.250186],
+ [111.790374, 16.220307],
+ [111.734324, 16.19732]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [111.649324, 16.255931],
+ [111.577875, 16.208239],
+ [111.56802, 16.162834],
+ [111.611136, 16.156511],
+ [111.690592, 16.211112],
+ [111.606825, 16.177779],
+ [111.598817, 16.198469],
+ [111.681353, 16.262251],
+ [111.649324, 16.255931]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [113.896887, 7.607204],
+ [113.919677, 7.566865],
+ [113.98743, 7.536014],
+ [114.058879, 7.537794],
+ [114.157429, 7.561525],
+ [114.289856, 7.617288],
+ [114.368696, 7.638642],
+ [114.407501, 7.683126],
+ [114.419819, 7.765557],
+ [114.464167, 7.814771],
+ [114.540543, 7.862201],
+ [114.555326, 7.891249],
+ [114.540543, 7.945783],
+ [114.511594, 7.966527],
+ [114.47279, 7.968898],
+ [114.414892, 7.952895],
+ [114.268298, 7.870501],
+ [114.211632, 7.786904],
+ [114.095219, 7.721082],
+ [114.029314, 7.670078],
+ [113.921524, 7.639235],
+ [113.896887, 7.607204]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [113.976959, 8.872888],
+ [114.013299, 8.836817],
+ [114.035473, 8.783591],
+ [114.060111, 8.816119],
+ [114.041017, 8.843913],
+ [113.989894, 8.878801],
+ [113.976959, 8.872888]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [113.956017, 8.840365],
+ [113.975111, 8.793054],
+ [114.012068, 8.798376],
+ [113.977575, 8.841548],
+ [113.956017, 8.840365]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [111.97454, 16.323715],
+ [112.002258, 16.306484],
+ [112.07617, 16.323715],
+ [112.074938, 16.349558],
+ [112.047221, 16.360469],
+ [112.002874, 16.350707],
+ [111.97454, 16.323715]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [111.739251, 16.452898],
+ [111.766969, 16.470116],
+ [111.786679, 16.520039],
+ [111.759577, 16.545857],
+ [111.765737, 16.495366],
+ [111.739251, 16.452898]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [112.216604, 8.866383],
+ [112.206133, 8.88767],
+ [112.180264, 8.862244],
+ [112.216604, 8.866383]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [113.792177, 7.373422],
+ [113.828518, 7.362145],
+ [113.829134, 7.383511],
+ [113.792177, 7.373422]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [114.194386, 8.764664],
+ [114.201161, 8.727991],
+ [114.248588, 8.724442],
+ [114.222103, 8.784773],
+ [114.194386, 8.764664]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [112.232619, 16.996239],
+ [112.207981, 16.987081],
+ [112.222764, 16.960751],
+ [112.292981, 16.96762],
+ [112.266496, 16.993949],
+ [112.232619, 16.996239]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [114.689601, 10.345648],
+ [114.702536, 10.312677],
+ [114.725941, 10.319154],
+ [114.747499, 10.37214],
+ [114.717318, 10.380381],
+ [114.689601, 10.345648]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [115.837712, 9.709775],
+ [115.861117, 9.694438],
+ [115.867277, 9.650191],
+ [115.901153, 9.67084],
+ [115.925791, 9.781734],
+ [115.901153, 9.795888],
+ [115.870972, 9.778785],
+ [115.837712, 9.709775]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [114.617536, 9.965688],
+ [114.642173, 9.917351],
+ [114.672355, 9.927963],
+ [114.685905, 9.979245],
+ [114.617536, 9.965688]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [113.769387, 7.636862],
+ [113.773699, 7.601865],
+ [113.814967, 7.603051],
+ [113.831597, 7.644573],
+ [113.769387, 7.636862]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [109.463972, 7.344339],
+ [109.463972, 7.315254],
+ [109.513247, 7.320002],
+ [109.571761, 7.373422],
+ [109.654297, 7.479648],
+ [109.709115, 7.511095],
+ [109.791651, 7.524742],
+ [109.938861, 7.504569],
+ [109.948716, 7.522962],
+ [109.904984, 7.55144],
+ [109.816289, 7.572797],
+ [109.72205, 7.575763],
+ [109.653065, 7.559745],
+ [109.536037, 7.448792],
+ [109.463972, 7.344339]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [116.273181, 8.879392],
+ [116.294123, 8.858105],
+ [116.332311, 8.901269],
+ [116.305826, 8.917233],
+ [116.273181, 8.879392]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [112.476531, 16.001247],
+ [112.570154, 16.011027],
+ [112.612037, 16.039212],
+ [112.588016, 16.070844],
+ [112.462364, 16.043813],
+ [112.448814, 16.005274],
+ [112.476531, 16.001247]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [112.537509, 8.846278],
+ [112.57077, 8.815527],
+ [112.639755, 8.818484],
+ [112.598487, 8.859288],
+ [112.537509, 8.846278]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [114.469095, 10.836261],
+ [114.475254, 10.814512],
+ [114.513442, 10.848605],
+ [114.565181, 10.836261],
+ [114.593514, 10.856245],
+ [114.587355, 10.909138],
+ [114.55471, 10.900911],
+ [114.469095, 10.836261]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [112.409393, 16.294996],
+ [112.383524, 16.265698],
+ [112.411241, 16.2634],
+ [112.475915, 16.288677],
+ [112.531349, 16.285805],
+ [112.536893, 16.312228],
+ [112.509176, 16.317397],
+ [112.409393, 16.294996]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [116.48876, 10.395686],
+ [116.461658, 10.34918],
+ [116.467202, 10.309144],
+ [116.511549, 10.297957],
+ [116.566368, 10.304434],
+ [116.644592, 10.335051],
+ [116.637817, 10.365076],
+ [116.514629, 10.34918],
+ [116.542346, 10.41982],
+ [116.526332, 10.426883],
+ [116.48876, 10.395686]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [112.349031, 16.912088],
+ [112.360734, 16.925257],
+ [112.334249, 16.962469],
+ [112.30222, 16.963041],
+ [112.349031, 16.912088]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [111.500267, 16.45175],
+ [111.49534, 16.4374],
+ [111.545847, 16.43453],
+ [111.538455, 16.461507],
+ [111.500267, 16.45175]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [115.500177, 9.897897],
+ [115.54822, 9.869007],
+ [115.585177, 9.896128],
+ [115.581481, 9.917351],
+ [115.518039, 9.933857],
+ [115.500177, 9.897897]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [114.669891, 8.210048],
+ [114.691449, 8.18517],
+ [114.74134, 8.189316],
+ [114.726557, 8.21064],
+ [114.669891, 8.210048]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [114.507899, 8.120004],
+ [114.530073, 8.103415],
+ [114.595978, 8.120596],
+ [114.624311, 8.149626],
+ [114.595978, 8.15792],
+ [114.507899, 8.120004]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [115.16757, 8.386523],
+ [115.18112, 8.345668],
+ [115.235939, 8.321982],
+ [115.285214, 8.314876],
+ [115.315395, 8.356326],
+ [115.299381, 8.370537],
+ [115.202678, 8.395403],
+ [115.16757, 8.386523]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [113.895039, 8.00505],
+ [113.904894, 7.963564],
+ [113.9708, 7.944597],
+ [113.969568, 7.974825],
+ [113.940003, 8.018088],
+ [113.895039, 8.00505]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [115.436119, 9.393447],
+ [115.450286, 9.345028],
+ [115.469996, 9.3592],
+ [115.456445, 9.417064],
+ [115.436119, 9.393447]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [116.457347, 9.174326],
+ [116.477057, 9.137103],
+ [116.500462, 9.164282],
+ [116.457347, 9.174326]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [113.638192, 8.976942],
+ [113.654823, 8.962163],
+ [113.730583, 9.004133],
+ [113.719496, 9.020092],
+ [113.644968, 8.989355],
+ [113.638192, 8.976942]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [114.696992, 11.004322],
+ [114.710543, 11.001972],
+ [114.793079, 11.07657],
+ [114.799854, 11.10476],
+ [114.766593, 11.110045],
+ [114.710543, 11.039567],
+ [114.696992, 11.004322]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [114.62, 11.432264],
+ [114.652644, 11.436957],
+ [114.661884, 11.522584],
+ [114.621232, 11.518479],
+ [114.62, 11.432264]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [114.910723, 10.863298],
+ [114.931049, 10.841551],
+ [114.959998, 10.902087],
+ [114.934129, 10.902674],
+ [114.910723, 10.863298]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [111.572948, 16.470116],
+ [111.578491, 16.447158],
+ [111.614216, 16.44027],
+ [111.592658, 16.490775],
+ [111.572948, 16.470116]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [113.939387, 8.875253],
+ [113.912285, 8.888853],
+ [113.893807, 8.862836],
+ [113.916597, 8.837999],
+ [113.939387, 8.875253]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [109.936397, 7.848566],
+ [109.936397, 7.823665],
+ [109.988136, 7.8124],
+ [110.050346, 7.846194],
+ [110.082991, 7.896584],
+ [110.078063, 7.949339],
+ [110.0331, 7.944597],
+ [109.953027, 7.888878],
+ [109.936397, 7.848566]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [116.727128, 11.501473],
+ [116.765316, 11.430504],
+ [116.772092, 11.445755],
+ [116.738215, 11.514961],
+ [116.727128, 11.501473]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [111.690592, 16.587731],
+ [111.724469, 16.560198],
+ [111.717078, 16.59404],
+ [111.690592, 16.587731]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [112.507328, 16.466098],
+ [112.586784, 16.525777],
+ [112.575081, 16.537251],
+ [112.499321, 16.493645],
+ [112.507328, 16.466098]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [111.761425, 16.061642],
+ [111.791606, 16.028859],
+ [111.828563, 16.049565],
+ [111.829795, 16.070844],
+ [111.761425, 16.061642]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [113.845764, 10.018733],
+ [113.865474, 10.00341],
+ [113.872249, 10.123029],
+ [113.856851, 10.12185],
+ [113.845764, 10.018733]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [114.791847, 8.160882],
+ [114.777064, 8.114079],
+ [114.812173, 8.110524],
+ [114.818332, 8.141332],
+ [114.791847, 8.160882]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [116.557129, 9.745167],
+ [116.566368, 9.718623],
+ [116.593469, 9.723932],
+ [116.557129, 9.745167]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [115.28275, 10.191951],
+ [115.288294, 10.172513],
+ [115.333257, 10.200198],
+ [115.28891, 10.211388],
+ [115.28275, 10.191951]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [116.832454, 10.476908],
+ [116.855243, 10.468669],
+ [116.868794, 10.495739],
+ [116.832454, 10.476908]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [114.703151, 16.170307],
+ [114.816484, 16.198469],
+ [114.802934, 16.215135],
+ [114.704383, 16.199044],
+ [114.703151, 16.170307]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [115.97753, 9.321997],
+ [115.926407, 9.311366],
+ [115.943037, 9.269433],
+ [115.976298, 9.268252],
+ [115.999088, 9.293649],
+ [115.97753, 9.321997]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [113.660366, 9.231039],
+ [113.676997, 9.202683],
+ [113.697323, 9.225722],
+ [113.660366, 9.231039]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [114.665579, 7.590001],
+ [114.671739, 7.563898],
+ [114.72163, 7.59178],
+ [114.703767, 7.614915],
+ [114.665579, 7.590001]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [114.493116, 10.717504],
+ [114.513442, 10.722208],
+ [114.562717, 10.778064],
+ [114.539312, 10.793349],
+ [114.493116, 10.717504]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [117.770529, 10.773361],
+ [117.798862, 10.753371],
+ [117.835819, 10.803931],
+ [117.831507, 10.838612],
+ [117.801942, 10.839788],
+ [117.775457, 10.809222],
+ [117.770529, 10.773361]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [114.242429, 10.242014],
+ [114.263371, 10.239658],
+ [114.326197, 10.284414],
+ [114.312646, 10.300901],
+ [114.265219, 10.275581],
+ [114.242429, 10.242014]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [114.688985, 11.469217],
+ [114.722246, 11.429331],
+ [114.737644, 11.463938],
+ [114.720398, 11.49209],
+ [114.688985, 11.469217]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [116.638433, 10.503977],
+ [116.653215, 10.491031],
+ [116.70865, 10.492797],
+ [116.699411, 10.517511],
+ [116.638433, 10.503977]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [110.459946, 8.116449],
+ [110.471032, 8.072012],
+ [110.554184, 8.093935],
+ [110.599764, 8.156735],
+ [110.568351, 8.17273],
+ [110.461793, 8.128298],
+ [110.459946, 8.116449]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [111.463311, 8.52504],
+ [111.497187, 8.523857],
+ [111.509506, 8.550489],
+ [111.463311, 8.52504]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [115.258113, 8.509652],
+ [115.271048, 8.477098],
+ [115.296301, 8.510836],
+ [115.258113, 8.509652]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [113.221817, 8.073789],
+ [113.235984, 8.068456],
+ [113.283411, 8.111117],
+ [113.269861, 8.120004],
+ [113.221817, 8.073789]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [114.074893, 10.929118],
+ [114.064422, 10.904437],
+ [114.110002, 10.918541],
+ [114.096451, 10.947921],
+ [114.074893, 10.929118]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [117.258068, 10.320331],
+ [117.299336, 10.313855],
+ [117.299952, 10.343293],
+ [117.274698, 10.358011],
+ [117.258068, 10.320331]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [114.212864, 16.040937],
+ [114.31203, 16.034611],
+ [114.306487, 16.057616],
+ [114.268914, 16.059342],
+ [114.212864, 16.040937]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [110.609003, 8.010976],
+ [110.642879, 7.989049],
+ [110.641648, 8.031125],
+ [110.622553, 8.041199],
+ [110.609003, 8.010976]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [115.509416, 8.490712],
+ [115.521735, 8.460523],
+ [115.55438, 8.461115],
+ [115.569162, 8.49012],
+ [115.558691, 8.523265],
+ [115.514344, 8.519122],
+ [115.509416, 8.490712]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [111.539071, 7.54432],
+ [111.542767, 7.524742],
+ [111.583419, 7.543134],
+ [111.612368, 7.592374],
+ [111.566788, 7.606017],
+ [111.539071, 7.54432]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [111.657947, 8.672974],
+ [111.665955, 8.622683],
+ [111.717694, 8.6499],
+ [111.697368, 8.67889],
+ [111.657947, 8.672974]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [110.460561, 7.799948],
+ [110.487663, 7.783346],
+ [110.511684, 7.805878],
+ [110.485199, 7.827815],
+ [110.460561, 7.799948]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [112.345952, 8.926101],
+ [112.392763, 8.919598],
+ [112.384756, 8.946793],
+ [112.345952, 8.926101]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [116.469665, 9.810041],
+ [116.47952, 9.785272],
+ [116.50847, 9.79117],
+ [116.490607, 9.821246],
+ [116.469665, 9.810041]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [111.925265, 8.070827],
+ [111.949287, 8.05068],
+ [111.994866, 8.047125],
+ [112.018888, 8.065494],
+ [112.013344, 8.093342],
+ [111.95483, 8.106377],
+ [111.925265, 8.070827]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [114.457392, 15.599305],
+ [114.466631, 15.576823],
+ [114.491884, 15.59354],
+ [114.457392, 15.599305]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [114.985252, 11.078332],
+ [115.013585, 11.063062],
+ [115.021592, 11.085967],
+ [114.985252, 11.078332]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [114.10569, 16.004124],
+ [114.110618, 15.978235],
+ [114.132176, 16.007575],
+ [114.10569, 16.004124]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [116.045283, 10.095338],
+ [116.067457, 10.065876],
+ [116.09579, 10.09357],
+ [116.070537, 10.12892],
+ [116.045283, 10.095338]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [117.266691, 10.69163],
+ [117.348611, 10.672811],
+ [117.404661, 10.671047],
+ [117.418212, 10.702803],
+ [117.369553, 10.7422],
+ [117.293176, 10.735144],
+ [117.266691, 10.69163]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [114.854057, 7.244611],
+ [114.819564, 7.192957],
+ [114.869455, 7.198895],
+ [114.854057, 7.244611]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [112.823305, 8.910729],
+ [112.859645, 8.889444],
+ [112.873196, 8.908364],
+ [112.823305, 8.910729]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [111.670266, 7.651098],
+ [111.707223, 7.648725],
+ [111.749722, 7.703884],
+ [111.726317, 7.729977],
+ [111.691208, 7.711593],
+ [111.670266, 7.651098]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [112.207981, 8.835634],
+ [112.235699, 8.827355],
+ [112.241242, 8.852783],
+ [112.207981, 8.835634]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [112.527654, 5.79444],
+ [112.531965, 5.766455],
+ [112.562762, 5.75931],
+ [112.562146, 5.820637],
+ [112.527654, 5.79444]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [114.599058, 8.846278],
+ [114.645869, 8.844504],
+ [114.68221, 8.881166],
+ [114.665579, 8.900087],
+ [114.61692, 8.881166],
+ [114.599058, 8.846278]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [114.868223, 7.983715],
+ [114.907643, 7.951117],
+ [114.914419, 8.00742],
+ [114.883006, 8.011569],
+ [114.868223, 7.983715]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [112.945261, 8.410204],
+ [112.985297, 8.429149],
+ [112.949572, 8.432701],
+ [112.945261, 8.410204]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [113.600004, 6.961929],
+ [113.580294, 6.920344],
+ [113.62341, 6.942325],
+ [113.600004, 6.961929]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [116.695099, 16.345538],
+ [116.708034, 16.299591],
+ [116.738831, 16.303612],
+ [116.747454, 16.360469],
+ [116.717889, 16.373676],
+ [116.695099, 16.345538]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [117.347995, 10.090624],
+ [117.354154, 10.06293],
+ [117.385567, 10.063519],
+ [117.373864, 10.106532],
+ [117.347995, 10.090624]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [112.993304, 19.472003],
+ [113.038883, 19.480466],
+ [113.048123, 19.506417],
+ [113.029028, 19.52898],
+ [112.993304, 19.52616],
+ [112.980369, 19.496263],
+ [112.993304, 19.472003]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [114.448153, 16.034035],
+ [114.485109, 16.034611],
+ [114.521449, 16.056466],
+ [114.465399, 16.067393],
+ [114.448153, 16.034035]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [113.832213, 19.158552],
+ [113.874097, 19.151203],
+ [113.914749, 19.172119],
+ [113.920293, 19.223551],
+ [113.875945, 19.237113],
+ [113.80696, 19.222986],
+ [113.799568, 19.19925],
+ [113.832213, 19.158552]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [112.650842, 5.106941],
+ [112.655769, 5.055676],
+ [112.682871, 5.048522],
+ [112.719211, 5.075944],
+ [112.678559, 5.121247],
+ [112.650842, 5.106941]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [111.638853, 7.907254],
+ [111.665339, 7.887099],
+ [111.712766, 7.887099],
+ [111.713382, 7.927408],
+ [111.651788, 7.932743],
+ [111.638853, 7.907254]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [112.244322, 8.874662],
+ [112.281278, 8.855148],
+ [112.288669, 8.885896],
+ [112.244322, 8.874662]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [112.89229, 7.844416],
+ [112.929862, 7.827815],
+ [112.93171, 7.867537],
+ [112.89229, 7.844416]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [112.583088, 5.56159],
+ [112.606494, 5.51751],
+ [112.614501, 5.465683],
+ [112.642834, 5.489512],
+ [112.616349, 5.568737],
+ [112.583088, 5.56159]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [112.523342, 5.656289],
+ [112.5449, 5.616386],
+ [112.565842, 5.63068],
+ [112.56153, 5.677133],
+ [112.528886, 5.687257],
+ [112.523342, 5.656289]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [115.361591, 13.948985],
+ [115.397315, 13.92517],
+ [115.438583, 13.943757],
+ [115.423185, 13.977443],
+ [115.377605, 13.968732],
+ [115.361591, 13.948985]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [113.596924, 10.240836],
+ [113.617866, 10.22199],
+ [113.638192, 10.243192],
+ [113.596924, 10.240836]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [113.860546, 15.477068],
+ [113.893807, 15.463802],
+ [113.890112, 15.490909],
+ [113.860546, 15.477068]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [112.907072, 4.993079],
+ [112.943413, 4.991887],
+ [112.952652, 5.047926],
+ [112.910768, 5.038388],
+ [112.907072, 4.993079]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [112.557219, 5.109326],
+ [112.568922, 5.071771],
+ [112.610806, 5.091443],
+ [112.601567, 5.120055],
+ [112.557219, 5.109326]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [112.350263, 5.621747],
+ [112.385988, 5.615791],
+ [112.385372, 5.643187],
+ [112.350263, 5.621747]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [112.226459, 16.759147],
+ [112.254177, 16.751698],
+ [112.262184, 16.778057],
+ [112.211061, 16.795819],
+ [112.226459, 16.759147]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [112.233851, 15.69612],
+ [112.25972, 15.734718],
+ [112.240626, 15.741055],
+ [112.20367, 15.71398],
+ [112.233851, 15.69612]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [112.612037, 5.367973],
+ [112.640371, 5.347715],
+ [112.685334, 5.371548],
+ [112.690878, 5.406702],
+ [112.62374, 5.401935],
+ [112.612037, 5.367973]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [112.472219, 5.73966],
+ [112.496857, 5.736683],
+ [112.498089, 5.775387],
+ [112.472219, 5.73966]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [113.217506, 6.306249],
+ [113.230441, 6.285429],
+ [113.243991, 6.325878],
+ [113.217506, 6.306249]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [116.152457, 9.579384],
+ [116.189413, 9.565221],
+ [116.187565, 9.595317],
+ [116.152457, 9.579384]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [114.948911, 7.508722],
+ [114.960614, 7.484988],
+ [115.012353, 7.484988],
+ [115.013585, 7.525928],
+ [114.948911, 7.508722]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [111.553854, 7.807656],
+ [111.585267, 7.771487],
+ [111.619759, 7.840265],
+ [111.603745, 7.861608],
+ [111.553854, 7.807656]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [113.938771, 15.8355],
+ [113.973263, 15.805558],
+ [113.9708, 15.83953],
+ [113.938771, 15.8355]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [114.926122, 16.036911],
+ [114.895325, 16.036336],
+ [114.910723, 16.001823],
+ [114.926122, 16.036911]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [116.749302, 9.056736],
+ [116.699411, 9.049053],
+ [116.70865, 9.024229],
+ [116.740679, 9.028367],
+ [116.749302, 9.056736]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [112.64653, 16.385733],
+ [112.681639, 16.400661],
+ [112.660081, 16.426494],
+ [112.64653, 16.385733]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [111.203384, 19.92557],
+ [111.203384, 19.925007],
+ [111.204, 19.92557],
+ [111.204, 19.926132],
+ [111.203384, 19.92557]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [115.758256, 10.461018],
+ [115.776118, 10.434534],
+ [115.801987, 10.463372],
+ [115.758256, 10.461018]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [117.21372, 10.735144],
+ [117.187235, 10.741612],
+ [117.206945, 10.707507],
+ [117.21372, 10.735144]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [112.671784, 16.331755],
+ [112.701349, 16.331755],
+ [112.677943, 16.35932],
+ [112.671784, 16.331755]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [115.782277, 10.541046],
+ [115.795212, 10.499858],
+ [115.805067, 10.524571],
+ [115.782277, 10.541046]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [112.512255, 9.544566],
+ [112.50856, 9.525679],
+ [112.568922, 9.516826],
+ [112.567074, 9.554008],
+ [112.512255, 9.544566]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [114.610145, 15.649447],
+ [114.581195, 15.625242],
+ [114.610761, 15.615444],
+ [114.610145, 15.649447]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [117.299336, 11.077745],
+ [117.264227, 11.063062],
+ [117.284553, 11.02547],
+ [117.304263, 11.027232],
+ [117.299336, 11.077745]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [117.691073, 11.048965],
+ [117.653501, 11.046029],
+ [117.655965, 11.024882],
+ [117.690457, 11.016658],
+ [117.691073, 11.048965]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [114.166668, 9.38459],
+ [114.175291, 9.342075],
+ [114.195617, 9.350933],
+ [114.194386, 9.391676],
+ [114.166668, 9.38459]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [114.714854, 9.736909],
+ [114.693296, 9.741038],
+ [114.680978, 9.707416],
+ [114.704999, 9.700337],
+ [114.714854, 9.736909]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [112.554139, 5.97839],
+ [112.553523, 5.942676],
+ [112.575697, 5.971247],
+ [112.554139, 5.97839]
+ ]
+ ]
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+ [23.56982421875, 35.534765625],
+ [23.67265625, 35.5139160156251],
+ [23.7369140625, 35.655517578125],
+ [23.85224609375, 35.53544921875]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [27.17607421875, 35.465283203125],
+ [27.070703125, 35.59775390625],
+ [27.22314453125, 35.820458984375],
+ [27.17607421875, 35.465283203125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [23.05380859375, 36.189794921875],
+ [22.91083984375, 36.22099609375],
+ [22.95048828125, 36.383935546875],
+ [23.05380859375, 36.189794921875]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [27.8427734375, 35.929296875],
+ [27.71552734375, 35.95732421875],
+ [27.71630859375, 36.17158203125],
+ [28.2318359375001, 36.433642578125],
+ [28.08779296875, 36.06533203125],
+ [27.8427734375, 35.929296875]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [25.482421875, 36.392626953125],
+ [25.3705078125001, 36.358935546875],
+ [25.4089843750001, 36.47373046875],
+ [25.482421875, 36.392626953125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [26.46064453125, 36.585400390625],
+ [26.2700195312501, 36.546923828125],
+ [26.37001953125, 36.63857421875],
+ [26.46064453125, 36.585400390625]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [26.9496093750001, 36.727099609375],
+ [27.21494140625, 36.8986328125],
+ [27.3521484375, 36.8688964843751],
+ [26.9496093750001, 36.727099609375]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [25.859375, 36.7904296875001],
+ [25.7431640625, 36.78974609375],
+ [26.064453125, 36.902734375],
+ [25.859375, 36.7904296875001]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [27.0197265625, 36.959033203125],
+ [26.919921875, 36.9452148437501],
+ [26.888671875, 37.087255859375],
+ [27.0197265625, 36.959033203125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [25.27890625, 37.068408203125],
+ [25.1054687500001, 37.0349609375],
+ [25.2350585937501, 37.14853515625],
+ [25.27890625, 37.068408203125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [25.5458984375, 36.967578125],
+ [25.45673828125, 36.9296875],
+ [25.3619140625001, 37.07041015625],
+ [25.5252929687501, 37.1963867187501],
+ [25.5458984375, 36.967578125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [24.5235351562501, 37.12509765625],
+ [24.4248046875, 37.131982421875],
+ [24.4837890625001, 37.210205078125],
+ [24.5235351562501, 37.12509765625]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [25.402734375, 37.419140625],
+ [25.3126953125001, 37.489306640625],
+ [25.4629882812501, 37.47109375],
+ [25.402734375, 37.419140625]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [26.0292968750001, 37.52939453125],
+ [26.086328125, 37.6349121093751],
+ [26.3513671875, 37.67431640625],
+ [26.0292968750001, 37.52939453125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [25.2558593750001, 37.5996093750001],
+ [25.15634765625, 37.5450683593751],
+ [24.9964843750001, 37.676904296875],
+ [25.2558593750001, 37.5996093750001]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [24.35595703125, 37.57685546875],
+ [24.2889648437501, 37.528271484375],
+ [24.3791015625, 37.68271484375],
+ [24.35595703125, 37.57685546875]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [26.8244140625, 37.8114257812501],
+ [27.0550781250001, 37.70927734375],
+ [26.844921875, 37.6447265625],
+ [26.5810546875, 37.72373046875],
+ [26.8244140625, 37.8114257812501]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [20.8884765625001, 37.80537109375],
+ [20.9939453125001, 37.7080078125],
+ [20.8185546875, 37.66474609375],
+ [20.6195312500001, 37.855029296875],
+ [20.69150390625, 37.929541015625],
+ [20.8884765625001, 37.80537109375]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [24.9916992187501, 37.7596191406251],
+ [24.9622070312501, 37.6923828125],
+ [24.7001953125, 37.961669921875],
+ [24.95634765625, 37.9047851562501],
+ [24.9916992187501, 37.7596191406251]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [20.6123046875, 38.383349609375],
+ [20.761328125, 38.070556640625],
+ [20.5235351562501, 38.106640625],
+ [20.4521484375, 38.2341796875],
+ [20.3525390625, 38.1798828125],
+ [20.5631835937501, 38.474951171875],
+ [20.6123046875, 38.383349609375]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [26.09404296875, 38.21806640625],
+ [25.89189453125, 38.243310546875],
+ [25.9914062500001, 38.353515625],
+ [25.84609375, 38.5740234375],
+ [26.1603515625, 38.54072265625],
+ [26.09404296875, 38.21806640625]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [20.68671875, 38.60869140625],
+ [20.5546875, 38.582568359375],
+ [20.694140625, 38.84423828125],
+ [20.68671875, 38.60869140625]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [24.6747070312501, 38.809228515625],
+ [24.541015625, 38.788671875],
+ [24.4856445312501, 38.9802734375],
+ [24.6747070312501, 38.809228515625]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [23.4154296875001, 38.958642578125],
+ [23.525, 38.8134765625],
+ [24.1275390625, 38.648486328125],
+ [24.2757812500001, 38.22001953125],
+ [24.58837890625, 38.123974609375],
+ [24.5365234375001, 37.9797363281251],
+ [24.21201171875, 38.1175292968751],
+ [24.04013671875, 38.389990234375],
+ [23.6507812500001, 38.44306640625],
+ [23.2521484375, 38.801220703125],
+ [22.8703125000001, 38.8705078125],
+ [23.258203125, 39.0313476562501],
+ [23.4154296875001, 38.958642578125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [26.41015625, 39.329443359375],
+ [26.5956054687501, 39.048828125],
+ [26.488671875, 39.0748046875],
+ [26.46875, 38.972802734375],
+ [26.10791015625, 39.0810546875],
+ [26.27314453125, 39.19755859375],
+ [26.07236328125, 39.09560546875],
+ [25.8441406250001, 39.2000488281251],
+ [26.1654296875001, 39.3735351562501],
+ [26.41015625, 39.329443359375]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [20.0779296875, 39.43271484375],
+ [19.8839843750001, 39.4615234375],
+ [19.646484375, 39.76708984375],
+ [19.92607421875, 39.77373046875],
+ [19.8466796875, 39.668115234375],
+ [20.0779296875, 39.43271484375]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [25.4376953125, 39.98330078125],
+ [25.3570312500001, 39.80810546875],
+ [25.2494140625001, 39.8941406250001],
+ [25.06220703125, 39.852392578125],
+ [25.0580078125001, 39.999658203125],
+ [25.4376953125, 39.98330078125]
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+ [
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+ [24.62333984375, 40.792919921875],
+ [24.7742187500001, 40.615185546875]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [26.0389648437501, 40.7267578125],
+ [25.1044921875, 40.9947265625],
+ [24.7929687500001, 40.85751953125],
+ [24.47705078125, 40.94775390625],
+ [24.0823242187501, 40.724072265625],
+ [23.7627929687501, 40.747802734375],
+ [23.866796875, 40.4185546875001],
+ [24.2127929687501, 40.327783203125],
+ [24.343359375, 40.147705078125],
+ [23.9131835937501, 40.3587890625001],
+ [23.7279296875001, 40.329736328125],
+ [23.96748046875, 40.11455078125],
+ [23.9470703125, 39.9655761718751],
+ [23.66455078125, 40.223828125],
+ [23.42626953125, 40.26396484375],
+ [23.62734375, 39.924072265625],
+ [22.8964843750001, 40.39990234375],
+ [22.9222656250001, 40.590869140625],
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+ [22.8860351562501, 39.169970703125],
+ [23.06669921875, 39.037939453125],
+ [22.5691406250001, 38.86748046875],
+ [23.2529296875, 38.6612304687501],
+ [23.6839843750001, 38.35244140625],
+ [23.9669921875, 38.275],
+ [24.02451171875, 38.139794921875],
+ [24.0197265625, 37.677734375],
+ [23.5017578125, 38.03486328125],
+ [23.036328125, 37.878369140625],
+ [23.4892578125, 37.440185546875],
+ [23.1615234375001, 37.333837890625],
+ [22.725390625, 37.542138671875],
+ [23.16015625, 36.448095703125],
+ [22.7171875, 36.7939453125001],
+ [22.427734375, 36.47578125],
+ [22.0804687500001, 37.028955078125],
+ [21.95556640625, 36.990087890625],
+ [21.8923828125, 36.7373046875],
+ [21.5829101562501, 37.08095703125],
+ [21.6789062500001, 37.38720703125],
+ [21.1247070312501, 37.8916015625],
+ [21.4037109375001, 38.1966796875],
+ [21.6583984375001, 38.17509765625],
+ [21.82470703125, 38.328125],
+ [22.8463867187501, 37.967578125],
+ [23.1834960937501, 38.13369140625],
+ [22.4216796875, 38.438525390625],
+ [22.319921875, 38.3568359375001],
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+ [21.4725585937501, 38.32138671875],
+ [21.3310546875, 38.4873046875],
+ [21.3033203125, 38.37392578125],
+ [21.11318359375, 38.38466796875],
+ [20.7685546875001, 38.8744140625],
+ [21.11162109375, 38.8962890625],
+ [21.118359375, 39.02998046875],
+ [20.71337890625, 39.03515625],
+ [20.3007812500001, 39.327099609375],
+ [20.19140625, 39.54580078125],
+ [20.0994140625001, 39.641259765625],
+ [20.0012695312501, 39.709423828125],
+ [20.0225585937501, 39.710693359375],
+ [20.059765625, 39.69912109375],
+ [20.1310546875, 39.66162109375],
+ [20.2068359375, 39.653515625],
+ [20.382421875, 39.80263671875],
+ [20.381640625, 39.8417968750001],
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+ [23.23984375, 41.3849609375],
+ [23.3720703125001, 41.3896484375],
+ [23.4333984375, 41.39873046875],
+ [23.53583984375, 41.38603515625],
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+ [-18.9919921875, 79.178369140625],
+ [-21.1337402343749, 78.658642578125],
+ [-21.72958984375, 77.708544921875],
+ [-20.8625976562499, 77.911865234375],
+ [-19.4904296875, 77.718896484375],
+ [-19.467529296875, 77.5658203125001],
+ [-20.1620605468749, 77.68984375],
+ [-20.680810546875, 77.618994140625],
+ [-20.23193359375, 77.368408203125],
+ [-19.30029296875, 77.22236328125],
+ [-18.4426269531249, 77.259375],
+ [-18.510302734375, 76.778173828125],
+ [-20.48671875, 76.92080078125],
+ [-21.6146972656249, 76.687890625],
+ [-22.18525390625, 76.794091796875],
+ [-22.609326171875, 76.704296875],
+ [-21.87734375, 76.573486328125],
+ [-21.4882324218749, 76.271875],
+ [-20.1036132812499, 76.219091796875],
+ [-19.5089843749999, 75.75751953125],
+ [-19.5263671875, 75.1802246093751],
+ [-20.4849609375, 75.3142578125],
+ [-21.64931640625, 75.0234375],
+ [-22.2328613281249, 75.1197265625],
+ [-21.6951171875, 74.964453125],
+ [-20.985791015625, 75.074365234375],
+ [-20.861572265625, 74.6359375],
+ [-20.41708984375, 74.9751953125],
+ [-19.984912109375, 74.9751953125],
+ [-19.28701171875, 74.5463867187501],
+ [-19.369140625, 74.284033203125],
+ [-20.2564453125, 74.2828125],
+ [-20.653125, 74.137353515625],
+ [-21.954931640625, 74.244287109375],
+ [-21.9429199218749, 74.56572265625],
+ [-22.32158203125, 74.3025390625],
+ [-22.1348144531249, 73.990478515625],
+ [-20.3672851562499, 73.8482421875],
+ [-20.50966796875, 73.49287109375],
+ [-22.346875, 73.26923828125],
+ [-23.233203125, 73.397705078125],
+ [-24.1577148437499, 73.764453125],
+ [-24.67724609375, 73.602197265625],
+ [-25.5212890625, 73.851611328125],
+ [-24.791259765625, 73.511279296875],
+ [-26.0623046875, 73.25302734375],
+ [-27.27041015625, 73.436279296875],
+ [-26.541845703125, 73.248974609375],
+ [-27.56162109375, 73.1384765625],
+ [-27.348046875, 73.067822265625],
+ [-25.05703125, 73.396484375],
+ [-24.132666015625, 73.409375],
+ [-22.036328125, 72.9184570312501],
+ [-22.293212890625, 72.11953125],
+ [-24.06904296875, 72.49873046875],
+ [-24.62998046875, 73.037646484375],
+ [-26.6576171875, 72.7158203125],
+ [-24.8133300781249, 72.901513671875],
+ [-24.65, 72.58251953125],
+ [-25.11787109375, 72.3469726562501],
+ [-24.6668457031249, 72.437353515625],
+ [-21.95966796875, 71.744677734375],
+ [-22.4796386718749, 71.383447265625],
+ [-22.417578125, 71.2486816406251],
+ [-22.2990234375, 71.43232421875],
+ [-21.75224609375, 71.4783203125],
+ [-21.5226562499999, 70.526220703125],
+ [-22.3841308593749, 70.46240234375],
+ [-22.4370117187499, 70.860009765625],
+ [-22.6906738281249, 70.4373046875],
+ [-23.32783203125, 70.4509765625001],
+ [-23.97138671875, 70.649462890625],
+ [-24.5622070312499, 71.22353515625],
+ [-25.88515625, 71.571923828125],
+ [-27.08720703125, 71.6265625],
+ [-27.10703125, 71.532666015625],
+ [-25.842724609375, 71.48017578125],
+ [-25.742236328125, 71.18359375],
+ [-26.717919921875, 70.9504882812501],
+ [-28.3984375, 70.992919921875],
+ [-27.9921875, 70.89521484375],
+ [-28.069873046875, 70.6990234375001],
+ [-29.0720703125, 70.444970703125],
+ [-26.62177734375, 70.46337890625],
+ [-26.576806640625, 70.357080078125],
+ [-27.5608398437499, 70.124462890625],
+ [-27.3841796875, 69.9916015625],
+ [-27.027734375, 70.201220703125],
+ [-25.5298828125, 70.353173828125],
+ [-23.667333984375, 70.139306640625],
+ [-22.28447265625, 70.125830078125],
+ [-22.287060546875, 70.0333984375],
+ [-23.033642578125, 69.900830078125],
+ [-23.049560546875, 69.792724609375],
+ [-23.86572265625, 69.73671875],
+ [-23.739404296875, 69.588623046875],
+ [-24.2966796875, 69.5855468750001],
+ [-24.295556640625, 69.439306640625],
+ [-25.18857421875, 69.260546875],
+ [-25.0924316406249, 69.165185546875],
+ [-25.6979980468749, 68.889892578125],
+ [-26.48291015625, 68.675927734375],
+ [-29.24951171875, 68.298779296875],
+ [-29.868505859375, 68.3115722656251],
+ [-30.318115234375, 68.193310546875],
+ [-30.72001953125, 68.251171875],
+ [-30.6107421875, 68.117919921875],
+ [-30.978564453125, 68.0613281250001],
+ [-32.32744140625, 68.4373046875],
+ [-32.16455078125, 67.99111328125],
+ [-33.156982421875, 67.6267089843751],
+ [-34.1982421875, 66.655078125],
+ [-35.18857421875, 66.25029296875],
+ [-35.867236328125, 66.44140625],
+ [-35.6300781249999, 66.13994140625],
+ [-36.37919921875, 65.830810546875],
+ [-36.52724609375, 66.00771484375],
+ [-36.665185546875, 65.7900878906251],
+ [-37.06279296875, 65.871435546875],
+ [-37.41005859375, 65.65634765625],
+ [-37.95478515625, 65.6335937500001],
+ [-37.2787109375, 66.30439453125],
+ [-38.156640625, 66.385595703125],
+ [-37.75234375, 66.2615234375],
+ [-38.13994140625, 65.903515625],
+ [-38.520361328125, 66.00966796875],
+ [-38.203369140625, 65.71171875],
+ [-40.17353515625, 65.55615234375],
+ [-39.5779296875, 65.340771484375],
+ [-39.937255859375, 65.1416015625],
+ [-40.253125, 65.0488769531251],
+ [-41.084423828125, 65.100830078125],
+ [-40.966015625, 64.86884765625],
+ [-40.6554687499999, 64.91533203125],
+ [-40.1822265625, 64.479931640625],
+ [-40.78173828125, 64.22177734375],
+ [-41.5810058593749, 64.29833984375],
+ [-41.03056640625, 64.121044921875],
+ [-40.6177734375, 64.13173828125],
+ [-40.550390625, 63.7252441406251],
+ [-40.7751953125, 63.533642578125],
+ [-41.04873046875, 63.5138183593751],
+ [-41.3878906249999, 63.061865234375],
+ [-41.844482421875, 63.070263671875],
+ [-42.17451171875, 63.2087890625],
+ [-41.63447265625, 62.9724609375001],
+ [-41.908984375, 62.737109375],
+ [-42.941650390625, 62.72021484375],
+ [-42.152978515625, 62.56845703125],
+ [-42.321484375, 62.1527343750001],
+ [-42.110205078125, 61.8572265625001],
+ [-42.585302734375, 61.71748046875],
+ [-42.34736328125, 61.617431640625],
+ [-42.717041015625, 60.76748046875],
+ [-43.044091796875, 60.523681640625],
+ [-43.922705078125, 60.595361328125],
+ [-43.21298828125, 60.3906738281251],
+ [-43.122900390625, 60.06123046875],
+ [-43.3201171874999, 59.928125],
+ [-43.955029296875, 60.02548828125],
+ [-43.65791015625, 59.858642578125],
+ [-43.90654296875, 59.815478515625],
+ [-44.1169921875, 59.83193359375],
+ [-44.065478515625, 59.9248046875],
+ [-44.412939453125, 59.922607421875],
+ [-44.2243652343749, 60.27353515625],
+ [-44.61328125, 60.016650390625],
+ [-45.379248046875, 60.2029296875],
+ [-45.3677734375, 60.37294921875],
+ [-44.97470703125, 60.4572265625],
+ [-44.75673828125, 60.664599609375],
+ [-45.3805175781249, 60.444921875],
+ [-46.046630859375, 60.61572265625],
+ [-46.141943359375, 60.776513671875],
+ [-45.87021484375, 61.218310546875],
+ [-46.874462890625, 60.81640625],
+ [-48.180810546875, 60.76923828125],
+ [-47.7703125, 60.99775390625],
+ [-48.3864257812499, 61.004736328125],
+ [-48.428173828125, 61.18740234375],
+ [-48.9220703125, 61.27744140625],
