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SQL Complete Guide


1. Multiple Query Statements need to end with ;
2. -- represents a comment
3. SQL is not case sensitive
4. SQL query statements can be written in one single line or in multiple lines.
5. Order of clauses matter.
6. RDBMS data tables should always have a PRIMARY KEY Column.
7. Default sorting [ORDER BY] is done through PRIMARY KEY column
8. VARCHAR(50) -> Stores atmost 50 alphanumeric string values. If value is of length 5, then it takes only 5 space in memory.
9. CHAR(50) -> If value length is 5, it will fill the rest of 45 space in memory by itself.
10. Subquery is a SQL statement which resides within another SQL statement.
11. Put string data in '' or "". Mainly done in '' as per convention

1. Select the database

USE database_name;

2. Retrieving Data


    • SELECT Statement:

      SELECT [colums | *]
      FROM [table_name] (optional)
      WHERE [filter_condition] (optional)
      ORDER BY [column_name] (optional)
      -- (SELECT 1, 2 will create two columns on the go temporary)
      -- We specify the columns in order to reduce the load on server, database and network.
      -- Put names having spaces in ''.
      	points * 10 + 100 AS discount_factor
      FROM customers
      --  Order of operators is important. Works like normal maths. Parenthesis can be used to change the order of the operation
      -- AS is an alias keyword to rename the column
      -- DISTINCT keyword removes the duplicates.
    • WHERE clause:

      -- is used to filter the results as per the condition. The query execution engine iterates over all the records and retrieves the ones that satisfies this condition
    • Comparison Operators for WHERE Clause:

      • > [greater than]
      • >= [greater than or equal to]
      • < [less than]
      • <= [less than or equal to]
      • = [equality]
      • != [not equal to]
      • <> [not equal to]
      SELECT *
      FROM customers
      WHERE points > 3000
      SELECT *
      FROM Customers
      WHERE state = 'va'
      SELECT *
      FROM cusTOMERS
      WHERE birth_DAtE > 'YYYY-MM-DD'
    • LOGICAL Operators:

      • AND {1 -> in terms of order to execute}
      • OR {2 -> in terms of order to execute}
      • NOT (makes every comparator operator reverse. AND <-> OR, < -> > and so on)
      SELECT *
      FROM customers
      WHERE points > 3000 AND birth_date > '1990-01-01'
      SELECT *
      FROM customers
      WHERE points > 3000 OR birth_date > '1990-01-01'
      SELECT *
      FROM customers
      WHERE points > 3000 OR birth_date > '1990-01-01' AND state = 'VA'
    • IN Operator:

    • In SQL we cannot combine a string with a boolean condition that produces a true or false. Thus we cannot write something like: state = "VA" OR "GA". We need: state = 'VA' OR state = 'GA'.

    • state IN ('VA', 'FL', 'GA')

    • Use this when you want to evaluate attribute to a bunch of values.

    • Wording like: stock equal to value_1, value_2, value_3, etc.

    • BETWEEN Operator:

      • Whenever the range of value is involved, use between.

      • Inclusive range values.

      • points >=1000 AND points <=3000 == points BETWEEN 1000 AND 3000

          FROM customers
          WHERE birth_date BETWEEN '1990-01-01' AND '2000-01-01'
    • LIKE Operator:

      • Match pattern and filter the result as per pattern which satisfies the result.

      • String pattern.

      • % indicates any number of characters

      • ['b%' -> starts with b or B]

      • ['%b%' -> b somewhere in string]

      • ['%y' -> ends with y]

      • _ indicates single character

      • [_y -> 2 character string ending with y]

      • [b__y -> string having 4 characters which starts with b and ends with y]

          FROM customers
          WHERE address LIKE '%Trail%' OR address LIKE '%avenue%'
    • REGEXP Operator:

      • REGular EXPression operator

      • ^[carrot sign] -> ^field => must start with field

      • field$ -> must end with field

      • field|mac -> have field or mac [pipe]

      • ^field|mac|rose -> start with field or have mac or have rose

      • [gim]e -> any of characters in brackets can come before e -> ge or ie or me in reality

      • e[fmq] -> ef or em or eq

      • [a-z]e -> range of ae or be or ... ze.

