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Plan-B-ot is an integration for Mattermost and slack which allows for Scrum Planning Poker inside the Mattermost or slack chat.

Plan-B-ot is written in go. Mattermost is an open source project: Mattermost on GitHub.


In a channel, use the slash command (see setup) to interact with the bot. If your slash command is called /planbot, you can issue the following commands:

/planbot task <your taskname>

Creates a new task with zero votes and the given name

/planbot vote <your vote>

Sets your vote on the current task. If you had a vote before, it gets overriden by the new vote.

/planbot results

Orders plan-b-ot to print all the voting results in the specified channel (see setup).



You need to setup two integrations: a slach command and an incoming web hook

Setup a slash command so users can interact with plan-b-ot:

  • Create a new slash command integration for your team.
  • Pick the command you want to use, e.g. planbot.
  • Specify the URL where your plan-b-ot will be running. If your server is reachable at, your port is 8786, and your route is /planbot: then set this to See also bot setup.
  • Method is POST.
  • Token: you need the token for the bot setup.

Setup an incoming web hook so plan-b-ot can post to your channel:

  • Create a new incoming web hook for your team.
  • Set the channel that you want plan-b-ot to post to.
  • Webhook URL: you need the webhook URL for the bot setup.


Copy config.json.example to config.json. Edit the contents of config.json to setup your plan-b-ot:

  • Port: The port on which plan-b-ot listens.
  • Route: The URL route for plan-b-ot.
  • Token: the token from the Mattermost/slack setup (slash command).
  • Webhook URL: The webhook URL from the Mattermost/slack setup (incoming web hook on Mattermost's/'slack's side).

Run plan-b-ot. Now the server is running and waiting for input from Mattermost/slack.


Contributions are always welcome and do not have to be in a specific format.

Simply create a pull request on GitHub.