Named after my favorite video game Arma 3, Arma Lang is a programming language with the following design features:
- Syntax: S-exp
- Paradigm: Functional
- Prototype Based Object Oriented Programming
- All basic primitive data types
- All basic control structures
- Methods and method parameters
This compiler is written in TypeScript, and the project is based using Node.js runtime environment.
Here's a code snippet written in Arma-Lang that defines a variable, calculates the factorial, and prints the result
(define result 0)
(define factorial
(lambda n Nat
(if (zero? n)
(* n (factorial (- n 1))))))
(assign result (factorial 5))
(print result)
Here's another one, where an oobject 'dummy-object' is defined:
(define dummy-object (obj :x 10 :y (obj :z 1000 :q true)))
(print (field (field dummy-object :y) :q))