+ [-49.2890625, 61.5899414062501],
+ [-49.3802734375, 61.890185546875],
+ [-48.8287109375, 62.0796875],
+ [-49.6237792968749, 61.998583984375],
+ [-49.553466796875, 62.23271484375],
+ [-50.31923828125, 62.473193359375],
+ [-50.29873046875, 62.72197265625],
+ [-49.793115234375, 63.04462890625],
+ [-50.390087890625, 62.822021484375],
+ [-51.46884765625, 63.64228515625],
+ [-51.547509765625, 64.006103515625],
+ [-50.260693359375, 64.2142578125],
+ [-50.48662109375, 64.20888671875],
+ [-50.437060546875, 64.312841796875],
+ [-51.584912109375, 64.103173828125],
+ [-51.707861328125, 64.205078125],
+ [-51.4037597656249, 64.46318359375],
+ [-50.49208984375, 64.6931640625001],
+ [-50.008984375, 64.447265625],
+ [-50.1216308593749, 64.703759765625],
+ [-50.5169921875, 64.76650390625],
+ [-50.96064453125, 65.201123046875],
+ [-50.72158203125, 64.797607421875],
+ [-51.22060546875, 64.628466796875],
+ [-51.25537109375, 64.7581054687501],
+ [-51.922607421875, 64.21875],
+ [-52.259033203125, 65.154931640625],
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+ [-51.619140625, 65.71318359375],
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+ [-52.7609374999999, 65.5908203125],
+ [-53.198974609375, 65.59404296875],
+ [-53.10634765625, 65.9771484375],
+ [-53.392041015625, 66.04833984375],
+ [-51.225, 66.88154296875],
+ [-53.035791015625, 66.201416015625],
+ [-53.53876953125, 66.13935546875],
+ [-53.41875, 66.64853515625],
+ [-53.03828125, 66.826806640625],
+ [-52.386865234375, 66.8811523437501],
+ [-53.443603515625, 66.924658203125],
+ [-53.884423828125, 67.135546875],
+ [-53.7985839843749, 67.4181640625],
+ [-52.666455078125, 67.74970703125],
+ [-50.6134765625, 67.5279296875],
+ [-51.171044921875, 67.693603515625],
+ [-50.96884765625, 67.806640625],
+ [-51.765234375, 67.7378417968751],
+ [-52.34482421875, 67.8369140625],
+ [-53.735205078125, 67.5490234375],
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+ [-50.945703125, 68.6826660156251],
+ [-50.80771484375, 68.8169921875],
+ [-51.2494140625, 68.73994140625],
+ [-51.08486328125, 69.128271484375],
+ [-50.2973632812499, 69.17060546875],
+ [-51.076953125, 69.20947265625],
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+ [-52.254638671875, 70.058935546875],
+ [-53.023046875, 70.301904296875],
+ [-54.014453125, 70.4216796875001],
+ [-54.53076171875, 70.699267578125],
+ [-54.1658203125, 70.8201171875001],
+ [-52.801953125, 70.7505859375],
+ [-50.8723632812499, 70.364892578125],
+ [-50.66328125, 70.417578125],
+ [-51.3228515625, 70.58876953125],
+ [-51.256591796875, 70.852685546875],
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+ [-51.0189453125, 71.001318359375],
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+ [-53.927734375, 72.318798828125],
+ [-53.477587890625, 71.8499511718751],
+ [-54.019921875, 71.657861328125],
+ [-53.96298828125, 71.458984375],
+ [-54.6890625, 71.3672363281251],
+ [-55.59404296875, 71.5535156250001],
+ [-55.315576171875, 72.110693359375],
+ [-54.84013671875, 72.356103515625],
+ [-55.5814453125, 72.178857421875],
+ [-55.63583984375, 72.300439453125],
+ [-55.295703125, 72.35439453125],
+ [-55.6017089843749, 72.453466796875],
+ [-54.924951171875, 72.57197265625],
+ [-54.737939453125, 72.872509765625],
+ [-55.073095703125, 73.01513671875],
+ [-55.288916015625, 72.933203125],
+ [-55.6685546875, 73.00791015625],
+ [-55.28828125, 73.327099609375],
+ [-56.104052734375, 73.558154296875],
+ [-55.83828125, 73.759716796875],
+ [-56.225390625, 74.1291015625],
+ [-57.23056640625, 74.1252929687501],
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+ [-56.25546875, 74.526806640625],
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+ [-65.3699218749999, 76.13056640625],
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+ [-69.6738281249999, 76.7358886718751],
+ [-69.69423828125, 76.989453125],
+ [-70.613134765625, 76.821826171875],
+ [-71.141455078125, 77.028662109375],
+ [-70.862841796875, 77.175439453125],
+ [-68.9783203125, 77.1953125000001],
+ [-68.135546875, 77.37958984375],
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+ [121.8830078125, -10.59033203125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [123.4162109375, -10.30263671875],
+ [123.3255859375, -10.2641601562499],
+ [123.4587890625, -10.13994140625],
+ [123.4162109375, -10.30263671875]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [120.0125, -9.37470703125003],
+ [120.78447265625, -9.95703125],
+ [120.8326171875, -10.0375],
+ [120.698046875, -10.2066406249999],
+ [120.43916015625, -10.29404296875],
+ [120.14482421875, -10.20009765625],
+ [119.60107421875, -9.77353515625001],
+ [119.08544921875, -9.70693359375002],
+ [118.9587890625, -9.5193359375],
+ [119.2958984375, -9.3671875],
+ [119.94208984375, -9.30146484375003],
+ [120.0125, -9.37470703125003]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [125.0681640625, -9.5119140625],
+ [124.4275390625, -10.1486328125],
+ [123.747265625, -10.34716796875],
+ [123.60478515625, -10.2701171875],
+ [123.71640625, -10.07861328125],
+ [123.5892578125, -9.96679687500003],
+ [123.709375, -9.61484375],
+ [124.036328125, -9.34160156250003],
+ [124.28232421875, -9.42792968750003],
+ [124.44443359375, -9.19033203125002],
+ [124.922265625, -8.94248046874998],
+ [124.93681640625, -9.05341796875003],
+ [125.1490234375, -9.04257812500003],
+ [125.10048828125, -9.18984375000002],
+ [124.96015625, -9.21376953125001],
+ [125.0681640625, -9.5119140625]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [115.6099609375, -8.76982421874997],
+ [115.48046875, -8.71542968750001],
+ [115.56142578125, -8.66992187499997],
+ [115.6099609375, -8.76982421874997]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [122.97734375, -8.54521484374996],
+ [122.88779296875, -8.58730468750001],
+ [123.010546875, -8.44833984375003],
+ [123.153125, -8.47578125000003],
+ [122.97734375, -8.54521484374996]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [119.4640625, -8.74101562499997],
+ [119.385546875, -8.73603515625003],
+ [119.446484375, -8.42919921874996],
+ [119.5572265625, -8.51884765625],
+ [119.4640625, -8.74101562499997]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [123.31748046875, -8.35478515624997],
+ [123.025, -8.39550781250001],
+ [123.21708984375, -8.23544921875001],
+ [123.33603515625, -8.26904296875001],
+ [123.31748046875, -8.35478515624997]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [116.6408203125, -8.61386718750001],
+ [116.5142578125, -8.82099609375001],
+ [116.5865234375, -8.88613281249997],
+ [116.23935546875, -8.91210937500001],
+ [115.85732421875, -8.78789062500002],
+ [116.07646484375, -8.74492187499997],
+ [116.0611328125, -8.43740234375002],
+ [116.4015625, -8.20419921875003],
+ [116.7189453125, -8.33603515624998],
+ [116.6408203125, -8.61386718750001]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [124.28662109375, -8.32949218749998],
+ [124.1466796875, -8.5314453125],
+ [123.927734375, -8.44892578124997],
+ [124.23955078125, -8.20341796874996],
+ [124.28662109375, -8.32949218749998]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [123.9248046875, -8.2724609375],
+ [123.55302734375, -8.566796875],
+ [123.230078125, -8.53066406250002],
+ [123.47587890625, -8.32226562500001],
+ [123.3912109375, -8.28046875000003],
+ [123.7759765625, -8.19042968749999],
+ [123.9248046875, -8.2724609375]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [138.8951171875, -8.38867187499996],
+ [138.56337890625, -8.30908203125],
+ [138.79619140625, -8.17363281250002],
+ [138.8951171875, -8.38867187499996]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [117.55634765625, -8.36728515624995],
+ [117.49052734375, -8.18339843749997],
+ [117.6650390625, -8.1482421875],
+ [117.55634765625, -8.36728515624995]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [124.5755859375, -8.1408203125],
+ [125.05029296875, -8.17958984374999],
+ [125.13173828125, -8.32646484374999],
+ [124.3806640625, -8.41513671875002],
+ [124.4306640625, -8.18320312500002],
+ [124.5755859375, -8.1408203125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [127.8234375, -8.09882812499997],
+ [128.11923828125, -8.17070312499996],
+ [128.02353515625, -8.25537109374997],
+ [127.8208984375, -8.19023437500003],
+ [127.8234375, -8.09882812499997]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [122.78291015625, -8.61171875],
+ [121.6513671875, -8.89873046874995],
+ [121.4146484375, -8.81484375],
+ [121.3283203125, -8.91689453125001],
+ [121.03525390625, -8.93544921874997],
+ [120.55048828125, -8.80185546875002],
+ [119.909375, -8.85761718750001],
+ [119.80791015625, -8.69765625000002],
+ [119.8748046875, -8.41982421874999],
+ [120.61025390625, -8.24042968750004],
+ [121.44453125, -8.57783203125004],
+ [121.96650390625, -8.45517578125001],
+ [122.3232421875, -8.62832031250002],
+ [122.85048828125, -8.30439453125001],
+ [122.919140625, -8.221875],
+ [122.75859375, -8.18593749999995],
+ [122.9169921875, -8.10556640625001],
+ [123.00595703125, -8.32910156249999],
+ [122.78291015625, -8.61171875]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [130.86220703125, -8.31875],
+ [130.7751953125, -8.34990234374996],
+ [131.0201171875, -8.09130859374994],
+ [131.1763671875, -8.13076171874999],
+ [130.86220703125, -8.31875]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [118.2423828125, -8.31777343749999],
+ [118.6119140625, -8.28066406249998],
+ [118.7138671875, -8.41494140624998],
+ [118.926171875, -8.29765624999997],
+ [119.1296875, -8.66816406249997],
+ [118.7458984375, -8.73544921874999],
+ [118.8326171875, -8.83339843749997],
+ [118.47861328125, -8.85644531249996],
+ [118.37890625, -8.67460937500003],
+ [118.18994140625, -8.84052734375],
+ [117.061328125, -9.09902343749999],
+ [116.7884765625, -9.00634765625003],
+ [116.83505859375, -8.53242187500003],
+ [117.16484375, -8.36718750000001],
+ [117.56708984375, -8.42636718749999],
+ [117.8060546875, -8.71113281250001],
+ [117.96953125, -8.72802734374999],
+ [118.23486328125, -8.59189453124996],
+ [117.81484375, -8.34208984374997],
+ [117.7552734375, -8.14951171874999],
+ [118.11748046875, -8.12226562500004],
+ [118.2423828125, -8.31777343749999]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [115.4478515625, -8.15517578124999],
+ [115.704296875, -8.40712890624998],
+ [115.144921875, -8.84902343750004],
+ [115.055078125, -8.57304687499995],
+ [114.61318359375, -8.37832031249998],
+ [114.467578125, -8.16630859374995],
+ [114.9384765625, -8.18710937500002],
+ [115.15400390625, -8.06572265624997],
+ [115.4478515625, -8.15517578124999]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [129.8388671875, -7.95458984374999],
+ [129.7134765625, -8.04072265625004],
+ [129.608984375, -7.80341796875001],
+ [129.81298828125, -7.81972656249995],
+ [129.8388671875, -7.95458984374999]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [126.8009765625, -7.66787109375001],
+ [126.4720703125, -7.95039062500001],
+ [126.0400390625, -7.88583984375001],
+ [125.7982421875, -7.98457031249997],
+ [125.97529296875, -7.66337890624999],
+ [126.213671875, -7.70673828125003],
+ [126.6095703125, -7.57177734374997],
+ [126.8009765625, -7.66787109375001]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [127.41943359375, -7.62304687500003],
+ [127.370703125, -7.51279296874995],
+ [127.4751953125, -7.53105468750003],
+ [127.41943359375, -7.62304687500003]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [138.5353515625, -8.27363281249997],
+ [138.2962890625, -8.40517578125004],
+ [137.650390625, -8.38613281249997],
+ [138.0818359375, -7.5662109375],
+ [138.2955078125, -7.4384765625],
+ [138.76982421875, -7.39042968749997],
+ [138.9890625, -7.69609374999999],
+ [138.5353515625, -8.27363281249997]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [131.3255859375, -7.99951171874999],
+ [131.11376953125, -7.99736328124999],
+ [131.13779296875, -7.68486328125002],
+ [131.64345703125, -7.11279296875],
+ [131.7361328125, -7.19707031250002],
+ [131.64384765625, -7.26689453124995],
+ [131.6244140625, -7.62617187499996],
+ [131.3255859375, -7.99951171874999]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [131.98203125, -7.20205078124997],
+ [131.75078125, -7.116796875],
+ [131.922265625, -7.10449218749999],
+ [131.98203125, -7.20205078124997]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [128.6701171875, -7.18330078124997],
+ [128.52978515625, -7.13457031249999],
+ [128.627734375, -7.06875],
+ [128.6701171875, -7.18330078124997]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [120.7744140625, -7.1189453125],
+ [120.6408203125, -7.11582031249999],
+ [120.6333984375, -7.01826171875001],
+ [120.7744140625, -7.1189453125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [113.84453125, -7.10537109374999],
+ [113.126953125, -7.22412109375003],
+ [112.72587890625, -7.07275390625001],
+ [112.86806640625, -6.89990234374997],
+ [113.0673828125, -6.87998046874999],
+ [113.97470703125, -6.873046875],
+ [114.0736328125, -6.96015624999998],
+ [113.84453125, -7.10537109374999]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [115.37705078125, -6.97080078125002],
+ [115.2203125, -6.95253906250004],
+ [115.24052734375, -6.86123046874999],
+ [115.54609375, -6.93867187499996],
+ [115.37705078125, -6.97080078125002]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [105.25283203125, -6.64042968749995],
+ [105.12138671875, -6.61494140625],
+ [105.260546875, -6.52392578125001],
+ [105.25283203125, -6.64042968749995]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [134.53681640625, -6.44228515624999],
+ [134.32275390625, -6.84873046875002],
+ [134.0908203125, -6.8337890625],
+ [134.10703125, -6.47158203125001],
+ [134.19462890625, -6.459765625],
+ [134.1146484375, -6.19082031250001],
+ [134.53681640625, -6.44228515624999]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [107.37392578125, -6.00761718749999],
+ [107.666796875, -6.21582031249996],
+ [108.33017578125, -6.28603515624997],
+ [108.67783203125, -6.79052734374997],
+ [110.42626953125, -6.94726562500003],
+ [110.834765625, -6.42421874999995],
+ [110.972265625, -6.43564453124998],
+ [111.18154296875, -6.68671874999997],
+ [111.54033203125, -6.64824218750003],
+ [112.0873046875, -6.89335937499996],
+ [112.5392578125, -6.92646484374996],
+ [112.64873046875, -7.22128906249998],
+ [112.7943359375, -7.30449218749997],
+ [112.79453125, -7.55244140625004],
+ [113.01357421875, -7.65771484374999],
+ [113.49765625, -7.72382812499996],
+ [114.070703125, -7.63300781250001],
+ [114.40927734375, -7.79248046875],
+ [114.3869140625, -8.40517578125004],
+ [114.5837890625, -8.76962890625003],
+ [113.2533203125, -8.28671874999996],
+ [112.67880859375, -8.40917968749996],
+ [111.5099609375, -8.30507812499998],
+ [110.6072265625, -8.14941406249997],
+ [109.281640625, -7.7048828125],
+ [108.7412109375, -7.66708984375003],
+ [108.4517578125, -7.79697265625002],
+ [107.91748046875, -7.72412109375001],
+ [107.2849609375, -7.47167968750001],
+ [106.4552734375, -7.36865234374999],
+ [106.5197265625, -7.05371093749994],
+ [106.1982421875, -6.92783203124998],
+ [105.25546875, -6.83525390625003],
+ [105.3708984375, -6.66435546875003],
+ [105.48369140625, -6.78154296875002],
+ [105.655078125, -6.46953124999995],
+ [105.7869140625, -6.45693359374997],
+ [105.86826171875, -6.11640625000004],
+ [106.075, -5.91416015624996],
+ [106.8251953125, -6.09824218749998],
+ [107.0462890625, -5.90419921874998],
+ [107.37392578125, -6.00761718749999]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [120.5283203125, -6.2984375],
+ [120.4873046875, -6.46484374999997],
+ [120.47734375, -5.77529296875001],
+ [120.5283203125, -6.2984375]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [112.71943359375, -5.81103515625],
+ [112.58603515625, -5.80361328124999],
+ [112.6900390625, -5.72617187500003],
+ [112.71943359375, -5.81103515625]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [132.80712890625, -5.85078125000001],
+ [132.6814453125, -5.91259765625],
+ [132.63017578125, -5.60703125],
+ [132.80712890625, -5.85078125000001]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [134.74697265625, -5.70703124999996],
+ [134.71416015625, -6.29511718750004],
+ [134.44111328125, -6.33486328124997],
+ [134.1548828125, -6.06289062499998],
+ [134.301953125, -6.00976562499999],
+ [134.34306640625, -5.83300781249994],
+ [134.20537109375, -5.7072265625],
+ [134.34130859375, -5.71289062499999],
+ [134.57080078125, -5.42734375],
+ [134.74697265625, -5.70703124999996]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [132.92626953125, -5.90205078124998],
+ [132.84501953125, -5.98798828125],
+ [133.1384765625, -5.31787109374999],
+ [133.11962890625, -5.57597656249999],
+ [132.92626953125, -5.90205078124998]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [102.3671875, -5.47871093749998],
+ [102.1107421875, -5.32255859374996],
+ [102.37177734375, -5.36640625000001],
+ [102.3671875, -5.47871093749998]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [123.6267578125, -5.27158203124996],
+ [123.5826171875, -5.36738281250004],
+ [123.5427734375, -5.27109374999996],
+ [123.6267578125, -5.27158203124996]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [122.04296875, -5.43798828125003],
+ [121.80849609375, -5.25615234375002],
+ [121.913671875, -5.07226562499996],
+ [122.041015625, -5.15878906249999],
+ [122.04296875, -5.43798828125003]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [122.6451171875, -5.26943359374998],
+ [122.5638671875, -5.3875],
+ [122.28310546875, -5.31953124999997],
+ [122.3962890625, -5.06982421874999],
+ [122.3689453125, -4.76718749999998],
+ [122.701953125, -4.61865234375],
+ [122.75986328125, -4.93388671875],
+ [122.6140625, -5.13867187499999],
+ [122.6451171875, -5.26943359374998]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [123.17978515625, -4.55117187500002],
+ [123.195703125, -4.82265625],
+ [123.05517578125, -4.74824218750003],
+ [122.9716796875, -5.13847656250003],
+ [123.1873046875, -5.33300781249996],
+ [122.96875, -5.40576171874994],
+ [122.812109375, -5.67128906249995],
+ [122.64501953125, -5.66337890625003],
+ [122.58642578125, -5.48886718750001],
+ [122.76650390625, -5.21015624999998],
+ [122.8533203125, -4.61835937500003],
+ [123.074609375, -4.38691406250004],
+ [123.17978515625, -4.55117187500002]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [133.57080078125, -4.2458984375],
+ [133.621875, -4.29931640624996],
+ [133.3208984375, -4.11103515624997],
+ [133.57080078125, -4.2458984375]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [123.2423828125, -4.11298828125001],
+ [123.076171875, -4.22714843749999],
+ [122.96904296875, -4.02998046874997],
+ [123.2119140625, -3.99755859375003],
+ [123.2423828125, -4.11298828125001]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [128.56259765625, -3.58544921875],
+ [128.3916015625, -3.63789062500003],
+ [128.4515625, -3.51474609374999],
+ [128.56259765625, -3.58544921875]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [128.2755859375, -3.67460937499996],
+ [127.97802734375, -3.77099609374997],
+ [127.925, -3.69931640625002],
+ [128.3291015625, -3.51591796874996],
+ [128.2755859375, -3.67460937499996]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [116.42412109375, -3.46445312499996],
+ [116.38779296875, -3.63671874999997],
+ [116.3265625, -3.53906249999997],
+ [116.42412109375, -3.46445312499996]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [116.3033203125, -3.86816406249996],
+ [116.0587890625, -4.00693359374999],
+ [116.06357421875, -3.45791015624995],
+ [116.2697265625, -3.25107421875001],
+ [116.3033203125, -3.86816406249996]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [126.8611328125, -3.08789062499999],
+ [127.22734375, -3.391015625],
+ [127.22958984375, -3.63300781250001],
+ [126.686328125, -3.82363281250004],
+ [126.21455078125, -3.60517578125003],
+ [126.05654296875, -3.42099609374999],
+ [126.08828125, -3.10546875000001],
+ [126.8611328125, -3.08789062499999]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [106.88642578125, -3.00527343750002],
+ [106.74287109375, -2.93281250000001],
+ [106.91064453125, -2.93398437499998],
+ [106.88642578125, -3.00527343750002]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [129.7546875, -2.86582031250003],
+ [130.3791015625, -2.98935546874998],
+ [130.569921875, -3.13085937500003],
+ [130.8599609375, -3.57031250000003],
+ [130.805078125, -3.85771484374996],
+ [129.844140625, -3.32714843749996],
+ [129.51171875, -3.32851562499998],
+ [129.46767578125, -3.45322265624998],
+ [128.8625, -3.23496093750001],
+ [128.5166015625, -3.44912109375004],
+ [128.13203125, -3.15742187500003],
+ [127.90234375, -3.49628906249996],
+ [127.8779296875, -3.22207031249997],
+ [128.19853515625, -2.86591796874997],
+ [128.99111328125, -2.82851562499998],
+ [129.1744140625, -2.93349609374997],
+ [129.4841796875, -2.78574218749998],
+ [129.7546875, -2.86582031250003]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [100.42509765625, -3.18291015624997],
+ [100.46513671875, -3.32851562499998],
+ [100.204296875, -2.98681640625],
+ [100.19853515625, -2.78554687500002],
+ [100.45458984375, -3.00195312499997],
+ [100.42509765625, -3.18291015624997]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [108.2072265625, -2.99765624999998],
+ [108.0552734375, -3.22685546874996],
+ [107.858203125, -3.08632812500002],
+ [107.614453125, -3.209375],
+ [107.5634765625, -2.9201171875],
+ [107.66630859375, -2.56630859375004],
+ [107.83779296875, -2.53027343749997],
+ [108.21513671875, -2.69697265625001],
+ [108.290625, -2.82998046875002],
+ [108.2072265625, -2.99765624999998]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [100.2041015625, -2.74101562500002],
+ [100.01494140625, -2.81972656249997],
+ [99.9878906250001, -2.52539062499996],
+ [100.2041015625, -2.74101562500002]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [99.8430664062501, -2.34306640625003],
+ [99.6070312500001, -2.25751953125001],
+ [99.5721679687501, -2.02578124999997],
+ [99.8430664062501, -2.34306640625003]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [126.055078125, -2.45126953124996],
+ [125.862890625, -2.07714843749994],
+ [125.92275390625, -1.97480468749997],
+ [126.055078125, -2.45126953124996]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [126.02421875, -1.78974609375001],
+ [126.33173828125, -1.82285156250001],
+ [125.47919921875, -1.94003906249999],
+ [125.38720703125, -1.84306640624995],
+ [126.02421875, -1.78974609375001]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [130.3533203125, -1.69052734374996],
+ [130.41884765625, -1.97128906249996],
+ [130.248046875, -2.04775390624999],
+ [129.7376953125, -1.86689453125001],
+ [130.3533203125, -1.69052734374996]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [124.96953125, -1.70546875],
+ [125.187890625, -1.71289062499999],
+ [125.3140625, -1.87714843749997],
+ [124.4177734375, -2.00517578125003],
+ [124.3296875, -1.85888671874997],
+ [124.417578125, -1.65927734374999],
+ [124.96953125, -1.70546875]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [135.47421875, -1.59179687500001],
+ [136.892578125, -1.79970703124999],
+ [136.228125, -1.89365234374995],
+ [135.47421875, -1.59179687500001]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [108.953125, -1.61962890625],
+ [108.837890625, -1.66162109375003],
+ [108.8037109375, -1.56777343749999],
+ [108.953125, -1.61962890625]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [106.045703125, -1.66943359375001],
+ [106.36591796875, -2.46484374999997],
+ [106.81845703125, -2.57333984374996],
+ [106.61201171875, -2.89550781249996],
+ [106.6671875, -3.07177734374999],
+ [105.99873046875, -2.82490234374996],
+ [105.78583984375, -2.18134765625004],
+ [105.1333984375, -2.042578125],
+ [105.4595703125, -1.57470703124999],
+ [105.58544921875, -1.52675781249999],
+ [105.70087890625, -1.73105468749996],
+ [105.72041015625, -1.53388671875003],
+ [105.91005859375, -1.50498046874999],
+ [106.045703125, -1.66943359375001]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [123.59755859375, -1.70429687500001],
+ [123.48251953125, -1.68144531249997],
+ [123.528515625, -1.50283203125001],
+ [123.59755859375, -1.70429687500001]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [128.15302734375, -1.66054687499998],
+ [127.56162109375, -1.72851562499997],
+ [127.39501953125, -1.58984374999997],
+ [127.6466796875, -1.332421875],
+ [128.15302734375, -1.66054687499998]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [123.2123046875, -1.17128906249997],
+ [123.23779296875, -1.38935546874998],
+ [123.434765625, -1.23681640624999],
+ [123.547265625, -1.33740234374996],
+ [123.5119140625, -1.44736328124998],
+ [123.27490234375, -1.43720703124996],
+ [123.17294921875, -1.61601562499997],
+ [123.150390625, -1.3044921875],
+ [122.8904296875, -1.58720703124996],
+ [122.81083984375, -1.43212890624999],
+ [122.9080078125, -1.18222656249996],
+ [123.2123046875, -1.17128906249997]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [109.71025390625, -1.1806640625],
+ [109.463671875, -1.27753906250003],
+ [109.4759765625, -0.9853515625],
+ [109.743359375, -1.03935546874999],
+ [109.71025390625, -1.1806640625]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [134.96533203125, -1.11601562499997],
+ [134.86171875, -1.11416015624995],
+ [134.8279296875, -0.978808593750003],
+ [134.9962890625, -1.03408203124998],
+ [134.96533203125, -1.11601562499997]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [99.1638671875001, -1.77792968750001],
+ [98.8277343750001, -1.60996093749998],
+ [98.6017578125, -1.19785156249995],
+ [98.6760742187501, -0.970507812500003],
+ [98.9326171875, -0.954003906250009],
+ [99.2672851562501, -1.62773437499996],
+ [99.1638671875001, -1.77792968750001]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [131.00185546875, -1.31552734375003],
+ [130.78232421875, -1.25546874999996],
+ [130.67294921875, -0.959765625000031],
+ [131.0330078125, -0.917578124999963],
+ [131.00185546875, -1.31552734375003]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [135.3830078125, -0.6513671875],
+ [135.8935546875, -0.725781249999969],
+ [136.37529296875, -1.09404296875003],
+ [136.16474609375, -1.21474609375002],
+ [135.9150390625, -1.17841796875],
+ [135.7470703125, -0.823046874999974],
+ [135.645703125, -0.881933593749991],
+ [135.3830078125, -0.6513671875]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [127.300390625, -0.780957031250026],
+ [127.1564453125, -0.760937500000026],
+ [127.20908203125, -0.619335937499955],
+ [127.300390625, -0.780957031250026]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [130.62666015625, -0.528710937499966],
+ [130.4654296875, -0.486523437499983],
+ [130.61591796875, -0.417285156250003],
+ [130.62666015625, -0.528710937499966]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [121.86435546875, -0.406835937500006],
+ [121.88125, -0.502636718749983],
+ [121.6552734375, -0.526171874999989],
+ [121.86435546875, -0.406835937500006]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [140.9734375, -2.609765625],
+ [140.97353515625, -2.80341796875003],
+ [140.975, -6.34609375000002],
+ [140.8623046875, -6.74003906249999],
+ [140.9751953125, -6.90537109375002],
+ [140.976171875, -9.11875],
+ [140.0029296875, -8.19550781250004],
+ [140.1169921875, -7.92373046875001],
+ [139.934765625, -8.101171875],
+ [139.38564453125, -8.18906249999996],
+ [139.248828125, -7.98242187499997],
+ [138.890625, -8.23779296874994],
+ [139.08798828125, -7.58720703125002],
+ [138.74794921875, -7.25146484375],
+ [139.17685546875, -7.1904296875],
+ [138.845703125, -7.13632812499999],
+ [138.6013671875, -6.93652343749997],
+ [138.86455078125, -6.85839843749994],
+ [138.438671875, -6.343359375],
+ [138.2962890625, -5.94902343749996],
+ [138.374609375, -5.84365234374998],
+ [138.199609375, -5.80703125],
+ [138.3396484375, -5.67568359374997],
+ [138.087109375, -5.70917968750004],
+ [138.06083984375, -5.46523437499998],
+ [137.27978515625, -4.94541015624995],
+ [136.61884765625, -4.81875],
+ [135.9796875, -4.53085937499996],
+ [135.19560546875, -4.45068359374997],
+ [134.6796875, -4.07910156249994],
+ [134.70654296875, -3.95478515625003],
+ [134.8865234375, -3.93847656249999],
+ [134.2662109375, -3.94580078124997],
+ [134.1470703125, -3.79677734374998],
+ [133.973828125, -3.81796875000003],
+ [133.6783203125, -3.4794921875],
+ [133.84150390625, -3.05478515624999],
+ [133.700390625, -3.0875],
+ [133.653125, -3.36435546874999],
+ [133.5181640625, -3.4119140625],
+ [133.40087890625, -3.89902343750003],
+ [133.24873046875, -4.06230468749999],
+ [132.914453125, -4.05693359374996],
+ [132.75390625, -3.70361328125001],
+ [132.8697265625, -3.5509765625],
+ [132.7513671875, -3.29462890625],
+ [131.97119140625, -2.78857421875001],
+ [132.2306640625, -2.68037109375],
+ [132.725, -2.78906250000003],
+ [133.191015625, -2.43779296874996],
+ [133.70009765625, -2.624609375],
+ [133.7533203125, -2.45068359375001],
+ [133.9048828125, -2.39091796875],
+ [133.791015625, -2.29365234375],
+ [133.92158203125, -2.10205078124996],
+ [132.96279296875, -2.27255859374996],
+ [132.3076171875, -2.24228515625002],
+ [132.0234375, -1.99033203125002],
+ [131.93037109375, -1.55966796875003],
+ [131.29375, -1.39345703125001],
+ [130.9958984375, -1.42470703124998],
+ [131.1908203125, -1.1658203125],
+ [131.2572265625, -0.855468750000014],
+ [131.804296875, -0.703808593750026],
+ [132.39375, -0.355468750000028],
+ [132.8564453125, -0.417382812500023],
+ [133.47265625, -0.726171874999963],
+ [133.97451171875, -0.744335937500026],
+ [134.1115234375, -0.84677734375002],
+ [134.07197265625, -1.00185546874999],
+ [134.2595703125, -1.36298828125003],
+ [134.105859375, -1.72099609374995],
+ [134.19482421875, -2.30908203124994],
+ [134.4599609375, -2.83232421874996],
+ [134.48330078125, -2.58300781249997],
+ [134.62744140625, -2.53671874999996],
+ [134.7021484375, -2.93359374999999],
+ [134.843359375, -2.90917968749999],
+ [134.88681640625, -3.20986328124997],
+ [135.2515625, -3.36855468749997],
+ [135.48662109375, -3.34511718749998],
+ [135.8591796875, -2.99531250000004],
+ [136.38994140625, -2.27333984375004],
+ [137.0720703125, -2.10507812499995],
+ [137.17109375, -2.02548828124999],
+ [137.1234375, -1.84091796874996],
+ [137.80625, -1.483203125],
+ [139.78955078125, -2.34824218750002],
+ [140.62255859375, -2.44580078125],
+ [140.7474609375, -2.60712890625],
+ [140.9734375, -2.609765625]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [104.47421875, -0.334667968749955],
+ [104.59013671875, -0.466601562500017],
+ [104.36318359375, -0.658593749999966],
+ [104.25712890625, -0.463281249999966],
+ [104.47421875, -0.334667968749955]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [127.5669921875, -0.318945312499949],
+ [127.682421875, -0.46835937500002],
+ [127.60498046875, -0.610156249999946],
+ [127.88017578125, -0.808691406249991],
+ [127.7611328125, -0.883691406249994],
+ [127.623828125, -0.76601562499999],
+ [127.4626953125, -0.80595703124996],
+ [127.46865234375, -0.64296875],
+ [127.3, -0.500292968749946],
+ [127.32509765625, -0.335839843750023],
+ [127.45517578125, -0.406347656249991],
+ [127.5669921875, -0.318945312499949]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [127.24990234375, -0.4953125],
+ [127.119140625, -0.520507812499986],
+ [127.12646484375, -0.278613281250003],
+ [127.2900390625, -0.284375],
+ [127.24990234375, -0.4953125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [103.7365234375, -0.347949218750003],
+ [103.461328125, -0.357617187500011],
+ [103.54892578125, -0.227539062499986],
+ [103.7365234375, -0.347949218750003]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [130.81328125, -0.004101562500026],
+ [131.27685546875, -0.149804687499952],
+ [131.33974609375, -0.290332031249989],
+ [131.00537109375, -0.360742187500037],
+ [130.62216796875, -0.0859375],
+ [130.89921875, -0.344433593749997],
+ [130.7501953125, -0.44384765625],
+ [130.688671875, -0.296582031250011],
+ [130.55078125, -0.366406250000026],
+ [130.23662109375, -0.209667968749983],
+ [130.3625, -0.072851562500006],
+ [130.81328125, -0.004101562500026]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [98.4592773437501, -0.530468749999969],
+ [98.3096679687501, -0.531835937499977],
+ [98.4271484375, -0.226464843750037],
+ [98.3229492187501, -0.000781249999974],
+ [98.544140625, -0.257617187499989],
+ [98.4592773437501, -0.530468749999969]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [104.77861328125, -0.175976562499955],
+ [105.00537109375, -0.282812499999963],
+ [104.4470703125, -0.189160156249983],
+ [104.54267578125, 0.01772460937498],
+ [104.77861328125, -0.175976562499955]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [103.28447265625, 0.541943359375011],
+ [103.13955078125, 0.549072265625043],
+ [103.18740234375, 0.699755859375017],
+ [103.28447265625, 0.541943359375011]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [103.0275390625, 0.746630859374974],
+ [102.4904296875, 0.856640625],
+ [102.506640625, 1.08876953125004],
+ [103.00244140625, 0.859277343750009],
+ [103.0275390625, 0.746630859374974]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [103.42392578125, 1.04833984374997],
+ [103.3154296875, 1.07128906250003],
+ [103.37998046875, 1.13364257812503],
+ [103.42392578125, 1.04833984374997]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [103.16640625, 0.870166015625003],
+ [102.70185546875, 1.0537109375],
+ [102.7255859375, 1.15883789062502],
+ [102.9994140625, 1.06777343750002],
+ [103.16640625, 0.870166015625003]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [104.0248046875, 1.18056640625001],
+ [104.13984375, 1.16557617187497],
+ [104.06611328125, 0.989550781249989],
+ [103.9322265625, 1.07138671874996],
+ [104.0248046875, 1.18056640625001]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [104.5853515625, 1.21611328124996],
+ [104.662890625, 1.04951171875004],
+ [104.5751953125, 0.831933593750037],
+ [104.4392578125, 1.05043945312505],
+ [104.251953125, 1.014892578125],
+ [104.36181640625, 1.18149414062502],
+ [104.5853515625, 1.21611328124996]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [102.4271484375, 0.990136718750023],
+ [102.27958984375, 1.07568359375004],
+ [102.25634765625, 1.39707031249996],
+ [102.44287109375, 1.23422851562501],
+ [102.4271484375, 0.990136718750023]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [97.4815429687501, 1.46508789062497],
+ [97.93193359375, 0.973925781250003],
+ [97.8204101562501, 0.564453124999986],
+ [97.683984375, 0.596093750000037],
+ [97.6039062500001, 0.83388671874998],
+ [97.4053710937501, 0.946972656250026],
+ [97.0791992187501, 1.42548828124998],
+ [97.35595703125, 1.53974609375],
+ [97.4815429687501, 1.46508789062497]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [102.49189453125, 1.45917968750001],
+ [102.4994140625, 1.33090820312499],
+ [102.0240234375, 1.60795898437503],
+ [102.49189453125, 1.45917968750001]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [124.8888671875, 0.995312500000011],
+ [124.4275390625, 0.470605468750051],
+ [123.75380859375, 0.305517578124991],
+ [123.2654296875, 0.326611328125026],
+ [122.996875, 0.493505859375006],
+ [121.01298828125, 0.441699218750017],
+ [120.57900390625, 0.5283203125],
+ [120.19228515625, 0.268505859374997],
+ [120.01328125, -0.196191406249994],
+ [120.062890625, -0.555566406250023],
+ [120.240625, -0.868261718749949],
+ [120.517578125, -1.039453125],
+ [120.6673828125, -1.37011718749997],
+ [121.14853515625, -1.33945312500002],
+ [121.5755859375, -0.828515625000023],
+ [121.96962890625, -0.933300781249969],
+ [122.27998046875, -0.757031250000026],
+ [122.88876953125, -0.755175781250003],
+ [122.8294921875, -0.658886718750026],
+ [123.171484375, -0.57070312499999],
+ [123.3796875, -0.648535156249949],
+ [123.4341796875, -0.778222656249994],
+ [123.3779296875, -1.00410156250001],
+ [122.90283203125, -0.900976562499963],
+ [122.25068359375, -1.55527343750003],
+ [121.85859375, -1.69326171874998],
+ [121.6509765625, -1.89541015624995],
+ [121.35546875, -1.87822265625],
+ [122.29169921875, -2.90761718750002],
+ [122.3990234375, -3.20087890625],
+ [122.2529296875, -3.62041015625002],
+ [122.6896484375, -4.08447265624997],
+ [122.84794921875, -4.06455078125001],
+ [122.872265625, -4.39199218750001],
+ [122.7197265625, -4.34072265624995],
+ [122.1142578125, -4.54023437500001],
+ [122.0380859375, -4.83242187500002],
+ [121.588671875, -4.75957031250002],
+ [121.4865234375, -4.58105468749997],
+ [121.61806640625, -4.09267578124995],
+ [120.891796875, -3.52060546875003],
+ [121.054296875, -3.16708984374995],
+ [121.0521484375, -2.75166015624996],
+ [120.87939453125, -2.64560546875002],
+ [120.65361328125, -2.66757812499998],
+ [120.26103515625, -2.94931640624999],
+ [120.43662109375, -3.70732421874996],
+ [120.4201171875, -4.61738281250001],
+ [120.279296875, -5.14609374999998],
+ [120.43037109375, -5.59101562500003],
+ [119.9515625, -5.57763671874997],
+ [119.71728515625, -5.69335937500001],
+ [119.557421875, -5.61103515625003],
+ [119.3603515625, -5.31416015625003],
+ [119.59404296875, -4.52314453125],
+ [119.6236328125, -4.034375],
+ [119.46748046875, -3.51298828124999],
+ [118.99462890625, -3.53759765625003],
+ [118.86767578125, -3.39804687500002],
+ [118.78330078125, -2.72080078124998],
+ [119.0921875, -2.48291015625001],
+ [119.321875, -1.92968750000001],
+ [119.308984375, -1.408203125],
+ [119.508203125, -0.906738281249972],
+ [119.711328125, -0.680761718750034],
+ [119.8443359375, -0.861914062499991],
+ [119.721875, -0.088476562499991],
+ [119.865625, 0.040087890625003],
+ [119.80927734375, 0.238671875000051],
+ [119.91328125, 0.445068359375],
+ [120.26953125, 0.970800781249991],
+ [120.6025390625, 0.854394531249994],
+ [120.86796875, 1.25283203124998],
+ [121.08173828125, 1.32763671875003],
+ [121.4041015625, 1.24360351562497],
+ [121.591796875, 1.06796874999998],
+ [122.43662109375, 1.01806640625003],
+ [122.83828125, 0.845703125],
+ [123.06650390625, 0.941796875000037],
+ [123.93076171875, 0.850439453124977],
+ [124.53369140625, 1.23046875000004],
+ [124.9470703125, 1.67216796874997],
+ [125.1109375, 1.68569335937497],
+ [125.2337890625, 1.50229492187501],
+ [124.8888671875, 0.995312500000011]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [101.70810546875, 2.07841796875005],
+ [101.71943359375, 1.78916015625001],
+ [101.50078125, 1.73320312499997],
+ [101.40966796875, 2.02167968750003],
+ [101.70810546875, 2.07841796875005]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [127.73271484375, 0.848144531250043],
+ [127.8810546875, 0.832128906249977],
+ [127.96728515625, 1.04257812500005],
+ [128.1607421875, 1.1578125],
+ [128.2224609375, 1.40063476562499],
+ [128.68837890625, 1.57255859375002],
+ [128.70263671875, 1.106396484375],
+ [128.298828125, 0.87680664062502],
+ [128.26064453125, 0.733789062500023],
+ [128.61123046875, 0.549951171875051],
+ [128.899609375, 0.216259765625011],
+ [127.98310546875, 0.471875],
+ [127.88740234375, 0.298339843750043],
+ [127.97783203125, -0.24833984374996],
+ [128.42548828125, -0.892675781249949],
+ [128.04638671875, -0.706054687499943],
+ [127.6916015625, -0.241894531249983],
+ [127.70869140625, 0.288085937499986],
+ [127.537109375, 0.610888671875031],
+ [127.6080078125, 0.848242187499977],
+ [127.428515625, 1.13999023437499],
+ [127.63173828125, 1.84370117187501],
+ [128.03642578125, 2.19902343750002],
+ [127.88681640625, 1.83295898437504],
+ [128.0109375, 1.70122070312503],
+ [128.01171875, 1.33173828124998],
+ [127.65283203125, 1.01386718749997],
+ [127.73271484375, 0.848144531250043]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [97.3341796875001, 2.07563476562501],
+ [97.10830078125, 2.21689453125001],
+ [97.29140625, 2.20083007812502],
+ [97.3341796875001, 2.07563476562501]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [128.45390625, 2.05175781250003],
+ [128.2958984375, 2.03471679687502],
+ [128.21796875, 2.29746093749999],
+ [128.6021484375, 2.59760742187504],
+ [128.6884765625, 2.47368164062502],
+ [128.6232421875, 2.22441406250003],