      • ^ beginning

      • $ end

      • | logical or

      • [abcd] a or b or c or d

      • [a-f] range

          SELECT *
          FROM customers
          WHERE address REGEXP 'Trail|Avenue';
    • IS NULL Operator:

      • Null represents absence of value

      • WHERE phone IS NULL

      • WHERE phone IS NOT NULL

          SELECT *
          FROM orders
          WHERE shipped_date IS NULL
    • ORDER BY Clause:

      • Default done via PRIMARY KEY Column

      • Used for sorting as per condition

      • ORDER BY first_name

      • Default ASC

      • DESC can be done

      • Multiple columns can be done. first_column sort, then each sorted result group gets sorted using second_column

      • ORDER BY state DESC, first_name

      • We can sort data in MYSQL by any column regardless they are being picked or not for display.

      • Alias sorting allowed in MySQL.

      • Sorting columns using their position [ORDER BY 1, 2] should be avoided.

          SELECT *
          FROM order_items
          WHERE order_id = 2
          ORDER BY quantity, unit_price DESC
    • LIMIT Clause:

      • LIMIT 6, 3

      • 6 is offset here.

      • 3 is the limit of records after 6 offset.

      • Should always come at the end in terms of order.

          SELECT *
          FROM order_items
          WHERE order_id = 2
          ORDER BY quantity, unit_price DESC
          LIMIT 6,3

    • INNER JOIN/JOIN Clause:

      • Use to join two tables to extract data residing in the two table but are linked somehow

        SELECT oi.order_id,
        FROM order_items oi
        INNER JOIN products p ON oi.product_id = p.product_id
      • It's better practice to give aliases to the tables involved.

      • It's not required to prefix alias to the unambiguous columns in SELECT clause. Example: oi.order_id can simply be order_id.

      • INNER keyword is optional as that's the default behaviour for JOIN.


      • You simply prefix the name of the database before the table names to join tables residing in different databases.
      • If the current database in use is "A" then no need to prefix table residing in "A" with "A".
        SELECT oi.order_id,
        FROM order_items oi
        INNER JOIN sql_inventory.products p ON oi.product_id = p.product_id
    • SELF JOIN:

      • Exactly the same as INNER JOIN. Just requires different aliases for the same table and prefix becomes necessary due to column ambiguity.

      SELECT o.order_id,
      		c.last_name, AS status
      FROM orders o
      			JOIN customers c ON o.customer_id = c.customer_id
      			JOIN order_statuses os ON o.status = os.order_status_id

      • Sometimes, there is no one unique PRIMARY KEY in the table to help us identify unique data record from the table.
      • In such situation, we need to use 2 or more column names to uniquely identify a record.
      • These group of columns are all made PRIMARY KEY and are called COMPOSITE PRIMARY KEY
      • JOIN table_name ON cond_1 AND cond_2
    • IMPLICIT JOIN Syntax:

      SELECT *
      FROM orders o, customers c [till now it's CROSS JOIN]
      WHERE o.customer_id = c.customer_id [this makes it IMPLICIT INNER JOIN]

      • Two types: LEFT & RIGHT
      • OUTER keyword is optional. So, LEFT OUTER JOIN == LEFT JOIN
      • Used when we want to make the ON condition true but not strictly. Meaning, when we want the all the data of either LEFT table or RIGHT table. It returns all the record whether the condition is true or not.
      SELECT c.customer_id, first_name, order_id
      FROM customers c
      			LEFT JOIN orders o on c.customer_id = o.customer_id
      ORDER BY c.customer_id
      -- (AND)
      SELECT c.customer_id, first_name, order_id
      FROM customers c
      			RIGHT JOIN orders o on c.customer_id = o.customer_id
      ORDER BY c.customer_id
    • OUTER JOIN on Multiple Tables:

      SELECT o.order_id,
      		c.first_name,  AS shipper, AS status
      FROM orders o
      			JOIN customers c ON o.customer_id = c.customer_id
      			LEFT JOIN shippers s ON o.shipper_id = s.shipper_id
      		LEFT JOIN order_statuses os ON o.status = os.order_status_id
      ORDER BY shipper

      select e.employee_id,
      from employees e
      left join employees m On e.reports_to = m.employee_id;
    • USING Clause:

      • USING keyword works only when the column name across different tables are same.

      • Equivalent to ON cond_1

      • Can be used for single and multiple columns.

