- Add 404.html to root folder. https://github.com/scds/scds-template/blob/master/404.html
Remove _layouts folder.
Remove \includes folder.
- Update config.yml
title: Workshop Name # *** Enter workshop title here
github_repo_url: "https://scds.github.io/scds-template/" # *** Enter workshop URL (in github pages) here
gh_edit_repository: "https://github.com/scds/scds-template/" # *** Enter the github URL for your repo
ga_tracking: "" # *** This needs to be set up in Google Analytics once you know the website URL (ask Jay to do this). Then the tracking code needs to be taken from Google Analytics and pasted here.
# This line appears in the footer. Use it to credit the people who created the workshop content, and those who set up the online pages.
# If you know some HTML, you can use HTML tags.
# To create a link: <a href="PUT URL HERE">the text you want to show up</a>
# Template: 'Module content created by <a href="LINK HERE">NAME</a> and <a href="LINK HERE">NAME</a>; edited for online use and online pages created by <a href="LINK HERE">NAME</a>.'
credits: ''
# DMDS Settings
subtitle: "This workshop is part of the Do More with Digital Scholarship (DMDS) series."
nav_footer_logo_bottom: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scds/jtd-mcmaster/main/assets/images/scds-logo.png"
nav_footer_logo_bottom_href: "https://scds.ca/"
nav_footer_logo_top: ""
nav_footer_logo_top_href: ""
# DASH settings
# subtitle: 'This workshop is part of the Data Analysis Support Hub (DASH) series.'
# nav_footer_logo_bottom: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scds/jtd-mcmaster/main/assets/images/scds-logo.png"
# nav_footer_logo_bottom_href: "https://scds.ca/"
# nav_footer_logo_top: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scds/jtd-mcmaster/main/assets/images/dash-logo.png"
# nav_footer_logo_top_href: "https://library.mcmaster.ca/services/dash"
# RDM settings
# subtitle: 'This workshop is part of the <a href="https://rdm.mcmaster.ca/">Research Data Management (RDM)</a> series.'
# nav_footer_logo_bottom: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scds/jtd-mcmaster/main/assets/images/scds-logo.png"
# nav_footer_logo_bottom_href: "https://scds.ca/"
# nav_footer_logo_top: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scds/jtd-mcmaster/main/assets/images/rdm-logo.png"
# nav_footer_logo_top_href: "https://rdm.mcmaster.ca/"
# OTHER settings - Override series specific settings
# subtitle: "This workshop is part of the __ series."
# nav_footer_logo_bottom: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scds/jtd-mcmaster/main/assets/images/scds-logo.png"
# nav_footer_logo_bottom_href: "https://scds.ca/"
# nav_footer_logo_top: ""
# nav_footer_logo_top_href: ""
# _____ _ _ _ _ _
# | ____| __| | (_) | |_ / \ | |__ ___ __ __ ___
# | _| / _` | | | | __| / _ \ | '_ \ / _ \ \ \ / / / _ \
# | |___ | (_| | | | | |_ / ___ \ | |_) | | (_) | \ V / | __/
# |_____| \__,_| |_| \__| /_/ \_\ |_.__/ \___/ \_/ \___|
"SCDS Workshops":
- "https://scds.ca/online-learning/"
navigation: true
# Override Default SCDS Web Icon
favicon_ico: ""
remote_theme: scds/jtd-mcmaster
color_scheme: mcmaster
# logo: "https://github.com/scds/intro-voyant/blob/main/assets/img/dmds-tableau.png?raw=true"
# Heading anchor links appear on hover over h1-h6 tags in page content
# allowing users to deep link to a particular heading on a page.
# Supports true (default) or false
heading_anchors: true
# Back to top link
back_to_top: true
back_to_top_text: "Back to top"
# Removed by Richie - Requires manual updating. Automatic updating alternative is done in footer_custom.html.
# Footer last edited timestamp
# last_edit_timestamp: true # show or hide edit time - page must have `last_modified_date` defined in the frontmatter
# last_edit_time_format: "%b %e %Y at %I:%M %p" # uses ruby's time format: https://ruby-doc.org/stdlib-2.7.0/libdoc/time/rdoc/Time.html
# Footer "Edit this page on GitHub" link text
gh_edit_link: true # show or hide edit this page link
gh_edit_link_text: "View this content on GitHub"
gh_edit_branch: "main" # the branch that your docs is served from
# gh_edit_source: docs # the source that your files originate from
gh_edit_view_mode: "tree" # "tree" or "edit" if you want the user to jump into the editor immediately
- jekyll-remote-theme
- jekyll-seo-tag
- jekyll-relative-links
# Google Analytics Tracking
ga_tracking_anonymize_ip: true # Use GDPR compliant Google Analytics settings (true by default)
license_url: "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/"
license_name: "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License"
license_image_url: "https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by/4.0/88x31.png"
# Callout titles an colors
callouts_level: quiet # or loud
color: yellow
title: Important
color: blue
title: New
color: green
title: Note
color: purple
title: Warning
color: red
- Update/verify the readme for GitHub
Materials for the << ENTER SERIES HERE (DASH/DMDS/RDM/etc.) >> workshop: **<< ENTER WORKSHOP NAME HERE >> **
This repository contains workshop files, as well as files used to create the [workshop webpage](https://scds.github.io/<<enter_site_url>>) with GitHub Pages.
Contributions by the following individuals:
- Workshop content created by << ENTER NAME(S) HERE >>
- Content edited for online use by << ENTER NAME(S) HERE >>
- Online pages created by << ENTER NAME(S) HERE >>
All content is made available under a [Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
This work is based on Just the Docs. License is attached below.
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2016 Patrick Marsceill
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.