+ [128.45390625, 2.05175781250003]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [96.463671875, 2.36000976562504],
+ [95.80859375, 2.65561523437503],
+ [95.7171875, 2.82597656250002],
+ [95.8958007812501, 2.8890625],
+ [96.4172851562501, 2.51518554687503],
+ [96.463671875, 2.36000976562504]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [108.8875, 2.90541992187504],
+ [108.7865234375, 2.88564453125001],
+ [108.8857421875, 2.998974609375],
+ [108.8875, 2.90541992187504]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [105.7603515625, 2.86303710937501],
+ [105.6921875, 3.0625],
+ [105.83671875, 2.97651367187504],
+ [105.7603515625, 2.86303710937501]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [106.28525390625, 3.15712890624998],
+ [106.28369140625, 3.08823242187498],
+ [106.2009765625, 3.20488281250003],
+ [106.28525390625, 3.15712890624998]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [117.6583984375, 3.28051757812499],
+ [117.5478515625, 3.43198242187502],
+ [117.680859375, 3.40751953125002],
+ [117.6583984375, 3.28051757812499]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [125.65810546875, 3.43603515625004],
+ [125.5115234375, 3.46113281250001],
+ [125.46884765625, 3.73325195312502],
+ [125.65810546875, 3.43603515625004]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [117.884765625, 4.18613281250001],
+ [117.9228515625, 4.05429687499998],
+ [117.73681640625, 4.00400390625003],
+ [117.6490234375, 4.16899414062497],
+ [117.884765625, 4.18613281250001]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [108.316015625, 3.68964843750003],
+ [108.100390625, 3.70454101562504],
+ [108.24326171875, 3.81035156250002],
+ [108.00234375, 3.98286132812498],
+ [108.24833984375, 4.21713867187502],
+ [108.39287109375, 3.98618164062503],
+ [108.316015625, 3.68964843750003]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [117.5744140625, 4.17060546875004],
+ [117.46533203125, 4.07607421874997],
+ [117.77724609375, 3.68925781250003],
+ [117.05595703125, 3.62265624999996],
+ [117.3462890625, 3.42661132812499],
+ [117.35244140625, 3.19375],
+ [117.61064453125, 3.06435546874999],
+ [117.569140625, 2.92929687500002],
+ [117.69765625, 2.88730468749999],
+ [117.6388671875, 2.82529296874996],
+ [118.0666015625, 2.31782226562497],
+ [117.7892578125, 2.02685546875001],
+ [118.9849609375, 0.982128906249983],
+ [118.534765625, 0.813525390625017],
+ [118.19609375, 0.874365234374977],
+ [117.91162109375, 1.09868164062502],
+ [117.9642578125, 0.889550781250051],
+ [117.7451171875, 0.72963867187498],
+ [117.52216796875, 0.235888671875017],
+ [117.462890625, -0.323730468749957],
+ [117.5625, -0.770898437500009],
+ [116.91396484375, -1.22363281249997],
+ [116.73984375, -1.04423828125002],
+ [116.75341796875, -1.32734374999996],
+ [116.27548828125, -1.78486328125],
+ [116.42431640625, -1.78486328125],
+ [116.451953125, -1.92314453125002],
+ [116.31396484375, -2.13984375000001],
+ [116.5654296875, -2.29970703124999],
+ [116.529296875, -2.51054687499996],
+ [116.316796875, -2.55185546875002],
+ [116.3306640625, -2.90214843749997],
+ [116.16630859375, -2.93457031250001],
+ [116.2572265625, -3.12636718750001],
+ [115.95615234375, -3.59501953125],
+ [114.6935546875, -4.16972656250002],
+ [114.5255859375, -3.37666015625001],
+ [114.44599609375, -3.48183593750004],
+ [114.3443359375, -3.44443359374996],
+ [114.3443359375, -3.23515625],
+ [114.236328125, -3.36113281249996],
+ [114.0822265625, -3.27890625],
+ [113.705078125, -3.45527343750004],
+ [113.61005859375, -3.195703125],
+ [113.3431640625, -3.24648437499997],
+ [113.033984375, -2.93349609374997],
+ [112.971484375, -3.18710937500003],
+ [112.7580078125, -3.32216796875001],
+ [112.60029296875, -3.40048828124998],
+ [112.2849609375, -3.32099609375004],
+ [111.85810546875, -3.55185546875001],
+ [111.823046875, -3.05722656249995],
+ [111.6947265625, -2.88945312499996],
+ [110.930078125, -3.07109375000002],
+ [110.8296875, -2.9951171875],
+ [110.89931640625, -2.90859374999995],
+ [110.703125, -3.02089843750001],
+ [110.5740234375, -2.89140625],
+ [110.2560546875, -2.96611328124995],
+ [110.09658203125, -2.00136718749997],
+ [109.95986328125, -1.86279296874997],
+ [109.98330078125, -1.27480468749999],
+ [109.78740234375, -1.01132812499996],
+ [109.2587890625, -0.807421874999989],
+ [109.37275390625, -0.638183593749972],
+ [109.12109375, -0.39091796874996],
+ [109.25751953125, 0.031152343750051],
+ [108.94453125, 0.355664062499997],
+ [108.916796875, 0.912646484375045],
+ [108.95859375, 1.13461914062496],
+ [109.13154296875, 1.25385742187501],
+ [109.01025390625, 1.23964843750005],
+ [109.07587890625, 1.49589843750003],
+ [109.378515625, 1.92270507812503],
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+ [109.65400390625, 1.61489257812502],
+ [110.50576171875, 0.861962890625023],
+ [111.1013671875, 1.05053710937499],
+ [111.808984375, 1.01166992187497],
+ [112.078515625, 1.14335937499997],
+ [112.1857421875, 1.4390625],
+ [112.476171875, 1.55908203125003],
+ [112.94296875, 1.56699218750003],
+ [113.00654296875, 1.43388671875],
+ [113.622265625, 1.2359375],
+ [113.90234375, 1.43427734375],
+ [114.5125, 1.45200195312496],
+ [114.83056640625, 1.98002929687499],
+ [114.78642578125, 2.25048828125001],
+ [115.1791015625, 2.52319335937497],
+ [115.08076171875, 2.63422851562504],
+ [115.117578125, 2.89487304687502],
+ [115.24697265625, 3.02592773437499],
+ [115.45439453125, 3.03432617187501],
+ [115.67880859375, 4.19301757812499],
+ [115.8607421875, 4.34804687500004],
+ [116.51474609375, 4.37080078124997],
+ [117.1005859375, 4.33706054687502],
+ [117.5744140625, 4.17060546875004]
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+ [126.75732421875, 4.54790039062499],
+ [126.92109375, 4.29101562499997],
+ [126.8166015625, 4.03349609375]
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+ [100.523828125, 2.18916015625004],
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+ [100.82822265625, 2.242578125],
+ [101.04619140625, 2.25747070312502],
+ [101.47666015625, 1.69306640625005],
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+ [83.383984375, 27.4448242187501],
+ [83.4471679687501, 27.46533203125],
+ [83.5516601562501, 27.4563476562499],
+ [83.7469726562501, 27.3959472656251],
+ [83.8288085937501, 27.3778320312501],
+ [84.0910156249999, 27.4913574218751],
+ [84.2297851562501, 27.42783203125],
+ [84.4808593750001, 27.3481933593751],
+ [84.61015625, 27.298681640625],
+ [84.6407226562501, 27.249853515625],
+ [84.6547851562501, 27.203662109375],
+ [84.6538085937501, 27.0916992187501],
+ [84.6853515625001, 27.0410156250001],
+ [85.1917968750001, 26.7665527343751],
+ [85.2929687500001, 26.741015625],
+ [85.5684570312501, 26.8398437500001],
+ [85.6484375, 26.82900390625],
+ [85.69990234375, 26.781640625],
+ [85.7373046875, 26.63974609375],
+ [85.7945312500001, 26.6041503906251],
+ [86.0073242187501, 26.649365234375],
+ [86.7013671875002, 26.4350585937501],
+ [87.01640625, 26.5554199218751],
+ [87.2874023437499, 26.3603027343751],
+ [87.4135742187501, 26.4229492187501],
+ [87.8492187500001, 26.4369140625001],
+ [87.9951171875001, 26.382373046875],
+ [88.0269531250002, 26.3950195312501],
+ [88.0548828125, 26.4300292968749],
+ [88.1115234375, 26.58642578125],
+ [88.1615234375, 26.7248046875001],
+ [88.1572265625001, 26.8073242187501],
+ [88.1110351562501, 26.9284667968751],
+ [87.9931640625001, 27.086083984375],
+ [87.984375, 27.133935546875],
+ [88.1469726562501, 27.7492187500001],
+ [88.1502929687501, 27.8433105468751],
+ [88.1097656250001, 27.87060546875],
+ [88.108984375, 27.9330078125001],
+ [88.14111328125, 27.9489257812501],
+ [88.2751953125001, 27.9688476562501],
+ [88.4259765625002, 28.0116699218751],
+ [88.5779296875, 28.093359375],
+ [88.8037109375, 28.00693359375],
+ [88.7490234375, 27.5218750000001],
+ [88.7648437500001, 27.4298828125001],
+ [88.83251953125, 27.3628417968751],
+ [88.89140625, 27.3160644531251],
+ [88.8816406250001, 27.2974609375001],
+ [88.7603515625001, 27.2181152343751],
+ [88.7387695312501, 27.1755859374999],
+ [88.8576171875002, 26.961474609375],
+ [89.1482421875, 26.8161621093751],
+ [89.3321289062502, 26.8486328125001],
+ [89.5861328125, 26.7789550781251],
+ [89.6099609375001, 26.7194335937501],
+ [89.7109375000001, 26.713916015625],
+ [89.7638671875, 26.7015625],
+ [89.9431640625001, 26.7239257812499],
+ [90.1229492187501, 26.75458984375],
+ [90.2060546875, 26.8475097656251],
+ [90.3458984375, 26.8903320312501],
+ [90.7396484375001, 26.7716796875001],
+ [91.2865234375, 26.7899414062501],
+ [91.4267578125, 26.86708984375],
+ [91.4558593750001, 26.8668945312501],
+ [91.5175781250001, 26.8073242187501],
+ [91.6715820312499, 26.802001953125],
+ [91.8420898437501, 26.8529785156251],
+ [91.94375, 26.8608398437501],
+ [91.9983398437501, 26.85498046875],
+ [92.0497070312502, 26.874853515625],
+ [92.7315550748968, 26.8336978628616],
+ [93.309753761595, 26.7849505226506],
+ [93.6104704367925, 27.322394351885],
+ [94.0697900148445, 27.5894071585848],
+ [95.1080093732192, 27.7496368811537],
+ [95.7400074083836, 28.1168504327223],
+ [96.1957759404259, 28.0429159770098],
+ [96.96279296875, 27.698291015625],
+ [96.8835937500001, 27.5148437500001],
+ [96.9019531250001, 27.4395996093751],
+ [97.1037109374999, 27.1633300781251],
+ [97.10205078125, 27.1154296875001],
+ [96.9534179687501, 27.13330078125],
+ [96.7978515625, 27.29619140625],
+ [96.1908203125001, 27.261279296875],
+ [95.2014648437501, 26.64140625],
+ [95.0597656250002, 26.473974609375],
+ [95.0689453125001, 26.1911132812501],
+ [95.1083984375001, 26.09140625],
+ [95.1292968750001, 26.07041015625],
+ [95.1324218750001, 26.0412597656249],
+ [94.9919921875, 25.770458984375],
+ [94.6677734375001, 25.45888671875],
+ [94.5530273437501, 25.21572265625],
+ [94.7037109375001, 25.0978515625],
+ [94.4931640625, 24.637646484375],
+ [94.37724609375, 24.47373046875],
+ [94.2930664062501, 24.321875],
+ [94.0748046875001, 23.8720703125],
+ [93.6833984375001, 24.00654296875],
+ [93.4521484375, 23.98740234375],
+ [93.3262695312501, 24.0642089843751],
+ [93.3660156250001, 23.13251953125],
+ [93.3494140625001, 23.0849609375],
+ [93.20390625, 23.0370117187501],
+ [93.0787109375002, 22.7182128906251],
+ [93.16201171875, 22.360205078125],
+ [93.07060546875, 22.209423828125],
+ [92.9645507812502, 22.003759765625],
+ [92.9094726562501, 21.988916015625],
+ [92.854296875, 22.0101562500001],
+ [92.77138671875, 22.10478515625],
+ [92.6889648437501, 22.13095703125],
+ [92.6303710937501, 22.011328125],
+ [92.5749023437499, 21.978076171875],
+ [92.5612304687501, 22.048046875],
+ [92.49140625, 22.685400390625],
+ [92.4644531250001, 22.734423828125],
+ [92.36162109375, 22.9290039062501],
+ [92.3337890625, 23.2423828125],
+ [92.24609375, 23.68359375],
+ [92.0440429687501, 23.677783203125],
+ [91.978515625, 23.6919921875001],
+ [91.9295898437501, 23.6859863281251],
+ [91.9294921875002, 23.5982421875],
+ [91.9378906250001, 23.5046875000001],
+ [91.7541992187501, 23.2873046875],
+ [91.7509765625, 23.053515625],
+ [91.5535156250001, 22.991552734375],
+ [91.43623046875, 23.19990234375],
+ [91.359375, 23.068359375],
+ [91.1604492187502, 23.6606445312501],
+ [91.3501953125001, 24.060498046875],
+ [91.7265625, 24.205078125],
+ [91.84619140625, 24.1752929687499],
+ [92.06416015625, 24.374365234375],
+ [92.11748046875, 24.4939453125],
+ [92.2266601562501, 24.77099609375],
+ [92.2283203125, 24.8813476562501],
+ [92.2512695312499, 24.895068359375],
+ [92.3849609375, 24.848779296875],
+ [92.4683593750002, 24.9441406250001],
+ [92.0497070312502, 25.169482421875],
+ [90.6130859375, 25.167724609375],
+ [90.11962890625, 25.219970703125],
+ [89.8663085937501, 25.2931640625],
+ [89.8140625000001, 25.30537109375],
+ [89.8008789062501, 25.3361328125],
+ [89.82490234375, 25.56015625],
+ [89.8229492187502, 25.94140625],
+ [89.6708984375001, 26.2138183593751],
+ [89.57275390625, 26.13232421875],
+ [89.5499023437501, 26.0052734375001],
+ [89.2892578125002, 26.0375976562501],
+ [89.0186523437501, 26.41025390625],
+ [88.951953125, 26.412109375],
+ [88.97041015625, 26.25087890625],
+ [88.94072265625, 26.245361328125],
+ [88.6828125, 26.29169921875],
+ [88.51826171875, 26.5177734375],
+ [88.369921875, 26.5641113281251],
+ [88.3514648437501, 26.482568359375],
+ [88.38623046875, 26.471533203125],
+ [88.4404296875, 26.369482421875],
+ [88.333984375, 26.25751953125],
+ [88.1507812500001, 26.0871582031251],
+ [88.1066406250001, 25.84111328125],
+ [88.1474609375, 25.81142578125],
+ [88.5024414062501, 25.5370117187501],
+ [88.7691406250001, 25.490478515625],
+ [88.85478515625, 25.333544921875],
+ [88.944140625, 25.290771484375],
+ [88.9297851562501, 25.2229980468751],
+ [88.5738281250001, 25.187890625],
+ [88.45625, 25.1884277343751],
+ [88.3729492187502, 24.9615234375001],
+ [88.3133789062501, 24.8818359375],
+ [88.2794921875002, 24.88193359375],
+ [88.1888671875002, 24.9206054687501],
+ [88.1498046875001, 24.9146484375],
+ [88.0451171875002, 24.7130371093751],
+ [88.0302734375001, 24.6644531250001],
+ [88.0234375, 24.6278320312501],
+ [88.0791015625001, 24.5499023437501],
+ [88.1455078125, 24.485791015625],
+ [88.225, 24.46064453125],
+ [88.3375, 24.453857421875],
+ [88.49853515625, 24.346630859375],
+ [88.6422851562502, 24.3259765625001],
+ [88.7235351562501, 24.27490234375],
+ [88.7335937500001, 24.2309082031251],
+ [88.7265625000001, 24.18623046875],
+ [88.7137695312502, 24.0696289062501],
+ [88.6998046875001, 24.0025390624999],
+ [88.5673828125001, 23.6744140625],
+ [88.6357421875, 23.55],
+ [88.69765625, 23.493017578125],
+ [88.7244140625, 23.25498046875],
+ [88.8970703125002, 23.210400390625],
+ [88.9281250000001, 23.18662109375],
+ [88.89970703125, 22.8435058593751],
+ [88.920703125, 22.63203125],
+ [89.05, 22.274609375],
+ [89.0279296875002, 21.93720703125],
+ [88.9493164062502, 21.9379394531251],
+ [89.05166015625, 21.6541015625],
+ [88.8575195312501, 21.744677734375],
+ [88.7450195312501, 21.584375],
+ [88.740234375, 22.005419921875],
+ [88.6416015625, 22.1219726562501],
+ [88.5846679687502, 21.6597167968749],
+ [88.44599609375, 21.6142578125001],
+ [88.2875000000002, 21.7582031250001],
+ [88.2537109375, 21.6223144531249],
+ [88.0568359375001, 21.694140625],
+ [88.1962890625, 22.13955078125],
+ [87.94140625, 22.37431640625],
+ [88.1592773437502, 22.1217285156251],
+ [87.82373046875, 21.72734375],
+ [87.2006835937501, 21.544873046875],
+ [86.9541015625001, 21.36533203125],
+ [86.8422851562501, 21.10634765625],
+ [86.9754882812501, 20.700146484375],
+ [86.7503906250001, 20.3132324218751],
+ [86.3765625000001, 20.00673828125],
+ [86.2452148437501, 20.05302734375],
+ [86.2794921875002, 19.9194335937499],
+ [85.575, 19.692919921875],
+ [85.496875, 19.6969238281251],
+ [85.5041015625, 19.8876953125001],
+ [85.2486328125001, 19.757666015625],
+ [85.1807617187502, 19.5948730468751],
+ [85.4416015624999, 19.6265625],
+ [84.7709960937501, 19.125390625],
+ [84.1041015625002, 18.29267578125],
+ [82.3595703125, 17.09619140625],
+ [82.2587890625001, 16.55986328125],
+ [81.7619140625002, 16.3294921875001],
+ [81.2861328125, 16.337060546875],
+ [80.9787109375, 15.7583496093751],
+ [80.6465820312501, 15.89501953125],
+ [80.2934570312501, 15.7107421875],
+ [80.0534179687501, 15.0740234374999],
+ [80.1787109375, 14.4783203125001],
+ [80.1117187500001, 14.21220703125],
+ [80.3065429687502, 13.4850585937501],
+ [80.15625, 13.7137695312501],
+ [80.0621093750001, 13.60625],
+ [80.3423828125001, 13.3613281250001],
+ [80.2291015625002, 12.69033203125],
+ [79.8584960937502, 11.98876953125],
+ [79.6931640625001, 11.3125488281249],
+ [79.7990234375, 11.3386718749999],
+ [79.8486328125001, 11.196875],
+ [79.83818359375, 10.32255859375],
+ [79.3145507812502, 10.2566894531249],
+ [78.9399414062501, 9.56577148437506],
+ [79.0199218750001, 9.33334960937496],
+ [79.41142578125, 9.19238281250001],
+ [78.9795898437502, 9.26855468750009],
+ [78.4214843750001, 9.10502929687499],
+ [78.19248046875, 8.89086914062506],
+ [78.0601562500001, 8.38457031249993],
+ [77.517578125, 8.07832031250007],
+ [77.06591796875, 8.31591796874999],
+ [76.5534179687501, 8.902783203125],
+ [76.3246093750002, 9.452099609375],
+ [76.2423828125, 9.92709960937495],
+ [76.3755859375001, 9.53989257812494],
+ [76.4587890625001, 9.53623046875008],
+ [76.346484375, 9.922119140625],
+ [76.19560546875, 10.0861328125],
+ [75.7238281250002, 11.361767578125],
+ [74.9455078125, 12.5645507812499],
+ [74.3822265625001, 14.4947265625],
+ [73.9492187500001, 15.0747558593751],
+ [73.8007812500001, 15.39697265625],
+ [73.9319335937501, 15.39697265625],
+ [73.7717773437501, 15.573046875],
+ [73.8328125000001, 15.659375],
+ [73.6798828125002, 15.7088867187501],
+ [73.47607421875, 16.054248046875],
+ [72.87548828125, 18.6428222656251],
+ [72.9720703125001, 19.1533203125],
+ [72.8346679687501, 18.9755859375001],
+ [72.8030273437501, 19.079296875],
+ [72.81162109375, 19.29892578125],
+ [72.98720703125, 19.2774414062501],
+ [72.7878906250001, 19.3629882812501],
+ [72.6677734375002, 19.8309570312501],
+ [72.89375, 20.6727539062501],
+ [72.8138671875001, 21.1171875000001],
+ [72.623828125, 21.3719726562501],
+ [72.7347656250002, 21.47080078125],
+ [72.6132812500001, 21.4618164062501],
+ [73.1125, 21.7504394531251],
+ [72.54306640625, 21.69658203125],
+ [72.7001953125, 21.9719238281249],
+ [72.5222656250001, 21.9762207031251],
+ [72.5530273437501, 22.1599609375001],
+ [72.8091796875, 22.2333007812501],
+ [72.1828125000002, 22.2697265625],
+ [72.3064453125, 22.189208984375],
+ [72.2744140625001, 22.08974609375],
+ [72.0372070312501, 21.823046875],
+ [72.2103515625, 21.72822265625],
+ [72.2540039062501, 21.531005859375],
+ [72.0152343750001, 21.1557128906251],
+ [71.0246093750001, 20.7388671875001],
+ [70.7193359375001, 20.7404296875001],
+ [70.12734375, 21.0946777343751],
+ [68.9699218750002, 22.290283203125],
+ [69.0516601562502, 22.4373046875001],
+ [69.2765625, 22.2854980468751],
+ [70.1772460937501, 22.57275390625],
+ [70.4892578125001, 23.0895019531251],
+ [70.3394531250001, 22.9397460937499],
+ [69.6646484375001, 22.7590820312501],
+ [69.2359375, 22.84853515625],
+ [68.6407226562501, 23.1899414062501],
+ [68.4174804687501, 23.571484375],
+ [68.7767578125, 23.852099609375],
+ [68.2349609375, 23.5969726562501],
+ [68.1650390625001, 23.85732421875],
+ [68.2825195312501, 23.927978515625],
+ [68.3812500000002, 23.9508789062501],
+ [68.4886718750001, 23.967236328125],
+ [68.5866210937501, 23.9666015625001],
+ [68.72412109375, 23.964697265625],
+ [68.7281250000001, 24.265625],
+ [68.7396484375002, 24.2919921875001],
+ [68.7589843749999, 24.3072265625],
+ [68.7811523437501, 24.3137207031251],
+ [68.8, 24.30908203125],
+ [68.8283203125, 24.2640136718751],
+ [68.8634765625002, 24.2665039062501],
+ [68.9007812500001, 24.292431640625],
+ [68.9845703125002, 24.273095703125],
+ [69.0515625000001, 24.286328125],
+ [69.1195312500001, 24.26865234375],
+ [69.2350585937499, 24.2682617187501],
+ [69.44345703125, 24.2753906250001],
+ [69.5591796875001, 24.273095703125],
+ [69.8051757812501, 24.165234375],
+ [70.0982421875, 24.2875],
+ [70.2890625000001, 24.3562988281251],
+ [70.54677734375, 24.4183105468751],
+ [70.5650390625001, 24.385791015625],
+ [70.5558593750002, 24.3311035156251],
+ [70.5792968750002, 24.2790527343749],
+ [70.6594726562501, 24.24609375],
+ [70.7163085937501, 24.2379882812501],
+ [70.7672851562501, 24.24541015625],
+ [70.8050781250001, 24.261962890625],
+ [70.8862304687501, 24.34375],
+ [70.9281250000002, 24.362353515625],
+ [70.9828125000001, 24.3610351562501],
+ [71.0440429687501, 24.4000976562501],
+ [71.0453125000001, 24.42998046875],
+ [70.9698242187501, 24.571875],
+ [70.9763671875001, 24.61875],
+ [71.0023437500002, 24.6539062499999],
+ [71.0478515625, 24.6877441406251],
+ [71.0207031250002, 24.7576660156249],
+ [70.9508789062502, 24.8916015625],
+ [70.8777343750002, 25.06298828125],
+ [70.65205078125, 25.4229003906251],
+ [70.6484375, 25.6669433593751],
+ [70.5695312500001, 25.70595703125],
+ [70.5058593750001, 25.6853027343751],
+ [70.4485351562501, 25.68134765625],
+ [70.2646484375001, 25.70654296875],
+ [70.1001953125001, 25.9100585937501],
+ [70.14921875, 26.34755859375],
+ [70.1146484375002, 26.548046875],
+ [69.47001953125, 26.804443359375],
+ [69.56796875, 27.1746093750001],
+ [69.8962890625001, 27.4736328125001],
+ [70.0498046875001, 27.6947265625],
+ [70.14453125, 27.8490234375],
+ [70.1939453125001, 27.8948730468749],
+ [70.2443359375, 27.9341308593751],
+ [70.4037109375, 28.025048828125],
+ [70.4885742187501, 28.0231445312501],
+ [70.6291015625002, 27.9374511718751],
+ [70.6916015625001, 27.768994140625],
+ [70.7979492187501, 27.709619140625],
+ [70.8749023437502, 27.714453125],
+ [71.184765625, 27.831640625],
+ [71.54296875, 27.869873046875],
+ [71.8703125000001, 27.9625],
+ [71.8888671875, 28.0474609374999],
+ [71.948046875, 28.1772949218751],
+ [72.1285156250001, 28.3463378906251],
+ [72.2919921875, 28.697265625],
+ [72.3418945312501, 28.7519042968751],
+ [72.9033203125, 29.028759765625],
+ [73.3816406250001, 29.934375],
+ [73.8091796875, 30.093359375],
+ [73.8865234375001, 30.1620117187501],
+ [73.9333984375, 30.2220703125001],
+ [73.9246093750001, 30.281640625],
+ [73.88271484375, 30.3521484375],
+ [73.89931640625, 30.4353515625],
+ [74.008984375, 30.519677734375],
+ [74.33935546875, 30.8935546874999],
+ [74.38037109375, 30.8934082031251],
+ [74.5097656250001, 30.9596679687501],
+ [74.6328125000001, 31.0346679687501],
+ [74.62578125, 31.0687500000001],
+ [74.6103515625001, 31.112841796875],
+ [74.5176757812501, 31.1855957031249],
+ [74.5349609375001, 31.2613769531251],
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+ [
+ [
+ [129.4525390625, 28.208984375],
+ [129.36640625, 28.127734375],
+ [129.1646484375, 28.249755859375],
+ [129.68955078125, 28.51748046875],
+ [129.4525390625, 28.208984375]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [130.62275390625, 30.26298828125],
+ [130.44560546875, 30.264697265625],
+ [130.3880859375, 30.38818359375],
+ [130.49716796875, 30.46552734375],
+ [130.6435546875, 30.38896484375],
+ [130.62275390625, 30.26298828125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [130.959765625, 30.396923828125],
+ [130.8703125, 30.44423828125],
+ [131.0603515625, 30.828466796875],
+ [130.959765625, 30.396923828125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [130.3810546875, 32.42373046875],
+ [130.24169921875, 32.46279296875],
+ [130.46142578125, 32.51572265625],
+ [130.3810546875, 32.42373046875]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [130.08251953125, 32.2296875],
+ [129.96015625, 32.24375],
+ [130.009765625, 32.521630859375],
+ [130.1677734375, 32.5412109375],
+ [130.19951171875, 32.3405761718751],
+ [130.08251953125, 32.2296875]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [128.66533203125, 32.78388671875],
+ [128.89453125, 32.6521484375],
+ [128.69296875, 32.6047363281251],
+ [128.66533203125, 32.78388671875]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [129.076953125, 32.840283203125],
+ [128.997265625, 32.95185546875],
+ [129.109765625, 33.132568359375],
+ [129.18193359375, 32.993115234375],
+ [129.076953125, 32.840283203125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [129.491796875, 33.223046875],
+ [129.37041015625, 33.176025390625],
+ [129.569921875, 33.36103515625],
+ [129.491796875, 33.223046875]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [129.795703125, 33.748828125],
+ [129.6748046875, 33.739697265625],
+ [129.71728515625, 33.8583984375],
+ [129.795703125, 33.748828125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [131.174609375, 33.602587890625],
+ [131.6962890625, 33.60283203125],
+ [131.53740234375, 33.274072265625],
+ [131.89658203125, 33.25458984375],
+ [131.8478515625, 33.11806640625],
+ [132.0021484375, 32.882373046875],
+ [131.6603515625, 32.465625],
+ [131.33720703125, 31.4046875],
+ [131.07080078125, 31.436865234375],
+ [131.0984375, 31.25615234375],
+ [130.6857421875, 31.01513671875],
+ [130.77626953125, 31.706298828125],
+ [130.655078125, 31.7184082031251],
+ [130.5560546875, 31.5630859375],
+ [130.58876953125, 31.178515625],
+ [130.20068359375, 31.29189453125],
+ [130.147265625, 31.40849609375],
+ [130.294140625, 31.45068359375],
+ [130.32197265625, 31.60146484375],
+ [130.187890625, 31.76884765625],
+ [130.19443359375, 32.090771484375],
+ [130.64052734375, 32.61923828125],
+ [130.4978515625, 32.65693359375],
+ [130.547265625, 32.831591796875],
+ [130.2375, 33.17763671875],
+ [130.12685546875, 33.1048339843751],
+ [130.175, 32.851318359375],
+ [130.32646484375, 32.85263671875],
+ [130.3404296875, 32.70185546875],
+ [130.0541015625, 32.77080078125],
+ [129.7685546875, 32.57099609375],
+ [129.8267578125, 32.725341796875],
+ [129.6791015625, 33.0599609375],
+ [129.99169921875, 32.8515625],
+ [129.580078125, 33.236279296875],
+ [129.61015625, 33.3436523437501],
+ [129.844140625, 33.32177734375],
+ [129.82568359375, 33.4370117187501],
+ [130.3650390625, 33.63447265625],
+ [130.4837890625, 33.834619140625],
+ [130.715625, 33.927783203125],
+ [130.953125, 33.872021484375],
+ [131.174609375, 33.602587890625]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [132.266015625, 33.945166015625],
+ [132.444921875, 33.91318359375],
+ [132.2087890625, 33.8728515625],
+ [132.266015625, 33.945166015625]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [129.2794921875, 34.123388671875],
+ [129.18642578125, 34.1450195312501],
+ [129.21484375, 34.320654296875],
+ [129.337109375, 34.284765625],
+ [129.2794921875, 34.123388671875]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [134.357421875, 34.25634765625],
+ [134.6375, 34.226611328125],
+ [134.7388671875, 33.8205078125],
+ [134.37705078125, 33.6083984375],
+ [134.181640625, 33.247216796875],
+ [133.95869140625, 33.4483398437501],
+ [133.63203125, 33.510986328125],
+ [133.2859375, 33.3599609375],
+ [132.97724609375, 32.8419921875],
+ [132.804296875, 32.752001953125],
+ [132.641796875, 32.762451171875],
+ [132.708984375, 32.9024902343751],
+ [132.4951171875, 32.9166015625],
+ [132.41279296875, 33.43046875],
+ [132.0326171875, 33.339990234375],
+ [132.64306640625, 33.68994140625],
+ [132.93515625, 34.0953125000001],
+ [133.19306640625, 33.933203125],
+ [133.58203125, 34.017138671875],
+ [133.60263671875, 34.24384765625],
+ [133.94833984375, 34.348046875],
+ [134.357421875, 34.25634765625]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [134.35185546875, 34.483642578125],
+ [134.25185546875, 34.423046875],
+ [134.18212890625, 34.51923828125],
+ [134.35185546875, 34.483642578125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [134.9328125, 34.288134765625],
+ [134.8244140625, 34.2029296875],
+ [134.66787109375, 34.294140625],
+ [135.0046875, 34.54404296875],
+ [134.9328125, 34.288134765625]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [129.38564453125, 34.353662109375],
+ [129.26669921875, 34.3704589843751],
+ [129.45107421875, 34.686572265625],
+ [129.38564453125, 34.353662109375]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [133.3705078125, 36.203857421875],
+ [133.2392578125, 36.178759765625],
+ [133.20615234375, 36.293408203125],
+ [133.295703125, 36.34013671875],
+ [133.3705078125, 36.203857421875]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [138.34404296875, 37.822119140625],
+ [138.2251953125, 37.82939453125],
+ [138.25, 38.078466796875],
+ [138.50361328125, 38.3159179687501],
+ [138.45361328125, 38.0756835937501],
+ [138.5751953125, 38.06552734375],
+ [138.34404296875, 37.822119140625]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [141.229296875, 41.37265625],
+ [141.45546875, 41.404736328125],
+ [141.43046875, 40.72333984375],
+ [141.7970703125, 40.291162109375],
+ [141.976953125, 39.42880859375],
+ [141.90078125, 39.111328125],
+ [141.5462890625, 38.762841796875],
+ [141.46748046875, 38.404150390625],
+ [141.1083984375, 38.337939453125],
+ [140.962109375, 38.148876953125],
+ [141.00166015625, 37.1146484375],
+ [140.57353515625, 36.23134765625],
+ [140.8740234375, 35.7249511718751],
+ [140.457421875, 35.51025390625],
+ [140.3546875, 35.1814453125],
+ [139.8439453125, 34.914892578125],
+ [139.82646484375, 35.2966796875],
+ [140.096875, 35.58515625],
+ [139.834765625, 35.658056640625],
+ [139.65, 35.409130859375],
+ [139.675, 35.149267578125],
+ [139.4744140625, 35.29853515625],
+ [139.2494140625, 35.27802734375],
+ [139.08603515625, 34.83916015625],
+ [138.8375, 34.61923828125],
+ [138.802734375, 34.9748046875],
+ [138.90361328125, 35.0252441406251],
+ [138.71962890625, 35.124072265625],
+ [138.1890625, 34.596337890625],
+ [137.543359375, 34.6642089843751],
+ [137.06171875, 34.5828125],
+ [137.2751953125, 34.772509765625],
+ [136.96328125, 34.834912109375],
+ [136.8712890625, 34.73310546875],
+ [136.8970703125, 35.035546875],
+ [136.80419921875, 35.05029296875],
+ [136.5330078125, 34.678369140625],
+ [136.8802734375, 34.4335937500001],
+ [136.8537109375, 34.324072265625],
+ [136.3298828125, 34.1768554687501],
+ [135.9162109375, 33.56171875],
+ [135.6953125, 33.486962890625],
+ [135.45283203125, 33.5533691406251],
+ [135.1279296875, 34.006982421875],
+ [135.10009765625, 34.28837890625],
+ [135.41591796875, 34.61748046875],
+ [134.7400390625, 34.765234375],
+ [134.246875, 34.7138671875],
+ [133.96826171875, 34.527294921875],
+ [133.1423828125, 34.30244140625],
+ [132.65654296875, 34.24609375],
+ [132.31259765625, 34.324951171875],
+ [132.146484375, 33.83876953125],
+ [131.74052734375, 34.05205078125],
+ [130.91884765625, 33.975732421875],
+ [130.8892578125, 34.26181640625],
+ [131.00419921875, 34.392578125],
+ [131.35439453125, 34.4131835937501],
+ [132.92294921875, 35.511279296875],
+ [133.98125, 35.5072265625],
+ [135.17431640625, 35.7470703125],
+ [135.326953125, 35.525537109375],
+ [135.6802734375, 35.503125],
+ [135.903125, 35.606884765625],
+ [136.0953125, 35.767626953125],
+ [136.06748046875, 36.1168457031251],
+ [136.69814453125, 36.742041015625],
+ [136.84345703125, 37.38212890625],
+ [137.32265625, 37.5220703125],
+ [136.89990234375, 37.11767578125],
+ [137.01669921875, 36.83720703125],
+ [137.2462890625, 36.753173828125],
+ [137.5140625, 36.9515625],
+ [138.319921875, 37.218408203125],
+ [138.88505859375, 37.8439453125],
+ [139.3638671875, 38.0990234375],
+ [139.801953125, 38.881591796875],
+ [140.06474609375, 39.6244140625],
+ [139.9947265625, 39.855078125],
+ [139.74150390625, 39.920849609375],
+ [140.0111328125, 40.2603515625001],
+ [139.9228515625, 40.5984375],
+ [140.28125, 40.84609375],
+ [140.34443359375, 41.2033203125],
+ [140.62763671875, 41.19541015625],
+ [140.7486328125, 40.830322265625],
+ [140.93603515625, 40.940771484375],
+ [141.1185546875, 40.882275390625],
+ [141.24423828125, 41.205615234375],
+ [140.8005859375, 41.138818359375],
+ [140.80185546875, 41.253662109375],
+ [140.9369140625, 41.50556640625],
+ [141.229296875, 41.37265625]
+ ]
+ ],
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+ [141.29541015625, 45.1193359375]
+ ]
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+ [141.07275390625, 45.332861328125],
+ [141.033984375, 45.2693359375],
+ [140.9716796875, 45.465478515625],
+ [141.07275390625, 45.332861328125]
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+ [19.255078125, 70.0664062500001]
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+ [23.61533203125, 70.54931640625]
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+ [24.017578125, 70.5673828125]
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+ [29.3333984375001, 69.472998046875],
+ [29.1416015625, 69.6714355468751],
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+ [27.1275390625001, 69.906494140625],
+ [26.5253906250001, 69.9150390625],
+ [26.0724609375, 69.691552734375],
+ [25.74833984375, 68.99013671875],
+ [24.94140625, 68.5932617187501],
+ [23.85400390625, 68.805908203125],
+ [23.3240234375, 68.648974609375],
+ [22.4109375000001, 68.719873046875],
+ [21.59375, 69.273583984375],
+ [21.06611328125, 69.214111328125],
+ [21.06572265625, 69.041748046875],
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+ [18.30302734375, 68.555419921875],
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+ [17.324609375, 68.10380859375],
+ [16.78359375, 67.89501953125],
+ [16.12744140625, 67.4258300781251],
+ [16.403515625, 67.05498046875],
+ [15.42294921875, 66.48984375],
+ [15.4837890625001, 66.30595703125],
+ [14.54326171875, 66.129345703125],
+ [14.4796875, 65.30146484375],
+ [13.65029296875, 64.58154296875],
+ [14.07763671875, 64.464013671875],
+ [14.1412109375, 64.17353515625],
+ [13.9605468750001, 64.014013671875],
+ [13.203515625, 64.07509765625],
+ [12.7927734375, 64],
+ [12.1751953125001, 63.595947265625],
+ [11.9999023437501, 63.29169921875],
+ [12.3035156250001, 62.285595703125],
+ [12.15537109375, 61.720751953125],
+ [12.8807617187501, 61.3522949218751],
+ [12.7060546875, 61.0598632812501],
+ [12.294140625, 61.0026855468751],
+ [12.588671875, 60.450732421875],
+ [12.4861328125001, 60.1067871093751],
+ [11.68076171875, 59.59228515625],
+ [11.7981445312501, 59.289892578125],
+ [11.6427734375, 58.92607421875],
+ [11.4707031250001, 58.909521484375],
+ [11.3882812500001, 59.0365234375],
+ [10.83447265625, 59.183935546875],
+ [10.5953125000001, 59.76455078125],
+ [10.1793945312501, 59.00927734375],
+ [9.84257812500002, 58.95849609375],
+ [9.55722656250006, 59.1126953125],
+ [9.65693359375004, 58.97119140625],
+ [8.16611328125006, 58.1453125],
+ [7.0048828125, 58.0242187500001],
+ [6.87705078125001, 58.150732421875],
+ [6.59052734375007, 58.097314453125],
+ [6.65986328125007, 58.262744140625],
+ [5.70683593750007, 58.5236328125],
+ [5.55556640625008, 58.9751953125],
+ [6.09902343750002, 58.870263671875],
+ [6.36328125000003, 59.000927734375],
+ [6.09941406250002, 58.9519531250001],
+ [5.88916015625, 59.09794921875],
+ [5.95185546875007, 59.299072265625],
+ [6.41533203125007, 59.547119140625],
+ [5.17324218750008, 59.162548828125],
+ [5.2421875, 59.564306640625],
+ [5.47246093750002, 59.7130859375],
+ [5.77216796875004, 59.6609375],
+ [6.21660156249999, 59.818359375],
+ [5.73046875, 59.8630859375],
+ [6.34873046875001, 60.352978515625],
+ [6.57363281250008, 60.360595703125],
+ [6.52685546875006, 60.1529296875],
+ [6.995703125, 60.511962890625],
+ [6.1533203125, 60.346240234375],
+ [5.14580078125007, 59.638818359375],
+ [5.20566406250001, 60.087939453125],
+ [5.68857421874998, 60.123193359375],
+ [5.28583984375001, 60.2057128906251],
+ [5.13710937500008, 60.4456054687501],
+ [5.64833984375005, 60.68798828125],
+ [5.24404296875002, 60.569580078125],
+ [5.11582031250001, 60.635986328125],
+ [5.00859375000002, 61.03818359375],
+ [6.77783203125003, 61.142431640625],
+ [7.03867187500006, 60.9529296875],
+ [7.04013671875001, 61.091162109375],
+ [7.60449218750006, 61.210546875],
+ [7.34658203125008, 61.3005859375],
+ [7.44257812500001, 61.434619140625],
+ [7.17353515625001, 61.165966796875],
+ [6.59990234375002, 61.2896484375],
+ [6.38349609375007, 61.13388671875],
+ [5.45126953125003, 61.10234375],
+ [5.10673828125002, 61.187548828125],
+ [5.00273437500007, 61.43359375],
+ [5.33867187500002, 61.485498046875],
+ [4.92783203124998, 61.7106933593751],
+ [4.93007812499999, 61.8783203125],
+ [6.01582031250004, 61.7875],
+ [6.73076171875005, 61.8697753906251],
+ [5.26689453125005, 61.935595703125],
+ [5.14316406250006, 62.159912109375],
+ [5.90830078124998, 62.416015625],
+ [6.08349609375006, 62.349609375],
+ [6.58007812500006, 62.407275390625],
+ [6.69238281250003, 62.46806640625],
+ [6.13613281250005, 62.407470703125],
+ [6.35292968750005, 62.6111328125],
+ [7.653125, 62.564013671875],
+ [7.53837890625007, 62.6720703125],
+ [8.04550781250001, 62.771240234375],
+ [6.73496093750001, 62.720703125],
+ [6.94042968750003, 62.93046875],
+ [7.571875, 63.09951171875],
+ [8.10058593750003, 63.090966796875],
+ [8.62314453125001, 62.846240234375],
+ [8.15800781250002, 63.1615234375001],
+ [8.63554687500005, 63.342333984375],
+ [8.36074218750002, 63.498876953125],
+ [8.57617187500003, 63.601171875],
+ [9.13583984375001, 63.59365234375],
+ [9.15605468750005, 63.459326171875],
+ [9.696875, 63.624560546875],
+ [10.02099609375, 63.3908203125],
+ [10.7601562500001, 63.461279296875],
+ [10.7252929687501, 63.625],
+ [11.370703125, 63.804833984375],
+ [11.1755859375001, 63.898876953125],
+ [11.4576171875001, 64.0029785156251],
+ [11.306640625, 64.048876953125],
+ [10.9142578125, 63.92109375],
+ [10.93486328125, 63.77021484375],
+ [10.0550781250001, 63.5126953125],
+ [9.56728515625005, 63.70615234375],
+ [10.565625, 64.418310546875],
+ [11.5238281250001, 64.744384765625],
+ [11.6329101562501, 64.813916015625],
+ [11.2967773437501, 64.75478515625],
+ [11.48935546875, 64.975830078125],
+ [12.15966796875, 65.178955078125],
+ [12.5083984375, 65.0994140625001],
+ [12.9155273437501, 65.3392578125],
+ [12.4175781250001, 65.18408203125],
+ [12.13388671875, 65.279150390625],
+ [12.6888671875001, 65.902197265625],
+ [13.0331054687501, 65.95625],
+ [12.7837890625001, 66.1004394531251],
+ [14.0341796875001, 66.29755859375],
+ [13.11884765625, 66.2306640625],
+ [13.21142578125, 66.6408203125],
+ [13.95947265625, 66.7943359375],
+ [13.6515625, 66.907080078125],
+ [14.1087890625001, 67.11923828125],
+ [15.41572265625, 67.20244140625],
+ [14.44169921875, 67.2713867187501],
+ [14.9619140625001, 67.574267578125],
+ [15.59443359375, 67.3485351562501],
+ [15.69150390625, 67.52138671875],
+ [15.24873046875, 67.6021484375],
+ [15.30390625, 67.765283203125],
+ [14.8546875000001, 67.6633300781251],
+ [14.7989257812501, 67.809326171875],
+ [15.13427734375, 67.972705078125],
+ [15.62138671875, 67.948291015625],
+ [15.316015625, 68.06875],
+ [16.00791015625, 68.2287109375],
+ [16.3123046875, 67.8814453125],
+ [16.20380859375, 68.316748046875],
+ [17.5528320312501, 68.4262695312501],
+ [16.51435546875, 68.532568359375],
+ [18.10146484375, 69.156298828125],
+ [18.259765625, 69.47060546875],
+ [18.91591796875, 69.335595703125],
+ [18.6144531250001, 69.490576171875],
+ [19.1972656250001, 69.7478515625],
+ [19.7224609375, 69.781640625],
+ [19.6415039062501, 69.4240234375],
+ [20.3242187500001, 69.9453125],
+ [20.0544921875001, 69.332666015625],
+ [20.48671875, 69.54208984375],
+ [20.739453125, 69.5205078125],
+ [20.6220703125001, 69.913916015625],
+ [21.1630859375001, 69.889501953125],
+ [21.43291015625, 70.0131835937501],
+ [21.97470703125, 69.8345703125],
+ [21.35576171875, 70.2333984375],
+ [22.3219726562501, 70.264501953125],
+ [22.6845703125001, 70.374755859375],
+ [23.3539062500001, 69.9833984375],
+ [23.3291015625, 70.2072265625],
+ [24.42001953125, 70.702001953125],
+ [24.2634765625, 70.826318359375],
+ [24.6580078125, 71.0010253906251],
+ [25.2646484375001, 70.843505859375],
+ [25.7681640625001, 70.853173828125],
+ [25.04384765625, 70.109033203125],
+ [26.661328125, 70.93974609375],
+ [26.58505859375, 70.410009765625],
+ [26.9893554687501, 70.511376953125],
+ [27.18369140625, 70.74404296875],
+ [27.5464843750001, 70.8040039062501],
+ [27.2352539062501, 70.947216796875],
+ [27.5970703125001, 71.09130859375],
+ [28.3922851562501, 70.97529296875],
+ [27.898046875, 70.6779296875],
+ [28.27177734375, 70.66796875],
+ [28.19296875, 70.2485839843751],
+ [28.83154296875, 70.86396484375],
+ [29.7375, 70.646826171875],
+ [30.0651367187501, 70.702978515625],
+ [30.944140625, 70.2744140625],
+ [30.2629882812501, 70.12470703125],
+ [28.8042968750001, 70.0925292968751],
+ [29.6013671875, 69.9767578125],
+ [29.7920898437501, 69.727880859375],
+ [30.08828125, 69.7175781250001],
+ [30.23759765625, 69.86220703125],
+ [30.4283203125, 69.722265625],
+ [30.8697265625, 69.7834472656251]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [25.5863281250001, 71.14208984375],
+ [26.1337890625, 70.99580078125],
+ [25.5820312500001, 70.960791015625],
+ [25.31494140625, 71.034130859375],
+ [25.5863281250001, 71.14208984375]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-8.95356445312498, 70.83916015625],
+ [-8.00136718749997, 71.177685546875],
+ [-8.00209960937494, 71.041259765625],
+ [-8.95356445312498, 70.83916015625]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [19.2193359375, 74.391015625],
+ [18.8612304687501, 74.51416015625],
