When it comes to comparing JVM-HotSpot and GraalVM-native executions, it is often hard to decide on application's architecture and technology to test and even what to measure.
Recently I came across an interesting training course about containers and orchestration written by Jérôme Petazzoni. He uses a bunch of interacting Python and Ruby apps encapsulated in Docker containers. They act as a microservices mesh and measuring the number of completed cycles per second provides a good estimation of the system effectiveness. Being able to play with the number of running containers would be also a good illustration of what actually happens.
Actively following Spring Native
developments, I therefore decided to port his demonstration application into Java using
the latest development versions of Spring Boot
and reactive programming WebFlux
The main goal of this demo is to tweak the microservices' resources configuration and see how it affects the global application's performance.
What are our levers for action?
- First, we could easily play with the number of containers running each microservice.
- Secondly, Java-based microservices are built on two types which can be easily switched: JVM-based or Native.
So let's do it.
In order to implement this solution, we'll need:
- A Kubernetes cluster
- Prometheus, Grafana
- Metrics coming from our microservices
- Bytecode and native built Java apps
Well it's not a big deal and this already exists:
- Spring Boot and Micrometer enable metrics exposure of Java applications
- Python code is instrumented with prometheus_client library which also exposed metrics to prometheus
- I explained and scripted a complete Kubernetes stack installation in a previous article: Locally install Kubernetes, Prometheus, and Grafana
- Spring Boot Native can build natively or in Bytecode any Java app
Spring Versions
We'll be using the latest development versions of Spring Experimental stacks as it's continuously fix bugs and improve performances. However, you have to keep in mind this is still Beta versions and does not represent a final step:
- Spring Boot
- Spring Native
The application is composed of 5 microservices :
the algorithm orchestrator [Python
] which gets1
a random number,2
hash it, and3
increment a counter in redis database.rng
the random number generator [Spring Boot
the hasher processor [Spring Boot
the database recording each complete execution cycle
The goal of these builds is to produce a Docker image for each microservice. For Java-based ones, there will be two images: one built as JVM-based image and the other one as native one.
I've pulled this stuf into a public registry on Docker Hub so you don't even need to worry about these builds.
However, if you wish to build the app, you will need to install :
It should work on linux and macOS based systems - and on Windows with some small modifications
It will take time....... 15-20 min depending on your internet connection and processor! That's the price to compile to native code.
To do so, execute the script at the project root:
- For a non-java app, just enter:
docker build -t <app_docker_tag> ./<app_dir>
- For a Java app and JVM-based image:
cd <app_dir>
mvn clean package
docker build -t <app_docker_tag> .
- For a Java app and native image:
cd <app_dir>
mvn spring-boot:build-image
You can pull pre-built images from Docker Hub by typing:
docker pull jeanjerome/rng-jvm:1.0.0
docker pull jeanjerome/hasher-jvm:1.0.0
docker pull jeanjerome/worker-python:1.0.0
docker pull jeanjerome/rng-native:1.0.0
docker pull jeanjerome/hasher-native:1.0.0
To list your local docker images, enter:
docker images
At least, you should see these images in your local registry:
rng-jvm 1.0.0 f4bfdacdd2a1 4 minutes ago 242MB
hasher-jvm 1.0.0 ab3600420eab 11 minutes ago 242MB
worker-python 1.0.0 e2e76d5f8ad4 38 hours ago 55MB
hasher-native 1.0.0 629bf3cb8760 41 years ago 82.2MB
rng-native 1.0.0 68e484d391f3 41 years ago 82.2MB
Native images created time seems inaccurate. It's not, the explanation is here: Time Travel with Pack
First, we need to define the kubernetes configuration of our application and configure Grafana to monitor accurate metrics.
Let's have a look at how to set up these microservices into our kubernetes cluster.
Remember the application architecture :
- It will be deployed in a dedicated namespace
- Monitoring tool are located in the
We want to manage the number of
containers- pods in this case - per microservice . We could want to scale up automatically this number depending on metrics. We also would like to change the image of the pod, passing from a JVM image to a native image without the need to restart from scratch... Such Kubernetes resource already exists: Deployment -
We want our microservices to communicate each others in the Kubernetes cluster. That's the job of Service resource.
We'd like to access the web UI from outside the cluster: a Service typed with NodePort resource would be sufficient.
The Redis database does not need to be reached from the outside but only from the inside: that's already done by ClusterIP which is the default Service type in Kubernetes.
