sudo dd bs=4M if=path/to/input.iso of=/dev/sda status=progress
curl -L -O
sudo nixos-config-master/bin/install shutdown -r now
Login is as root:
passwd <username>
# enter password
Login as <user>:
curl -L -O
mv nixos-config-master nixos-config
sudo rm -rf /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
sudo ln -s /home/pherseus/nixos-config/machines/andromeda.nix /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
sudo nix-channel --add nixos
nix-util u
Download of4chooV
from Dropbox.
mkdir container
veracrypt -t --mount <container_file> ./container
cd ./containter/gpg
gpg --import public.key
gpg --import subkeys
# DONT IMPORT privkey.asc
# This is the primary privat key and only needed for editing the keys
sudo umount container
rm -rf container
chown -R $(whoami) ~/.gnupg/
chmod 600 ~/.gnupg/*
chmod 700 ~/.gnupg
git clone .password-store
Execute the ./ script.
Key | Command |
b | Buffer |
w | Window |
f | Find |
/ | Search |
j | Jump |
p | Projectile |
o | Org |
g | Magit |
c | Flycheck |
d | DAP |
y | Yasnippet |
P | Password Store |
m | More |
B | Brain |
h | Help |
Q | save-buffers-kill-terminal |
! | shell-command |
: | eval-expression |
; | pp-eval-expression |
& | async-shell-command |
u | universal-argument |
t | ansi-term-default |
r | counsel-recentf |
x | counsel-M-x |
Key | Command |
b<SPC> | projectile-switch-to-buffer |
bs | save-buffer |
bd | kill-current-buffer |
bD | kill-buffer |
bb | ivy-switch-buffer |
bB | ivy-switch-buffer-other-window |
Key | Command |
wh | evil-window-left |
wj | evil-window-down |
wk | evil-window-up |
wl | evil-window-right |
wo | delete-other-windows |
ws | evil-window-split |
wv | evil-window-vsplit |
wq | evil-quit |
wH | evil-window-decrease-with |
wL | evil-window-increase-width |
wJ | evil-window-decrease-height |
wK | evil-window-increase-height |
Key | Command |
f<SPC> | projectile-find-file |
ff | find-file |
fd | find-dired |
fg | find-grep-dired |
fs | find-file-as-sudo |
fl | find-library |
Key | Command | Note |
/gG | grep | grep, command |
/gl | lgrep | grep, autocompletion |
/gf | grep-find | find exec grep, command |
/gr | rgrep | find exec grep, autocompletion |
/gg | counsel-git-grep | |
/s | swiper | |
/gp | projectile-grep |
Key | Command |
j<SPC> | xref-find-definition |
jr | xref-find-references |
jo | xref-find-definitions-other-window |
jb | xref-pop-marker-stack |
ja | xref-find-apropos |
Key | Command |
p<SPC> | projectile-find-file |
pg | projectile-grep |
pr | projectile-replace |
pp | projectile-command-map |
pc | projectile-compile-project |
p! | projectile-run-shell-command-in-root |
p& | projectile-run-async-shell-command-in-root |
psp | projectile-switch-project |
pso | projectile-switch-open-project |
pb | projectile-switch-to-buffer |
Key | Command |
ot | orgg-timer-set-timer |
Key | Command |
g<SPC> | magit-status |
gb | magit-blame |
gf | magit-log-buffer-file |
Key | Command |
c<SPC> | flycheck-list-errors |
cl | flycheck-list-errors |
cc | flycheck-buffer |
cC | flycheck-clear |
cp | flycheck-previous-error |
cn | flycheckt-next-error |
cn | flycheck-next-error |
Key | Command |
d<SPC> | dap-debug |
dd | dap-debug |
dD | dap-debug-edit-template |
dh | dap-hydra/body |