+ [19.18291015625, 74.517919921875],
+ [19.2193359375, 74.391015625]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [21.60810546875, 78.595703125],
+ [22.0431640625, 78.5769531250001],
+ [22.29951171875, 78.228173828125],
+ [23.4519531250001, 78.149462890625],
+ [23.11669921875, 77.99150390625],
+ [24.9018554687501, 77.756591796875],
+ [22.5537109375, 77.266650390625],
+ [22.6853515625, 77.553515625],
+ [20.928125, 77.45966796875],
+ [21.653125, 77.92353515625],
+ [20.2279296875001, 78.4778320312501],
+ [21.60810546875, 78.595703125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [11.25029296875, 78.610693359375],
+ [12.1164062500001, 78.232568359375],
+ [11.1212890625, 78.46328125],
+ [10.5582031250001, 78.9029296875],
+ [11.25029296875, 78.610693359375]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [29.0470703125001, 78.912060546875],
+ [29.6966796875001, 78.904736328125],
+ [27.8890625000001, 78.8521484375],
+ [28.5111328125, 78.967333984375],
+ [29.0470703125001, 78.912060546875]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [16.78671875, 79.90673828125],
+ [17.8345703125, 79.800048828125],
+ [17.66875, 79.3859375],
+ [18.3973632812501, 79.60517578125],
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+ [125.23955078125, 12.527880859375]
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+ [123.7166015625, 12.287353515625]
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+ [-180, 65.311962890625],
+ [-180, 65.556787109375],
+ [-180, 65.8015625],
+ [-180, 66.0462890625],
+ [-180, 66.291064453125],
+ [-180, 66.53583984375],
+ [-180, 66.7805664062501],
+ [-180, 67.025341796875],
+ [-180, 67.2701171875001],
+ [-180, 67.51484375],
+ [-180, 67.759619140625],
+ [-180, 68.00439453125],
+ [-180, 68.24912109375],
+ [-180, 68.493896484375],
+ [-180, 68.738671875],
+ [-179.999951171875, 68.9834472656251],
+ [-179.79853515625, 68.9404296875]
+ ]
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+ [48.319921875, 69.26923828125],
+ [48.8449218750001, 69.4947265625],
+ [49.2251953125001, 69.51123046875],
+ [50.265234375, 69.185595703125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
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+ [161.46708984375, 68.9009765625]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
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+ [168.35791015625, 70.015673828125],
+ [169.3748046875, 69.8826171875],
+ [169.20078125, 69.58046875]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [60.4504882812501, 69.93486328125],
+ [60.440234375, 69.7259277343751],
+ [59.6370117187501, 69.721044921875],
+ [59.50263671875, 69.8662109375],
+ [58.952734375, 69.8927734375],
+ [58.5199218750001, 70.318310546875],
+ [59.048046875, 70.4604980468751],
+ [60.4504882812501, 69.93486328125]
+ ]
+ ],
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+ [52.9033203125, 71.364990234375]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
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+ [180, 71.5377441406251],
+ [180, 70.993017578125],
+ [178.8615234375, 70.826416015625]
+ ]
+ ],
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+ [137.0640625, 71.5298828125],
+ [137.816796875, 71.5878906250001],
+ [137.95986328125, 71.507666015625]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
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+ [-179.415673828125, 70.918994140625],
+ [-179.999951171875, 70.993017578125],
+ [-179.999951171875, 71.5377441406251],
+ [-178.87646484375, 71.57705078125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [77.6325195312501, 72.291259765625],
+ [76.87109375, 72.317041015625],
+ [77.74853515625, 72.6312011718751],
+ [78.3651367187501, 72.482421875],
+ [77.6325195312501, 72.291259765625]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [79.50146484375, 72.721923828125],
+ [78.6332031250001, 72.850732421875],
+ [79.1642578125, 73.0943359375],
+ [79.50146484375, 72.721923828125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [74.660546875, 72.8734375],
+ [74.1806640625, 72.975341796875],
+ [74.19853515625, 73.10908203125],
+ [74.9615234375, 73.0625],
+ [74.660546875, 72.8734375]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
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+ [119.79208984375, 73.04541015625],
+ [119.6404296875, 73.1243164062501],
+ [120.261328125, 73.08984375]
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+ [
+ [
+ [55.31982421875, 73.30830078125],
+ [56.4295898437501, 73.201171875],
+ [56.1216796875, 72.806591796875],
+ [55.4033203125, 72.549072265625],
+ [55.2978515625, 71.9353515625001],
+ [56.45439453125, 71.107373046875],
+ [57.6253906250001, 70.72880859375],
+ [57.1458984375001, 70.5891113281251],
+ [56.3857421875, 70.734130859375],
+ [56.49970703125, 70.56640625],
+ [55.6873046875001, 70.6921875],
+ [54.6011718750001, 70.680078125],
+ [53.3835937500001, 70.87353515625],
+ [53.6705078125, 71.0869140625],
+ [54.1556640625, 71.12548828125],
+ [53.4099609375, 71.34013671875],
+ [53.41162109375, 71.530126953125],
+ [51.9378906250001, 71.47470703125],
+ [51.511328125, 71.648095703125],
+ [51.58251953125, 72.07119140625],
+ [52.25205078125, 72.129736328125],
+ [52.6619140625, 72.336865234375],
+ [52.9166015625001, 72.668896484375],
+ [52.5792968750001, 72.791357421875],
+ [53.3698242187501, 72.9167480468751],
+ [53.2511718750001, 73.182958984375],
+ [54.80390625, 73.387646484375],
+ [55.31982421875, 73.30830078125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [70.6739257812501, 73.0950195312501],
+ [70.04072265625, 73.0371582031251],
+ [69.9958984375, 73.359375],
+ [70.940234375, 73.514404296875],
+ [71.6261718750001, 73.173974609375],
+ [70.6739257812501, 73.0950195312501]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [142.18486328125, 73.8958984375001],
+ [143.34375, 73.56875],
+ [143.45146484375, 73.231298828125],
+ [141.5966796875, 73.3108398437501],
+ [140.66279296875, 73.452001953125],
+ [139.785546875, 73.355224609375],
+ [141.084765625, 73.865869140625],
+ [142.18486328125, 73.8958984375001]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [83.5490234375001, 74.07177734375],
+ [82.8177734375, 74.0916015625001],
+ [83.1498046875001, 74.151611328125],
+ [83.5490234375001, 74.07177734375]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [141.01025390625, 73.999462890625],
+ [140.40947265625, 73.9216796875001],
+ [140.1935546875, 74.23671875],
+ [141.03857421875, 74.242724609375],
+ [141.01025390625, 73.999462890625]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [113.38720703125, 74.400439453125],
+ [112.782421875, 74.095068359375],
+ [111.50341796875, 74.353076171875],
+ [111.87978515625, 74.363818359375],
+ [112.08447265625, 74.5489746093751],
+ [113.38720703125, 74.400439453125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [86.653125, 74.981298828125],
+ [87.0521484375001, 74.982568359375],
+ [86.9271484375001, 74.83076171875],
+ [86.25859375, 74.893505859375],
+ [86.653125, 74.981298828125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [82.17236328125, 75.419384765625],
+ [81.978515625, 75.247119140625],
+ [81.65478515625, 75.288916015625],
+ [81.712109375, 75.4514160156251],
+ [82.165625, 75.515625],
+ [82.17236328125, 75.419384765625]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [146.79521484375, 75.3707519531251],
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+ [150.6462890625, 74.944580078125],
+ [149.596875, 74.7726074218751],
+ [148.296875, 74.800439453125],
+ [146.14853515625, 75.198291015625],
+ [146.5375, 75.5817871093751],
+ [146.79521484375, 75.3707519531251]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [135.9486328125, 75.4095703125001],
+ [135.451953125, 75.38955078125],
+ [135.6986328125, 75.845263671875],
+ [136.1689453125, 75.60556640625],
+ [135.9486328125, 75.4095703125001]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [140.04873046875, 75.828955078125],
+ [140.81591796875, 75.630712890625],
+ [141.48544921875, 76.137158203125],
+ [142.66953125, 75.863427734375],
+ [143.68583984375, 75.863671875],
+ [145.3599609375, 75.53046875],
+ [144.0197265625, 75.0446777343751],
+ [143.1703125, 75.11689453125],
+ [142.7294921875, 75.3376464843751],
+ [142.941796875, 75.71328125],
+ [142.30791015625, 75.6916992187501],
+ [142.198828125, 75.39267578125],
+ [143.1279296875, 74.9703125],
+ [142.47275390625, 74.82041015625],
+ [141.9873046875, 74.991259765625],
+ [140.26787109375, 74.846923828125],
+ [139.68125, 74.9640625],
+ [139.09912109375, 74.65654296875],
+ [138.09228515625, 74.7974609375],
+ [136.94765625, 75.325537109375],
+ [137.28974609375, 75.3486328125],
+ [137.26884765625, 75.7494140625],
+ [137.70654296875, 75.7595703125],
+ [137.560546875, 75.955224609375],
+ [138.2076171875, 76.11494140625],
+ [138.91953125, 76.196728515625],
+ [140.04873046875, 75.828955078125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [96.5324218750001, 76.278125],
+ [96.3005859375, 76.121728515625],
+ [95.3111328125001, 76.21474609375],
+ [95.3798828125, 76.2890625],
+ [96.5324218750001, 76.278125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [112.47802734375, 76.6208984375],
+ [112.531640625, 76.450048828125],
+ [111.9689453125, 76.626171875],
+ [112.47802734375, 76.6208984375]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [149.1501953125, 76.6599121093751],
+ [148.3986328125, 76.6482421875001],
+ [149.4064453125, 76.782080078125],
+ [149.1501953125, 76.6599121093751]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [67.7653320312501, 76.23759765625],
+ [61.35595703125, 75.31484375],
+ [60.27685546875, 75.007568359375],
+ [60.5013671875, 74.904638671875],
+ [59.6740234375, 74.61015625],
+ [59.2401367187501, 74.69296875],
+ [59.0404296875, 74.485546875],
+ [58.53466796875, 74.49892578125],
+ [58.6178710937501, 74.227392578125],
+ [57.7673828125, 74.013818359375],
+ [57.75595703125, 73.769189453125],
+ [57.3130859375, 73.838037109375],
+ [57.5425781250001, 73.658203125],
+ [56.9638671875, 73.366552734375],
+ [56.43037109375, 73.297216796875],
+ [55.0068359375, 73.4538574218751],
+ [54.2999023437501, 73.3509765625],
+ [53.7628906250001, 73.766162109375],
+ [54.6426757812501, 73.9595703125001],
+ [55.3409179687501, 74.41962890625],
+ [56.1371093750001, 74.49609375],
+ [55.5822265625001, 74.627685546875],
+ [56.4987304687501, 74.9570800781251],
+ [55.81005859375, 75.12490234375],
+ [56.035546875, 75.19423828125],
+ [56.5703125, 75.09775390625],
+ [56.8444335937501, 75.351416015625],
+ [57.6068359375, 75.341259765625],
+ [58.05830078125, 75.6630859375],
+ [58.88125, 75.8547851562501],
+ [60.279296875, 76.0962402343751],
+ [60.9421875, 76.0712890625],
+ [61.20166015625, 76.2820312500001],
+ [62.971484375, 76.236669921875],
+ [64.4634765625, 76.378173828125],
+ [67.65185546875, 77.011572265625],
+ [68.4857421875001, 76.93369140625],
+ [68.94169921875, 76.707666015625],
+ [67.7653320312501, 76.23759765625]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [96.28544921875, 77.0266601562501],
+ [95.2703125000001, 77.01884765625],
+ [96.5284179687501, 77.205517578125],
+ [96.28544921875, 77.0266601562501]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [89.5142578125001, 77.188818359375],
+ [89.1416992187501, 77.226806640625],
+ [89.6162109375, 77.31103515625],
+ [89.5142578125001, 77.188818359375]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [130.6873046875, 42.3025390625],
+ [130.526953125, 42.535400390625],
+ [130.4248046875, 42.72705078125],
+ [131.0685546875, 42.9022460937501],
+ [131.25732421875, 43.378076171875],
+ [131.2552734375, 44.07158203125],
+ [130.981640625, 44.8443359375],
+ [131.446875, 44.984033203125],
+ [131.85185546875, 45.32685546875],
+ [132.93603515625, 45.029931640625],
+ [133.1134765625, 45.130712890625],
+ [133.18603515625, 45.49482421875],
+ [133.43642578125, 45.6046875],
+ [133.861328125, 46.24775390625],
+ [134.16767578125, 47.302197265625],
+ [134.75234375, 47.7154296875],
+ [134.566015625, 48.022509765625],
+ [134.665234375, 48.25390625],
+ [134.293359375, 48.3734375],
+ [133.468359375, 48.09716796875],
+ [133.14404296875, 48.1056640625],
+ [132.7072265625, 47.9472656250001],
+ [132.47626953125, 47.714990234375],
+ [130.9619140625, 47.709326171875],
+ [130.7326171875, 48.01923828125],
+ [130.804296875, 48.34150390625],
+ [130.5521484375, 48.602490234375],
+ [130.553125, 48.861181640625],
+ [130.19599609375, 48.891650390625],
+ [129.49814453125, 49.388818359375],
+ [129.06513671875, 49.374658203125],
+ [128.70400390625, 49.600146484375],
+ [127.999609375, 49.5686035156251],
+ [127.55078125, 49.801806640625],
+ [127.590234375, 50.208984375],
+ [127.33720703125, 50.350146484375],
+ [127.30703125, 50.707958984375],
+ [126.9248046875, 51.100146484375],
+ [126.34169921875, 52.36201171875],
+ [125.6490234375, 53.04228515625],
+ [125.075, 53.203662109375],
+ [124.8123046875, 53.133837890625],
+ [123.6078125, 53.546533203125],
+ [120.98544921875, 53.2845703125],
+ [120.09453125, 52.78720703125],
+ [120.067578125, 52.63291015625],
+ [120.65615234375, 52.566650390625],
+ [120.7498046875, 52.096533203125],
+ [120.06689453125, 51.6006835937501],
+ [119.163671875, 50.406005859375],
+ [119.3462890625, 50.278955078125],
+ [119.25986328125, 50.06640625],
+ [118.4515625, 49.844482421875],
+ [117.8734375, 49.5134765625],
+ [116.68330078125, 49.823779296875],
+ [116.551171875, 49.9203125],
+ [116.351171875, 49.978076171875],
+ [116.216796875, 50.00927734375],
+ [116.1345703125, 50.010791015625],
+ [115.9259765625, 49.9521484375],
+ [115.79521484375, 49.905908203125],
+ [115.7177734375, 49.880615234375],
+ [115.58798828125, 49.88603515625],
+ [115.42919921875, 49.896484375],
+ [115.3650390625, 49.911767578125],
+ [115.27451171875, 49.948876953125],
+ [115.0033203125, 50.13857421875],
+ [114.7431640625, 50.23369140625],
+ [114.2970703125, 50.2744140625001],
+ [113.57421875, 50.00703125],
+ [113.4455078125, 49.9416015625],
+ [113.31904296875, 49.87431640625],
+ [113.16416015625, 49.79716796875],
+ [113.09208984375, 49.692529296875],
+ [113.05556640625, 49.616259765625],
+ [112.91484375, 49.56923828125],
+ [112.8064453125, 49.523583984375],
+ [112.69736328125, 49.507275390625],
+ [112.494921875, 49.53232421875],
+ [112.0796875, 49.42421875],
+ [111.429296875, 49.342626953125],
+ [111.33662109375, 49.355859375],
+ [111.20419921875, 49.304296875],
+ [110.8279296875, 49.1661621093751],
+ [110.709765625, 49.14296875],
+ [110.42783203125, 49.219970703125],
+ [110.32138671875, 49.215869140625],
+ [110.19990234375, 49.17041015625],
+ [109.5287109375, 49.269873046875],
+ [109.4537109375, 49.296337890625],
+ [109.23671875, 49.334912109375],
+ [108.613671875, 49.322802734375],
+ [108.5224609375, 49.34150390625],
+ [108.40693359375, 49.3963867187501],
+ [107.9654296875, 49.653515625],
+ [107.9166015625, 49.947802734375],
+ [107.63095703125, 49.98310546875],
+ [107.3470703125, 49.986669921875],
+ [107.23330078125, 49.989404296875],
+ [107.14306640625, 50.0330078125],
+ [107.040234375, 50.086474609375],
+ [106.94130859375, 50.1966796875],
+ [106.7111328125, 50.31259765625],
+ [106.5744140625, 50.32880859375],
+ [106.36845703125, 50.317578125],
+ [106.21787109375, 50.30458984375],
+ [105.38359375, 50.47373046875],
+ [104.0787109375, 50.154248046875],
+ [103.63291015625, 50.13857421875],
+ [103.4962890625, 50.1649414062501],
+ [103.42119140625, 50.187060546875],
+ [103.30439453125, 50.20029296875],
+ [102.28837890625, 50.585107421875],
+ [102.3166015625, 50.71845703125],
+ [102.2150390625, 50.8294433593751],
+ [102.19453125, 51.05068359375],
+ [102.151953125, 51.10751953125],
+ [102.1423828125, 51.216064453125],
+ [102.16005859375, 51.26083984375],
+ [102.1556640625, 51.31376953125],
+ [102.1115234375, 51.353466796875],
+ [101.97919921875, 51.3822265625],
+ [101.82119140625, 51.421044921875],
+ [101.5708984375, 51.4671875000001],
+ [101.38125, 51.45263671875],
+ [100.53623046875, 51.7134765625],
+ [100.4689453125, 51.72607421875],
+ [100.23037109375, 51.729833984375],
+ [100.0345703125, 51.737109375],
+ [99.9216796875, 51.755517578125],
+ [99.71923828125, 51.871630859375],
+ [98.8931640625001, 52.1172851562501],
+ [98.6405273437501, 51.8011718750001],
+ [98.103125, 51.483544921875],
+ [97.8252929687501, 50.98525390625],
+ [97.953125, 50.85517578125],
+ [98.02978515625, 50.64462890625],
+ [98.07890625, 50.60380859375],
+ [98.14501953125, 50.5685546875],
+ [98.2205078125001, 50.557177734375],
+ [98.2794921875001, 50.533251953125],
+ [98.25029296875, 50.30244140625],
+ [98.00390625, 50.0142578125],
+ [97.3597656250001, 49.741455078125],
+ [97.2085937500001, 49.7308105468751],
+ [96.9857421875001, 49.8828125],
+ [96.3150390625001, 49.901123046875],
+ [96.0655273437501, 49.99873046875],
+ [95.52265625, 49.91123046875],
+ [95.1114257812501, 49.93544921875],
+ [94.9302734375001, 50.04375],
+ [94.8112304687501, 50.0481933593751],
+ [94.71806640625, 50.04326171875],
+ [94.67548828125, 50.0280761718751],
+ [94.61474609375, 50.02373046875],
+ [94.5646484375, 50.087939453125],
+ [94.3546875, 50.221826171875],
+ [94.2510742187501, 50.556396484375],
+ [93.103125, 50.60390625],
+ [92.9413085937501, 50.77822265625],
+ [92.8564453125, 50.789111328125],
+ [92.779296875, 50.778662109375],
+ [92.738671875, 50.7109375],
+ [92.68134765625, 50.683203125],
+ [92.6266601562501, 50.68828125],
+ [92.57890625, 50.725439453125],
+ [92.4263671875001, 50.803076171875],
+ [92.35478515625, 50.86416015625],
+ [92.29580078125, 50.8498046875],
+ [92.1923828125, 50.7005859375],
+ [91.8042968750001, 50.693603515625],
+ [91.4464843750001, 50.52216796875],
+ [91.4150390625, 50.4680175781251],
+ [91.3408203125, 50.470068359375],
+ [91.3005859375, 50.46337890625],
+ [91.2337890625, 50.452392578125],
+ [91.0215820312501, 50.415478515625],
+ [90.8380859375, 50.32373046875],
+ [90.7607421875, 50.30595703125],
+ [90.71435546875, 50.259423828125],
+ [90.6550781250001, 50.22236328125],
+ [90.0537109375, 50.09375],
+ [89.64384765625, 49.90302734375],
+ [89.6541015625001, 49.71748046875],
+ [89.5791992187501, 49.69970703125],
+ [89.475, 49.6605468750001],
+ [89.3956054687501, 49.6115234375],
+ [89.2439453125001, 49.6270507812501],
+ [89.2029296875001, 49.595703125],
+ [89.17998046875, 49.5322265625],
+ [89.1094726562501, 49.5013671875],
+ [89.0083984375001, 49.472802734375],
+ [88.97060546875, 49.483740234375],
+ [88.9454101562501, 49.507666015625],
+ [88.9001953125, 49.539697265625],
+ [88.8638671875001, 49.52763671875],
+ [88.8316406250001, 49.4484375],
+ [88.633203125, 49.4861328125],
+ [88.192578125, 49.451708984375],
+ [88.135546875, 49.381494140625],
+ [88.11572265625, 49.256298828125],
+ [88.0285156250001, 49.219775390625],
+ [87.9880859375, 49.1869140625],
+ [87.9347656250001, 49.16455078125],
+ [87.8142578125, 49.1623046875],
+ [87.7625, 49.1658203125],
+ [87.5158203125001, 49.122412109375],
+ [87.41669921875, 49.076611328125],
+ [87.3228515625001, 49.085791015625],
+ [86.62646484375, 49.5626953125],
+ [86.67548828125, 49.777294921875],
+ [86.1808593750001, 49.49931640625],
+ [85.2326171875001, 49.6158203125],
+ [84.9894531250001, 50.06142578125],
+ [84.3232421875, 50.23916015625],
+ [83.9451171875001, 50.774658203125],
+ [83.3573242187501, 50.994580078125],
+ [82.7608398437501, 50.893359375],
+ [82.4939453125001, 50.727587890625],
+ [81.4659179687501, 50.73984375],
+ [81.3882812500001, 50.956494140625],
+ [81.0714843750001, 50.96875],
+ [81.12724609375, 51.191064453125],
+ [80.73525390625, 51.293408203125],
+ [80.448046875, 51.183349609375],
+ [80.4236328125, 50.9462890625],
+ [79.98623046875, 50.774560546875],
+ [77.8599609375001, 53.269189453125],
+ [76.4847656250001, 54.02255859375],
+ [76.4216796875001, 54.151513671875],
+ [76.6545898437501, 54.145263671875],
+ [76.8373046875, 54.4423828125],
+ [75.43720703125, 54.0896484375],
+ [75.22021484375, 53.8937988281251],
+ [74.4519531250001, 53.647265625],
+ [74.3515625, 53.487646484375],
+ [73.8589843750001, 53.6197265625],
+ [73.40693359375, 53.44755859375],
+ [73.3056640625, 53.7072265625],
+ [73.71240234375, 54.0423828125],
+ [73.2298828125001, 53.9578125],
+ [72.622265625, 54.134326171875],
+ [72.44677734375, 53.941845703125],
+ [72.18603515625, 54.325634765625],
+ [72.0044921875001, 54.2056640625],
+ [71.0931640625001, 54.21220703125],
+ [71.185546875, 54.59931640625],
+ [70.7380859375001, 55.30517578125],
+ [70.182421875, 55.162451171875],
+ [68.9772460937501, 55.389599609375],
+ [68.20625, 55.1609375],
+ [68.1558593750001, 54.9767089843751],
+ [65.476953125, 54.623291015625],
+ [65.08837890625, 54.340185546875],
+ [64.46123046875, 54.3841796875],
+ [61.9287109375, 53.946484375],
+ [61.2310546875, 54.019482421875],
+ [60.9794921875, 53.6217285156251],
+ [61.5349609375, 53.5232910156251],
+ [61.22890625, 53.4458984375],
+ [61.19921875, 53.287158203125],
+ [61.65986328125, 53.228466796875],
+ [62.08271484375, 53.005419921875],
+ [61.0474609375, 52.9724609375],
+ [60.7744140625, 52.67578125],
+ [60.9945312500001, 52.336865234375],
+ [60.0302734375, 51.9332519531251],
+ [60.46474609375, 51.651171875],
+ [61.5546875, 51.3246093750001],
+ [61.389453125, 50.86103515625],
+ [60.9422851562501, 50.6955078125],
+ [60.4248046875, 50.679150390625],
+ [60.05859375, 50.85029296875],
+ [59.81240234375, 50.58203125],
+ [59.523046875, 50.49287109375],
+ [59.4523437500001, 50.62041015625],
+ [58.8836914062501, 50.69443359375],
+ [58.3591796875001, 51.063818359375],
+ [57.8388671875, 51.091650390625],
+ [57.4421875, 50.8888671875],
+ [57.01171875, 51.065185546875],
+ [56.49140625, 51.01953125],
+ [55.68623046875, 50.582861328125],
+ [54.6416015625, 51.011572265625],
+ [54.5552734375, 50.535791015625],
+ [54.13974609375, 51.040771484375],
+ [53.3380859375, 51.482373046875],
+ [52.5711914062501, 51.481640625],
+ [52.219140625, 51.709375],
+ [51.3445312500001, 51.475341796875],
+ [51.1634765625001, 51.6474609375],
+ [50.7939453125, 51.72919921875],
+ [50.246875, 51.289501953125],
+ [49.498046875, 51.0835937500001],
+ [49.3234375, 50.851708984375],
+ [48.62509765625, 50.6126953125001],
+ [48.7589843750001, 49.9283203125001],
+ [48.3349609375, 49.858251953125],
+ [47.7057617187501, 50.377978515625],
+ [47.42919921875, 50.357958984375],
+ [46.88955078125, 49.69697265625],
+ [46.80205078125, 49.36708984375],
+ [47.03134765625, 49.15029296875],
+ [46.70263671875, 48.80556640625],
+ [46.6609375000001, 48.412255859375],
+ [47.0646484375, 48.232470703125],
+ [47.2923828125, 47.74091796875],
+ [47.48193359375, 47.80390625],
+ [48.1669921875, 47.7087890625],
+ [48.959375, 46.774609375],
+ [48.5583984375001, 46.75712890625],
+ [48.5412109375, 46.605615234375],
+ [49.2322265625001, 46.337158203125],
+ [48.68369140625, 46.086181640625],
+ [48.7295898437501, 45.896826171875],
+ [48.4870117187501, 45.93486328125],
+ [47.63330078125, 45.584033203125],
+ [47.46328125, 45.6796875],
+ [47.5294921875001, 45.530224609375],
+ [47.3512695312501, 45.217724609375],
+ [46.7072265625001, 44.5033203125],
+ [47.3070312500001, 44.103125],
+ [47.46279296875, 43.555029296875],
+ [47.646484375, 43.884619140625],
+ [47.4631835937501, 43.03505859375],
+ [48.5728515625, 41.844482421875],
+ [47.791015625, 41.199267578125],
+ [47.31767578125, 41.282421875],
+ [46.74931640625, 41.81259765625],
+ [46.4298828125, 41.890966796875],
+ [46.2126953125, 41.989892578125],
+ [45.6385742187501, 42.205078125],
+ [45.63427734375, 42.234716796875],
+ [45.7275390625, 42.475048828125],
+ [45.7052734375, 42.498095703125],
+ [45.562890625, 42.5357421875],
+ [45.34375, 42.52978515625],
+ [45.1602539062501, 42.675],
+ [45.07158203125, 42.694140625],
+ [44.943359375, 42.7302734375],
+ [44.87099609375, 42.756396484375],
+ [44.85048828125, 42.746826171875],
+ [44.7710937500001, 42.616796875],
+ [44.691796875, 42.709619140625],
+ [44.6443359375, 42.734716796875],
+ [44.505859375, 42.7486328125],
+ [44.3294921875, 42.703515625],
+ [44.102734375, 42.616357421875],
+ [44.0046875000001, 42.59560546875],
+ [43.9574218750001, 42.5665527343751],
+ [43.8259765625001, 42.571533203125],
+ [43.75986328125, 42.59384765625],
+ [43.73837890625, 42.6169921875],
+ [43.7499023437501, 42.65751953125],
+ [43.79541015625, 42.702978515625],
+ [43.7826171875001, 42.747021484375],
+ [43.623046875, 42.80771484375],
+ [43.5578125000001, 42.844482421875],
+ [43.0891601562501, 42.9890625],
+ [43.0001953125, 43.0496582031251],
+ [42.9916015625, 43.09150390625],
+ [42.7606445312501, 43.169580078125],
+ [41.58056640625, 43.21923828125],
+ [41.4607421875001, 43.276318359375],
+ [41.358203125, 43.3333984375001],
+ [41.0831054687501, 43.374462890625],
+ [40.9419921875001, 43.41806640625],
+ [40.80166015625, 43.479931640625],
+ [40.6480468750001, 43.53388671875],
+ [40.0845703125, 43.553125],
+ [40.02373046875, 43.48486328125],
+ [39.8736328125, 43.472802734375],
+ [38.71728515625, 44.2880859375],
+ [38.18125, 44.419677734375],
+ [37.85146484375, 44.698828125],
+ [37.4951171875, 44.695263671875],
+ [37.20478515625, 44.97197265625],
+ [36.62763671875, 45.151318359375],
+ [36.9412109375001, 45.289697265625],
+ [36.72041015625, 45.371875],
+ [36.8659179687501, 45.42705078125],
+ [37.21357421875, 45.272314453125],
+ [37.6471679687501, 45.3771972656251],
+ [37.6124023437501, 45.5646972656251],
+ [37.93310546875, 46.001708984375],
+ [38.0142578125, 46.04775390625],
+ [38.07958984375, 45.9348144531251],
+ [38.18359375, 46.0948242187501],
+ [38.4922851562501, 46.09052734375],
+ [37.9138671875001, 46.406494140625],
+ [37.76650390625, 46.6361328125],
+ [38.5009765625, 46.663671875],
+ [38.438671875, 46.8130859375],
+ [39.29345703125, 47.10576171875],
+ [39.195703125, 47.26884765625],
+ [39.0237304687501, 47.272216796875],
+ [38.9283203125, 47.17568359375],
+ [38.55244140625, 47.150341796875],
+ [38.7619140625001, 47.26162109375],
+ [38.21435546875, 47.091455078125],
+ [38.36884765625, 47.6099609375],
+ [38.9002929687501, 47.855126953125],
+ [39.7787109375001, 47.8875488281251],
+ [39.9579101562501, 48.268896484375],
+ [39.8356445312501, 48.5427734375],
+ [39.6447265625001, 48.5912109375],
+ [39.79287109375, 48.80771484375],
+ [40.00361328125, 48.8220703125],
+ [39.6865234375, 49.00791015625],
+ [40.1087890625001, 49.2515625],
+ [40.0806640625, 49.57685546875],
+ [39.7805664062501, 49.572021484375],
+ [39.1748046875, 49.85595703125],
+ [38.918359375, 49.82470703125],
+ [38.2585937500001, 50.05234375],
+ [38.046875, 49.9200195312501],
+ [37.4228515625, 50.411474609375],
+ [36.6194335937501, 50.209228515625],
+ [36.1164062500001, 50.408544921875],
+ [35.59111328125, 50.36875],
+ [35.3119140625001, 51.043896484375],
+ [35.0640625, 51.20341796875],
+ [34.2138671875, 51.2553710937501],
+ [34.12109375, 51.679150390625],
+ [34.3978515625, 51.780419921875],
+ [33.73525390625, 52.344775390625],
+ [32.43544921875, 52.3072265625],
+ [32.122265625, 52.0505859375],
+ [31.7633789062501, 52.10107421875],
+ [31.75859375, 52.125830078125],
+ [31.690625, 52.220654296875],
+ [31.64990234375, 52.26220703125],
+ [31.6015625, 52.284814453125],
+ [31.57734375, 52.3123046875],
+ [31.585546875, 52.532470703125],
+ [31.56484375, 52.759228515625],
+ [31.53515625, 52.7982421875],
+ [31.4427734375, 52.86181640625],
+ [31.35302734375, 52.933447265625],
+ [31.2951171875001, 52.989794921875],
+ [31.2587890625, 53.0166992187501],
+ [31.36455078125, 53.13896484375],
+ [31.3883789062501, 53.184814453125],
+ [31.4178710937501, 53.196044921875],
+ [31.84970703125, 53.106201171875],
+ [32.1419921875001, 53.091162109375],
+ [32.4693359375001, 53.2703125],
+ [32.57802734375, 53.31240234375],
+ [32.64443359375, 53.32890625],
+ [32.704296875, 53.336328125],
+ [32.4509765625, 53.6533203125],
+ [32.200390625, 53.78125],
+ [31.9921875, 53.796875],
+ [31.82080078125, 53.791943359375],
+ [31.75419921875, 53.81044921875],
+ [31.82529296875, 53.935009765625],
+ [31.83779296875, 54.00078125],
+ [31.8259765625001, 54.030712890625],
+ [31.7919921875, 54.055908203125],
+ [31.62841796875, 54.111181640625],
+ [31.40361328125, 54.195947265625],
+ [31.29912109375, 54.29169921875],
+ [31.1847656250001, 54.452978515625],
+ [31.0748046875001, 54.491796875],
+ [31.1548828125001, 54.6109375],
+ [31.1521484375, 54.625341796875],
+ [31.1212890625, 54.648486328125],
+ [30.9841796875001, 54.6958984375],
+ [30.798828125, 54.783251953125],
+ [30.791015625, 54.806005859375],
+ [30.8044921875001, 54.8609375],
+ [30.8298828125, 54.914990234375],
+ [30.9777343750001, 55.05048828125],
+ [30.9777343750001, 55.08779296875],
+ [30.95888671875, 55.1375976562501],
+ [30.87744140625, 55.2234375],
+ [30.814453125, 55.2787109375],
+ [30.810546875, 55.306982421875],
+ [30.82099609375, 55.3302734375],
+ [30.9005859375001, 55.397412109375],
+ [30.9068359375001, 55.57001953125],
+ [30.6255859375, 55.666259765625],
+ [30.23359375, 55.8452148437501],
+ [30.04267578125, 55.83642578125],
+ [29.93701171875, 55.845263671875],
+ [29.8816406250001, 55.83232421875],
+ [29.82392578125, 55.7951171875],
+ [29.744140625, 55.77041015625],
+ [29.6300781250001, 55.751171875],
+ [29.4822265625001, 55.6845703125],
+ [29.41298828125, 55.7248535156251],
+ [29.3534179687501, 55.784375],
+ [29.375, 55.938720703125],
+ [28.28427734375, 56.055908203125],
+ [28.14794921875, 56.142919921875],
+ [28.20205078125, 56.260400390625],
+ [28.19169921875, 56.3155761718751],
+ [28.16923828125, 56.386865234375],
+ [28.11083984375, 56.510693359375],
+ [28.103125, 56.545703125],
+ [27.89208984375, 56.741064453125],
+ [27.88154296875, 56.824169921875],
+ [27.8486328125001, 56.85341796875],
+ [27.8060546875, 56.8670898437501],
+ [27.6394531250001, 56.845654296875],
+ [27.8302734375, 57.1944824218751],
+ [27.8382812500001, 57.247705078125],
+ [27.82861328125, 57.293310546875],
+ [27.796875, 57.316943359375],
+ [27.5386718750001, 57.42978515625],
+ [27.5111328125001, 57.508154296875],
+ [27.4697265625001, 57.5240234375],
+ [27.3519531250001, 57.528125],
+ [27.4, 57.666796875],
+ [27.5420898437501, 57.7994140625],
+ [27.7785156250001, 57.8707031250001],
+ [27.5024414062501, 58.221337890625],
+ [27.4341796875, 58.787255859375],
+ [28.15107421875, 59.3744140625],
+ [28.0125, 59.48427734375],
+ [28.0580078125001, 59.78154296875],
+ [28.3345703125, 59.692529296875],
+ [28.5181640625, 59.849560546875],
+ [28.9472656250001, 59.828759765625],
+ [29.147265625, 59.999755859375],
+ [30.12255859375, 59.8735839843751],
+ [30.17265625, 59.95712890625],
+ [29.72119140625, 60.1953125],
+ [29.069140625, 60.191455078125],
+ [28.6431640625, 60.37529296875],
+ [28.51279296875, 60.677294921875],
+ [27.7976562500001, 60.5361328125],
+ [29.69013671875, 61.54609375],
+ [31.18671875, 62.481396484375],
+ [31.533984375, 62.885400390625],
+ [31.1808593750001, 63.2083007812501],
+ [29.9915039062501, 63.73515625],
+ [30.50390625, 64.02060546875],
+ [30.51376953125, 64.2],
+ [30.0418945312501, 64.443359375],
+ [30.0728515625001, 64.7650390625001],
+ [29.60419921875, 64.968408203125],
+ [29.826953125, 65.145068359375],
+ [29.6080078125, 65.248681640625],
+ [29.7159179687501, 65.624560546875],
+ [30.1027343750001, 65.72626953125],
+ [29.0662109375, 66.891748046875],
+ [29.9880859375, 67.66826171875],
+ [29.34384765625, 68.0618652343751],
+ [28.68515625, 68.189794921875],
+ [28.4707031250001, 68.48837890625],
+ [28.7728515625001, 68.8400390625],
+ [28.4140625000001, 68.9041503906251],
+ [28.9658203125, 69.02197265625],
+ [29.38828125, 69.2981445312501],
+ [30.0873046875001, 69.432861328125],
+ [30.18017578125, 69.63583984375],
+ [30.8607421875, 69.538427734375],
+ [30.8697265625, 69.7834472656251],
+ [31.5469726562501, 69.696923828125],
+ [31.99794921875, 69.809912109375],
+ [31.9845703125, 69.953662109375],
+ [33.0078125, 69.722119140625],
+ [32.9150390625, 69.601708984375],
+ [32.1767578125, 69.6740234375],
+ [32.377734375, 69.4791015625],
+ [32.9998046875, 69.4701171875],
+ [32.9789062500001, 69.367333984375],
+ [33.454296875, 69.428173828125],
+ [33.1412109375001, 69.068701171875],
+ [33.684375, 69.31025390625],
+ [35.85791015625, 69.191748046875],
+ [37.7305664062501, 68.692138671875],
+ [38.43017578125, 68.3556152343751],
+ [39.5689453125, 68.071728515625],
+ [39.8233398437501, 68.05859375],
+ [39.80927734375, 68.150830078125],
+ [40.3806640625, 67.831884765625],
+ [40.9664062500001, 67.7134765625],
+ [41.3587890625, 67.20966796875],
+ [41.18896484375, 66.826171875],
+ [40.1033203125, 66.299951171875],
+ [38.6539062500001, 66.06904296875],
+ [35.5134765625, 66.39580078125],
+ [34.824609375, 66.6111328125],
+ [34.4826171875, 66.5503417968751],
+ [34.4515625, 66.651220703125],
+ [33.1501953125, 66.8439453125],
+ [32.93046875, 67.08681640625],
+ [31.8953125000001, 67.16142578125],
+ [33.65595703125, 66.4426269531251],
+ [33.360546875, 66.329541015625],
+ [34.1126953125, 66.225244140625],
+ [34.6917968750001, 65.95185546875],
+ [34.7769531250001, 65.76826171875],
+ [34.4064453125, 65.395751953125],
+ [35.0353515625, 64.4402343750001],
+ [35.8020507812501, 64.3353515625],
+ [36.3649414062501, 64.00283203125],
+ [37.4421875, 63.81337890625],
+ [37.9679687500001, 63.94912109375],
+ [38.0622070312501, 64.091015625],
+ [37.9537109375, 64.3201171875],
+ [37.18369140625, 64.4084960937501],
+ [36.6242187500001, 64.750537109375],
+ [36.5345703125, 64.938623046875],
+ [36.8828125, 65.17236328125],
+ [39.7580078125001, 64.57705078125],
+ [40.0578125, 64.770751953125],
+ [40.4449218750001, 64.7787109375],
+ [39.7980468750001, 65.349853515625],
+ [39.81650390625, 65.59794921875],
+ [41.4757812500001, 66.1234375],
+ [42.2105468750001, 66.519677734375],
+ [43.233203125, 66.41552734375],
+ [43.653125, 66.2509765625],
+ [43.5418945312501, 66.123388671875],
+ [43.84375, 66.1423828125],
+ [44.1043945312501, 66.00859375],
+ [44.4292968750001, 66.937744140625],
+ [43.7824218750001, 67.2544921875],
+ [44.2046875000001, 68.253759765625],
+ [43.333203125, 68.673388671875],
+ [44.048046875, 68.548828125],
+ [45.8919921875, 68.4796875],
+ [46.6904296875, 67.848828125],
+ [45.5287109375001, 67.757568359375],
+ [44.9021484375, 67.4131347656251],
+ [45.56220703125, 67.1855957031251],
+ [45.8853515625001, 66.891064453125],
+ [46.4923828125001, 66.8001953125],
+ [47.6558593750001, 66.975927734375],
+ [47.87470703125, 67.5841796875],
+ [48.833203125, 67.681494140625],
+ [48.7542968750001, 67.895947265625],
+ [49.1552734375, 67.8704101562501],
+ [51.9947265625, 68.53876953125],
+ [52.3966796875001, 68.3517089843751],
+ [52.72265625, 68.484033203125],
+ [52.34404296875, 68.608154296875],
+ [53.801953125, 68.9958984375],
+ [54.4912109375, 68.992333984375],
+ [53.7976562500001, 68.907470703125],
+ [53.9308593750001, 68.435546875],
+ [53.2605468750001, 68.26748046875],
+ [54.476171875, 68.294140625],
+ [54.861328125, 68.20185546875],
+ [55.41806640625, 68.567822265625],
+ [56.04365234375, 68.648876953125],
+ [57.12685546875, 68.5540039062501],
+ [58.173046875, 68.8897460937501],
+ [59.0573242187501, 69.0060546875],
+ [59.3705078125001, 68.73837890625],
+ [59.0990234375001, 68.4443359375],
+ [59.72568359375, 68.351611328125],
+ [59.89599609375, 68.70634765625],
+ [60.48916015625, 68.728955078125],
+ [60.93359375, 68.986767578125],
+ [60.17060546875, 69.59091796875],
+ [60.9090820312501, 69.847119140625],
+ [64.1904296875, 69.53466796875],
+ [64.8962890625, 69.247802734375],
+ [67.00244140625, 68.8735839843751],
+ [68.3711914062501, 68.3142578125001],
+ [69.1405273437501, 68.950634765625],
+ [68.5427734375, 68.96708984375],
+ [68.005859375, 69.4800292968751],
+ [67.62412109375, 69.584423828125],
+ [67.064453125, 69.693701171875],
+ [66.8966796875, 69.55380859375],
+ [67.2847656250001, 70.738720703125],
+ [67.143359375, 70.837548828125],
+ [66.7022460937501, 70.818505859375],
+ [66.6396484375, 71.081396484375],
+ [68.2692382812501, 71.6828125],
+ [69.61181640625, 72.98193359375],
+ [69.73828125, 72.8849609375],
+ [71.5001953125001, 72.913671875],
+ [72.812109375, 72.69140625],
+ [72.57412109375, 72.0125488281251],
+ [71.86728515625, 71.457373046875],
+ [72.7044921875001, 70.963232421875],
+ [72.5767578125, 68.968701171875],
+ [73.5916992187501, 68.481884765625],
+ [73.139453125, 68.18134765625],
+ [73.0667968750001, 67.766943359375],
+ [71.8474609375, 67.0076171875001],
+ [71.365234375, 66.9615234375],
+ [71.53955078125, 66.68310546875],
+ [70.7249023437501, 66.51943359375],
+ [70.3828125, 66.602490234375],
+ [70.69072265625, 66.7453125],
+ [70.2833984375001, 66.685791015625],
+ [69.8771484375001, 66.8454589843751],
+ [69.2177734375, 66.82861328125],
+ [69.0134765625, 66.788330078125],
+ [69.1943359375, 66.5786621093751],
+ [70.3394531250001, 66.3423828125001],
+ [71.3580078125001, 66.3594238281251],
+ [71.9169921875, 66.246728515625],
+ [72.32158203125, 66.33212890625],
+ [72.4173828125, 66.5607910156251],
+ [73.79208984375, 66.9953125],
+ [74.0745117187501, 67.414111328125],
+ [74.76953125, 67.766357421875],
+ [74.3914062500001, 68.42060546875],
+ [74.57958984375, 68.751220703125],
+ [76.1075195312501, 68.975732421875],
+ [76.4591796875, 68.978271484375],
+ [77.2384765625001, 68.469580078125],
+ [77.1744140625001, 67.778515625],
+ [77.7715820312501, 67.570263671875],
+ [78.9224609375001, 67.589111328125],
+ [77.5882812500001, 67.751904296875],
+ [77.66484375, 68.190380859375],
+ [77.9951171875, 68.25947265625],
+ [77.6506835937501, 68.90302734375],
+ [76.0009765625, 69.23505859375],
+ [75.42001953125, 69.238623046875],
+ [74.81484375, 69.090576171875],
+ [73.8360351562501, 69.143212890625],
+ [73.578125, 69.802978515625],
+ [74.3433593750001, 70.5787109375],
+ [73.0862304687501, 71.4449218750001],
+ [73.67177734375, 71.845068359375],
+ [74.9921875, 72.14482421875],
+ [74.78681640625, 72.811865234375],
+ [75.15244140625, 72.852734375],
+ [75.74140625, 72.296240234375],
+ [75.273828125, 71.958935546875],
+ [75.33203125, 71.341748046875],
+ [76.92900390625, 71.127880859375],
+ [77.5896484375001, 71.167919921875],
+ [78.32060546875, 70.930419921875],
+ [78.9421875, 70.9337890625],
+ [79.08388671875, 71.0020019531251],
+ [78.5876953125001, 70.993896484375],
+ [78.21259765625, 71.26630859375],
+ [76.4333984375, 71.552490234375],
+ [76.032421875, 71.910400390625],
+ [76.87138671875, 72.0330078125001],
+ [77.7775390625, 71.8364257812501],
+ [78.232421875, 71.952294921875],
+ [78.0164062500001, 72.092041015625],
+ [77.49287109375, 72.071728515625],
+ [77.47158203125, 72.1921386718751],
+ [78.2253906250001, 72.3774414062501],
+ [79.4220703125001, 72.38076171875],
+ [80.7625, 72.08916015625],
+ [81.66162109375, 71.715966796875],
+ [82.7578125, 71.764111328125],
+ [83.23359375, 71.6681640625],
+ [82.3228515625001, 71.260009765625],
+ [82.1631835937501, 70.59814453125],
+ [82.22119140625, 70.395703125],
+ [82.869140625, 70.954833984375],
+ [83.03017578125, 70.580517578125],
+ [82.6823242187501, 70.217724609375],
+ [83.0807617187501, 70.093017578125],
+ [83.0738281250001, 70.276708984375],
+ [83.7359375000001, 70.546484375],
+ [83.1512695312501, 71.10361328125],
+ [83.534375, 71.683935546875],
+ [83.2002929687501, 71.87470703125],
+ [82.6454101562501, 71.925244140625],
+ [82.09365234375, 72.2654296875001],
+ [80.8270507812501, 72.48828125],
+ [80.8416015625001, 72.949169921875],
+ [80.4245117187501, 73.23115234375],
+ [80.5832031250001, 73.56845703125],
+ [85.2005859375001, 73.7215332031251],
+ [86.89296875, 73.887109375],
+ [85.7925781250001, 73.438330078125],
+ [86.67705078125, 73.106787109375],
+ [85.93896484375, 73.456494140625],
+ [87.1201171875, 73.6150390625],
+ [87.57119140625, 73.8107421875],
+ [86.5710937500001, 74.24375],
+ [86.0013671875, 74.316015625],
+ [86.3958007812501, 74.45009765625],
+ [86.89794921875, 74.325341796875],
+ [87.2296875, 74.3638671875],
+ [85.791015625, 74.6451171875],
+ [86.2012695312501, 74.8162109375001],
+ [86.6514648437501, 74.6824218750001],
+ [87.0417968750001, 74.778857421875],
+ [87.467578125, 75.0132324218751],
+ [86.9390625000001, 75.068115234375],
+ [87.0059570312501, 75.16982421875],
+ [87.67138671875, 75.12958984375],
+ [90.1849609375001, 75.591064453125],
+ [94.0751953125, 75.912890625],
+ [92.8904296875, 75.9099609375],
+ [93.25927734375, 76.098779296875],
+ [95.5787109375001, 76.1373046875],
+ [96.0754882812501, 76.081982421875],
+ [95.6533203125, 75.8921875],
+ [96.50859375, 76.00556640625],
+ [96.4970703125, 75.8912109375],
+ [98.6620117187501, 76.24267578125],