We also want to monitor the application's metrics on Grafana via Prometheus: found these good detailed explanations
Have a look at the _kube/k8s-app-jvm.yml
extract showing the Hasher Java microservice resources' configuration:
_kube/k8s-app-jvm.yml extract
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: hasher
namespace: demo
app: hasher
replicas: 1
app: hasher
name: hasher
app: hasher
- image: hasher-jvm:1.0.0
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
name: hasher
- containerPort: 8080
name: http-hasher
protocol: TCP
failureThreshold: 3
path: /actuator/health
port: 8080
scheme: HTTP
initialDelaySeconds: 10
periodSeconds: 30
successThreshold: 1
timeoutSeconds: 2
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: hasher
namespace: demo
app: hasher
prometheus.io/scrape: 'true'
prometheus.io/scheme: http
prometheus.io/path: /actuator/prometheus
prometheus.io/port: '8080'
- port: 8080
protocol: TCP
targetPort: http-hasher
app: hasher
- Connect to your Grafana interface
If you've followed my previous article Locally install Kubernetes, Prometheus, and Grafana you can reach Grafana at http://localhost:3000/
- Import the dashboard from the JSON definition
from this repo - Display the dashboard
You should see an empty dashboard as follows:
The Grafana Demo Dashboard is composed of 3 rows (labeled from A
to C
), one for each microservice's pods
(Worker, Random Number Generator -RNG- and Hasher) and monitored metrics (numbered 1
to 4
- In cells #1,
number of running pods
andprocess speed
(functionally speaking) are represented. - In cells #2,
historical process speed
is first monitored in the A row. On B and C,Request Latency
to the underlying microservicesRNG
are displayed. - Cells #3 display the
pods' CPU consumption
. - Cells #4 monitor the
pods' RAM consumption
In this first step, all microservices' replicas are configured with 1 pod, and the Java-based microservices run on JVM.
All of this will also be created in a specific demo
- To start app's microservices, apply this configuration to the cluster:
kubectl apply -f _kube/k8s-app-jvm.yml
You should see the output:
namespace/demo created
deployment.apps/hasher created
service/hasher created
deployment.apps/rng created
service/rng created
deployment.apps/redis created
service/redis created
deployment.apps/worker created
service/worker created
The speed metric located in the first cell of the first row give us a base measure of our application effectiveness:
cycles/sec.Depending on your Kubernetes cluster's resources, you could get another result.
- Let's see the actual deployment's situation by entering:
kubectl get deployment -n demo
- Which should return:
hasher 1/1 1 1 13m
redis 1/1 1 1 13m
rng 1/1 1 1 13m
worker 1/1 1 1 13m
- Scale up
pod to 2:
kubectl scale deployment worker --replicas=2 -n demo
Which returns:
deployment.apps/worker scaled
- Let's have a look on Grafana dashboard:
You can notice an increase by 2 of the application process.
- Let's try increasing to 10 workers:
kubectl scale deployment worker --replicas=10 -n demo
The process speed grows up but does not reach exactly 10 times more: latency of the 2 microservices, rng and hasher, has slightly increases.
- Let's increase
pods' number:
kubectl scale deployment hasher rng --replicas=4 -n demo
Or even more:
kubectl scale deployment hasher rng --replicas=5 -n demo
For this 2 microservices, increasing the pods' number reduces their latency, but its remain a little above their initial values: another factor is influencing the app (?)
- Replace jvm-based images with native ones by updating deployments with rollout:
kubectl set image deployment/hasher hasher=hasher-native:1.0.0 -n demo
kubectl set image deployment/rng rng=rng-native:1.0.0 -n demo
- Watch the deployment rollout:
kubectl rollout status deployment/hasher -n demo
- And the Grafana dashboard:
About Latency
- No change for the responsiveness of the microservices: sure, the code is too simple to benefit from a native build.
About CPU usage
- JVM-based CPU usage tends to decrease with time. This is due to the HotSpot's
compiler which produces very optimized native code in the long run.- By contrast, native-based CPU usage is low from the outset.
About RAM usage
- Surprisingly Native-based apps are using more memory than JVM-based ones: I can't explain it as reduce footprint of native Java applications is one of the benefits claimed by the community.
- Is it because of the Spring Native still in Beta version, or a memory leak in the implementation?
To simply stop the app and all its microservices, enter:
kubectl delete -f _kube/k8s-app-jvm.yml
which will remove all the Kubernetes configuration created previously:
namespace "demo" deleted
deployment.apps "hasher" deleted
service "hasher" deleted
deployment.apps "rng" deleted
service "rng" deleted
deployment.apps "redis" deleted
service "redis" deleted
deployment.apps "worker" deleted
service "worker" deleted
- Kubernetes' configuration should always include resources limit (and also request) that has not been done in this demo.
- I could have used Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) and even better HPA on custom metrics (see this post for more details). I wish I found some Automatic Scaler that regulate all pods in an application to maximize a specific metric but nothing about such a thing... Did you ever hear something like that?
Here are some links for further reading:
- Jérôme Patazzoni's container training: https://github.com/jpetazzo/container.training
- Kubernetes Concepts : https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/
- Monitoring your apps in Kubernetes with Prometheus and Spring Boot: https://developer.ibm.com/technologies/containers/tutorials/monitoring-kubernetes-prometheus/
- Prometheus Python Client: https://github.com/prometheus/client_python
- Custom Prometheus Metrics for Apps Running in Kubernetes: https://zhimin-wen.medium.com/custom-prometheus-metrics-for-apps-running-in-kubernetes-498d69ada7aa