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This project is a a typical multi-modules Java project with

  • 2 war files (petclinic & petclinic-backend)
  • a dar (Deployment archive) that includes
    • the 2 war files,
    • a set of SQL files.
    • a datasource
    • a smoke test (
    • a logger, a custom extension to configure log configuration per environment

The readme file details all the operations to package and to deploy it not only using maven and a classic infrastructure but also using the new devops-as-code and targeting a kubernetes cluster.

XLD Server configuration

<type type="app.ConfiguredLogger" extends="generic.CopiedArtifact"
    deployable-type="app.Logger" container-type="tomcat.Server">
    <generate-deployable type="app.Logger" extends="generic.Folder"/>
    <property name="targetDirectory" hidden="true" default="${deployed.container.home}/config"/>
    <property name="createTargetDirectory" hidden="true" kind="boolean" default="true"/>
    <property name="restartRequired" kind="boolean" default="true" hidden="true"/>
    <property name="createVerb" default="Configure" hidden="true"/>
    <property name="destroyVerb" default="Destroy" hidden="true"/>
  • restart XLDeploy server.


it uses the XL Deploy Maven plugin to package the dar file.

The commands are:

  • mvn clean package creates a dar file (dar/target//PetPortal-3.0-CD-SNAPSHOT.dar)

  • mvn clean install creates a dar file (dar/target//PetPortal-3.0-CD-SNAPSHOT.dar), imports it into your XLDeploy Server and deploys into Environments/Dev/Tomcat-Dev environment.


Since 8.5, XL Deploy provides DevOps as Code

Manage the web application on tomcat as code

in the tomcat Directory you'll find:

  • application.yaml describes PetPortal/2.0-92 package
  • infrastructure.yaml describes
    • the targeted infrastructure (a single machine with a tomcat and a database)'
    • the Tomcat-Dev-AsCode environment ans the associated dictionaries.
  • deployment.yaml triggers a deployment PetPortal/2.0-92 -> Tomcat-Dev-AsCode
  • xebialabs.yaml an import yaml file that includes the 3 previous files.

execution : xl apply -f tomcat/xebialabs.yaml --values title=demo-as-code or

Using the devops as-code to migrate to containers

The petclinic backend war is now packaged and defined in a container and deployed to a Kubernetes Cluster.

in the containers Directory you'll find:

  • in application.yaml, the backend petclinic has been defined using k8s.DeploymentSpec and k8s.ServiceSpec
  • k8s.yaml defines the targeted K8S cluster
  • infrastructure.yaml defines the environement with the dev k8s namespace as a new member
  • deployment.yaml triggers a deployment PetPortal/(Version) -> Tomcat-Dev-AsCode
  • xebialabs.yaml an import yaml file that includes the 4 previous files.

all the commands are in the script that builds the images and runs the 'xl apply' commands.

Note: the script build the image and push it into a local registry installed in my minikube Start your minikube using this alias

alias minikube-start=‘minikube start --vm-driver xhyve --insecure-registry localhost:5000’

Install the registry using this yaml file

kubectl apply -f minikube-registry/local-registry.yaml

The original setup is describe here:

Using the devops as-code to migrate to micro-services & containers

The petclinic backend is now split into several micro services: vet-service, dog-service, cat-service. The dog-service & cat-service depend of a common service: pet-service. The main UI petportal is also defined and deployed usng Kubernetes resources: Deployment, Volume, Service,ConfigMap & Ingress.

in the microservices directory ,you'll find:

  • in services.yaml, the import file that points to the description of the 4 services based on k8s components,
  • in application.yaml, the application based only with dependencies,
  • infrastructure.yaml defines the environment with the dev k8s namespace as a new member and removes the tomcat servers from the env.
  • deployment.yaml triggers a deployment PetPortal/(Version) -> Tomcat-Dev-AsCode
  • xebialabs.yaml an import yaml file that includes the 4 previous files.

all the commands are in the script that builds the images and runs the 'xl apply' commands.

Sample output

$ ./ 
building localhost:5000/bmoussaud/petclinic-backend:3.0.4
docker build -t bmoussaud/petclinic-backend PetClinic-Backend
Sending build context to Docker daemon  15.87kB
Step 1/2 : FROM tomcat:8.0
 ---> ef6a7c98d192
Step 2/2 : COPY target/PetClinic-Backend.war  /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/PetClinic-Backend.war
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 16db15c1a9f8
Successfully built 16db15c1a9f8
Successfully tagged bmoussaud/petclinic-backend:latest
docker tag bmoussaud/petclinic-backend:latest localhost:5000/bmoussaud/petclinic-backend:3.0.4
docker push localhost:5000/bmoussaud/petclinic-backend:3.0.4
The push refers to repository [localhost:5000/bmoussaud/petclinic-backend]
d4dcf092f47b: Layer already exists
8c466bf4ca6f: Layer already exists
3.0.4: digest: sha256:212d08d3133aae44f27587cf982062526494031ab7210eac7e39312eaa2282c5 size: 2832
Applying application.yaml (imported by xebialabs.yaml)
Created Applications/Java/PetPortal/3.0.4/petclinic
Created Applications/Java/PetPortal/3.0.4/sql
Created Applications/Java/PetPortal/3.0.4/petclinic-backend-deployment/petclinic-backend/web
Created Applications/Java/PetPortal/3.0.4/petclinic-backend-deployment/petclinic-backend
Created Applications/Java/PetPortal/3.0.4/petclinic-backend-deployment
Created Applications/Java/PetPortal/3.0.4/petclinic-backend-service/http
Created Applications/Java/PetPortal/3.0.4/petclinic-backend-service
Created Applications/Java/PetPortal/3.0.4
Updated Applications/Java/PetPortal
Applying k8s.yaml (imported by xebialabs.yaml)
Updated Infrastructure/AsCode/mykube
Updated Infrastructure/AsCode
Applying infrastructure.yaml (imported by xebialabs.yaml)
Updated Infrastructure/AsCode/host-dev-vm/tomcat-dev/tomcat.vh
Updated Environments/Dev/Tomcat-Dev-AsCode
Applying deployment.yaml (imported by xebialabs.yaml)

Task [Update deployment of 'Applications/Java/PetPortal/3.0.4' to 'Environments/Dev/Tomcat-Dev-AsCode'] started (039f79f7-aad2-4bea-bf35-4a9ec01888f6)
Applying xebialabs.yaml


Petclinic demo webapp






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