+ [99.77041015625, 76.028759765625],
+ [99.5407226562501, 75.798583984375],
+ [99.8513671875001, 75.9302734375],
+ [99.8253906250001, 76.1359375],
+ [98.8056640625, 76.4806640625],
+ [100.84375, 76.5251953125001],
+ [101.59775390625, 76.439208984375],
+ [100.92802734375, 76.55673828125],
+ [100.98994140625, 76.990478515625],
+ [102.61015625, 77.508544921875],
+ [104.01455078125, 77.730419921875],
+ [106.0595703125, 77.39052734375],
+ [104.20244140625, 77.101806640625],
+ [106.9416015625, 77.034375],
+ [107.42978515625, 76.9265625],
+ [106.41357421875, 76.512255859375],
+ [107.72216796875, 76.522314453125],
+ [108.181640625, 76.737841796875],
+ [111.39248046875, 76.686669921875],
+ [112.0939453125, 76.4803222656251],
+ [111.94267578125, 76.38046875],
+ [112.61953125, 76.3835449218751],
+ [112.65625, 76.053564453125],
+ [113.27265625, 76.25166015625],
+ [113.5638671875, 75.891650390625],
+ [113.8572265625, 75.9212890625],
+ [113.567578125, 75.568408203125],
+ [112.45302734375, 75.83017578125],
+ [112.9556640625, 75.571923828125],
+ [113.24296875, 75.61142578125],
+ [113.726171875, 75.450634765625],
+ [112.92490234375, 75.0150390625],
+ [109.84033203125, 74.32197265625],
+ [109.81025390625, 74.169189453125],
+ [108.19951171875, 73.694091796875],
+ [107.27109375, 73.621044921875],
+ [106.67939453125, 73.3306640625],
+ [106.188671875, 73.3080078125],
+ [105.1439453125, 72.77705078125],
+ [105.708203125, 72.836669921875],
+ [106.4779296875, 73.139404296875],
+ [107.750390625, 73.1731445312501],
+ [109.3310546875, 73.487451171875],
+ [109.8552734375, 73.4724609375],
+ [110.8681640625, 73.730712890625],
+ [109.70673828125, 73.74375],
+ [110.26142578125, 74.017431640625],
+ [111.05625, 73.93935546875],
+ [111.130859375, 74.05283203125],
+ [111.5505859375, 74.028515625],
+ [111.228125, 73.9685546875],
+ [111.400390625, 73.827734375],
+ [112.147265625, 73.708935546875],
+ [112.79541015625, 73.74609375],
+ [112.8359375, 73.962060546875],
+ [113.0328125, 73.9138671875001],
+ [113.4162109375, 73.647607421875],
+ [113.15693359375, 73.4595703125],
+ [113.49091796875, 73.34609375],
+ [113.12783203125, 72.8306640625],
+ [113.66455078125, 72.634521484375],
+ [113.21552734375, 72.805859375],
+ [113.88623046875, 73.34580078125],
+ [113.5103515625, 73.50498046875],
+ [115.3376953125, 73.702587890625],
+ [118.8708984375, 73.537890625],
+ [118.45703125, 73.4644042968751],
+ [118.4302734375, 73.246533203125],
+ [119.750390625, 72.9791015625001],
+ [122.26015625, 72.88056640625],
+ [122.751953125, 72.906494140625],
+ [122.615234375, 73.0279296875001],
+ [123.1603515625, 72.9548828125],
+ [123.622265625, 73.19326171875],
+ [123.49111328125, 73.666357421875],
+ [124.5412109375, 73.7512695312501],
+ [125.59853515625, 73.447412109375],
+ [126.2544921875, 73.548193359375],
+ [126.5525390625, 73.334912109375],
+ [127.03134765625, 73.5474609375],
+ [127.74033203125, 73.48154296875],
+ [129.1005859375, 73.112353515625],
+ [128.5990234375, 72.895166015625],
+ [129.01728515625, 72.8724609375],
+ [129.250390625, 72.70517578125],
+ [128.41826171875, 72.53515625],
+ [129.28134765625, 72.4376953125],
+ [129.41064453125, 72.16630859375],
+ [128.9349609375, 72.0794921875],
+ [127.80341796875, 72.434033203125],
+ [127.84140625, 72.308251953125],
+ [128.91142578125, 71.755322265625],
+ [129.21025390625, 71.916943359375],
+ [129.46083984375, 71.739306640625],
+ [128.84326171875, 71.6634765625],
+ [129.7619140625, 71.11953125],
+ [130.537109375, 70.892529296875],
+ [130.75712890625, 70.962353515625],
+ [131.02158203125, 70.74609375],
+ [132.0353515625, 71.24404296875],
+ [132.65390625, 71.9259765625],
+ [133.6888671875, 71.434228515625],
+ [134.702734375, 71.38681640625],
+ [135.5591796875, 71.6103515625],
+ [136.09033203125, 71.619580078125],
+ [137.9396484375, 71.1333984375],
+ [137.84404296875, 71.226806640625],
+ [138.3140625, 71.325537109375],
+ [137.918359375, 71.38408203125],
+ [138.2341796875, 71.596337890625],
+ [138.78017578125, 71.62900390625],
+ [139.209375, 71.444775390625],
+ [139.9841796875, 71.4915039062501],
+ [139.72294921875, 71.8849609375],
+ [139.35927734375, 71.9513671875],
+ [140.1876953125, 72.19130859375],
+ [139.1763671875, 72.1634765625],
+ [139.1408203125, 72.329736328125],
+ [139.601171875, 72.49609375],
+ [141.079296875, 72.5869140625],
+ [140.808203125, 72.890966796875],
+ [142.06142578125, 72.72080078125],
+ [146.2529296875, 72.442236328125],
+ [146.234765625, 72.34970703125],
+ [144.7763671875, 72.382275390625],
+ [144.16923828125, 72.2587890625],
+ [144.294921875, 72.192626953125],
+ [146.8318359375, 72.29541015625],
+ [146.11328125, 71.944970703125],
+ [146.2302734375, 72.1375],
+ [145.75859375, 72.22587890625],
+ [145.75673828125, 71.94130859375],
+ [145.06396484375, 71.92607421875],
+ [145.18857421875, 71.69580078125],
+ [146.0732421875, 71.808349609375],
+ [147.26181640625, 72.327880859375],
+ [149.5015625, 72.164306640625],
+ [150.01689453125, 71.8956542968751],
+ [149.04873046875, 71.795751953125],
+ [148.9681640625, 71.690478515625],
+ [150.5998046875, 71.5201171875],
+ [150.09765625, 71.2265625],
+ [150.9677734375, 71.38046875],
+ [151.582421875, 71.286962890625],
+ [152.0927734375, 71.023291015625],
+ [151.76201171875, 70.982470703125],
+ [152.5087890625, 70.83447265625],
+ [156.6845703125, 71.09375],
+ [158.03701171875, 71.0392578125],
+ [159.35068359375, 70.79072265625],
+ [160.0064453125, 70.3096679687501],
+ [159.72939453125, 69.8702148437501],
+ [160.9107421875, 69.60634765625],
+ [161.035546875, 69.0981933593751],
+ [161.30986328125, 68.982275390625],
+ [160.8560546875, 68.5383300781251],
+ [161.565625, 68.90517578125],
+ [161.5369140625, 69.379541015625],
+ [162.166015625, 69.611572265625],
+ [163.2013671875, 69.71474609375],
+ [166.8203125, 69.4995605468751],
+ [167.8568359375, 69.72822265625],
+ [168.30302734375, 69.271484375],
+ [169.31064453125, 69.079541015625],
+ [169.60986328125, 68.78603515625],
+ [170.53759765625, 68.825390625],
+ [170.99541015625, 69.0453125000001],
+ [170.5822265625, 69.5833496093751],
+ [170.1609375, 69.6265625],
+ [170.48681640625, 70.107568359375],
+ [173.27744140625, 69.823828125],
+ [173.438671875, 69.946826171875],
+ [175.921484375, 69.8953125],
+ [179.27265625, 69.25966796875],
+ [180, 68.9834472656251],
+ [180, 65.067236328125],
+ [178.51953125, 64.602978515625],
+ [177.7486328125, 64.717041015625],
+ [176.880859375, 65.08193359375],
+ [176.341015625, 65.047314453125],
+ [177.0373046875, 64.999658203125],
+ [177.2228515625, 64.861669921875],
+ [177.06875, 64.786669921875],
+ [176.0611328125, 64.960888671875],
+ [174.548828125, 64.6838867187501],
+ [176.05654296875, 64.904736328125],
+ [176.3509765625, 64.705126953125],
+ [176.14091796875, 64.5858398437501],
+ [177.42744140625, 64.76337890625],
+ [177.43291015625, 64.444482421875],
+ [177.6875, 64.3047363281251],
+ [178.0447265625, 64.219580078125],
+ [178.2294921875, 64.364404296875],
+ [178.3814453125, 64.260888671875],
+ [178.7314453125, 63.66708984375],
+ [178.4404296875, 63.60556640625],
+ [178.74404296875, 63.394775390625],
+ [178.79296875, 63.54033203125],
+ [179.38857421875, 63.147216796875],
+ [179.2595703125, 63.00830078125],
+ [179.5705078125, 62.6875],
+ [179.120703125, 62.320361328125],
+ [177.292578125, 62.5990234375],
+ [177.33896484375, 62.78134765625],
+ [177.02353515625, 62.77724609375],
+ [177.15947265625, 62.560986328125],
+ [174.51435546875, 61.8236328125],
+ [173.6234375, 61.716064453125],
+ [173.1318359375, 61.406640625],
+ [172.85654296875, 61.469189453125],
+ [172.9080078125, 61.31162109375],
+ [172.39609375, 61.1673828125],
+ [172.3927734375, 61.061767578125],
+ [170.608203125, 60.434912109375],
+ [170.3509765625, 59.96552734375],
+ [169.9826171875, 60.06708984375],
+ [169.2267578125, 60.595947265625],
+ [168.1375, 60.57392578125],
+ [167.2267578125, 60.406298828125],
+ [166.273046875, 59.85625],
+ [166.13603515625, 59.979345703125],
+ [166.3521484375, 60.484814453125],
+ [165.0845703125, 60.098583984375],
+ [164.9537109375, 59.843603515625],
+ [164.52529296875, 60.061279296875],
+ [164.11328125, 59.89755859375],
+ [164.13505859375, 59.984375],
+ [163.74384765625, 60.02802734375],
+ [163.36484375, 59.7814453125],
+ [163.2728515625, 59.302587890625],
+ [162.1416015625, 58.447412109375],
+ [161.96005859375, 58.0769042968751],
+ [162.39140625, 57.717236328125],
+ [162.654296875, 57.9482421875],
+ [163.22578125, 57.790380859375],
+ [162.779296875, 57.3576171875],
+ [162.79111328125, 56.875390625],
+ [162.9220703125, 56.72265625],
+ [163.25654296875, 56.688037109375],
+ [163.335546875, 56.23251953125],
+ [163.04736328125, 56.044677734375],
+ [162.84033203125, 56.065625],
+ [162.628125, 56.232275390625],
+ [163.03837890625, 56.521875],
+ [162.671484375, 56.490087890625],
+ [162.52822265625, 56.260693359375],
+ [162.0849609375, 56.0896484375],
+ [161.72392578125, 55.496142578125],
+ [162.10556640625, 54.7521484375],
+ [161.6248046875, 54.516259765625],
+ [160.77265625, 54.541357421875],
+ [160.0744140625, 54.18916015625],
+ [159.84375, 53.783642578125],
+ [160.02509765625, 53.12958984375],
+ [159.5859375, 53.2376953125],
+ [158.74541015625, 52.9089355468751],
+ [158.4720703125, 53.032373046875],
+ [158.6087890625, 52.8736328125],
+ [158.4931640625, 52.383154296875],
+ [158.103515625, 51.809619140625],
+ [156.8474609375, 51.006591796875],
+ [156.74775390625, 50.969287109375],
+ [156.52119140625, 51.3802734375],
+ [156.36474609375, 52.509375],
+ [156.1103515625, 52.866162109375],
+ [155.6203125, 54.86455078125],
+ [155.5548828125, 55.348486328125],
+ [155.98251953125, 56.69521484375],
+ [156.848828125, 57.290185546875],
+ [156.9767578125, 57.46630859375],
+ [156.8298828125, 57.779638671875],
+ [157.450390625, 57.799267578125],
+ [157.66640625, 58.0197753906251],
+ [158.2751953125, 58.008984375],
+ [159.21064453125, 58.51943359375],
+ [159.84736328125, 59.1271484375],
+ [161.753515625, 60.152294921875],
+ [162.0681640625, 60.46640625],
+ [163.7099609375, 60.916796875],
+ [163.553515625, 61.025634765625],
+ [164.00546875, 61.343798828125],
+ [163.80439453125, 61.461376953125],
+ [164.2072265625, 62.2922363281251],
+ [164.59833984375, 62.470556640625],
+ [165.20810546875, 62.373974609375],
+ [165.4173828125, 62.4470703125],
+ [164.418359375, 62.704638671875],
+ [163.33173828125, 62.550927734375],
+ [163.01767578125, 61.891064453125],
+ [163.2578125, 61.699462890625],
+ [163.08525390625, 61.570556640625],
+ [162.85595703125, 61.705029296875],
+ [162.392578125, 61.662109375],
+ [160.7666015625, 60.7533203125],
+ [160.1736328125, 60.638427734375],
+ [160.37890625, 61.02548828125],
+ [159.7904296875, 60.956640625],
+ [160.309375, 61.894384765625],
+ [159.55234375, 61.719482421875],
+ [159.1892578125, 61.92939453125],
+ [158.0701171875, 61.75361328125],
+ [157.4693359375, 61.79892578125],
+ [157.0841796875, 61.67568359375],
+ [155.71611328125, 60.682373046875],
+ [154.97080078125, 60.37666015625],
+ [154.29306640625, 59.833349609375],
+ [154.1498046875, 59.528515625],
+ [154.9712890625, 59.449609375],
+ [155.16044921875, 59.19013671875],
+ [154.4580078125, 59.216552734375],
+ [154.0109375, 59.075537109375],
+ [153.69521484375, 59.2247558593751],
+ [153.3611328125, 59.214794921875],
+ [152.81787109375, 58.92626953125],
+ [152.31962890625, 59.03076171875],
+ [152.087890625, 58.91044921875],
+ [151.3267578125, 58.87509765625],
+ [151.12109375, 59.08251953125],
+ [152.26064453125, 59.223583984375],
+ [151.3482421875, 59.5611328125],
+ [150.48359375, 59.494384765625],
+ [150.66728515625, 59.55634765625],
+ [149.642578125, 59.77041015625],
+ [149.065234375, 59.630517578125],
+ [149.20498046875, 59.48818359375],
+ [148.7970703125, 59.53232421875],
+ [148.744140625, 59.37353515625],
+ [148.9646484375, 59.369140625],
+ [148.72666015625, 59.25791015625],
+ [148.257421875, 59.414208984375],
+ [147.514453125, 59.2685546875],
+ [146.53720703125, 59.456982421875],
+ [146.04951171875, 59.170556640625],
+ [145.55458984375, 59.413525390625],
+ [143.1921875, 59.3701171875],
+ [142.5802734375, 59.24013671875],
+ [140.790234375, 58.303466796875],
+ [140.446875, 57.813671875],
+ [138.662109375, 56.96552734375],
+ [137.69150390625, 56.13935546875],
+ [135.2625, 54.943310546875],
+ [135.25771484375, 54.731494140625],
+ [135.8515625, 54.583935546875],
+ [136.797265625, 54.6209960937501],
+ [136.71884765625, 53.8041015625],
+ [137.15537109375, 53.8216796875],
+ [137.1416015625, 54.1822265625],
+ [137.666015625, 54.28330078125],
+ [137.3392578125, 54.100537109375],
+ [137.834765625, 53.946728515625],
+ [137.2537109375, 53.546142578125],
+ [137.95048828125, 53.603564453125],
+ [138.5279296875, 53.95986328125],
+ [138.569140625, 53.818798828125],
+ [138.24970703125, 53.5240234375],
+ [138.45068359375, 53.53701171875],
+ [138.6994140625, 53.8697265625],
+ [138.6572265625, 54.29833984375],
+ [139.3197265625, 54.19296875],
+ [139.707421875, 54.2771484375],
+ [140.68759765625, 53.596435546875],
+ [141.37373046875, 53.2927734375],
+ [141.18125, 53.0152832031251],
+ [140.8396484375, 53.087890625],
+ [141.255859375, 52.84013671875],
+ [141.132421875, 52.435693359375],
+ [141.48525390625, 52.178515625],
+ [141.36689453125, 51.9206542968751],
+ [140.9326171875, 51.619921875],
+ [140.5208984375, 50.8001953125001],
+ [140.62451171875, 50.082421875],
+ [140.4626953125, 49.911474609375],
+ [140.5171875, 49.596142578125],
+ [140.17060546875, 48.523681640625],
+ [138.58681640625, 47.0572265625],
+ [138.3369140625, 46.543408203125],
+ [137.68544921875, 45.818359375],
+ [136.14228515625, 44.489111328125],
+ [135.874609375, 44.37353515625],
+ [135.1310546875, 43.5257324218751],
+ [134.01044921875, 42.9474609375],
+ [133.1599609375, 42.69697265625],
+ [132.708984375, 42.875830078125],
+ [132.30380859375, 42.88330078125],
+ [132.3095703125, 43.313525390625],
+ [131.8666015625, 43.095166015625],
+ [131.93896484375, 43.301953125],
+ [131.15830078125, 42.626025390625],
+ [130.709375, 42.656396484375],
+ [130.8341796875, 42.5229492187501],
+ [130.6873046875, 42.3025390625]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [107.6955078125, 78.1309082031251],
+ [107.481640625, 78.057763671875],
+ [106.41552734375, 78.13984375],
+ [107.6955078125, 78.1309082031251]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [102.884765625, 79.2539550781251],
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+ [-75.3921875, 39.0927734375001],
+ [-75.088671875, 38.7775390625],
+ [-75.187109375, 38.59111328125],
+ [-75.0387695312499, 38.4263671875],
+ [-75.934375, 37.151904296875],
+ [-75.975048828125, 37.3984375],
+ [-75.65927734375, 37.953955078125],
+ [-75.850830078125, 37.97158203125],
+ [-75.85869140625, 38.362060546875],
+ [-76.051220703125, 38.279541015625],
+ [-76.2646484375, 38.43642578125],
+ [-76.26416015625, 38.599951171875],
+ [-76.016943359375, 38.62509765625],
+ [-76.21298828125, 38.75830078125],
+ [-76.341162109375, 38.70966796875],
+ [-76.1681640625, 38.852734375],
+ [-76.32958984375, 38.9527832031251],
+ [-76.1352050781249, 39.08212890625],
+ [-76.235693359375, 39.1916015625],
+ [-76.153125, 39.3150390625],
+ [-75.8759765625, 39.3759765625],
+ [-76.003125, 39.41083984375],
+ [-75.87294921875, 39.510888671875],
+ [-75.958935546875, 39.58505859375],
+ [-76.2763671875, 39.32275390625],
+ [-76.330810546875, 39.40390625],
+ [-76.4208984375, 39.225],
+ [-76.57041015625, 39.2693359375],
+ [-76.427587890625, 39.126025390625],
+ [-76.5585449218749, 39.065234375],
+ [-76.394091796875, 38.368994140625],
+ [-76.67734375, 38.611962890625],
+ [-76.6685546875, 38.5375],
+ [-76.341162109375, 38.0870117187501],
+ [-76.868115234375, 38.390283203125],
+ [-76.88974609375, 38.29208984375],
+ [-77.001171875, 38.445263671875],
+ [-77.23251953125, 38.40771484375],
+ [-77.03037109375, 38.8892578125],
+ [-77.260400390625, 38.6],
+ [-77.2732421875, 38.3517578125],
+ [-77.04677734375, 38.356689453125],
+ [-76.2642578125, 37.8935546875],
+ [-76.344140625, 37.67568359375],
+ [-76.49248046875, 37.6822265625],
+ [-77.111083984375, 38.165673828125],
+ [-76.5494628906249, 37.669140625],
+ [-76.30556640625, 37.571484375],
+ [-76.2634765625, 37.35703125],
+ [-76.4009765625, 37.3861328125],
+ [-76.4539062499999, 37.2735351562501],
+ [-76.75771484375, 37.505419921875],
+ [-76.28330078125, 37.052685546875],
+ [-76.40087890625, 36.99130859375],
+ [-76.6309082031249, 37.221728515625],
+ [-77.2508789062499, 37.32919921875],
+ [-76.671875, 37.17294921875],
+ [-76.487841796875, 36.897021484375],
+ [-75.9994140625, 36.912646484375],
+ [-75.5341796875, 35.8190917968751],
+ [-75.946484375, 36.65908203125],
+ [-75.9927734375, 36.473779296875],
+ [-75.8200683593749, 36.112841796875],
+ [-76.1478515625, 36.279296875],
+ [-76.15, 36.145751953125],
+ [-76.27060546875, 36.189892578125],
+ [-76.227392578125, 36.116015625],
+ [-76.559375, 36.01533203125],
+ [-76.733642578125, 36.229150390625],
+ [-76.726220703125, 35.9576171875],
+ [-76.069775390625, 35.9703125],
+ [-76.08359375, 35.6905273437501],
+ [-75.85390625, 35.96015625],
+ [-75.758837890625, 35.84326171875],
+ [-75.77392578125, 35.64697265625],
+ [-76.173828125, 35.354150390625],
+ [-76.489501953125, 35.397021484375],
+ [-76.577197265625, 35.53232421875],
+ [-76.74140625, 35.431494140625],
+ [-77.039990234375, 35.527392578125],
+ [-76.512939453125, 35.27041015625],
+ [-76.779150390625, 34.99033203125],
+ [-77.070263671875, 35.154638671875],
+ [-76.974951171875, 35.0251953125],
+ [-76.744970703125, 34.940966796875],
+ [-76.45673828125, 34.98935546875],
+ [-76.36220703125, 34.9365234375],
+ [-76.439794921875, 34.842919921875],
+ [-77.296240234375, 34.6029296875],
+ [-77.412255859375, 34.730810546875],
+ [-77.37978515625, 34.526611328125],
+ [-77.750732421875, 34.2849609375],
+ [-77.92783203125, 33.93974609375],
+ [-77.9532714843749, 34.168994140625],
+ [-78.013330078125, 33.91181640625],
+ [-78.405859375, 33.917578125],
+ [-78.841455078125, 33.724072265625],
+ [-79.193798828125, 33.244140625],
+ [-79.22646484375, 33.4048828125],
+ [-79.276025390625, 33.135400390625],
+ [-79.80498046875, 32.78740234375],
+ [-79.93310546875, 32.8100585937501],
+ [-79.94072265625, 32.667138671875],
+ [-80.362841796875, 32.500732421875],
+ [-80.6341796875, 32.51171875],
+ [-80.474267578125, 32.42275390625],
+ [-80.579345703125, 32.2873046875],
+ [-80.8025390625, 32.448046875],
+ [-80.69423828125, 32.21572265625],
+ [-81.11328125, 31.87861328125],
+ [-81.06611328125, 31.78798828125],
+ [-81.259375, 31.538916015625],
+ [-81.1754394531249, 31.531298828125],
+ [-81.38095703125, 31.353271484375],
+ [-81.2884765625, 31.263916015625],
+ [-81.441748046875, 31.19970703125],
+ [-81.5162109375, 30.801806640625],
+ [-81.24951171875, 29.793798828125],
+ [-80.52412109375, 28.486083984375],
+ [-80.5849609375, 28.27158203125],
+ [-80.456884765625, 27.90068359375],
+ [-80.6100097656249, 28.177587890625],
+ [-80.60693359375, 28.522900390625],
+ [-80.693505859375, 28.344970703125],
+ [-80.6884765625, 28.578515625],
+ [-80.83818359375, 28.757666015625],
+ [-80.7486328125, 28.381005859375],
+ [-80.050048828125, 26.8077148437501],
+ [-80.1263671875, 25.83349609375],
+ [-80.48466796875, 25.229833984375],
+ [-81.1104980468749, 25.138037109375],
+ [-81.13603515625, 25.30966796875],
+ [-80.9404296875, 25.264208984375],
+ [-81.113330078125, 25.367236328125],
+ [-81.36494140625, 25.8310546875],
+ [-81.715478515625, 25.983154296875],
+ [-81.958935546875, 26.48994140625],
+ [-81.828662109375, 26.687060546875],
+ [-82.039599609375, 26.55205078125],
+ [-82.01328125, 26.9615722656251],
+ [-82.24287109375, 26.848876953125],
+ [-82.441357421875, 27.05966796875],
+ [-82.714599609375, 27.4996093750001],
+ [-82.4057617187499, 27.862890625],
+ [-82.6751953124999, 27.96376953125],
+ [-82.610986328125, 27.7772460937501],
+ [-82.74287109375, 27.709375],
+ [-82.8435058593749, 27.84599609375],
+ [-82.65146484375, 28.8875],
+ [-83.694384765625, 29.9259765625],
+ [-84.04423828125, 30.10380859375],
+ [-84.30966796875, 30.06474609375],
+ [-84.3828125, 29.9073730468751],
+ [-85.3189453125, 29.680224609375],
+ [-85.413818359375, 29.767578125],
+ [-85.413818359375, 29.84248046875],
+ [-85.3148925781249, 29.75810546875],
+ [-85.35361328125, 29.875732421875],
+ [-85.67578125, 30.1219238281251],
+ [-85.603515625, 30.286767578125],
+ [-85.755810546875, 30.1669921875],
+ [-86.454443359375, 30.39912109375],
+ [-86.123828125, 30.405810546875],
+ [-86.257373046875, 30.493017578125],
+ [-87.201171875, 30.3392578125],
+ [-86.985791015625, 30.430859375],
+ [-86.99755859375, 30.5703125],
+ [-87.17060546875, 30.53876953125],
+ [-87.2810546875, 30.3392578125],
+ [-87.47578125, 30.294287109375],
+ [-87.448291015625, 30.394140625],
+ [-87.622265625, 30.26474609375],
+ [-88.00595703125, 30.230908203125],
+ [-87.790283203125, 30.291796875],
+ [-88.011328125, 30.694189453125],
+ [-88.13544921875, 30.3666015625],
+ [-88.905224609375, 30.41513671875],
+ [-89.320556640625, 30.3453125],
+ [-89.5884765625, 30.165966796875],
+ [-90.1259765625, 30.369091796875],
+ [-90.3319824218749, 30.2775878906251],
+ [-90.413037109375, 30.14033203125],
+ [-90.175341796875, 30.0291015625],
+ [-89.737451171875, 30.17197265625],
+ [-89.6650390624999, 30.117041015625],
+ [-89.815185546875, 30.007275390625],
+ [-89.631689453125, 29.90380859375],
+ [-89.400732421875, 30.0460449218751],
+ [-89.354443359375, 29.8202148437501],
+ [-89.7208984375, 29.619287109375],
+ [-89.01572265625, 29.2028808593751],
+ [-89.155517578125, 29.0166015625],
+ [-89.2360839843749, 29.081103515625],
+ [-89.376123046875, 28.98134765625],
+ [-89.4431640625, 29.194140625],
+ [-90.15908203125, 29.537158203125],
+ [-90.052783203125, 29.33681640625],
+ [-90.21279296875, 29.104931640625],
+ [-90.37919921875, 29.2951171875],
+ [-90.751025390625, 29.130859375],
+ [-91.29013671875, 29.28896484375],
+ [-91.1507812499999, 29.317919921875],
+ [-91.2488281249999, 29.564208984375],
+ [-91.514208984375, 29.55537109375],
+ [-91.8931640625, 29.83603515625],
+ [-92.135498046875, 29.6994628906251],
+ [-92.084033203125, 29.592822265625],
+ [-92.26083984375, 29.5568359375],
+ [-93.17568359375, 29.778955078125],
+ [-93.82646484375, 29.725146484375],
+ [-93.841455078125, 29.979736328125],
+ [-93.890478515625, 29.68935546875],
+ [-94.759619140625, 29.3842773437501],
+ [-94.52626953125, 29.54794921875],
+ [-94.778271484375, 29.5478515625],
+ [-94.741943359375, 29.75],
+ [-95.0228515625, 29.70234375],
+ [-94.88828125, 29.370556640625],
+ [-95.273486328125, 28.9638671875],
+ [-96.234521484375, 28.48896484375],
+ [-96.01103515625, 28.63193359375],
+ [-96.44873046875, 28.594482421875],
+ [-96.6400390624999, 28.7087890625],
+ [-96.4210937499999, 28.45732421875],
+ [-96.6763671875, 28.34130859375],
+ [-96.77353515625, 28.4216308593751],
+ [-96.839501953125, 28.194384765625],
+ [-97.156494140625, 28.1443359375],
+ [-97.141259765625, 28.0607421875],
+ [-97.034326171875, 28.0938476562501],
+ [-97.073095703125, 27.986083984375],
+ [-97.431494140625, 27.83720703125],
+ [-97.2887207031249, 27.67060546875],
+ [-97.439111328125, 27.328271484375],
+ [-97.76845703125, 27.45751953125],
+ [-97.6923828125, 27.287158203125],
+ [-97.485107421875, 27.23740234375],
+ [-97.5546874999999, 26.967333984375],
+ [-97.43505859375, 26.48583984375],
+ [-97.1462402343749, 25.961474609375],
+ [-97.375634765625, 25.871826171875],
+ [-99.107763671875, 26.446923828125],
+ [-99.45654296875, 27.056689453125],
+ [-99.505322265625, 27.54833984375],
+ [-100.296044921875, 28.327685546875],
+ [-100.75458984375, 29.18251953125],
+ [-101.440380859375, 29.77685546875],
+ [-102.2689453125, 29.87119140625],
+ [-102.61494140625, 29.75234375],
+ [-102.8919921875, 29.21640625],
+ [-103.168310546875, 28.998193359375],
+ [-104.110595703125, 29.3861328125],
+ [-104.50400390625, 29.677685546875],
+ [-104.97880859375, 30.645947265625],
+ [-106.148046875, 31.450927734375],
+ [-106.44541015625, 31.768408203125],
+ [-108.21181640625, 31.779345703125],
+ [-108.214453125, 31.329443359375],
+ [-111.0419921875, 31.32421875],
+ [-114.8359375, 32.50830078125],
+ [-114.724755859375, 32.71533203125],
+ [-117.128271484375, 32.533349609375],
+ [-117.467431640625, 33.2955078125],
+ [-118.080517578125, 33.72216796875],
+ [-118.41044921875, 33.7439453125],
+ [-118.506201171875, 34.0173828125],
+ [-119.14375, 34.11201171875],
+ [-119.6060546875, 34.418017578125],
+ [-120.481201171875, 34.471630859375],
+ [-120.644677734375, 34.57998046875],
+ [-120.65908203125, 35.122412109375],
+ [-120.857373046875, 35.20966796875],
+ [-120.899609375, 35.42509765625],
+ [-121.283837890625, 35.676318359375],
+ [-121.877392578125, 36.3310546875],
+ [-121.807421875, 36.851220703125],
+ [-122.394921875, 37.20751953125],
+ [-122.49921875, 37.542626953125],
+ [-122.44560546875, 37.797998046875],
+ [-122.0705078125, 37.478271484375],
+ [-122.38544921875, 37.960595703125],
+ [-122.3142578125, 38.00732421875],
+ [-121.525341796875, 38.055908203125],
+ [-122.393359375, 38.14482421875],
+ [-122.521337890625, 37.826416015625],
+ [-122.931982421875, 38.05546875],
+ [-122.998779296875, 37.988623046875],
+ [-122.908154296875, 38.19658203125],
+ [-123.701123046875, 38.907275390625],
+ [-123.83291015625, 39.77548828125],
+ [-124.35654296875, 40.37109375],
+ [-124.071923828125, 41.459521484375],
+ [-124.5396484375, 42.812890625],
+ [-124.14873046875, 43.691748046875],
+ [-123.929345703125, 45.576953125],
+ [-123.989306640625, 46.219384765625],
+ [-123.22060546875, 46.15361328125],
+ [-123.46484375, 46.27109375],
+ [-124.07275390625, 46.279443359375],
+ [-124.0443359375, 46.605078125],
+ [-123.946142578125, 46.432568359375],
+ [-123.88916015625, 46.660009765625],
+ [-124.112548828125, 46.8626953125],
+ [-123.84287109375, 46.96318359375],
+ [-124.11171875, 47.035205078125],
+ [-124.1392578125, 46.9546875],
+ [-124.376025390625, 47.658642578125],
+ [-124.6630859375, 47.97412109375],
+ [-124.7099609375, 48.38037109375],
+ [-123.97578125, 48.16845703125],
+ [-122.973876953125, 48.073291015625],
+ [-122.77861328125, 48.13759765625],
+ [-122.656640625, 47.88115234375],
+ [-122.77841796875, 47.738427734375],
+ [-122.82138671875, 47.7931640625],
+ [-123.1390625, 47.386083984375],
+ [-122.92216796875, 47.407666015625],
+ [-123.066796875, 47.3996582031251],
+ [-123.0486328125, 47.479345703125],
+ [-122.5328125, 47.9197265625],
+ [-122.67548828125, 47.612353515625],
+ [-122.577880859375, 47.2931640625],
+ [-122.7677734375, 47.2183593750001],
+ [-122.828466796875, 47.336572265625],
+ [-123.027587890625, 47.138916015625],
+ [-122.701953125, 47.110888671875],
+ [-122.35380859375, 47.37158203125],
+ [-122.401806640625, 47.78427734375],
+ [-122.2419921875, 48.0107421875],
+ [-122.5169921875, 48.15966796875],
+ [-122.408544921875, 48.293896484375],
+ [-122.668994140625, 48.465234375],
+ [-122.49677734375, 48.50556640625],
+ [-122.512744140625, 48.66943359375],
+ [-122.56201171875, 48.777978515625],
+ [-122.6859375, 48.794287109375],
+ [-122.7224609375, 48.85302734375],
+ [-122.78876953125, 48.993017578125],
+ [-121.4072265625, 48.993017578125],
+ [-119.701708984375, 48.993017578125],
+ [-119.275341796875, 48.9930664062501],
+ [-118.84892578125, 48.9930664062501],
+ [-117.99619140625, 48.9930664062501],
+ [-116.717041015625, 48.9930664062501],
+ [-110.74765625, 48.9930664062501],
+ [-104.7783203125, 48.993115234375],
+ [-98.808984375, 48.9931640625],
+ [-97.5298339843749, 48.9931640625],
+ [-96.6770507812499, 48.9931640625],
+ [-96.2506835937499, 48.9931640625],
+ [-95.3979003906249, 48.9931640625],
+ [-95.1620605468749, 48.991748046875],
+ [-95.1552734375, 49.369677734375],
+ [-94.854345703125, 49.30458984375],
+ [-94.8604003906249, 49.25859375],
+ [-94.803466796875, 49.0029296875]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-176.28671875, 51.7919921875001],
+ [-176.349658203125, 51.73330078125],
+ [-176.413720703125, 51.840576171875],
+ [-176.28671875, 51.7919921875001]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-177.879052734375, 51.64970703125],
+ [-178.05888671875, 51.672607421875],
+ [-177.986376953125, 51.7642578125],
+ [-178.16826171875, 51.90302734375],
+ [-177.644482421875, 51.82626953125],
+ [-177.879052734375, 51.64970703125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-177.148193359375, 51.716748046875],
+ [-177.67021484375, 51.70107421875],
+ [-177.11005859375, 51.928759765625],
+ [-177.148193359375, 51.716748046875]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-176.593310546875, 51.86669921875],
+ [-176.45234375, 51.735693359375],
+ [-176.96162109375, 51.6036621093751],
+ [-176.69833984375, 51.98603515625],
+ [-176.593310546875, 51.86669921875]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [179.727734375, 51.905419921875],
+ [179.50390625, 51.97958984375],
+ [179.6271484375, 52.030419921875],
+ [179.727734375, 51.905419921875]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [177.4154296875, 51.8828125],
+ [177.25029296875, 51.9029296875],
+ [177.66962890625, 52.10302734375],
+ [177.4154296875, 51.8828125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-173.5533203125, 52.136279296875],
+ [-173.022900390625, 52.079150390625],
+ [-173.835791015625, 52.048193359375],
+ [-173.99248046875, 52.12333984375],
+ [-173.5533203125, 52.136279296875]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-172.464794921875, 52.272265625],
+ [-172.61982421875, 52.2728515625001],
+ [-172.47041015625, 52.3880371093751],
+ [-172.313623046875, 52.3295898437501],
+ [-172.464794921875, 52.272265625]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-174.677392578125, 52.035009765625],
+ [-175.295556640625, 52.02216796875],
+ [-174.30615234375, 52.216162109375],
+ [-174.435546875, 52.317236328125],
+ [-174.168896484375, 52.420166015625],
+ [-174.04560546875, 52.367236328125],
+ [-174.120654296875, 52.135205078125],
+ [-174.677392578125, 52.035009765625]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [173.72275390625, 52.3595703125],
+ [173.40234375, 52.40478515625],
+ [173.77607421875, 52.4951171875],
+ [173.72275390625, 52.3595703125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [172.81181640625, 53.01298828125],
+ [173.43603515625, 52.85205078125],
+ [172.93515625, 52.752099609375],
+ [172.49482421875, 52.937890625],
+ [172.81181640625, 53.01298828125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-167.96435546875, 53.3451171875],
+ [-169.088916015625, 52.83203125],
+ [-168.68984375, 53.22724609375],
+ [-168.380419921875, 53.2834472656251],
+ [-168.2876953125, 53.500146484375],
+ [-167.828076171875, 53.5079589843751],
+ [-167.96435546875, 53.3451171875]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-166.61533203125, 53.900927734375],
+ [-166.372314453125, 53.998974609375],
+ [-166.230859375, 53.9326171875001],
+ [-166.54560546875, 53.72646484375],
+ [-166.354541015625, 53.67353515625],
+ [-166.8509765625, 53.452880859375],
+ [-167.780859375, 53.300244140625],
+ [-167.136083984375, 53.52646484375],
+ [-167.01572265625, 53.698388671875],
+ [-166.808984375, 53.6461425781251],
+ [-166.741259765625, 53.712939453125],
+ [-167.105615234375, 53.81337890625],
+ [-167.0380859375, 53.9421875],
+ [-166.673291015625, 54.00595703125],
+ [-166.61533203125, 53.900927734375]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-165.841552734375, 54.070654296875],
+ [-166.056640625, 54.054345703125],
+ [-166.087744140625, 54.169140625],
+ [-165.89287109375, 54.206982421875],
+ [-165.69287109375, 54.09990234375],
+ [-165.841552734375, 54.070654296875]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-165.5611328125, 54.13671875],
+ [-165.550634765625, 54.284521484375],
+ [-165.407861328125, 54.196826171875],
+ [-165.5611328125, 54.13671875]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-162.29814453125, 54.847021484375],
+ [-162.43388671875, 54.93154296875],
+ [-162.264599609375, 54.98349609375],
+ [-162.29814453125, 54.847021484375]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-163.476025390625, 54.980712890625],
+ [-163.378955078125, 54.81552734375],
+ [-163.083251953125, 54.668994140625],
+ [-163.35810546875, 54.7356933593751],
+ [-164.8234375, 54.4190917968751],
+ [-164.887646484375, 54.6078125],
+ [-164.47861328125, 54.9068359375],
+ [-163.80712890625, 55.049072265625],
+ [-163.476025390625, 54.980712890625]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-159.51513671875, 55.15185546875],
+ [-159.617724609375, 55.05732421875],
+ [-159.545068359375, 55.2259765625],
+ [-159.51513671875, 55.15185546875]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-131.33974609375, 55.079833984375],
+ [-131.329541015625, 54.887744140625],
+ [-131.592236328125, 55.02568359375],
+ [-131.5654296875, 55.264111328125],
+ [-131.33974609375, 55.079833984375]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-159.872998046875, 55.128759765625],
+ [-160.22705078125, 54.9227050781251],
+ [-160.1720703125, 55.123046875],
+ [-159.887353515625, 55.272998046875],
+ [-159.872998046875, 55.128759765625]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-132.862255859375, 54.89443359375],
+ [-132.617236328125, 54.892431640625],
+ [-132.705810546875, 54.6841796875],
+ [-133.429052734375, 55.30380859375],
+ [-133.097412109375, 55.213720703125],
+ [-132.862255859375, 54.89443359375]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-160.329296875, 55.3376953125],
+ [-160.343310546875, 55.2587890625001],
+ [-160.51748046875, 55.3338378906251],
+ [-160.329296875, 55.3376953125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-160.684912109375, 55.314794921875],
+ [-160.552783203125, 55.38076171875],
+ [-160.487548828125, 55.18486328125],
+ [-160.795068359375, 55.14521484375],
+ [-160.72392578125, 55.404638671875],
+ [-160.684912109375, 55.314794921875]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-133.305078125, 55.54375],
+ [-133.6501953125, 55.2692871093751],
+ [-133.737109375, 55.496923828125],
+ [-133.305078125, 55.54375]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-155.566015625, 55.8211914062501],
+ [-155.737353515625, 55.82978515625],
+ [-155.5939453125, 55.92431640625],
+ [-155.566015625, 55.8211914062501]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-130.979150390625, 55.48916015625],
+ [-131.187890625, 55.206298828125],
+ [-131.44755859375, 55.4087890625001],
+ [-131.7625, 55.1658203125],
+ [-131.84609375, 55.416259765625],
+ [-131.624951171875, 55.831689453125],
+ [-131.26923828125, 55.95537109375],
+ [-130.997802734375, 55.72763671875],
+ [-130.979150390625, 55.48916015625]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-133.56611328125, 56.339208984375],
+ [-133.202978515625, 56.31982421875],
+ [-133.096630859375, 56.0900390625],
+ [-132.597607421875, 55.89501953125],
+ [-132.172705078125, 55.480615234375],
+ [-132.511279296875, 55.5939453125],
+ [-132.631298828125, 55.473193359375],
+ [-132.41787109375, 55.4829101562501],
+ [-132.206689453125, 55.2244140625],
+ [-131.976416015625, 55.20859375],
+ [-132.06474609375, 54.713134765625],
+ [-133.1185546875, 55.32763671875],
+ [-132.95888671875, 55.395556640625],
+ [-133.0333984375, 55.589697265625],
+ [-133.68017578125, 55.78515625],
+ [-133.24150390625, 55.92080078125],
+ [-133.371240234375, 56.035888671875],
+ [-133.742529296875, 55.96484375],
+ [-133.530859375, 56.145654296875],
+ [-133.56611328125, 56.339208984375]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-132.7798828125, 56.247265625],
+ [-133.035009765625, 56.3409179687501],
+ [-132.90205078125, 56.4537597656251],
+ [-132.6291015625, 56.4119140625],
+ [-132.7798828125, 56.247265625]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-132.112353515625, 56.109375],
+ [-132.132958984375, 55.9432617187501],
+ [-132.2873046875, 55.92939453125],
+ [-132.659912109375, 56.078173828125],
+ [-132.379833984375, 56.498779296875],
+ [-132.06689453125, 56.24423828125],
+ [-132.112353515625, 56.109375]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-154.208642578125, 56.514892578125],
+ [-154.322216796875, 56.57060546875],
+ [-154.110400390625, 56.6029296875],
+ [-154.208642578125, 56.514892578125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-169.755224609375, 56.63505859375],
+ [-169.47431640625, 56.59404296875],
+ [-169.6326171875, 56.545703125],
+ [-169.755224609375, 56.63505859375]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-132.746875, 56.52568359375],
+ [-132.948046875, 56.567236328125],
+ [-132.842529296875, 56.7947753906251],
+ [-132.56796875, 56.5758300781251],
+ [-132.746875, 56.52568359375]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-133.989599609375, 56.844970703125],
+ [-133.73837890625, 56.650439453125],
+ [-133.94970703125, 56.127734375],
+ [-134.189599609375, 56.076953125],
+ [-134.084375, 56.45634765625],
+ [-134.373681640625, 56.838671875],
+ [-134.14326171875, 56.93232421875],
+ [-133.989599609375, 56.844970703125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-133.3662109375, 57.003515625],
+ [-132.996240234375, 56.930419921875],
+ [-132.9591796875, 56.67705078125],
+ [-133.034912109375, 56.6207519531251],
+ [-133.328955078125, 56.830078125],
+ [-133.158154296875, 56.495166015625],
+ [-133.4841796875, 56.4517578125],
+ [-133.979443359375, 57.0095703125],
+ [-133.3662109375, 57.003515625]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-153.007080078125, 57.124853515625],
+ [-153.374609375, 57.0519042968751],
+ [-153.285205078125, 57.18505859375],
+ [-152.9083984375, 57.15244140625],
+ [-153.007080078125, 57.124853515625]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-134.969775390625, 57.351416015625],
+ [-134.620703125, 56.718310546875],
+ [-134.681884765625, 56.216162109375],
+ [-134.98056640625, 56.5189453125],
+ [-134.883447265625, 56.679052734375],
+ [-135.330615234375, 56.821875],
+ [-135.199609375, 57.02734375],
+ [-135.454931640625, 57.2494140625001],
+ [-135.8123046875, 57.009521484375],
+ [-135.82275390625, 57.280419921875],
+ [-135.448681640625, 57.534375],
+ [-134.969775390625, 57.351416015625]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-152.898046875, 57.82392578125],
+ [-152.428759765625, 57.82568359375],
+ [-152.4826171875, 57.7033203125],
+ [-152.2162109375, 57.577001953125],
+ [-152.41220703125, 57.45478515625],
+ [-152.940771484375, 57.498095703125],
+ [-152.679052734375, 57.3451171875],
+ [-153.274365234375, 57.2263671875],
+ [-153.732568359375, 57.05234375],
+ [-153.643310546875, 56.9607421875],
+ [-154.02734375, 56.777978515625],
+ [-153.793212890625, 56.989501953125],
+ [-154.24375, 57.143017578125],
+ [-154.33896484375, 56.9208984375],
+ [-154.673193359375, 57.44609375],
+ [-154.116162109375, 57.651220703125],
+ [-153.6876953125, 57.305126953125],
+ [-153.841552734375, 57.862841796875],
+ [-153.487939453125, 57.73095703125],
+ [-153.21748046875, 57.7957519531251],
+ [-153.16044921875, 57.97197265625],
+ [-152.850390625, 57.89677734375],
+ [-152.898046875, 57.82392578125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-135.73037109375, 58.24423828125],
+ [-135.613232421875, 57.9918457031251],
+ [-135.346630859375, 58.12412109375],
+ [-134.9546875, 58.01533203125],
+ [-134.970654296875, 57.817236328125],
+ [-135.3384765625, 57.76865234375],
+ [-134.978857421875, 57.724365234375],
+ [-134.931494140625, 57.48115234375],
+ [-135.564208984375, 57.66640625],
+ [-135.691943359375, 57.4199218750001],
+ [-135.910791015625, 57.44658203125],
+ [-136.568603515625, 57.97216796875],
+ [-136.32197265625, 58.218896484375],
+ [-136.14375, 58.098486328125],
+ [-136.094384765625, 58.19814453125],
+ [-135.73037109375, 58.24423828125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-134.6802734375, 58.161669921875],
+ [-134.240087890625, 58.143994140625],
+ [-133.82275390625, 57.628662109375],
+ [-134.292333984375, 58.0447265625001],
+ [-133.9111328125, 57.3525390625],
+ [-134.516015625, 57.042578125],
+ [-134.486767578125, 57.48203125],
+ [-134.923486328125, 58.354638671875],
+ [-134.6802734375, 58.161669921875]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-152.416943359375, 58.360205078125],
+ [-151.974365234375, 58.30986328125],
+ [-152.068896484375, 58.1779296875],
+ [-152.268359375, 58.2517089843751],
+ [-152.309228515625, 58.13388671875],
+ [-152.5982421875, 58.16259765625],
+ [-152.92841796875, 57.993701171875],
+ [-153.38134765625, 58.08720703125],