        SELECT o.order_id,
        c.first_name, AS shipper
        FROM orders o
        JOIN customers c
        USING (customer_id)
        LEFT JOIN shippers sh
        USING (shipper_id)
        -- AND
        FROM order_items oi
        JOIN order_item_notes oin USING (order_id, product_id)
        -- AND
 AS payment_method
        FROM payments p
          JOIN clients c USING (client_id)
          JOIN payment_methods pm ON p.payment_method = pm.payment_method_id

      • Database engine will join the tables using the column name, column having the same name.

      • Due to lack of control, it's better to not use it, as it can produce unexpected result.

        SELECT o.order_id,
        FROM orders o
        NATURAL JOIN customers c
    • CROSS JOIN Clause:

    • Every record of one table combines with every record of another table.

    • n x m records.

    • Implicit Syntax:

      SELECT *
      FROM shippers s, products p
      ORDER BY;
    • Explicit Syntax:

      SELECT *
      FROM shippers s
      CROSS JOIN products p
      ORDER BY
    • UNION:

      • Combine multiple rows rather than columns.

      • Combine multiple query results.

      • These queries can be from the same table or multiple table

        SELECT order_id, order_date, 'Active' AS status
        FROM orders o
        WHERE o.order_date >= '2019-01-01'
        SELECT order_id, order_date, 'Archived' AS status
        FROM orders o
        WHERE o.order_date <= '2019-01-01';
      • Number of columns each query returns should be same or it will returns an error.

        SELECT customer_id, first_name, points, 'Bronze' AS type
        FROM customers
        WHERE points < 2000
        SELECT customer_id, first_name, points, 'Silver' AS type
        FROM customers
        WHERE points BETWEEN 2000 AND 3000
        SELECT customer_id, first_name, points, 'Gold' AS type
        FROM customers
        WHERE points > 3000
        ORDER BY first_name

3. Inserting Data

INSERT INTO table_name,
VALUES(DEFAULT, 'value_1', 'value_2', NULL, '2002-01-01');

-- OR

INSERT INTO table_name (col_val_1, col_val_2, col_date)
VALUES (value_1, value_2, '2002-01-01');

-- String and Date value should be within ''.
-- Numbers can be without ''.
-- DEFAULT keyword is used for autoincrement column and NULL allowed column.
-- NULL keyword is for null allowed column.

-- OR

INSERT INTO table_name (name)
VALUES ('value_1'),

-- Inserting multiple values is allowed in one go.
-- Inserting hierarchical values: This is inserting the values in one table and then use that new record to insert value in other table.
-- LAST_INSERT_ID() is the function that gives back the last insert ID.

INSERT INTO orders (customer_id, order_date, status)
VALUES (1, '2021-01-01', 1);

-- OR

INSERT INTO order_items
VALUES (LAST_INSERT_ID(), 1, 1, 2.95),
    (LAST_INSERT_ID(), 2, 1, 2.95);

CREATE TABLE new_table AS SELECT * FROM orders

-- Copies the table but not the column attributes like Primary Key marking, AI marking, etc.
-- It contains the subquery of SELECT...

TRUNCATE table_name
-- deletes all the records within the table.

-- We can use subquery inside INSERT statement

CREATE TABLE invoices_archived AS
SELECT i.invoice_id,
    i.number, AS client_name,
FROM invoices i
      JOIN clients c USING (client_id)
WHERE payment_date IS NOT NULL

4. Updating Data

  • Updating Single Row

    UPDATE table_name
    SET col_name_1 = value_1/expression, col_name_2 = value_2/expression
    WHERE cond_1 (this condition is necessary)
    -- OR
    UPDATE invoices
    	payment_total = invoice_total * 0.5
    	payment_date = due_date
    WHERE invoice_id = 3;
  • Updating Multiple Row

    * Leave the WHERE Clause
    * WHERE client_id IN (3, 5);
  • Updating Subqueries in Updates

    UPDATE orders
    SET comments = 'GOLD CUSTOMERS'
    WHERE customer_id IN (SELECT customer_id
    						FROM customers
    						WHERE points > 3000)

5. Deleting Data


    DELETE FROM table_name
    WHERE cond_1 = value_1;
    -- OR
    DELETE FROM table_name
    WHERE cond_1 = (sub_query)


5. Summarizing Data (Useful in Report Tools)

  • Aggregate Functions:

    • MAX()
    • MIN()
    • AVG()
    • SUM()
    • COUNT()
    	MAX(invoice_total) AS highest,
    	MIN(invoice_total) AS lowest,
    	AVG(invoice_total) AS average,
    	SUM(invoice_total * 1.1) AS total,
    	COUNT(DISTINCT invoice_total) AS number_of_invoices,
    	COUNT(*) AS total_records
    FROM invoices
    WHERE invoice_date > '2019-07-01';
    -- Work on Non-NULL values
    -- Work on Date Values and String values as well.
    -- Work on Numeric values
    -- Work with WHERE clause
    -- By Default duplicate values are included. Using DISTINCT can give DISTINCT values.
  • GROUP BY Clause:

    • Group BY include all the SELECT columns except the aggregate one.

