layout | title | description | nav_order |
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Common Elements |
SCDS Do More with Digital Scholarship workshop series |
100 |
{: .no_toc }
Below are a bunch of common elements and their source code. Click the copy button at the top right of a codeblock to copy it to your clipboard.
More general markdown elements can be found here.
Remember to delete this page before publishing.
Table of Contents
{: .text-delta } - TOC {:toc}<details markdown="block">
Table of Contents
{: .text-delta }
{: .note }
You can only have one table of contents per page.
This is a simpler way to ask a question with an answer.
See Answer.
Your answer goes here.
Multiple lines.
This is a simpler way to ask a question with an answer. <!-- Question Text -->
<summary> See Answer </summary>
Your answer goes here. <br> <!-- Answer Text -->
Multiple lines.
{: .new-title }
Exercise 1
This is a fancier way to display questions.
You can also have multiple lines.
See Answer
{: .note-title } > Answer > > You can put your solution here > > Multi line solutions
{: .new-title }
> Exercise 1 <!-- This is where you edit the title -->
> This is some really long question. <!-- Question Text -->
> So long you might need a second line. <!-- Optional Additional Text -->
> <details>
> <summary> See Answer </summary>
> <div markdown="1">
> {: .note-title }
> > Answer
> >
> > You can put your solution here <!-- Answer Text -->
> >
> > Multi line solutions <!-- Optional Additional Text -->
> </div>
> </details>
{: .note }
If you're going from a page in root folder into a page in lessons folder, use
as your location.Likewise, if you're going from a page in lessons folder to a page in root folder, use
as your location.Don't include the file extension.
<div style="display: flex;">
<div style="flex-grow: 1;" markdown="1">
[🡨 Previous](previousPage){: .btn .btn-outline} <!-- Change the "Previous" (the title of button) and "previousPage" (filename location) -->
<div markdown="1">
[Next 🡪](nextPage){: .btn .btn-outline} <!-- Change the "Next" (the title of button) and "nextPage" (filename location) -->
{: .label } Input
a = 3
b = 4
c = sqrt(a^2 + b^2)
{: .label .label-green } Output
{: .label }
a = 3
b = 4
c = sqrt(a^2 + b^2)
{: .label .label-green }
<embed src="assets/docs/examplePDF.pdf" style="border:none;" width="100%" height="466px">