+ [-152.976123046875, 58.2970214843751],
+ [-152.771875, 58.278564453125],
+ [-152.84111328125, 58.41640625],
+ [-152.416943359375, 58.360205078125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-152.486083984375, 58.485009765625],
+ [-152.63662109375, 58.54169921875],
+ [-152.3955078125, 58.619384765625],
+ [-152.486083984375, 58.485009765625]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-160.918994140625, 58.577099609375],
+ [-161.131494140625, 58.668212890625],
+ [-160.71513671875, 58.79521484375],
+ [-160.918994140625, 58.577099609375]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-148.02177734375, 60.0653320312501],
+ [-148.271875, 60.053271484375],
+ [-148.07958984375, 60.15166015625],
+ [-148.02177734375, 60.0653320312501]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-147.735888671875, 59.813232421875],
+ [-147.76806640625, 59.94375],
+ [-147.180859375, 60.358251953125],
+ [-147.019873046875, 60.3322265625],
+ [-147.735888671875, 59.813232421875]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-166.13544921875, 60.383544921875],
+ [-165.7296875, 60.314208984375],
+ [-165.591796875, 59.913134765625],
+ [-166.14873046875, 59.764111328125],
+ [-167.1388671875, 60.008544921875],
+ [-167.43642578125, 60.2066406250001],
+ [-166.836328125, 60.2169921875],
+ [-166.47568359375, 60.382763671875],
+ [-166.13544921875, 60.383544921875]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-146.3939453125, 60.449658203125],
+ [-146.10224609375, 60.411181640625],
+ [-146.618310546875, 60.273681640625],
+ [-146.7025390625, 60.408544921875],
+ [-146.3939453125, 60.449658203125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-147.658251953125, 60.45048828125],
+ [-147.787841796875, 60.1779296875],
+ [-147.891455078125, 60.2994140625],
+ [-147.658251953125, 60.45048828125]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-172.742236328125, 60.457373046875],
+ [-172.232080078125, 60.2991210937501],
+ [-172.6357421875, 60.328857421875],
+ [-173.04765625, 60.568310546875],
+ [-172.742236328125, 60.457373046875]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-171.463037109375, 63.6400390625],
+ [-171.03486328125, 63.585498046875],
+ [-170.299365234375, 63.680615234375],
+ [-169.554541015625, 63.373486328125],
+ [-168.716015625, 63.310595703125],
+ [-168.761328125, 63.21376953125],
+ [-169.364697265625, 63.1711425781251],
+ [-169.6763671875, 62.956103515625],
+ [-169.818603515625, 63.12236328125],
+ [-170.848388671875, 63.444384765625],
+ [-171.6318359375, 63.351220703125],
+ [-171.74638671875, 63.703076171875],
+ [-171.463037109375, 63.6400390625]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ [-141.0021484375, 68.7741699218751],
+ [-141.0021484375, 67.89755859375],
+ [-141.0021484375, 66.4365234375001],
+ [-141.0021484375, 65.559912109375],
+ [-141.0021484375, 64.0988769531251],
+ [-141.0021484375, 63.222265625],
+ [-141.0021484375, 61.761279296875],
+ [-141.0021484375, 60.88466796875],
+ [-141.0021484375, 60.300244140625],
+ [-140.762744140625, 60.259130859375],
+ [-140.525439453125, 60.218359375],
+ [-140.45283203125, 60.29970703125],
+ [-139.973291015625, 60.1831542968751],
+ [-139.676318359375, 60.3283203125],
+ [-139.234765625, 60.33974609375],
+ [-139.079248046875, 60.343701171875],
+ [-139.079248046875, 60.279443359375],
+ [-139.136962890625, 60.172705078125],
+ [-139.18515625, 60.08359375],
+ [-138.86875, 59.945751953125],
+ [-138.317626953125, 59.6111328125001],
+ [-137.593310546875, 59.22626953125],
+ [-137.5208984375, 58.915380859375],
+ [-137.43857421875, 58.903125],
+ [-137.2775390625, 58.98818359375],
+ [-137.126220703125, 59.040966796875],
+ [-136.81328125, 59.150048828125],
+ [-136.578759765625, 59.15224609375],
+ [-136.466357421875, 59.45908203125],
+ [-136.277978515625, 59.4803222656251],
+ [-136.321826171875, 59.604833984375],
+ [-135.702587890625, 59.7287597656251],
+ [-135.36787109375, 59.743310546875],
+ [-135.051025390625, 59.578662109375],
+ [-134.94375, 59.28828125],
+ [-134.67724609375, 59.199267578125],
+ [-134.39306640625, 59.0091796875],
+ [-134.329638671875, 58.9396972656251],
+ [-134.218505859375, 58.84990234375],
+ [-133.54638671875, 58.503466796875],
+ [-133.27529296875, 58.2228515625],
+ [-133.001416015625, 57.948974609375],
+ [-132.55048828125, 57.49990234375],
+ [-132.44248046875, 57.40673828125],
+ [-132.30166015625, 57.276318359375],
+ [-132.232177734375, 57.19853515625],
+ [-132.27939453125, 57.145361328125],
+ [-132.33798828125, 57.0794433593751],
+ [-132.15703125, 57.048193359375],
+ [-132.03154296875, 57.0265625],
+ [-132.062890625, 56.953369140625],
+ [-132.104296875, 56.856787109375],
+ [-131.866162109375, 56.792822265625],
+ [-131.824267578125, 56.589990234375],
+ [-131.471875, 56.5567382812501],
+ [-130.649072265625, 56.263671875],
+ [-130.477099609375, 56.23056640625],
+ [-130.413134765625, 56.122509765625],
+ [-130.0978515625, 56.10927734375],
+ [-130.0140625, 55.950537109375],
+ [-130.2140625, 55.02587890625],
+ [-130.575341796875, 54.769677734375],
+ [-130.849609375, 54.8076171875001],
+ [-131.0478515625, 55.157666015625],
+ [-130.748193359375, 55.318017578125],
+ [-131.127685546875, 55.96015625],
+ [-131.032763671875, 56.0880859375],
+ [-131.7841796875, 55.8765625],
+ [-131.9833984375, 55.535009765625],
+ [-132.155419921875, 55.599560546875],
+ [-132.20751953125, 55.75341796875],
+ [-131.84384765625, 56.160107421875],
+ [-131.5513671875, 56.206787109375],
+ [-131.887890625, 56.241650390625],
+ [-132.18203125, 56.4206542968751],
+ [-132.824609375, 57.0558105468751],
+ [-133.465869140625, 57.17216796875],
+ [-133.64873046875, 57.64228515625],
+ [-133.117041015625, 57.5662109375],
+ [-133.535205078125, 57.832958984375],
+ [-133.1943359375, 57.8776855468751],
+ [-133.559375, 57.924462890625],
+ [-133.722314453125, 57.84423828125],
+ [-134.031103515625, 58.07216796875],
+ [-133.8767578125, 58.5181640625],
+ [-134.208837890625, 58.232958984375],
+ [-134.776123046875, 58.453857421875],
+ [-135.363671875, 59.41943359375],
+ [-135.50234375, 59.202294921875],
+ [-135.090234375, 58.245849609375],
+ [-135.57177734375, 58.412060546875],
+ [-135.89755859375, 58.4001953125],
+ [-136.043115234375, 58.821630859375],
+ [-135.8263671875, 58.89794921875],
+ [-136.0166015625, 58.873974609375],
+ [-136.150048828125, 59.048095703125],
+ [-136.225830078125, 58.765478515625],
+ [-136.989013671875, 59.03447265625],
+ [-137.059033203125, 58.87373046875],
+ [-136.613916015625, 58.80927734375],
+ [-136.483740234375, 58.61767578125],
+ [-136.224609375, 58.60224609375],
+ [-136.061474609375, 58.4527343750001],
+ [-136.607421875, 58.243994140625],
+ [-137.543994140625, 58.581201171875],
+ [-138.514892578125, 59.1659179687501],
+ [-139.773291015625, 59.527294921875],
+ [-139.513037109375, 59.698095703125],
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Learn how to configure a non-root public URL by running `npm run build`.
Scroll – Native zkEVM Layer 2 for Ethereum
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Binary files /dev/null and b/public/videos/home-header-bg-264.mp4 differ
diff --git a/public/videos/home-header-bg.mp4 b/public/videos/home-header-bg.mp4
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..112530740
Binary files /dev/null and b/public/videos/home-header-bg.mp4 differ
diff --git a/scripts/download-blog-posts.data.json.js b/scripts/download-blog-posts.data.json.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..747aa07d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/download-blog-posts.data.json.js
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+const fs = require("fs")
+const fetch = require("node-fetch")
+const isMainnet = process.env.REACT_APP_SCROLL_ENVIRONMENT === "Mainnet"
+const POSTS_URL = `https://blog.scroll.cat/api/posts/${isMainnet ? "published" : "preview"}/data.json`
+async function fetchPosts() {
+ await fetch(POSTS_URL, { headers: { origin: "https://scroll.io" } })
+ .then(res => res.json())
+ .then(json => fs.writeFileSync("./src/pages/blog/data.json", JSON.stringify(json, null, 2)))
diff --git a/scripts/generate_sitemap.js b/scripts/generate_sitemap.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..edf992b22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/generate_sitemap.js
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+const fs = require("fs")
+const { SitemapStream, streamToPromise } = require("sitemap")
+const { Readable } = require("stream")
+const links = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("sitemap.json", "utf8"))
+// Create a stream to write to
+const stream = new SitemapStream({ hostname: "https://scroll.io" })
+// Return a promise that resolves with your XML string
+ .then(data => fs.writeFileSync("../public/sitemap.xml", data))
+ .catch(error => console.error("Error generating sitemap:", error))
diff --git a/scripts/sitemap.json b/scripts/sitemap.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5c99cd8e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/sitemap.json
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ { "url": "https://scroll.io", "changefreq": "daily", "priority": 0.8 },
+ { "url": "https://scroll.io/bridge", "changefreq": "weekly", "priority": 0.7 },
+ { "url": "https://scroll.io/ecosystem", "changefreq": "weekly", "priority": 0.7 },
+ { "url": "https://scroll.io/brand-kit", "changefreq": "weekly", "priority": 0.7 },
+ { "url": "https://scroll.io/portal", "changefreq": "weekly", "priority": 0.7 },
+ { "url": "https://scroll.io/blog", "changefreq": "weekly", "priority": 0.7 },
+ { "url": "https://scroll.io/join-us", "changefreq": "monthly", "priority": 0.6 },
+ { "url": "https://scroll.io/rollupscan", "changefreq": "monthly", "priority": 0.6 },
+ { "url": "https://scroll.io/developer-nft", "changefreq": "monthly", "priority": 0.6 },
+ { "url": "https://scroll.io/developer-nft/mint", "changefreq": "monthly", "priority": 0.6 },
+ { "url": "https://scroll.io/bridge/faq", "changefreq": "monthly", "priority": 0.4 },
+ { "url": "https://scroll.io/terms-of-service", "changefreq": "yearly", "priority": 0.4 },
+ { "url": "https://scroll.io/blog/scaling-security", "changefreq": "monthly", "priority": 0.4 },
+ { "url": "https://scroll.io/blog/designing-scroll-origins", "changefreq": "monthly", "priority": 0.4 },
+ { "url": "https://scroll.io/blog/community-update-november", "changefreq": "monthly", "priority": 0.4 },
+ { "url": "https://scroll.io/blog/data-availability-4844", "changefreq": "monthly", "priority": 0.4 },
+ { "url": "https://scroll.io/blog/community-update-october", "changefreq": "monthly", "priority": 0.4 },
+ { "url": "https://scroll.io/blog/scroll-origins-nft", "changefreq": "monthly", "priority": 0.4 },
+ { "url": "https://scroll.io/blog/scrolls-security-measures", "changefreq": "monthly", "priority": 0.4 },
+ { "url": "https://scroll.io/blog/founder-letter", "changefreq": "monthly", "priority": 0.4 },
+ { "url": "https://scroll.io/blog/scrolls-fresh-coat", "changefreq": "monthly", "priority": 0.4 },
+ { "url": "https://scroll.io/blog/scroll-sepolia", "changefreq": "monthly", "priority": 0.4 },
+ { "url": "https://scroll.io/blog/contribute-to-scroll", "changefreq": "monthly", "priority": 0.4 },
+ { "url": "https://scroll.io/blog/alpha-testnet", "changefreq": "monthly", "priority": 0.4 },
+ { "url": "https://scroll.io/blog/release-note-0109", "changefreq": "monthly", "priority": 0.4 },
+ { "url": "https://scroll.io/blog/proof-generation", "changefreq": "monthly", "priority": 0.4 },
+ { "url": "https://scroll.io/blog/kzg", "changefreq": "monthly", "priority": 0.4 },
+ { "url": "https://scroll.io/blog/upgrading-pre-alpha-testnet", "changefreq": "monthly", "priority": 0.4 },
+ { "url": "https://scroll.io/blog/architecture", "changefreq": "monthly", "priority": 0.4 },
+ { "url": "https://scroll.io/blog/technical-principles", "changefreq": "monthly", "priority": 0.4 },
+ { "url": "https://scroll.io/blog/pre-alpha-testnet", "changefreq": "monthly", "priority": 0.4 },
+ { "url": "https://scroll.io/blog/vision-and-values", "changefreq": "monthly", "priority": 0.4 },
+ { "url": "https://scroll.io/blog/zkevm", "changefreq": "monthly", "priority": 0.4 }
diff --git a/src/Homepage.tsx b/src/Homepage.tsx
index 72d497eb6..4054571bc 100644
--- a/src/Homepage.tsx
+++ b/src/Homepage.tsx
@@ -1,13 +1,23 @@
+import { SnackbarProvider } from "notistack"
+import { useEffect } from "react"
import { Helmet } from "react-helmet-async"
import { Route, Routes } from "react-router-dom"
+import { Box } from "@mui/material"
import Footer from "@/components/Footer"
+import GlobalComponents from "@/components/GlobalComponents"
import Header from "@/components/Header"
+import BridgeContextProvider from "@/contexts/BridgeContextProvider"
+import CanvasContextProvider from "@/contexts/CanvasContextProvider"
import RainbowProvider from "@/contexts/RainbowProvider"
import ScrollToTop from "@/hooks/useScrollToTop"
import NotFound from "@/pages/404"
import { isSepolia, requireEnv } from "@/utils"
+import useCheckTheme from "./components/Header/useCheckTheme"
+import GlobalError from "./components/RequestWarning/GlobalError"
+import GlobalSuccess from "./components/RequestWarning/GlobalSuccess"
import useMatchedRoute from "./hooks/useMatchedRoute"
import routes from "./routes"
@@ -17,26 +27,54 @@ interface RouteItem {
fullPath?: string
element: JSX.Element
description?: string
+ isHiddenFooter?: boolean
const baseUrl = requireEnv("REACT_APP_API_BASE_URI")
function Homepage() {
+ const dark = useCheckTheme()
const route = useMatchedRoute() as RouteItem
+ useEffect(() => {
+ function setVh() {
+ const vh = window.innerHeight * 0.01
+ document.documentElement.style.setProperty("--vh", `${vh}px`)
+ }
+ setVh()
+ window.addEventListener("resize", setVh)
+ return () => {
+ window.removeEventListener("resize", setVh)
+ }
+ }, [])
const getUrl = () => {
return window.location.href
- const getImageUrl = (type = "") => {
+ const getImageUrl = (type = "og") => {
if (window.location.pathname.startsWith("/developer-nft")) {
- return window.location.origin + `/${type || "og"}_scroll_origins_nft.png`
+ return window.location.origin + `/${type}_scroll_origins_nft.png`
} else if (window.location.pathname.startsWith("/brand-kit")) {
return window.location.origin + `/og_scroll_brand.png`
+ } else if (window.location.pathname.startsWith("/sticker-vote")) {
+ return window.location.origin + `/${type}_sticker_vote.png`
+ } else if (window.location.pathname.startsWith("/sticker-winners")) {
+ return window.location.origin + `/${type}_sticker_vote.png`
+ } else if (window.location.pathname.startsWith("/sessions")) {
+ return window.location.origin + `/${type}_scroll_sessions.png`
+ } else if (["/canvas", "/canvas/mint"].includes(window.location.pathname)) {
+ return window.location.origin + `/${type}_canvas.png`
+ } else if (window.location.pathname.startsWith("/canvas-and-badges")) {
+ return window.location.origin + `/${type}_canvas_and_badges.png`
+ } else if (window.location.pathname.startsWith("/community")) {
+ return window.location.origin + `/${type}_community.png`
return window.location.origin + "/og_scroll.png"
return (
Scroll{route ? " – " + route.name : null}
@@ -51,18 +89,25 @@ function Homepage() {
- {routes.map((route, key) => (
- ))}
- } />
- {isSepolia ? null : }
+ {routes.map((route, key) => (
+ ))}
+ } />
+ {isSepolia || route.isHiddenFooter ? null : }
diff --git a/src/apis/canvas-badge.ts b/src/apis/canvas-badge.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..17935d503
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/apis/canvas-badge.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+import { requireEnv } from "@/utils"
+const badgeRegistryBaseURL = requireEnv("REACT_APP_BADGE_REGISTRY_URL")
+const badgeIndexerBaseURL = requireEnv("REACT_APP_BADGE_INDEXER_URL")
+export const fetchBadgesURL = `${badgeRegistryBaseURL}/badges`
+export const fetchBadgeByAddrURL = addr => `${badgeRegistryBaseURL}/badge/${addr}`
+export const retrieveCanvasBadgeURL = `${badgeIndexerBaseURL}/count`
+// Grace Period
+export const fetchWhiteListBadgesURL = `${badgeRegistryBaseURL}/badges?whitelist=1&page_number=1&page_size=100`
diff --git a/src/apis/canvas-profile.ts b/src/apis/canvas-profile.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fb8b97854
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/apis/canvas-profile.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+import { requireEnv } from "@/utils"
+const ensBaseURL = requireEnv("REACT_APP_ENS_API_URL")
+const canvasBaseUrl = requireEnv("REACT_APP_CANVAS_BACKEND_URI")
+export const fetchENSNameURL = addr => `${ensBaseURL}/address/${addr}/name`
+export const claimENSNameURL = addr => `${canvasBaseUrl}/acc/${addr}/ens/claim`
+export const fetchIsNameTakenURL = subdomainName => `${ensBaseURL}/name/${subdomainName}/taken`
+export const fetchUserNFTsURL = (walletAddress, page, pageSize) =>
+ `${canvasBaseUrl}/acc/${walletAddress}/nfts?page_size=${pageSize}&page_number=${page}`
+export const setCanvasAvatarURL = walletAddress => `${canvasBaseUrl}/acc/${walletAddress}/set-avatar`
+export const fetchAvatarURL = walletAddress => `${canvasBaseUrl}/avatar/${walletAddress}.json`
+export const generateNFTURL = walletAddress => `${canvasBaseUrl}/avatar/${walletAddress}.nft`
+export const generateAvatarURL = avatar => `${canvasBaseUrl}/avatar/${avatar}`
diff --git a/src/apis/canvas.ts b/src/apis/canvas.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..58e7f396c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/apis/canvas.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+import { requireEnv } from "@/utils"
+const baseUrl = requireEnv("REACT_APP_CANVAS_BACKEND_URI")
+export const getHeartbeatURL = add => `${baseUrl}/heartbeat/${add}.svg`
+export const getHeartrate = add => `${baseUrl}/heartbeat/${add}`
+export const getSmallHeartbeatURL = add => `${baseUrl}/heartbeat/${add}/s.svg`
+export const getImgByCode = code => `${baseUrl}/code/${code}.png`
+export const fetchSignByCode = (code, add) => `${baseUrl}/code/${code}/sig/${add}`
+export const fetchCodeByAdd = add => `${baseUrl}/acc/${add}/code`
+export const checkCodeValidation = code => `${baseUrl}/code/${code}/active`
+export const getInviteUrlByCode = code => `${requireEnv("REACT_APP_FFRONTENDS_URL")}/canvas/invite/${code}`
+export const viewEASScanURL = id => `${requireEnv("REACT_APP_EAS_EXPLORER_URL")}/attestation/view/${id}`
+export const checkBadgeEligibilityURL = (baseUrl, walletAddress, badgeContract) =>
+ `${baseUrl}/check?badge=${badgeContract}&recipient=${walletAddress}`
+export const claimBadgeURL = (baseUrl, walletAddress, badgeContract) => `${baseUrl}/claim?badge=${badgeContract}&recipient=${walletAddress}`
+export const EthereumYearBadgeURL = year => `${requireEnv("REACT_APP_ETHEREUM_YEAR_BADGE_API_URI")}/canvas/year/${year}.webp`
diff --git a/src/apis/community.ts b/src/apis/community.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a84f6b616
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/apis/community.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+export const communityOrigin = "https://community.scroll.cat"
+export const communityEventListUrl = `${communityOrigin}/events`
diff --git a/src/apis/dynamic.ts b/src/apis/dynamic.ts
index 4d381dc3e..1574b8ed2 100644
--- a/src/apis/dynamic.ts
+++ b/src/apis/dynamic.ts
@@ -1 +1 @@
-export const tokenListUrl = "https://scroll-tech.github.io/token-list/scroll.tokenlist.json"
+export const tokenListUrl = "https://assets.scroll.cat/token-list.json"
diff --git a/src/apis/ecosystem.ts b/src/apis/ecosystem.ts
index 919e4be9a..4a77abe7e 100644
--- a/src/apis/ecosystem.ts
+++ b/src/apis/ecosystem.ts
@@ -1,12 +1,17 @@
export const ecosystemOrigin = "https://scroll-eco-list.netlify.app"
export const ecosystemListHashUrl = ecosystemOrigin + "/docs/"
export const ecosystemListLogoUrl = ecosystemOrigin + "/logos/"
-export const ecosystemListUrl = "https://ecosystem-list-api.vercel.app/api/query"
+export const ecosystemListUrl = "https://ecosystem.scroll.cat/api/query"
-export const l2beatOrigin = "https://l2beat.com"
+export const fetchEcosystemMetricsData = "https://assets.scroll.cat/ecosystem/metrics"
+// export const l2beatOrigin = "https://l2beat.com"
// lack of the latest day
-export const ecosystemTVLUrl = l2beatOrigin + "/api/tvl/scroll.json"
-export const ecosystemActivityUrl = l2beatOrigin + "/api/activity/scroll.json"
+// export const ecosystemTVLUrl = l2beatOrigin + "/api/tvl/scroll.json"
+// export const ecosystemActivityUrl = l2beatOrigin + "/api/activity/scroll.json"
+export const fetchEcosystemProtocolLogo = (name, ext) => `${ecosystemListLogoUrl}${name}${ext}`
+export const fetchEcosystemProtocolByNameURL = name => `${ecosystemListUrl}?name=${name}`
// cross origin
// export const l2beatOrigin = "https://api.l2beat.com"
diff --git a/src/apis/ens.ts b/src/apis/ens.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a5643dbb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/apis/ens.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+import { requireEnv } from "@/utils"
+const ensBaseURL = requireEnv("REACT_APP_ENS_API_URL")
+export function getEnsAddressURL(ens: string) {
+ return `${ensBaseURL}/name/${ens}/address`
diff --git a/src/apis/sessions.ts b/src/apis/sessions.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f5b5646c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/apis/sessions.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+import { requireEnv } from "@/utils"
+const baseUrl = requireEnv("REACT_APP_OPEN_BLOCK_URI")
+const venusUrl = requireEnv("REACT_APP_SCROLL_VENUS_URI")
+export const fetchPastWalletPointsUrl = address => `${baseUrl}/scroll/wallet-points?walletAddress=${address}`
+export const fetchCurrentWalletPointsUrl = address => `${baseUrl}/scroll/wallet-points-s2?walletAddress=${address}`
+export const fetchTokensMarksUrl = address => `${baseUrl}/scroll/bridge-balances?walletAddress=${address}`
+export const fetchProjectsMarksUrl = address => `${baseUrl}/scroll/project-marks?walletAddress=${address}`
+export const checkSignStatus = address => `${venusUrl}/v1/signature/address?address=${address}`
+export const updateSignStatus = `${venusUrl}/v1/signature/sign`
diff --git a/src/appGlobals.ts b/src/appGlobals.ts
index 38533d35c..b0fb81985 100644
--- a/src/appGlobals.ts
+++ b/src/appGlobals.ts
@@ -1,4 +1,29 @@
-const scrollRequest = (url: string, options?: object) => {
+const scrollRequest = (url: string, options?: RequestInit & { timeout?: number }) => {
+ if (options?.timeout) {
+ const controller = new AbortController()
+ const { signal } = controller
+ const optionsWithSignal = { ...options, signal }
+ const timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
+ controller.abort()
+ }, options.timeout)
+ return fetch(url, optionsWithSignal)
+ .then(async res => {
+ if (res.ok) {
+ clearTimeout(timeoutId)
+ return res.json()
+ }
+ // server response but not 200
+ const message = await res.text()
+ const error = new Error(message)
+ error.status = res.status
+ clearTimeout(timeoutId)
+ throw error
+ })
+ .then(data => data)
+ }
return fetch(url, options)
.then(async res => {
if (res.ok) {
diff --git a/src/assets/abis/CanvasAttestProxy.json b/src/assets/abis/CanvasAttestProxy.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f010fb256
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/assets/abis/CanvasAttestProxy.json
@@ -0,0 +1,727 @@
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "contract IEAS",
+ "name": "eas",
+ "type": "address"
+ }
+ ],
+ "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
+ "type": "constructor"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [],
+ "name": "AccessDenied",
+ "type": "error"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [],
+ "name": "DeadlineExpired",
+ "type": "error"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [],
+ "name": "InvalidEAS",
+ "type": "error"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [],
+ "name": "InvalidLength",
+ "type": "error"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [],
+ "name": "InvalidShortString",
+ "type": "error"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [],
+ "name": "InvalidSignature",
+ "type": "error"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [],
+ "name": "NotFound",
+ "type": "error"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "string",
+ "name": "str",
+ "type": "string"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "StringTooLong",
+ "type": "error"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [],
+ "name": "UsedSignature",
+ "type": "error"
+ },
+ {
+ "anonymous": false,
+ "inputs": [],
+ "name": "EIP712DomainChanged",
+ "type": "event"
+ },
+ {
+ "anonymous": false,
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "indexed": true,
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "previousOwner",
+ "type": "address"
+ },
+ {
+ "indexed": true,
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "newOwner",
+ "type": "address"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "OwnershipTransferred",
+ "type": "event"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "components": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "bytes32",
+ "name": "schema",
+ "type": "bytes32"
+ },
+ {
+ "components": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "recipient",
+ "type": "address"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "uint64",
+ "name": "expirationTime",
+ "type": "uint64"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "bool",
+ "name": "revocable",
+ "type": "bool"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "bytes32",
+ "name": "refUID",
+ "type": "bytes32"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "bytes",
+ "name": "data",
+ "type": "bytes"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "uint256",
+ "name": "value",
+ "type": "uint256"
+ }
+ ],
+ "internalType": "struct AttestationRequestData",
+ "name": "data",
+ "type": "tuple"
+ }
+ ],
+ "internalType": "struct AttestationRequest",
+ "name": "request",
+ "type": "tuple"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "attest",
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "bytes32",
+ "name": "",
+ "type": "bytes32"
+ }
+ ],
+ "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "components": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "bytes32",
+ "name": "schema",
+ "type": "bytes32"
+ },
+ {
+ "components": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "recipient",
+ "type": "address"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "uint64",
+ "name": "expirationTime",
+ "type": "uint64"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "bool",
+ "name": "revocable",
+ "type": "bool"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "bytes32",
+ "name": "refUID",
+ "type": "bytes32"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "bytes",
+ "name": "data",
+ "type": "bytes"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "uint256",
+ "name": "value",
+ "type": "uint256"
+ }
+ ],
+ "internalType": "struct AttestationRequestData",
+ "name": "data",
+ "type": "tuple"
+ },
+ {
+ "components": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "uint8",
+ "name": "v",
+ "type": "uint8"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "bytes32",
+ "name": "r",
+ "type": "bytes32"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "bytes32",
+ "name": "s",
+ "type": "bytes32"
+ }
+ ],
+ "internalType": "struct Signature",
+ "name": "signature",
+ "type": "tuple"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "attester",
+ "type": "address"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "uint64",
+ "name": "deadline",
+ "type": "uint64"
+ }
+ ],
+ "internalType": "struct DelegatedProxyAttestationRequest",
+ "name": "delegatedRequest",
+ "type": "tuple"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "attestByDelegation",
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "bytes32",
+ "name": "",
+ "type": "bytes32"
+ }
+ ],
+ "stateMutability": "payable",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [],
+ "name": "eip712Domain",
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "bytes1",
+ "name": "fields",
+ "type": "bytes1"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "string",
+ "name": "name",
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "string",
+ "name": "version",
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "uint256",
+ "name": "chainId",
+ "type": "uint256"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "verifyingContract",
+ "type": "address"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "bytes32",
+ "name": "salt",
+ "type": "bytes32"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "uint256[]",
+ "name": "extensions",
+ "type": "uint256[]"
+ }
+ ],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [],
+ "name": "getAttestTypeHash",
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "bytes32",
+ "name": "",
+ "type": "bytes32"
+ }
+ ],
+ "stateMutability": "pure",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "bytes32",
+ "name": "uid",
+ "type": "bytes32"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "getAttester",
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "",
+ "type": "address"
+ }
+ ],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [],
+ "name": "getDomainSeparator",
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "bytes32",
+ "name": "",
+ "type": "bytes32"
+ }
+ ],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [],
+ "name": "getEAS",
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "contract IEAS",
+ "name": "",
+ "type": "address"
+ }
+ ],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [],
+ "name": "getName",
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "string",
+ "name": "",
+ "type": "string"
+ }
+ ],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [],
+ "name": "getRevokeTypeHash",
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "bytes32",
+ "name": "",
+ "type": "bytes32"
+ }
+ ],
+ "stateMutability": "pure",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "",
+ "type": "address"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "isAttester",
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "bool",
+ "name": "",
+ "type": "bool"
+ }
+ ],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "components": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "bytes32",
+ "name": "schema",
+ "type": "bytes32"
+ },
+ {
+ "components": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "recipient",
+ "type": "address"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "uint64",
+ "name": "expirationTime",
+ "type": "uint64"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "bool",
+ "name": "revocable",
+ "type": "bool"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "bytes32",
+ "name": "refUID",
+ "type": "bytes32"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "bytes",
+ "name": "data",
+ "type": "bytes"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "uint256",
+ "name": "value",
+ "type": "uint256"
+ }
+ ],
+ "internalType": "struct AttestationRequestData[]",
+ "name": "data",
+ "type": "tuple[]"
+ },
+ {
+ "components": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "uint8",
+ "name": "v",
+ "type": "uint8"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "bytes32",
+ "name": "r",
+ "type": "bytes32"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "bytes32",
+ "name": "s",
+ "type": "bytes32"
+ }
+ ],
+ "internalType": "struct Signature[]",
+ "name": "signatures",
+ "type": "tuple[]"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "attester",
+ "type": "address"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "uint64",
+ "name": "deadline",
+ "type": "uint64"
+ }
+ ],
+ "internalType": "struct MultiDelegatedProxyAttestationRequest[]",
+ "name": "multiDelegatedRequests",
+ "type": "tuple[]"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "multiAttestByDelegation",
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "bytes32[]",
+ "name": "",
+ "type": "bytes32[]"
+ }
+ ],
+ "stateMutability": "payable",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "components": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "bytes32",
+ "name": "schema",
+ "type": "bytes32"
+ },
+ {
+ "components": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "bytes32",
+ "name": "uid",
+ "type": "bytes32"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "uint256",
+ "name": "value",
+ "type": "uint256"
+ }
+ ],
+ "internalType": "struct RevocationRequestData[]",
+ "name": "data",
+ "type": "tuple[]"
+ },
+ {
+ "components": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "uint8",
+ "name": "v",
+ "type": "uint8"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "bytes32",
+ "name": "r",
+ "type": "bytes32"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "bytes32",
+ "name": "s",
+ "type": "bytes32"
+ }
+ ],
+ "internalType": "struct Signature[]",
+ "name": "signatures",
+ "type": "tuple[]"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "revoker",
+ "type": "address"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "uint64",
+ "name": "deadline",
+ "type": "uint64"
+ }
+ ],
+ "internalType": "struct MultiDelegatedProxyRevocationRequest[]",
+ "name": "multiDelegatedRequests",
+ "type": "tuple[]"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "multiRevokeByDelegation",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "stateMutability": "payable",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [],
+ "name": "owner",
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "",
+ "type": "address"
+ }
+ ],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [],
+ "name": "renounceOwnership",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "components": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "bytes32",
+ "name": "schema",
+ "type": "bytes32"
+ },
+ {
+ "components": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "bytes32",
+ "name": "uid",
+ "type": "bytes32"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "uint256",
+ "name": "value",
+ "type": "uint256"
+ }
+ ],
+ "internalType": "struct RevocationRequestData",
+ "name": "data",
+ "type": "tuple"
+ }
+ ],
+ "internalType": "struct RevocationRequest",
+ "name": "request",
+ "type": "tuple"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "revoke",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "components": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "bytes32",
+ "name": "schema",
+ "type": "bytes32"
+ },
+ {
+ "components": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "bytes32",
+ "name": "uid",
+ "type": "bytes32"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "uint256",
+ "name": "value",
+ "type": "uint256"
+ }
+ ],
+ "internalType": "struct RevocationRequestData",
+ "name": "data",
+ "type": "tuple"
+ },
+ {
+ "components": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "uint8",
+ "name": "v",
+ "type": "uint8"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "bytes32",
+ "name": "r",
+ "type": "bytes32"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "bytes32",
+ "name": "s",
+ "type": "bytes32"
+ }
+ ],
+ "internalType": "struct Signature",
+ "name": "signature",
+ "type": "tuple"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "revoker",
+ "type": "address"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "uint64",
+ "name": "deadline",
+ "type": "uint64"
+ }
+ ],
+ "internalType": "struct DelegatedProxyRevocationRequest",
+ "name": "delegatedRequest",
+ "type": "tuple"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "revokeByDelegation",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "stateMutability": "payable",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "attester",
+ "type": "address"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "bool",
+ "name": "enable",
+ "type": "bool"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "toggleAttester",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "newOwner",
+ "type": "address"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "transferOwnership",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [],
+ "name": "version",
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "string",
+ "name": "",
+ "type": "string"
+ }
+ ],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/assets/abis/CanvasBadge.json b/src/assets/abis/CanvasBadge.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..882aa4a1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/assets/abis/CanvasBadge.json
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "bytes32",
+ "name": "uid",
+ "type": "bytes32"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "badgeTokenURI",
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "string",
+ "name": "",
+ "type": "string"
+ }
+ ],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "user",
+ "type": "address"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "hasBadge",
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "bool",
+ "name": "",
+ "type": "bool"
+ }
+ ],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "constant": true,
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "uid",
+ "type": "bytes32"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "canUpgrade",
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "",
+ "type": "bool"
+ }
+ ],
+ "payable": false,
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "uid",
+ "type": "bytes32"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "upgrade",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "recipient",
+ "type": "address"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "isEligible",
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "",
+ "type": "bool"
+ }
+ ],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [{ "internalType": "bytes32", "name": "uid", "type": "bytes32" }],
+ "name": "getAndValidateBadge",
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "components": [
+ { "internalType": "bytes32", "name": "uid", "type": "bytes32" },
+ { "internalType": "bytes32", "name": "schema", "type": "bytes32" },
+ { "internalType": "uint64", "name": "time", "type": "uint64" },
+ {
+ "internalType": "uint64",
+ "name": "expirationTime",
+ "type": "uint64"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "uint64",
+ "name": "revocationTime",
+ "type": "uint64"
+ },
+ { "internalType": "bytes32", "name": "refUID", "type": "bytes32" },
+ { "internalType": "address", "name": "recipient", "type": "address" },
+ { "internalType": "address", "name": "attester", "type": "address" },
+ { "internalType": "bool", "name": "revocable", "type": "bool" },
+ { "internalType": "bytes", "name": "data", "type": "bytes" }
+ ],
+ "internalType": "struct Attestation",
+ "name": "",
+ "type": "tuple"
+ }
+ ],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [{ "internalType": "bytes32", "name": "uid", "type": "bytes32" }],
+ "name": "getAttestation",
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "components": [
+ { "internalType": "bytes32", "name": "uid", "type": "bytes32" },
+ { "internalType": "bytes32", "name": "schema", "type": "bytes32" },
+ { "internalType": "uint64", "name": "time", "type": "uint64" },
+ {
+ "internalType": "uint64",
+ "name": "expirationTime",
+ "type": "uint64"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "uint64",
+ "name": "revocationTime",
+ "type": "uint64"
+ },
+ { "internalType": "bytes32", "name": "refUID", "type": "bytes32" },
+ { "internalType": "address", "name": "recipient", "type": "address" },
+ { "internalType": "address", "name": "attester", "type": "address" },
+ { "internalType": "bool", "name": "revocable", "type": "bool" },
+ { "internalType": "bytes", "name": "data", "type": "bytes" }
+ ],
+ "internalType": "struct Attestation",
+ "name": "attestation",
+ "type": "tuple"
+ }
+ ],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ }
diff --git a/src/assets/abis/CanvasBadgeResolver.json b/src/assets/abis/CanvasBadgeResolver.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..84f8c1822
