- Stefano Charissis
- Tomasz Bednarz (load3ds)
- CMake
- CUDA 2.2 minimum (>=4.0 for Multi-GPU) with SDK
- Modify SDK path in (src/CMakeLists.txt) to point to yours
- Then run:
mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make;
./cudagl [-n=<numParticles>] [-devices=<numDevices>]
- eg. ./cudagl -n=1024 -devices=1 (To simulate 1024 particles across 1 device)
'spacebar' plays/pauses the simulation
'ctrl+mouse_scroll' zooms in/out
'mouse_left+mouse_move' moves camera around
'd' loops through the particle display modes
's' toggles between a skybox and a ground surface
'b' displays the bounding box
'`' hides/shows the parameter UI
'p' toggles picture mode
'm' toggles model mode
'u' toggles uber mode
'1' resets particles to a random position
'2' resets particles to the center of the grid
'Esc' exits the program
- New pictures (.ppm) can be placed in 'src/data'
- New 3DS models can be placed in 'src/load3ds/models/'