          SUM(invoice_total) AS total_sales
      FROM invoices
      GROUP BY client_id
      ORDER BY total_sales DESC
      -- by default the result is sorted by column_name in GROUP BY clause.
      -- GROUP BY is always after FROM and WHERE Clause and before ORDER BY clause.
      SELECT date,
 AS payment_method,
          SUM(amount) AS total_payments
      FROM payments p
              JOIN payment_methods pm on p.payment_method = pm.payment_method_id
      GROUP BY date, payment_method
      ORDER BY date

    • Filter data after the rows have been grouped.

      SELECT client_id,
          SUM(invoice_total) AS total_sales
      FROM invoices
      GROUP BY client_id
      HAVING total_sales > 800;
  • WITH ROLL UP (only MySQL)

    • Sums the above Aggregate column values. Summarize the data.

    • Only applies to columns that aggregate.

    • It calculates the summary for each group if used with GROUP BY multiple columns.

      SELECT state,
          SUM(invoice_total) AS total_sales
      FROM invoices i
      JOIN clients c on c.client_id = i.client_id
      GROUP BY state, city WITH ROLLUP
      -- AND
      SELECT AS payment_method,
         SUM(p.amount) AS total
      FROM payments p
      JOIN payment_methods pm ON p.payment_method = pm.payment_method_id
      ORDER BY total

6. Writing Complex Queries


    • A subquery is a select query within another query.
    • Question: Find (SQL MOSH Databases) the products where the unit price is greater than the product Lettuce with id = 3
      SELECT *
      FROM products
      WHERE unit_price > (SELECT unit_price
                          FROM products
                          WHERE product_id = 3)
    • Question: In sql_hr database, find employees who earn more than average
      SELECT *
      FROM employees
      WHERE salary > (SELECT AVG(salary)
                      FROM employees)
      ORDER BY employee_id

    • Ques: Find the products that have never been ordered

      SELECT *
      FROM products
      WHERE product_id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT product_id
                              FROM order_items)
    • Ques: Find clients without invoices

      SELECT *
      FROM clients
      WHERE client_id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT client_id
                              FROM invoices)

    • Quite often, we can write subqueries using JOIN clauses.

    • Ques: same as above

      SELECT *
      FROM clients c
      LEFT JOIN invoices i USING (client_id)
      WHERE i.invoice_id IS NULL
    • Ques: Find customers who have ordered lettuce (id = 3), select customer_id, first_name, last_name

      SELECT DISTINCT customer_id,
      FROM customers c
              JOIN orders o USING (customer_id)
              JOIN order_items oi USING (order_id)
      WHERE oi.product_id = 3
  • ALL Keyword:

    • Ques: Select invoices larger than all invoices of client 3

      SELECT *
      FROM invoices
      WHERE invoice_total > (SELECT MAX(invoice_total)
                            FROM invoices
                            WHERE client_id = 3)
      -- Above is equivalent to
      SELECT *
      FROM invoices
      WHERE invoice_total > ALL (SELECT invoice_total
                                FROM invoices
                                WHERE client_id = 3)
  • ANY/SOME Keyword

    • Ques: Select clients with at least two invoices

      SELECT c.client_id,
      FROM clients c
      WHERE c.client_id IN (SELECT client_id
                          FROM invoices
                          GROUP BY client_id
                          HAVING COUNT(*) >= 2)
      -- Equivalent to
      SELECT c.client_id,
      FROM clients c
      WHERE c.client_id = (ANY/SOME) (SELECT client_id
                               FROM invoices
                               GROUP BY client_id
                               HAVING COUNT(*) >= 2)
      -- Equivalent to
      SELECT c.client_id,
      FROM invoices i
      JOIN clients c USING (client_id)
      GROUP BY client_id
      HAVING COUNT(*) >= 2
  • CORRELATED Queries:

    • Ques: Select employees whose salary is above the average in their office

      SELECT *
      FROM employees e
      WHERE salary > (SELECT AVG(salary)
                      FROM employees
                      WHERE office_id = e.office_id)
      -- In the first run, the first employee is selected and then the subquery condition runs for it. The subquery condition is dependent upon the outer query using the WHERE clause. As such, it calculates the average salary of all employees where their office_id = outer employee's office_id. In short, it averages the salary office wise in each iteration, rather than just once that happens when there is no correlation.
      -- This constant iterative execution causes the query to run slow sometimes depending upon the number of data records.
      -- Still quite powerfull having lot of application in real world
    • Ques: Get invoices that are larger than the client's average invoice amount

      SELECT invoice_id,
      FROM invoices i
      WHERE invoice_total > (SELECT AVG(invoice_total)
                            FROM invoices
                            WHERE i.client_id = client_id)
  • The EXISTS Operator

    • When the IN operator subquery returns a large result set of values, it's better to use the EXISTS operator which doesn't return the result set.

    • EXISTS works better in above case as its fast in comparison to IN Operator.

      SELECT *
      FROM clients c
      WHERE EXISTS(SELECT client_id
                  FROM invoices
                  WHERE c.client_id = client_id)
      SELECT *
      FROM products
              SELECT product_id
              FROM order_items
              WHERE products.product_id = order_items.product_id
  • Subqueries in SELECT Clause

    SELECT invoice_id,
         (SELECT AVG(invoice_total)
          FROM invoices) AS invoice_average,
         invoice_total - (SELECT invoice_average) AS difference
    FROM invoices
    SELECT client_id,,
         (SELECT SUM(invoice_total)
          FROM invoices
          WHERE c.client_id = client_id)        AS total_sales,
         (SELECT AVG(invoice_total)
          FROM invoices)                        AS invoice_average,
         (SELECT total_sales - invoice_average) AS difference
    FROM clients c
  • Subqueries in FROM Clause

    SELECT *
    FROM (SELECT client_id,
                (SELECT SUM(invoice_total)
                  FROM invoices
                  WHERE c.client_id = client_id)        AS total_sales,
                (SELECT AVG(invoice_total)
                  FROM invoices)                        AS invoice_average,
                (SELECT total_sales - invoice_average) AS difference
          FROM clients c) AS sales_summary
    WHERE total_sales IS NOT NULL
    -- It's better to use VIEWS in its place to store virtual tables obtained from subqueries within FROM Clause.

7. Built-in Functions

  • Numeric Functions

    SELECT ROUND(5.7345, 2) -- keep 2 digits after round off -> 5.73
    SELECT CEILING(5.2) -- 6
    SELECT CEIL(5.2) -- 6
    SELECT FLOOR(5.2) -- 5
    SELECT ABS(-5.2) -- 5.2
    SELECT RAND() -- generates a random floating point number between 0 and 1
  • String functions

    SELECT LENGTH('sky') -- 3
    SELECT UPPER('sky') -- SKY
    SELECT LOWER('SKY') -- sky
    SELECT LTRIM('  Sky') -- Sky
    SELECT RTRIM('Sky   ') -- Sky
    SELECT TRIM('  Sky  ') -- Sky
    SELECT LEFT('Kindergarten', 4) -- Kind
    SELECT RIGHT('Kindergarten', 6) -- garten
    SELECT SUBSTRING('Kindergarten', 3 (position), 5 (length from position == optional argument)) -- nderg / ndergarten
    SELECT LOCATE('n', 'Kindergarten') -- 3 [lowercase/uppercase doesn't matter. If n doesn't exist, it will give 0. Sequence of characters - garden, can be searched as well]
    SELECT REPLACE('Kindergarten', 'garten', 'garden') -- Kindergarden
    SELECT CONCAT('first', 'last') -- firstlast
    SELECT CONCAT(first_name, ' ', last_name) AS full_name
    FROM customers;
  • DATE Functions

    SELECT NOW() -- date and time of now
    SELECT CURDATE() -- current date
    SELECT CURTIME() -- current time
    SELECT YEAR(NOW()) -- 2021
    SELECT MONTH(NOW()) -- 2 [Feb]
    SELECT DAY(NOW()) -- 26
    SELECT HOUR(NOW()) -- current hour
    SELECT MINUTE(NOW()) -- current minute
    SELECT SECOND(NOW()) -- current day
    SELECT DAYNAME(NOW()) -- returns String value - Friday
    SELECT MONTHNAME(NOW()) -- returns String value - February
    SELECT EXTRACT(DAY FROM NOW()) -- use this standard SQL Function
  • Formatting Dates and Time