dbt | dap-breakpoint-toggle |
dba | dap-breakpoint-add |
dbd | dap-breakpoint-delete |
dbc | dap-breakpoint-condition |
dbh | dap-breakpoint-hit-condition |
dbl | dap-breakpoint-log-message |
dws | dap-ui-session |
dwl | dap-ui-locals |
dwe | dap-ui-expressions |
dwb | dap-ui-breakpoints |
dwr | dap-ui-repl |
dsd | dap-delete-session |
dsD | dap-delete-all-sessions |
dq | dap-disconnect |
Key | Command |
yh | yas-describe-tables |
yn | yas-new-snippet |
yv | yas-visit-snippet-file |
yr | yas-reload-all |
Key | Command |
Pd | password-store-remove |
Pe | password-store-edit |
Pg | password-store-get |
Pi | password-store-insert |
Pr | password-store-rename] |
Pu | password-store-url |
PC | password-store-clear |
PG | password-store-generate |
PI | password-store-init |
Pc | password-store-copy |
Key | Command |
mm | evil-show-marks |
ma | aggressive-indent-mode |
ml<SPC> | dictcc |
mlp | dictcc-at-point |
md | dired-jump |
mD | dired-jump-other-window |
Key | Command |
B<SPC> | org-roam-node-find |
Bi | org-roam-node-insert |
Bb | org-roam-buffer-toggle |
Ba | org-roam-alias-add |
Key | Command |
hm | describe-mode |
hf | describe-function |
hv | describe-variable |
hk | describe-key |
ha | apropos |
hc | apropos-command |
hd | apropos-documentation |
hl | apropos-library |
hu | apropos-user-options |
hV | apropos-value |
hi | info |
hy | yas-describe-tables |
Key | Command |
o | org-open-at-point |
O | org-mark-ring-goto |
b | org-babel-demarcate-block |
t | org-babel-tangle |
e | org-export-dispatch |
l | org-insert-link |
L | org-toggle-link-display |
i | org-id-get-create |
nb | org-narrow-to-block |
ne | org-narrow-to-element |
ns | org-narrow-to-subtree |
nw | widen |
d<SPC> | org-drill |
dt | org-drill-tree |
dd | org-drill-directory |
dr | org-drill-resume |
r | org-ref-insert-link |
N | org-noter |
Key | Command |
o | pdf-outline |
j | evil-collection-pdf-view-next-line-or-next-page |
n | evil-collection-pdf-view-previous-line-or-previous-page |
C-f | pdf-view-scroll-up-or-next-page |
C-b | pdf-view-scroll-down-or-previous-page |
]] | pdf-view-next-page-command |
[[ | pdf-view-previous-page-command |
C-j | pdf-view-next-page-command |
C-k | pdf-view-previous-page-command |
gj | pdf-view-next-page-command |
gk | pdf-view-previous-page-command |
Key | Command |
C-c C-q | bibtex-fill-entry |
Key | Command |
a | align-regexp |
Key | Command |
l | yas-load-snippet-buffer |
t | yas-tryout-snippet |
c | yas-load-snippet-buffer-and-close |
Key | Command |
p | pp-eval-last-sexp |
b | eval-buffer |
d | toggle-debug-on-error |
f | debug-on-entry |
F | cancel-debug-on-entry |
l | eval-last-exep |
e | eval-defun |
Key | Command |
i | haskell-navigate-imports |
, | haskell-mode-format-imports |
s | haskell-sort-imports |
r | run-haskell |
Key | Command |
r | nodejs-repl |
ce | nodejs-repl-send-last-expression |
cj | nodejs-repl-send-line |
cr | nodejs-repl-send-region |
cc | nodejs-repl-send-buffer |
cl | nodejs-send-load-file |
cz | nodejs-repl-switch-to-repl |
Key | Command |
f | evil-json-pretty-print |
Key | Command |
fb | nixpkgs-fmt-buffer |
fr | help:nixpkgs-fmt-region |
Copyright (C) 2019-2021 sballert
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
this program. If not, see <>