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/assets/abis/CanvasBadgeResolver.json
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+ {
+ "constant": true,
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "uint256",
+ "name": "",
+ "type": "uint256"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "selfAttestedBadges",
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "",
+ "type": "address"
+ }
+ ],
+ "payable": false,
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [{ "internalType": "bytes32", "name": "uid", "type": "bytes32" }],
+ "name": "getAndValidateBadge",
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "components": [
+ { "internalType": "bytes32", "name": "uid", "type": "bytes32" },
+ { "internalType": "bytes32", "name": "schema", "type": "bytes32" },
+ { "internalType": "uint64", "name": "time", "type": "uint64" },
+ {
+ "internalType": "uint64",
+ "name": "expirationTime",
+ "type": "uint64"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "uint64",
+ "name": "revocationTime",
+ "type": "uint64"
+ },
+ { "internalType": "bytes32", "name": "refUID", "type": "bytes32" },
+ { "internalType": "address", "name": "recipient", "type": "address" },
+ { "internalType": "address", "name": "attester", "type": "address" },
+ { "internalType": "bool", "name": "revocable", "type": "bool" },
+ { "internalType": "bytes", "name": "data", "type": "bytes" }
+ ],
+ "internalType": "struct Attestation",
+ "name": "",
+ "type": "tuple"
+ }
+ ],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ }
diff --git a/src/assets/abis/CanvasProfile.json b/src/assets/abis/CanvasProfile.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..07cc86c28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/assets/abis/CanvasProfile.json
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+ { "type": "constructor", "inputs": [{ "name": "resolver_", "type": "address", "internalType": "address" }], "stateMutability": "nonpayable" },
+ {
+ "type": "function",
+ "name": "attach",
+ "inputs": [{ "name": "_uids", "type": "bytes32[]", "internalType": "bytes32[]" }],
+ "outputs": [],
+ "stateMutability": "nonpayable"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "function",
+ "name": "autoAttach",
+ "inputs": [{ "name": "_uid", "type": "bytes32", "internalType": "bytes32" }],
+ "outputs": [],
+ "stateMutability": "nonpayable"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "function",
+ "name": "avatar",
+ "inputs": [],
+ "outputs": [
+ { "name": "token", "type": "address", "internalType": "address" },
+ { "name": "tokenId", "type": "uint256", "internalType": "uint256" }
+ ],
+ "stateMutability": "view"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "function",
+ "name": "changeAvatar",
+ "inputs": [
+ { "name": "token", "type": "address", "internalType": "address" },
+ { "name": "tokenId", "type": "uint256", "internalType": "uint256" }
+ ],
+ "outputs": [],
+ "stateMutability": "nonpayable"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "function",
+ "name": "changeUsername",
+ "inputs": [{ "name": "newUsername", "type": "string", "internalType": "string" }],
+ "outputs": [],
+ "stateMutability": "nonpayable"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "function",
+ "name": "detach",
+ "inputs": [{ "name": "_uids", "type": "bytes32[]", "internalType": "bytes32[]" }],
+ "outputs": [],
+ "stateMutability": "nonpayable"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "function",
+ "name": "getAndValidateBadge",
+ "inputs": [{ "name": "uid", "type": "bytes32", "internalType": "bytes32" }],
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "",
+ "type": "tuple",
+ "internalType": "struct Attestation",
+ "components": [
+ { "name": "uid", "type": "bytes32", "internalType": "bytes32" },
+ { "name": "schema", "type": "bytes32", "internalType": "bytes32" },
+ { "name": "time", "type": "uint64", "internalType": "uint64" },
+ { "name": "expirationTime", "type": "uint64", "internalType": "uint64" },
+ { "name": "revocationTime", "type": "uint64", "internalType": "uint64" },
+ { "name": "refUID", "type": "bytes32", "internalType": "bytes32" },
+ { "name": "recipient", "type": "address", "internalType": "address" },
+ { "name": "attester", "type": "address", "internalType": "address" },
+ { "name": "revocable", "type": "bool", "internalType": "bool" },
+ { "name": "data", "type": "bytes", "internalType": "bytes" }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "stateMutability": "view"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "function",
+ "name": "getAttachedBadges",
+ "inputs": [],
+ "outputs": [{ "name": "", "type": "bytes32[]", "internalType": "bytes32[]" }],
+ "stateMutability": "view"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "function",
+ "name": "getAvatar",
+ "inputs": [],
+ "outputs": [{ "name": "", "type": "string", "internalType": "string" }],
+ "stateMutability": "view"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "function",
+ "name": "getBadgeOrder",
+ "inputs": [],
+ "outputs": [{ "name": "", "type": "uint256[]", "internalType": "uint256[]" }],
+ "stateMutability": "view"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "function",
+ "name": "getValidBadges",
+ "inputs": [],
+ "outputs": [{ "name": "", "type": "bytes32[]", "internalType": "bytes32[]" }],
+ "stateMutability": "view"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "function",
+ "name": "initialize",
+ "inputs": [
+ { "name": "owner_", "type": "address", "internalType": "address" },
+ { "name": "username_", "type": "string", "internalType": "string" }
+ ],
+ "outputs": [],
+ "stateMutability": "nonpayable"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "function",
+ "name": "isBadgeValid",
+ "inputs": [{ "name": "uid", "type": "bytes32", "internalType": "bytes32" }],
+ "outputs": [{ "name": "", "type": "bool", "internalType": "bool" }],
+ "stateMutability": "view"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "function",
+ "name": "multicall",
+ "inputs": [{ "name": "data", "type": "bytes[]", "internalType": "bytes[]" }],
+ "outputs": [{ "name": "results", "type": "bytes[]", "internalType": "bytes[]" }],
+ "stateMutability": "nonpayable"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "function",
+ "name": "owner",
+ "inputs": [],
+ "outputs": [{ "name": "", "type": "address", "internalType": "address" }],
+ "stateMutability": "view"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "function",
+ "name": "registry",
+ "inputs": [],
+ "outputs": [{ "name": "", "type": "address", "internalType": "address" }],
+ "stateMutability": "view"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "function",
+ "name": "reorderBadges",
+ "inputs": [{ "name": "_orders", "type": "uint256[]", "internalType": "uint256[]" }],
+ "outputs": [],
+ "stateMutability": "nonpayable"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "function",
+ "name": "resolver",
+ "inputs": [],
+ "outputs": [{ "name": "", "type": "address", "internalType": "address" }],
+ "stateMutability": "view"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "function",
+ "name": "username",
+ "inputs": [],
+ "outputs": [{ "name": "", "type": "string", "internalType": "string" }],
+ "stateMutability": "view"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "event",
+ "name": "Initialized",
+ "inputs": [{ "name": "version", "type": "uint8", "indexed": false, "internalType": "uint8" }],
+ "anonymous": false
+ },
+ { "type": "error", "name": "AttestationOwnerMismatch", "inputs": [{ "name": "uid", "type": "bytes32", "internalType": "bytes32" }] },
+ { "type": "error", "name": "BadgeCountReached", "inputs": [] },
+ { "type": "error", "name": "LengthMismatch", "inputs": [] },
+ {
+ "type": "error",
+ "name": "TokenNotOwnedByUser",
+ "inputs": [
+ { "name": "token", "type": "address", "internalType": "address" },
+ { "name": "tokenId", "type": "uint256", "internalType": "uint256" }
+ ]
+ },
+ { "type": "error", "name": "Unauthorized", "inputs": [] }
diff --git a/src/assets/abis/CanvasProfileRegistry.json b/src/assets/abis/CanvasProfileRegistry.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2d6669626
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/assets/abis/CanvasProfileRegistry.json
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "string",
+ "name": "username",
+ "type": "string"
+ }
+ ],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function",
+ "name": "isUsernameUsed",
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "bool",
+ "name": "",
+ "type": "bool"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "string",
+ "name": "username",
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "bytes",
+ "name": "referral",
+ "type": "bytes"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "mint",
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "",
+ "type": "address"
+ }
+ ],
+ "stateMutability": "payable",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "account",
+ "type": "address"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "getProfile",
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "",
+ "type": "address"
+ }
+ ],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "",
+ "type": "address"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "isProfileMinted",
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "bool",
+ "name": "",
+ "type": "bool"
+ }
+ ],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "",
+ "type": "address"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "referrerData",
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "uint128",
+ "name": "referred",
+ "type": "uint128"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "uint128",
+ "name": "earned",
+ "type": "uint128"
+ }
+ ],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ }
diff --git a/src/assets/abis/L1MessageQueue.json b/src/assets/abis/ERC1155ABI.json
similarity index 56%
rename from src/assets/abis/L1MessageQueue.json
rename to src/assets/abis/ERC1155ABI.json
index 127fc2b59..2582d8202 100644
--- a/src/assets/abis/L1MessageQueue.json
+++ b/src/assets/abis/ERC1155ABI.json
@@ -8,51 +8,25 @@
"anonymous": false,
"inputs": [
- "indexed": false,
- "internalType": "uint256",
- "name": "startIndex",
- "type": "uint256"
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+ "name": "account",
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- "name": "count",
- "type": "uint256"
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+ "type": "address"
"indexed": false,
- "internalType": "uint256",
- "name": "skippedBitmap",
- "type": "uint256"
- }
- ],
- "name": "DequeueTransaction",
- "type": "event"
- },
- {
- "anonymous": false,
- "inputs": [
- {
- "indexed": false,
- "internalType": "uint256",
- "name": "index",
- "type": "uint256"
- }
- ],
- "name": "DropTransaction",
- "type": "event"
- },
- {
- "anonymous": false,
- "inputs": [
- {
- "indexed": false,
- "internalType": "uint8",
- "name": "version",
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+ "name": "approved",
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"type": "event"
@@ -80,79 +54,72 @@
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- },
- {
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+ "type": "address"
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+ "name": "ids",
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- "name": "QueueTransaction",
+ "name": "TransferBatch",
"type": "event"
"anonymous": false,
"inputs": [
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+ "indexed": true,
"internalType": "address",
- "name": "_oldGateway",
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"type": "address"
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"internalType": "address",
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"type": "address"
- }
- ],
- "name": "UpdateEnforcedTxGateway",
- "type": "event"
- },
- {
- "anonymous": false,
- "inputs": [
+ },
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"internalType": "address",
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+ },
+ {
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+ "type": "uint256"
- "name": "UpdateGasOracle",
+ "name": "TransferSingle",
"type": "event"
@@ -160,90 +127,82 @@
"inputs": [
"indexed": false,
- "internalType": "uint256",
- "name": "_oldMaxGasLimit",
- "type": "uint256"
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"type": "uint256"
- "name": "UpdateMaxGasLimit",
+ "name": "URI",
"type": "event"
"inputs": [
"internalType": "address",
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"type": "address"
"internalType": "uint256",
- "name": "_gasLimit",
+ "name": "id",
"type": "uint256"
- },
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "balanceOf",
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- "internalType": "bytes",
- "name": "_data",
- "type": "bytes"
+ "internalType": "uint256",
+ "name": "",
+ "type": "uint256"
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+ "stateMutability": "view",
"type": "function"
"inputs": [
- "internalType": "address",
- "name": "_sender",
- "type": "address"
- },
- {
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- "type": "address"
- },
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- },
+ "internalType": "uint256[]",
+ "name": "ids",
+ "type": "uint256[]"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "balanceOfBatch",
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- "internalType": "bytes",
- "name": "_data",
- "type": "bytes"
+ "internalType": "uint256[]",
+ "name": "",
+ "type": "uint256[]"
- "name": "appendEnforcedTransaction",
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+ "stateMutability": "view",
"type": "function"
"inputs": [
- "internalType": "bytes",
- "name": "_calldata",
- "type": "bytes"
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+ "name": "id",
+ "type": "uint256"
- "name": "calculateIntrinsicGasFee",
+ "name": "exists",
"outputs": [
- "internalType": "uint256",
+ "internalType": "bool",
"name": "",
- "type": "uint256"
+ "type": "bool"
"stateMutability": "view",
@@ -253,94 +212,85 @@
"inputs": [
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+ "name": "account",
"type": "address"
- {
- "internalType": "uint256",
- "name": "_queueIndex",
- "type": "uint256"
- },
- {
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- "name": "_value",
- "type": "uint256"
- },
"internalType": "address",
- "name": "_target",
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"type": "address"
- },
- {
- "internalType": "uint256",
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- "type": "uint256"
- },
- {
- "internalType": "bytes",
- "name": "_data",
- "type": "bytes"
- "name": "computeTransactionHash",
+ "name": "isApprovedForAll",
"outputs": [
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+ "internalType": "bool",
"name": "",
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+ },
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"type": "uint256"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "bytes",
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+ "name": "mint",
"outputs": [],
"stateMutability": "nonpayable",
"type": "function"
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- "name": "enforcedTxGateway",
- "outputs": [
+ "inputs": [
"internalType": "address",
- "name": "",
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"type": "address"
- }
- ],
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- "type": "function"
- },
- {
- "inputs": [
+ },
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- "name": "_gasLimit",
- "type": "uint256"
- }
- ],
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+ "name": "ids",
+ "type": "uint256[]"
+ },
- "internalType": "uint256",
- "name": "",
- "type": "uint256"
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+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "bytes",
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+ "type": "bytes"
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+ "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
"type": "function"
"inputs": [],
- "name": "gasOracle",
+ "name": "owner",
"outputs": [
"internalType": "address",
@@ -352,123 +302,123 @@
"type": "function"
- "inputs": [
- {
- "internalType": "uint256",
- "name": "_queueIndex",
- "type": "uint256"
- }
- ],
- "name": "getCrossDomainMessage",
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- {
- "internalType": "bytes32",
- "name": "",
- "type": "bytes32"
- }
- ],
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+ "inputs": [],
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"type": "function"
"inputs": [
"internalType": "address",
- "name": "_messenger",
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"type": "address"
"internalType": "address",
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- "type": "uint256"
+ "internalType": "bytes",
+ "name": "data",
+ "type": "bytes"
- "name": "initialize",
+ "name": "safeBatchTransferFrom",
"outputs": [],
"stateMutability": "nonpayable",
"type": "function"
- "inputs": [],
- "name": "maxGasLimit",
- "outputs": [
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "from",
+ "type": "address"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "to",
+ "type": "address"
+ },
"internalType": "uint256",
- "name": "",
+ "name": "id",
"type": "uint256"
- }
- ],
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- "type": "function"
- },
- {
- "inputs": [
+ },
"internalType": "uint256",
- "name": "",
+ "name": "amount",
"type": "uint256"
- }
- ],
- "name": "messageQueue",
- "outputs": [
+ },
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- "name": "",
- "type": "bytes32"
+ "internalType": "bytes",
+ "name": "data",
+ "type": "bytes"
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+ "name": "safeTransferFrom",
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"type": "function"
- "inputs": [],
- "name": "messenger",
- "outputs": [
+ "inputs": [
"internalType": "address",
- "name": "",
+ "name": "operator",
"type": "address"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "bool",
+ "name": "approved",
+ "type": "bool"
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+ "name": "setApprovalForAll",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
"type": "function"
- "inputs": [],
- "name": "nextCrossDomainMessageIndex",
- "outputs": [
+ "inputs": [
- "internalType": "uint256",
- "name": "",
- "type": "uint256"
+ "internalType": "string",
+ "name": "newuri",
+ "type": "string"
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+ "name": "setURI",
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+ "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
"type": "function"
- "inputs": [],
- "name": "owner",
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "bytes4",
+ "name": "interfaceId",
+ "type": "bytes4"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "supportsInterface",
"outputs": [
- "internalType": "address",
+ "internalType": "bool",
"name": "",
- "type": "address"
+ "type": "bool"
"stateMutability": "view",
@@ -476,7 +426,7 @@
"inputs": [],
- "name": "pendingQueueIndex",
+ "name": "totalSupply",
"outputs": [
"internalType": "uint256",
@@ -491,40 +441,16 @@
"inputs": [
"internalType": "uint256",
- "name": "_startIndex",
- "type": "uint256"
- },
- {
- "internalType": "uint256",
- "name": "_count",
- "type": "uint256"
- },
- {
- "internalType": "uint256",
- "name": "_skippedBitmap",
+ "name": "id",
"type": "uint256"
- "name": "popCrossDomainMessage",
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- "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
- "type": "function"
- },
- {
- "inputs": [],
- "name": "renounceOwnership",
- "outputs": [],
- "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
- "type": "function"
- },
- {
- "inputs": [],
- "name": "scrollChain",
+ "name": "totalSupply",
"outputs": [
- "internalType": "address",
+ "internalType": "uint256",
"name": "",
- "type": "address"
+ "type": "uint256"
"stateMutability": "view",
@@ -546,40 +472,20 @@
"inputs": [
- "internalType": "address",
- "name": "_newGateway",
- "type": "address"
- }
- ],
- "name": "updateEnforcedTxGateway",
- "outputs": [],
- "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
- "type": "function"
- },
- {
- "inputs": [
- {
- "internalType": "address",
- "name": "_newGasOracle",
- "type": "address"
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+ "name": "",
+ "type": "uint256"
- "name": "updateGasOracle",
- "outputs": [],
- "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
- "type": "function"
- },
- {
- "inputs": [
+ "name": "uri",
+ "outputs": [
- "internalType": "uint256",
- "name": "_newMaxGasLimit",
- "type": "uint256"
+ "internalType": "string",
+ "name": "",
+ "type": "string"
- "name": "updateMaxGasLimit",
- "outputs": [],
- "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
+ "stateMutability": "view",
"type": "function"
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..723c8a778
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+++ b/src/assets/abis/ERC721ABI.json
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ { "internalType": "address", "name": "_DAI", "type": "address" },
+ { "internalType": "address", "name": "_WETH", "type": "address" },
+ { "internalType": "string", "name": "_URI", "type": "string" }
+ ],
+ "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
+ "type": "constructor"
+ },
+ {
+ "anonymous": false,
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "indexed": true,
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "owner",
+ "type": "address"
+ },
+ {
+ "indexed": true,
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "approved",
+ "type": "address"
+ },
+ {
+ "indexed": true,
+ "internalType": "uint256",
+ "name": "tokenId",
+ "type": "uint256"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "Approval",
+ "type": "event"
+ },
+ {
+ "anonymous": false,
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+ {
+ "indexed": true,
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "owner",
+ "type": "address"
+ },
+ {
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+ "internalType": "address",
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+ "type": "address"
+ },
+ {
+ "indexed": false,
+ "internalType": "bool",
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+ "type": "bool"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "ApprovalForAll",
+ "type": "event"
+ },
+ {
+ "anonymous": false,
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "indexed": true,
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "recipient",
+ "type": "address"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "FaucetDrained",
+ "type": "event"
+ },
+ {
+ "anonymous": false,
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "indexed": true,
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "recipient",
+ "type": "address"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "FaucetDripped",
+ "type": "event"
+ },
+ {
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+ "inputs": [
+ {
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+ "name": "operator",
+ "type": "address"
+ },
+ {
+ "indexed": false,
+ "internalType": "bool",
+ "name": "status",
+ "type": "bool"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "OperatorUpdated",
+ "type": "event"
+ },
+ {
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+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "indexed": true,
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "operator",
+ "type": "address"
+ },
+ {
+ "indexed": false,
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+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "SuperOperatorUpdated",
+ "type": "event"
+ },
+ {
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+ {
+ "indexed": true,
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+ "name": "from",
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ "type": "uint256"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "Transfer",
+ "type": "event"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [],
+ "name": "DAI",
+ "outputs": [
+ { "internalType": "contract IERC20", "name": "", "type": "address" }
+ ],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [],
+ "name": "DAI_AMOUNT",
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+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [],
+ "name": "ETH_AMOUNT",
+ "outputs": [{ "internalType": "uint256", "name": "", "type": "uint256" }],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [],
+ "name": "NFT_COUNT",
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+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [],
+ "name": "URI",
+ "outputs": [{ "internalType": "string", "name": "", "type": "string" }],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [],
+ "name": "WETH",
+ "outputs": [
+ { "internalType": "contract IERC20", "name": "", "type": "address" }
+ ],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [],
+ "name": "WETH_AMOUNT",
+ "outputs": [{ "internalType": "uint256", "name": "", "type": "uint256" }],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ { "internalType": "address", "name": "to", "type": "address" },
+ { "internalType": "uint256", "name": "tokenId", "type": "uint256" }
+ ],
+ "name": "approve",
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+ "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [{ "internalType": "address", "name": "", "type": "address" }],
+ "name": "approvedOperators",
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+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [],
+ "name": "availableDrips",
+ "outputs": [
+ { "internalType": "uint256", "name": "ethDrips", "type": "uint256" },
+ { "internalType": "uint256", "name": "daiDrips", "type": "uint256" },
+ { "internalType": "uint256", "name": "wethDrips", "type": "uint256" }
+ ],
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+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ { "internalType": "address", "name": "owner", "type": "address" }
+ ],
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+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ { "internalType": "address", "name": "_recipient", "type": "address" }
+ ],
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+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ { "internalType": "address", "name": "_recipient", "type": "address" }
+ ],
+ "name": "drip",
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+ "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ { "internalType": "uint256", "name": "tokenId", "type": "uint256" }
+ ],
+ "name": "getApproved",
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+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ { "internalType": "address", "name": "owner", "type": "address" },
+ { "internalType": "address", "name": "operator", "type": "address" }
+ ],
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+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [],
+ "name": "name",
+ "outputs": [{ "internalType": "string", "name": "", "type": "string" }],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [],
+ "name": "nftsMinted",
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+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ { "internalType": "uint256", "name": "tokenId", "type": "uint256" }
+ ],
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+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ { "internalType": "address", "name": "from", "type": "address" },
+ { "internalType": "address", "name": "to", "type": "address" },
+ { "internalType": "uint256", "name": "tokenId", "type": "uint256" }
+ ],
+ "name": "safeTransferFrom",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ { "internalType": "address", "name": "from", "type": "address" },
+ { "internalType": "address", "name": "to", "type": "address" },
+ { "internalType": "uint256", "name": "tokenId", "type": "uint256" },
+ { "internalType": "bytes", "name": "_data", "type": "bytes" }
+ ],
+ "name": "safeTransferFrom",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ { "internalType": "address", "name": "operator", "type": "address" },
+ { "internalType": "bool", "name": "approved", "type": "bool" }
+ ],
+ "name": "setApprovalForAll",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [{ "internalType": "address", "name": "", "type": "address" }],
+ "name": "superOperators",
+ "outputs": [{ "internalType": "bool", "name": "", "type": "bool" }],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ { "internalType": "bytes4", "name": "interfaceId", "type": "bytes4" }
+ ],
+ "name": "supportsInterface",
+ "outputs": [{ "internalType": "bool", "name": "", "type": "bool" }],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [],
+ "name": "symbol",
+ "outputs": [{ "internalType": "string", "name": "", "type": "string" }],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ { "internalType": "uint256", "name": "tokenId", "type": "uint256" }
+ ],
+ "name": "tokenURI",
+ "outputs": [{ "internalType": "string", "name": "", "type": "string" }],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ { "internalType": "address", "name": "from", "type": "address" },
+ { "internalType": "address", "name": "to", "type": "address" },
+ { "internalType": "uint256", "name": "tokenId", "type": "uint256" }
+ ],
+ "name": "transferFrom",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ { "internalType": "address", "name": "_operator", "type": "address" },
+ { "internalType": "bool", "name": "_status", "type": "bool" }
+ ],
+ "name": "updateApprovedOperator",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ { "internalType": "uint256", "name": "_nftCount", "type": "uint256" },
+ { "internalType": "uint256", "name": "_ethAmount", "type": "uint256" },
+ { "internalType": "uint256", "name": "_daiAmount", "type": "uint256" },
+ { "internalType": "uint256", "name": "_wethAmount", "type": "uint256" }
+ ],
+ "name": "updateDripAmounts",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ { "internalType": "address", "name": "_operator", "type": "address" },
+ { "internalType": "bool", "name": "_status", "type": "bool" }
+ ],
+ "name": "updateSuperOperator",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [{ "internalType": "string", "name": "_URI", "type": "string" }],
+ "name": "updateTokenURI",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ { "stateMutability": "payable", "type": "receive" }
diff --git a/src/assets/abis/L1BatchBridgeGateway.json b/src/assets/abis/L1BatchBridgeGateway.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e6fafdbbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/assets/abis/L1BatchBridgeGateway.json
@@ -0,0 +1,681 @@
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "_counterpart",
+ "type": "address"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "_router",
+ "type": "address"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "_messenger",
+ "type": "address"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "_queue",
+ "type": "address"
+ }
+ ],
+ "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
+ "type": "constructor"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [],
+ "name": "ErrorCallerNotMessenger",
+ "type": "error"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [],
+ "name": "ErrorDepositAmountTooSmall",
+ "type": "error"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [],
+ "name": "ErrorIncorrectMethodForETHDeposit",
+ "type": "error"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [],
+ "name": "ErrorInsufficientMsgValueForBatchDepositFee",
+ "type": "error"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [],
+ "name": "ErrorInvalidBatchConfig",
+ "type": "error"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [],
+ "name": "ErrorNoPendingBatch",
+ "type": "error"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [],
+ "name": "ErrorTokenNotSupported",
+ "type": "error"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [],
+ "name": "ErrorTransferETHFailed",
+ "type": "error"
+ },
+ {
+ "anonymous": false,
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "indexed": true,
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "caller",
+ "type": "address"
+ },
+ {
+ "indexed": true,
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "l1Token",
+ "type": "address"
+ },
+ {
+ "indexed": true,
+ "internalType": "uint256",
+ "name": "batchIndex",
+ "type": "uint256"
+ },
+ {
+ "indexed": false,
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "l2Token",
+ "type": "address"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "BatchDeposit",
+ "type": "event"
+ },
+ {
+ "anonymous": false,
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "indexed": true,
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "sender",
+ "type": "address"
+ },
+ {
+ "indexed": true,
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "token",
+ "type": "address"
+ },
+ {
+ "indexed": true,
+ "internalType": "uint256",
+ "name": "batchIndex",
+ "type": "uint256"
+ },
+ {
+ "indexed": false,
+ "internalType": "uint256",
+ "name": "amount",
+ "type": "uint256"
+ },
+ {
+ "indexed": false,
+ "internalType": "uint256",
+ "name": "fee",
+ "type": "uint256"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "Deposit",
+ "type": "event"
+ },
+ {
+ "anonymous": false,
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "indexed": false,
+ "internalType": "uint8",
+ "name": "version",
+ "type": "uint8"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "Initialized",
+ "type": "event"
+ },
+ {
+ "anonymous": false,
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "indexed": true,
+ "internalType": "bytes32",
+ "name": "role",
+ "type": "bytes32"
+ },
+ {
+ "indexed": true,
+ "internalType": "bytes32",
+ "name": "previousAdminRole",
+ "type": "bytes32"
+ },
+ {
+ "indexed": true,
+ "internalType": "bytes32",
+ "name": "newAdminRole",
+ "type": "bytes32"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "RoleAdminChanged",
+ "type": "event"
+ },
+ {
+ "anonymous": false,
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "indexed": true,
+ "internalType": "bytes32",
+ "name": "role",
+ "type": "bytes32"
+ },
+ {
+ "indexed": true,
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "account",
+ "type": "address"
+ },
+ {
+ "indexed": true,
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "sender",
+ "type": "address"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "RoleGranted",
+ "type": "event"
+ },
+ {
+ "anonymous": false,
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "indexed": true,
+ "internalType": "bytes32",
+ "name": "role",
+ "type": "bytes32"
+ },
+ {
+ "indexed": true,
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "account",
+ "type": "address"
+ },
+ {
+ "indexed": true,
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "sender",
+ "type": "address"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "RoleRevoked",
+ "type": "event"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [],
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "bytes32",
+ "name": "",
+ "type": "bytes32"
+ }
+ ],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [],
+ "name": "KEEPER_ROLE",
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "bytes32",
+ "name": "",
+ "type": "bytes32"
+ }
+ ],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "",
+ "type": "address"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "uint256",
+ "name": "",
+ "type": "uint256"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "batches",
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "uint128",
+ "name": "amount",
+ "type": "uint128"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "uint64",
+ "name": "startTime",
+ "type": "uint64"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "uint64",
+ "name": "numDeposits",
+ "type": "uint64"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "bytes32",
+ "name": "hash",
+ "type": "bytes32"
+ }
+ ],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "",
+ "type": "address"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "configs",
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "uint96",
+ "name": "feeAmountPerTx",
+ "type": "uint96"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "uint96",
+ "name": "minAmountPerTx",
+ "type": "uint96"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "uint16",
+ "name": "maxTxsPerBatch",
+ "type": "uint16"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "uint24",
+ "name": "maxDelayPerBatch",
+ "type": "uint24"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "uint24",
+ "name": "safeBridgeGasLimit",
+ "type": "uint24"
+ }
+ ],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [],
+ "name": "counterpart",
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "",
+ "type": "address"
+ }
+ ],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "token",
+ "type": "address"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "uint96",
+ "name": "amount",
+ "type": "uint96"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "depositERC20",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [],
+ "name": "depositETH",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "stateMutability": "payable",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "token",
+ "type": "address"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "executeBatchDeposit",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "stateMutability": "payable",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [],
+ "name": "feeVault",
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "",
+ "type": "address"
+ }
+ ],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "bytes32",
+ "name": "role",
+ "type": "bytes32"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "getRoleAdmin",
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "bytes32",
+ "name": "",
+ "type": "bytes32"
+ }
+ ],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "bytes32",
+ "name": "role",
+ "type": "bytes32"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "uint256",
+ "name": "index",
+ "type": "uint256"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "getRoleMember",
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "",
+ "type": "address"
+ }
+ ],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "bytes32",
+ "name": "role",
+ "type": "bytes32"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "getRoleMemberCount",
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "uint256",
+ "name": "",
+ "type": "uint256"
+ }
+ ],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "bytes32",
+ "name": "role",
+ "type": "bytes32"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "account",
+ "type": "address"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "grantRole",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "bytes32",
+ "name": "role",
+ "type": "bytes32"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "account",
+ "type": "address"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "hasRole",
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "bool",
+ "name": "",
+ "type": "bool"
+ }
+ ],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "_feeVault",
+ "type": "address"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "initialize",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [],
+ "name": "messenger",
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "",
+ "type": "address"
+ }
+ ],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [],
+ "name": "queue",
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "",
+ "type": "address"
+ }
+ ],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "bytes32",
+ "name": "role",
+ "type": "bytes32"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "account",
+ "type": "address"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "renounceRole",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "bytes32",
+ "name": "role",
+ "type": "bytes32"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "account",
+ "type": "address"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "revokeRole",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [],
+ "name": "router",
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "",
+ "type": "address"
+ }
+ ],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "token",
+ "type": "address"
+ },
+ {
+ "components": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "uint96",
+ "name": "feeAmountPerTx",
+ "type": "uint96"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "uint96",
+ "name": "minAmountPerTx",
+ "type": "uint96"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "uint16",
+ "name": "maxTxsPerBatch",
+ "type": "uint16"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "uint24",
+ "name": "maxDelayPerBatch",
+ "type": "uint24"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "uint24",
+ "name": "safeBridgeGasLimit",
+ "type": "uint24"
+ }
+ ],
+ "internalType": "struct L1BatchBridgeGateway.BatchConfig",
+ "name": "newConfig",
+ "type": "tuple"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "setBatchConfig",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "bytes4",
+ "name": "interfaceId",
+ "type": "bytes4"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "supportsInterface",
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "bool",
+ "name": "",
+ "type": "bool"
+ }
+ ],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "name": "",
+ "type": "address"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "tokens",
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "internalType": "uint128",
+ "name": "pending",
+ "type": "uint128"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "uint64",
+ "name": "currentBatchIndex",
+ "type": "uint64"
+ },
+ {
+ "internalType": "uint64",
+ "name": "pendingBatchIndex",
+ "type": "uint64"
+ }
+ ],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "stateMutability": "payable",
+ "type": "receive"
+ }
diff --git a/src/assets/abis/L1_MESSAGE_QUEUE_WITH_GAS_PRICE_ORACLE.json b/src/assets/abis/L1_MESSAGE_QUEUE_WITH_GAS_PRICE_ORACLE.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9e2d54fe0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/assets/abis/L1_MESSAGE_QUEUE_WITH_GAS_PRICE_ORACLE.json
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ { "internalType": "address", "name": "_messenger", "type": "address" },
+ { "internalType": "address", "name": "_scrollChain", "type": "address" },
+ { "internalType": "address", "name": "_enforcedTxGateway", "type": "address" }
+ ],
+ "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
+ "type": "constructor"
+ },
+ { "inputs": [], "name": "ErrorNotWhitelistedSender", "type": "error" },
+ { "inputs": [], "name": "ErrorZeroAddress", "type": "error" },
+ {
+ "anonymous": false,
+ "inputs": [
+ { "indexed": false, "internalType": "uint256", "name": "startIndex", "type": "uint256" },
+ { "indexed": false, "internalType": "uint256", "name": "count", "type": "uint256" },
+ { "indexed": false, "internalType": "uint256", "name": "skippedBitmap", "type": "uint256" }
+ ],
+ "name": "DequeueTransaction",
+ "type": "event"
+ },
+ {
+ "anonymous": false,
+ "inputs": [{ "indexed": false, "internalType": "uint256", "name": "index", "type": "uint256" }],
+ "name": "DropTransaction",
+ "type": "event"
+ },
+ {
+ "anonymous": false,
+ "inputs": [{ "indexed": false, "internalType": "uint8", "name": "version", "type": "uint8" }],
+ "name": "Initialized",
+ "type": "event"
+ },
+ {
+ "anonymous": false,
+ "inputs": [
+ { "indexed": true, "internalType": "address", "name": "previousOwner", "type": "address" },
+ { "indexed": true, "internalType": "address", "name": "newOwner", "type": "address" }
+ ],
+ "name": "OwnershipTransferred",
+ "type": "event"
+ },
+ {
+ "anonymous": false,
+ "inputs": [
+ { "indexed": true, "internalType": "address", "name": "sender", "type": "address" },
+ { "indexed": true, "internalType": "address", "name": "target", "type": "address" },
+ { "indexed": false, "internalType": "uint256", "name": "value", "type": "uint256" },
+ { "indexed": false, "internalType": "uint64", "name": "queueIndex", "type": "uint64" },
+ { "indexed": false, "internalType": "uint256", "name": "gasLimit", "type": "uint256" },
+ { "indexed": false, "internalType": "bytes", "name": "data", "type": "bytes" }
+ ],
+ "name": "QueueTransaction",
+ "type": "event"
+ },
+ {
+ "anonymous": false,
+ "inputs": [
+ { "indexed": true, "internalType": "address", "name": "_oldGasOracle", "type": "address" },
+ { "indexed": true, "internalType": "address", "name": "_newGasOracle", "type": "address" }
+ ],
+ "name": "UpdateGasOracle",
+ "type": "event"
+ },
+ {
+ "anonymous": false,
+ "inputs": [
+ { "indexed": false, "internalType": "uint256", "name": "oldL2BaseFee", "type": "uint256" },
+ { "indexed": false, "internalType": "uint256", "name": "newL2BaseFee", "type": "uint256" }
+ ],
+ "name": "UpdateL2BaseFee",
+ "type": "event"
+ },
+ {
+ "anonymous": false,
+ "inputs": [
+ { "indexed": false, "internalType": "uint256", "name": "_oldMaxGasLimit", "type": "uint256" },
+ { "indexed": false, "internalType": "uint256", "name": "_newMaxGasLimit", "type": "uint256" }
+ ],
+ "name": "UpdateMaxGasLimit",
+ "type": "event"
+ },
+ {
+ "anonymous": false,
+ "inputs": [
+ { "indexed": true, "internalType": "address", "name": "_oldWhitelistChecker", "type": "address" },
+ { "indexed": true, "internalType": "address", "name": "_newWhitelistChecker", "type": "address" }
+ ],
+ "name": "UpdateWhitelistChecker",
+ "type": "event"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ { "internalType": "address", "name": "_target", "type": "address" },
+ { "internalType": "uint256", "name": "_gasLimit", "type": "uint256" },
+ { "internalType": "bytes", "name": "_data", "type": "bytes" }
+ ],
+ "name": "appendCrossDomainMessage",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ { "internalType": "address", "name": "_sender", "type": "address" },
+ { "internalType": "address", "name": "_target", "type": "address" },
+ { "internalType": "uint256", "name": "_value", "type": "uint256" },
+ { "internalType": "uint256", "name": "_gasLimit", "type": "uint256" },
+ { "internalType": "bytes", "name": "_data", "type": "bytes" }
+ ],
+ "name": "appendEnforcedTransaction",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [{ "internalType": "bytes", "name": "_calldata", "type": "bytes" }],
+ "name": "calculateIntrinsicGasFee",
+ "outputs": [{ "internalType": "uint256", "name": "", "type": "uint256" }],
+ "stateMutability": "pure",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ { "internalType": "address", "name": "_sender", "type": "address" },
+ { "internalType": "uint256", "name": "_queueIndex", "type": "uint256" },
+ { "internalType": "uint256", "name": "_value", "type": "uint256" },
+ { "internalType": "address", "name": "_target", "type": "address" },
+ { "internalType": "uint256", "name": "_gasLimit", "type": "uint256" },
+ { "internalType": "bytes", "name": "_data", "type": "bytes" }
+ ],
+ "name": "computeTransactionHash",
+ "outputs": [{ "internalType": "bytes32", "name": "", "type": "bytes32" }],
+ "stateMutability": "pure",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [{ "internalType": "uint256", "name": "_index", "type": "uint256" }],
+ "name": "dropCrossDomainMessage",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [],
+ "name": "enforcedTxGateway",
+ "outputs": [{ "internalType": "address", "name": "", "type": "address" }],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [{ "internalType": "uint256", "name": "_gasLimit", "type": "uint256" }],
+ "name": "estimateCrossDomainMessageFee",
+ "outputs": [{ "internalType": "uint256", "name": "", "type": "uint256" }],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [],
+ "name": "gasOracle",
+ "outputs": [{ "internalType": "address", "name": "", "type": "address" }],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [{ "internalType": "uint256", "name": "_queueIndex", "type": "uint256" }],
+ "name": "getCrossDomainMessage",
+ "outputs": [{ "internalType": "bytes32", "name": "", "type": "bytes32" }],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ { "internalType": "address", "name": "_messenger", "type": "address" },
+ { "internalType": "address", "name": "_scrollChain", "type": "address" },
+ { "internalType": "address", "name": "_enforcedTxGateway", "type": "address" },
+ { "internalType": "address", "name": "_gasOracle", "type": "address" },
+ { "internalType": "uint256", "name": "_maxGasLimit", "type": "uint256" }
+ ],
+ "name": "initialize",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ { "inputs": [], "name": "initializeV2", "outputs": [], "stateMutability": "nonpayable", "type": "function" },
+ {
+ "inputs": [{ "internalType": "uint256", "name": "_queueIndex", "type": "uint256" }],
+ "name": "isMessageDropped",
+ "outputs": [{ "internalType": "bool", "name": "", "type": "bool" }],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [{ "internalType": "uint256", "name": "_queueIndex", "type": "uint256" }],
+ "name": "isMessageSkipped",
+ "outputs": [{ "internalType": "bool", "name": "", "type": "bool" }],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [],
+ "name": "l2BaseFee",
+ "outputs": [{ "internalType": "uint256", "name": "", "type": "uint256" }],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [],
+ "name": "maxGasLimit",
+ "outputs": [{ "internalType": "uint256", "name": "", "type": "uint256" }],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [{ "internalType": "uint256", "name": "", "type": "uint256" }],
+ "name": "messageQueue",
+ "outputs": [{ "internalType": "bytes32", "name": "", "type": "bytes32" }],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [],
+ "name": "messenger",
+ "outputs": [{ "internalType": "address", "name": "", "type": "address" }],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [],
+ "name": "nextCrossDomainMessageIndex",
+ "outputs": [{ "internalType": "uint256", "name": "", "type": "uint256" }],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [],
+ "name": "owner",
+ "outputs": [{ "internalType": "address", "name": "", "type": "address" }],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [],
+ "name": "pendingQueueIndex",
+ "outputs": [{ "internalType": "uint256", "name": "", "type": "uint256" }],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [
+ { "internalType": "uint256", "name": "_startIndex", "type": "uint256" },
+ { "internalType": "uint256", "name": "_count", "type": "uint256" },
+ { "internalType": "uint256", "name": "_skippedBitmap", "type": "uint256" }
+ ],
+ "name": "popCrossDomainMessage",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ { "inputs": [], "name": "renounceOwnership", "outputs": [], "stateMutability": "nonpayable", "type": "function" },
+ {
+ "inputs": [],
+ "name": "scrollChain",
+ "outputs": [{ "internalType": "address", "name": "", "type": "address" }],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [{ "internalType": "uint256", "name": "_newL2BaseFee", "type": "uint256" }],
+ "name": "setL2BaseFee",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [{ "internalType": "address", "name": "newOwner", "type": "address" }],
+ "name": "transferOwnership",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [{ "internalType": "address", "name": "_newGasOracle", "type": "address" }],
+ "name": "updateGasOracle",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [{ "internalType": "uint256", "name": "_newMaxGasLimit", "type": "uint256" }],
+ "name": "updateMaxGasLimit",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [{ "internalType": "address", "name": "_newWhitelistChecker", "type": "address" }],
+ "name": "updateWhitelistChecker",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
+ "type": "function"
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": [],
+ "name": "whitelistChecker",
+ "outputs": [{ "internalType": "address", "name": "", "type": "address" }],
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function"
+ }
diff --git a/src/assets/abis/L2GasPriceOracle.json b/src/assets/abis/L2GasPriceOracle.json
deleted file mode 100644
index cd9696e1d..000000000
--- a/src/assets/abis/L2GasPriceOracle.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,315 +0,0 @@
- {
- "inputs": [],
- "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
- "type": "constructor"
- },
- {
- "anonymous": false,
- "inputs": [
- {
- "indexed": false,
- "internalType": "uint8",
- "name": "version",
- "type": "uint8"
- }
- ],
- "name": "Initialized",
- "type": "event"
- },
- {
- "anonymous": false,
- "inputs": [
- {
- "indexed": false,
- "internalType": "uint256",
- "name": "txGas",
- "type": "uint256"
- },
- {
- "indexed": false,
- "internalType": "uint256",
- "name": "txGasContractCreation",
- "type": "uint256"
- },
- {
- "indexed": false,
- "internalType": "uint256",
- "name": "zeroGas",
- "type": "uint256"
- },
- {
- "indexed": false,
- "internalType": "uint256",
- "name": "nonZeroGas",
- "type": "uint256"
- }
- ],
- "name": "IntrinsicParamsUpdated",
- "type": "event"
- },
- {
- "anonymous": false,
- "inputs": [
- {
- "indexed": false,
- "internalType": "uint256",
- "name": "oldL2BaseFee",
- "type": "uint256"
- },
- {
- "indexed": false,
- "internalType": "uint256",
- "name": "newL2BaseFee",
- "type": "uint256"
- }
- ],
- "name": "L2BaseFeeUpdated",
- "type": "event"
- },
- {
- "anonymous": false,
- "inputs": [
- {
- "indexed": true,
- "internalType": "address",
- "name": "previousOwner",
- "type": "address"
- },
- {
- "indexed": true,
- "internalType": "address",
- "name": "newOwner",
- "type": "address"
- }
- ],
- "name": "OwnershipTransferred",
- "type": "event"
- },
- {
- "anonymous": false,
- "inputs": [
- {
- "indexed": false,
- "internalType": "address",
- "name": "_oldWhitelist",
- "type": "address"
- },
- {
- "indexed": false,
- "internalType": "address",
- "name": "_newWhitelist",
- "type": "address"
- }
- ],
- "name": "UpdateWhitelist",
- "type": "event"
- },
- {
- "inputs": [
- {
- "internalType": "bytes",
- "name": "_message",
- "type": "bytes"
- }
- ],
- "name": "calculateIntrinsicGasFee",
- "outputs": [
- {
- "internalType": "uint256",
- "name": "",
- "type": "uint256"
- }
- ],
- "stateMutability": "view",
- "type": "function"
- },
- {
- "inputs": [
- {
- "internalType": "uint256",
- "name": "_gasLimit",
- "type": "uint256"
- }
- ],
- "name": "estimateCrossDomainMessageFee",
- "outputs": [
- {
- "internalType": "uint256",
- "name": "",
- "type": "uint256"
- }
- ],
- "stateMutability": "view",
- "type": "function"
- },
- {
- "inputs": [
- {
- "internalType": "uint64",
- "name": "_txGas",
- "type": "uint64"
- },
- {
- "internalType": "uint64",
- "name": "_txGasContractCreation",
- "type": "uint64"
- },
- {
- "internalType": "uint64",
- "name": "_zeroGas",
- "type": "uint64"
- },
- {
- "internalType": "uint64",
- "name": "_nonZeroGas",
- "type": "uint64"
- }
- ],
- "name": "initialize",
- "outputs": [],
- "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
- "type": "function"
- },
- {
- "inputs": [],
- "name": "intrinsicParams",
- "outputs": [
- {
- "internalType": "uint64",
- "name": "txGas",
- "type": "uint64"
- },
- {
- "internalType": "uint64",
- "name": "txGasContractCreation",
- "type": "uint64"
- },
- {
- "internalType": "uint64",
- "name": "zeroGas",
- "type": "uint64"
- },
- {
- "internalType": "uint64",
- "name": "nonZeroGas",
- "type": "uint64"
- }
- ],
- "stateMutability": "view",
- "type": "function"
- },
- {
- "inputs": [],
- "name": "l2BaseFee",
- "outputs": [
- {
- "internalType": "uint256",
- "name": "",
- "type": "uint256"
- }
- ],
- "stateMutability": "view",
- "type": "function"
- },
- {
- "inputs": [],
- "name": "owner",
- "outputs": [
- {
- "internalType": "address",
- "name": "",
- "type": "address"
- }
- ],
- "stateMutability": "view",
- "type": "function"
- },
- {
- "inputs": [],
- "name": "renounceOwnership",
- "outputs": [],
- "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
- "type": "function"
- },
- {
- "inputs": [
- {
- "internalType": "uint64",
- "name": "_txGas",
- "type": "uint64"
- },
- {
- "internalType": "uint64",
- "name": "_txGasContractCreation",
- "type": "uint64"
- },
- {
- "internalType": "uint64",
- "name": "_zeroGas",
- "type": "uint64"
- },
- {
- "internalType": "uint64",
- "name": "_nonZeroGas",
- "type": "uint64"
- }
- ],
- "name": "setIntrinsicParams",
- "outputs": [],
- "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
- "type": "function"
- },
- {
- "inputs": [
- {
- "internalType": "uint256",
- "name": "_newL2BaseFee",
- "type": "uint256"
- }
- ],
- "name": "setL2BaseFee",
- "outputs": [],
- "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
- "type": "function"
- },
- {
- "inputs": [
- {
- "internalType": "address",
- "name": "newOwner",
- "type": "address"
- }
- ],
- "name": "transferOwnership",
- "outputs": [],
- "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
- "type": "function"
- },
- {
- "inputs": [
- {
- "internalType": "address",
- "name": "_newWhitelist",
- "type": "address"
- }
- ],
- "name": "updateWhitelist",
- "outputs": [],
- "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
- "type": "function"
- },
- {
- "inputs": [],
- "name": "whitelist",
- "outputs": [
- {
- "internalType": "contract IWhitelist",
- "name": "",
- "type": "address"
- }
- ],
- "stateMutability": "view",
- "type": "function"
- }
diff --git a/src/assets/abis/ScrollCanvas.json b/src/assets/abis/ScrollCanvas.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dfd77a44d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/assets/abis/ScrollCanvas.json
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ "function getAttachedBadges() external view returns (bytes32[])",
+ "function getProfile(address) view returns (address)",
+ "function isProfileMinted(address) view returns (bool)",
+ "function mintProfile(string)",
+ "function mint(string username, bytes referrer) payable",
+ "function changeUsername(string)",
+ "function username() view returns (string)",
+ "function changeUsername(string)",
+ "function isUsernameUsed(string calldata username) external view returns (bool)",
+ "function getBadgeOrder() external view returns (uint256[])",
+ "function attachOne(bytes32)",
+ "function detach(bytes32[])",
+ "function detach(bytes32[])",
+ "function attest((bytes32,(address,uint64,bool,bytes32,bytes,uint256)))"
diff --git a/src/assets/blog/alphaTestnet.md b/src/assets/blog/alpha-testnet.md
similarity index 100%
rename from src/assets/blog/alphaTestnet.md
rename to src/assets/blog/alpha-testnet.md
diff --git a/src/assets/blog/architecture.md b/src/assets/blog/architecture.md
index 46f39406a..4b2c8973e 100644
--- a/src/assets/blog/architecture.md
+++ b/src/assets/blog/architecture.md
@@ -74,4 +74,4 @@ If our vision of scaling Ethereum in an open and community-driven way resonates
- If you are a ZK researcher, ZKP, Go or Solidity developer, or a GPU engineer, we are working on many interesting technical challenges at the edge of what’s possible. Come build cutting-edge solutions to these problems with us in the open!
- If you love nurturing and growing ecosystems or communities, we are looking for developer advocates and community organizers to make sure we are building in a community-aligned and user-friendly way.
-To learn more about these roles and about Scroll, check out our [website](https://scroll.io/), [Twitter](https://twitter.com/Scroll_ZKP), [Discord](https://discord.gg/scroll), or [jobs page](https://jobs.lever.co/ScrollFoundation). If you want to get straight to the code and build with us, you can find our repos at [github.com/scroll-tech](http://github.com/scroll-tech) and [github.com/privacy-scaling-explorations/zkevm-circuits](http://github.com/privacy-scaling-explorations/zkevm-circuits).
+To learn more about these roles and about Scroll, check out our [website](https://scroll.io/), [Twitter](https://twitter.com/Scroll_ZKP), [Discord](https://discord.gg/scroll), or [jobs page](https://boards.greenhouse.io/scrollio). If you want to get straight to the code and build with us, you can find our repos at [github.com/scroll-tech](http://github.com/scroll-tech) and [github.com/privacy-scaling-explorations/zkevm-circuits](http://github.com/privacy-scaling-explorations/zkevm-circuits).
diff --git a/src/assets/blog/contributeToScroll.md b/src/assets/blog/contribute-to-scroll.md
similarity index 100%
rename from src/assets/blog/contributeToScroll.md
rename to src/assets/blog/contribute-to-scroll.md
diff --git a/src/assets/blog/founderLetter.md b/src/assets/blog/founder-letter.md
similarity index 100%
rename from src/assets/blog/founderLetter.md
rename to src/assets/blog/founder-letter.md
diff --git a/src/assets/blog/preAlphaTestnet.md b/src/assets/blog/pre-alpha-testnet.md
similarity index 93%
rename from src/assets/blog/preAlphaTestnet.md
rename to src/assets/blog/pre-alpha-testnet.md
index dff798da4..2bbc52022 100644
--- a/src/assets/blog/preAlphaTestnet.md
+++ b/src/assets/blog/pre-alpha-testnet.md
@@ -39,4 +39,4 @@ To become an early tester or contributor, sign up to try out our pre-alpha testn
- If you are a ZK researcher, ZKP, Go or Solidity developer, or a GPU engineer, we are working on many interesting technical challenges at the edge of what’s possible. Come build cutting-edge solutions to these problems with us in the open!
- If you love nurturing and growing ecosystems or communities, we are looking for developer advocates and community organizers to make sure we are building in a community-aligned and user-friendly way.
-To learn more about these roles and about Scroll, check out our [website](https://scroll.io/), [Twitter](https://twitter.com/Scroll_ZKP), [Discord](https://discord.gg/scroll), or [jobs page](https://jobs.lever.co/ScrollFoundation). If you want to get straight to the code and build with us, you can find our repos at [github.com/scroll-tech](https://github.com/scroll-tech) and [github.com/privacy-scaling-explorations/zkevm-circuits](https://github.com/privacy-scaling-explorations/zkevm-circuits).
+To learn more about these roles and about Scroll, check out our [website](https://scroll.io/), [Twitter](https://twitter.com/Scroll_ZKP), [Discord](https://discord.gg/scroll), or [jobs page](https://boards.greenhouse.io/scrollio). If you want to get straight to the code and build with us, you can find our repos at [github.com/scroll-tech](https://github.com/scroll-tech) and [github.com/privacy-scaling-explorations/zkevm-circuits](https://github.com/privacy-scaling-explorations/zkevm-circuits).
diff --git a/src/assets/blog/proofGeneration.md b/src/assets/blog/proof-generation.md
similarity index 100%
rename from src/assets/blog/proofGeneration.md
rename to src/assets/blog/proof-generation.md
diff --git a/src/assets/blog/releaseNote0109.md b/src/assets/blog/release-note-0109.md
similarity index 100%
rename from src/assets/blog/releaseNote0109.md
rename to src/assets/blog/release-note-0109.md
diff --git a/src/assets/blog/scaling-security.md b/src/assets/blog/scaling-security.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6a1bf7547
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/assets/blog/scaling-security.md
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# Scaling Security: Multi-Prover Implementation on Scroll
+*Written by Haichen Shen*
+*Acknowledgment: Special thanks to [Péter Garamvölgyi](https://twitter.com/thegaram33), [Mohammad Jahanara](https://twitter.com/MMJahanara), [Ye Zhang](https://twitter.com/yezhang1998), and [Deli Gong](https://twitter.com/deligong) for discussions and feedback on earlier drafts of this article.*
+As more assets have moved from Ethereum to Layer 2, one crucial factor often gets sidelined: security. As Vitalik pointed out in his [talk](https://hackmd.io/@vbuterin/zk_slides_20221010) and [blog](https://vitalik.eth.limo/general/2023/03/31/zkmulticlient.html), it will take a long time for complex software like zkEVMs to be completely bug-free. The risk of bugs in a single prover that validates all L2 transactions could be catastrophic. Similar to Ethereum's multi-client philosophy, having prover diversity can significantly reduce such risk.
+This article unveils the architecture bringing prover diversity to enhance Scroll's security. We explore the design space for a multi-proof system and articulate the rationale behind incorporating a TEE (Trusted Execution Environment) prover as a secondary prover to Scroll. Lastly, we are excited to share the news that Scroll is collaborating with [Automata](https://www.ata.network/), a modular attestation layer, to develop a TEE prover for the Scroll protocol jointly. A prototype SGX prover has already validated all Scroll Sepolia testnet blocks successfully.
+## Why do multi-provers matter?
+ZK rollups leverage zero-knowledge proofs to validate the correct execution of L2 transactions. However, ZK circuits, especially zkEVM circuits, are complex software comprising tens of thousands of lines of code. Such complexity inherently increases their susceptibility to bugs. Among these, [completeness](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero-knowledge_proof#Completeness) bugs are relatively more straightforward to detect and resolve. However, [soundness](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero-knowledge_proof#Soundness) bugs pose a more formidable challenge. These bugs are not only difficult to identify but also require substantial time and resources to ensure their rectification.
+In the current landscape, ZK rollups predominantly operate with centralized sequencers and provers. Under the centralization scenario, the liveness and the security given the potential bugs still depend on the chain operator's honesty. Furthermore, the decentralization of provers poses an increased risk of soundness bugs becoming a critical threat. These bugs could allow provers to finalize invalid state transitions on Ethereum, undermining the integrity of the entire blockchain network.
+Similar to the rationale of client diversity, having multiple types of provers independently validate state transitions significantly bolsters security. When these provers unanimously agree on the state transition after applying the same batch of transactions, the likelihood of invalid transactions infiltrating the system drastically reduces. Therefore, the user assets on the layer2s become more secure.
+## What is the design space of a multi-proof system?
+When designing the multi-proof system for Scroll, we aim to achieve three objectives:
+- Enhance the layer2 security
+- Doesn't increase finality time
+- Only introduce marginal cost to L2 transactions
+To understand the design space of Layer 2 proof systems, we use the critical metrics of finality and security to evaluate each proof system. We begin with single-proof systems. These systems only use a single mechanism to ensure the correctness of L2 blocks. There are two main categories: fraud proofs and ZK proofs. Fraud proofs, used by optimistic rollups, depend on verifiers to challenge transaction states. Their security stems from the economic incentives of verifiers, and fraud proofs suffer from a long finality delay due to the challenge period. On the other hand, ZK proofs, also known as validity proofs, leverage cryptographic protocols to proactively generate proofs and achieve a faster finality time and a more robust security guarantee.
+Now, back to multi-proof systems. A recent [proposal](https://taiko.mirror.xyz/Z4I5ZhreGkyfdaL5I9P0Rj0DNX4zaWFmcws-0CVMJ2A) introduces a hierarchical contestable multi-proof system[^1]. However, it cannot achieve our objectives. First, its security is inferior to the ZK proof, as it only mandates a fraction of the state transition to be validated by ZK proofs, leaving the majority to less-secure proofs. Second, the finality time also becomes slower due to the introduction of contestation periods.
+For Scroll to achieve all three objectives, the multi-proof system must validate all state transitions with multiple proofs, including at least one ZK proof. We call it an "always-on" multi-proof system. Finality time and cost efficiency requirements narrow our options for a secondary prover. In the next section, we will delve into these options.
+## What are the options for a 2nd prover?
+We have explored three options for a 2nd prover in the multi-proof system on Scroll.
+- One intuitive option is a fraud proof, as it is well-established and adopted by the optimistic rollups. As explained above, a significant limitation of fraud proofs arises with its finality time, which extends up to seven days. Combining the fraud proofs with zk proofs extends the L2 finality time to the slowest proof time. This slow finality time violates our objective that a 2nd prover should not increase the finality time.
+- Another option is a 2nd zkEVM prover. This means to have a completely separate implementation of the zkEVM prover for Scroll. However, developing an entirely new zkEVM prover is a resource-intensive endeavor in terms of cost and time. The substantial complexity and technical expertise required to implement a new zkEVM prover only makes this option a long-term solution.
+- A third alternative is a Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) prover, [proposed](https://ethresear.ch/t/2fa-zk-rollups-using-sgx/14462) by Justin Drake. TEEs allow you to run software in a secure area of a processor where data and memory are inaccessible to other components in the system. The TEE prover operates within this protected environment, executing transactions and generating proofs. A vital advantage of the TEE prover lies in its efficiency. The overhead associated with proving processes is negligible, resulting in a faster and more cost-effective solution than a zkEVM prover. Thus, the TEE prover won't increase the finality time. A TEE prover bolsters the safety guarantees of the protocol at the cost of reduced liveness guarantees. In other words, a bug in one of the two provers will not result in the user funds being stolen but has the tradeoff of a validating bridge pausing if one of the two provers has a bug.
+After weighing the pros and cons of all three options, we decided to add a TEE prover to Scroll. In addition to the benefits mentioned earlier, the rationale for adopting the TEE prover is as follows:
+- We will be able to bring a TEE prover to production in 6 months or less, enhancing the security of Scroll Mainnet and delivering more user benefits.
+- The additional cost of verifying TEE proofs on Ethereum is marginal, meaning that the increase in transaction cost on Scroll will be negligible.
+- It's an essential step towards decentralizing zkEVM provers by introducing a second prover to safeguard the Scroll state transition.
+To mitigate the concern of trusting TEE implementation and hardware manufacturers, we are researching a protocol to aggregate TEE proofs from multiple TEE provers with different hardware and client implementations. Similar to [Distributed Validator Technology](https://ethereum.org/en/staking/dvt/) (DVT) for Ethereum validation, we can combine the threshold signature scheme into the TEE proof generation so that a TEE proof requires the attestation of `t` out of `n` TEE provers, minimizing the trust of a single hardware manufacturer, depicted in the figure below.
+## How will the TEE prover integrate into Scroll?
+Integrating a TEE prover into Scroll involves ensuring secure and accurate state transition validation, as illustrated in the figure.
+- First, a TEE prover must register itself to a smart contract deployed on Ethereum by submitting a valid attestation report generated by the hardware. The attestation report also encloses a public key that the prover will use to sign the TEE proof later on and the hash of the software binary that the enclave is running to ensure the correctness of the Scroll attestation program. An on-chain verifier will validate the report.
+- Whenever a new batch is committed to Ethereum, the registered TEE prover, operating in its secure enclave, executes the state transition verification program using the committed data. The output of the TEE prover includes the old and new state roots after applying the transactions and an attestation signature using the previously registered key.
+- Both the ZK and TEE proofs are required to finalize the Scroll state transition. This dual-proof system ensures higher security and reliability, combining the strengths of both TEE and zkEVM methodologies to validate transactions.
+- Periodically, the registration of a TEE prover expires. It requires the TEE prover to generate a new attestation report and register itself again to prevent private key leaks or side-channel attacks on the enclave.
+TEE provers on the Scroll chain will be initially managed and operated by a committee and later decentralized. This committee will rotate the responsibility of running the TEE provers among its members. This rotation system is designed to distribute trust and reduce the risk of any single point of failure or bias in the validation process.
+If a TEE proof and a zk proof disagree, the Scroll chain will enter a "dispute" state. This situation triggers a pause in batch finalization and withdrawal processes to maintain the integrity of the network. During this period, a Security Council (which will launch alongside multi-proofs) steps in to resolve the conflict. The Council recomputes the state root by executing the batch in question. The resultant state root that garners the majority vote from the Security Council will be accepted as the canonical state root of the Scroll chain. This mechanism ensures that disagreements between proofs are resolved securely and transparently, maintaining the stability and security of the Scroll network.
+## Next steps
+We're working closely with [Automata](https://www.ata.network/) to implement an SGX prover for Scroll. The prototype SGX prover has already been built and can verify all state transitions of the Scroll Sepolia testnet, where the [code](https://github.com/automata-network/sgx-prover) is fully open-sourced.
+Moving forward, we'll integrate the dual-proof system of SGX + ZK and the "dispute" functionality into Scroll. As always, this code will be thoroughly audited to ensure it meets the highest security standards, and a TEE prover committee will be formed to provide the necessary support.
+[^1]: In a hierarchical contestable multi-proof design, the system supports a hierarchy of proof types ranging from light, less secure, and inexpensive (e.g., optimistic) to strong, more secure, and relatively expensive (e.g. zk). The state transitions are mostly validated by light proofs. However, light proofs can be contested and refuted by stronger proofs within a contestable period.
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similarity index 100%
rename from src/assets/blog/scrollSepolia.md
rename to src/assets/blog/scroll-sepolia.md
diff --git a/src/assets/blog/technicalPrinciples.md b/src/assets/blog/technical-principles.md
similarity index 96%
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rename to src/assets/blog/technical-principles.md
index 72571e0e3..de9e82af7 100644
--- a/src/assets/blog/technicalPrinciples.md
+++ b/src/assets/blog/technical-principles.md
@@ -67,4 +67,4 @@ If our vision of scaling Ethereum in an open and community-driven way resonates
- If you are a ZK researcher, ZKP, Go or Solidity developer, or a GPU engineer, we are working on many interesting technical challenges at the edge of what’s possible. Come build cutting-edge solutions to these problems with us in the open!
- If you love nurturing and growing ecosystems or communities, we are looking for developer advocates and community organizers to make sure we are building in a community-aligned and user-friendly way.
-To learn more about these roles and about Scroll, check out our [website](https://scroll.io/), [Twitter](https://twitter.com/Scroll_ZKP), [Discord](https://discord.gg/scroll), or [jobs page](https://jobs.lever.co/ScrollFoundation). If you want to get straight to the code and build with us, you can find our repos at [github.com/scroll-tech](http://github.com/scroll-tech) and [github.com/privacy-scaling-explorations/zkevm-circuits](http://github.com/privacy-scaling-explorations/zkevm-circuits).
+To learn more about these roles and about Scroll, check out our [website](https://scroll.io/), [Twitter](https://twitter.com/Scroll_ZKP), [Discord](https://discord.gg/scroll), or [jobs page](https://boards.greenhouse.io/scrollio). If you want to get straight to the code and build with us, you can find our repos at [github.com/scroll-tech](http://github.com/scroll-tech) and [github.com/privacy-scaling-explorations/zkevm-circuits](http://github.com/privacy-scaling-explorations/zkevm-circuits).
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similarity index 93%
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--- a/src/assets/blog/upgradingPreAlphaTestnet.md
+++ b/src/assets/blog/upgrading-pre-alpha-testnet.md
@@ -44,4 +44,4 @@ To become an early tester or contributor, sign up to try out our Pre-Alpha Testn
- If you love nurturing and growing ecosystems or communities, we are looking for developer advocates and community organizers to build with us in a community-aligned and user-friendly way.
-To learn more about these roles, check out our [jobs page](https://jobs.lever.co/ScrollFoundation). If you want to get straight to the code and build with us, you can find our repos at [github.com/scroll-tech](http://github.com/scroll-tech) and [github.com/privacy-scaling-explorations/zkevm-circuits](http://github.com/privacy-scaling-explorations/zkevm-circuits).
+To learn more about these roles, check out our [jobs page](https://boards.greenhouse.io/scrollio). If you want to get straight to the code and build with us, you can find our repos at [github.com/scroll-tech](http://github.com/scroll-tech) and [github.com/privacy-scaling-explorations/zkevm-circuits](http://github.com/privacy-scaling-explorations/zkevm-circuits).
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index 9333f240f..7451b068d 100644
--- a/src/assets/blog/visionAndValues.md
+++ b/src/assets/blog/vision-and-values.md
@@ -47,4 +47,4 @@ If our vision of scaling Ethereum in an open and community-driven way resonates
- If you are a ZK researcher, ZKP, Go or Solidity developer, or a GPU engineer, we are working on many interesting technical challenges at the edge of what’s possible. Come build cutting-edge solutions to these problems with us in the open!
- If you love nurturing and growing ecosystems or communities, we are looking for developer advocates and community organizers to make sure we are building in a community-aligned and user-friendly way.
-To learn more about these roles and about Scroll, check out our [website](https://scroll.io/), [Twitter](https://twitter.com/Scroll_ZKP), [Discord](https://discord.gg/scroll), or [jobs page](https://jobs.lever.co/ScrollFoundation). If you want to get straight to the code and build with us, you can find our repos at [github.com/scroll-tech](https://github.com/scroll-tech) and [github.com/privacy-scaling-explorations/zkevm-circuits](https://github.com/privacy-scaling-explorations/zkevm-circuits).
+To learn more about these roles and about Scroll, check out our [website](https://scroll.io/), [Twitter](https://twitter.com/Scroll_ZKP), [Discord](https://discord.gg/scroll), or [jobs page](https://boards.greenhouse.io/scrollio). If you want to get straight to the code and build with us, you can find our repos at [github.com/scroll-tech](https://github.com/scroll-tech) and [github.com/privacy-scaling-explorations/zkevm-circuits](https://github.com/privacy-scaling-explorations/zkevm-circuits).
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