    SELECT DATE_FORMAT(NOW() [date value], '%M %d, %Y' [format string to format the date])
    SELECT TIME_FORMAT(NOW(), '%H:%i:%s')
  • Calculating Dates and Times

    SELECT DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 DAY) -- one day forward; 1 YEAR -> one year forward; 1 MONTH -> one month forward
    SELECT DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL -1 DAY) -- yesterday
    SELECT DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 DAY) -- yesterday
    SELECT DATEDIFF('2019-01-05', '2019-01-01') -- only returns difference in days not time
    SELECT TIME_TO_SEC(NOW()) -- number of seconds elapsed since midnight
  • IFNULL and COALESCE Functions

    SELECT order_id,
           IFNULL(shipper_id, 'Not assigned') AS shipper
    FROM orders
    -- If shipper_id is NULL, return Not assigned string instead.
    SELECT order_id,
         COALESCE(shipper_id, comments, 'Not assigned') AS shipper
    FROM orders
    -- This function returns the first non-null value in the list.
    SELECT CONCAT(first_name, ' ', last_name) AS full_name,
         IFNULL(phone, 'Unknown') AS phone_number
    FROM customers
  • IF function

    • IF(expression, first_value if expression is true, second_value if expression is false)
    SELECT order_id,
                 YEAR(order_date) = YEAR(NOW()),
             ) AS status
    FROM orders
  • CASE operator

    • IF case operator works for single condition only. In case of multiple condition, we use CASE Operator.
      SELECT CONCAT(first_name, ' ', last_name) AS customer,
             WHEN points > 3000 THEN 'Gold'
             WHEN points BETWEEN 2000 AND 3000 THEN 'Silver'
             ELSE 'Bronze'
             END                            AS category
      FROM customers
      ORDER BY points DESC


  • VIEWS are for reusing a frequent query in future.

  • VIEWS act as a virtual table. They don't store data. They provide a view to the underlying table. The data is stored in the table.

  • VIEWS simplify queries.

  • VIEWS help reduce the impact of changes.

  • VIEWS helps enhance the security by restricting access to data.


    CREATE VIEW sales_by_client AS
    SELECT c.client_id,
          SUM(invoice_total) As total_sales
    FROM clients c
            JOIN invoices i USING (client_id)
    GROUP BY client_id, name
    SELECT *
    FROM sales_by_client sc
    JOIN clients c on sc. client_id = c.client_id
    -- AND
    CREATE VIEW clients_balance AS
    SELECT c.client_id,
          SUM(i.invoice_total - i.payment_total) AS balance
    FROM clients c
            JOIN invoices i on c.client_id = i.client_id
    GROUP BY c.client_id,
    ORDER BY c.client_id

    DROP VIEW clients_balance
  • REPLACE keyword - to recreate the view

    CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW clients_balance AS
    SELECT c.client_id,
          SUM(i.invoice_total - i.payment_total) AS balance
    FROM clients c
            JOIN invoices i on c.client_id = i.client_id
    GROUP BY c.client_id,
    ORDER BY c.client_id

  • We can use the updatable views in insert, update, or delete statements.

  • We can basically update data through it.

  • Views are updatable if they don't have below listed attributes in them:

  • DISTINCT keyword

  • Aggregate Functions (MIN, MAX, SUM, etc)



  • Sometimes, for security reasons, we don't have access to the table directly so this helps us update data through views.

  • Any update in VIEWS updates the table.

    CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW invoices_with_balance AS
    SELECT i.*,
          i.invoice_total - i.payment_total AS balance
    FROM invoices i
    WHERE i.payment_total > 0;
    -- AND
    UPDATE invoices_with_balance
    SET payment_total = 10
    WHERE invoice_id = 2
  • WITH CHECK OPTION: This clause prevents the disappearance of rows from views in some cases where they disappear after update. It gives error if the row could be excluded after the update.

    CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW invoices_with_balance AS
    SELECT i.*,
          i.invoice_total - i.payment_total AS balance
    FROM invoices i
    WHERE i.payment_total > 0

9. Stored Procedures

  • Stored procedure is an object in MySQL which are function like in essence, that can be called anytime a complex set of queries are needed to be executed.

  • They are used to separate the concerns on application end of programming languages [JAVA, Python, C++, PHP, etc.]. Simply call the stored procedure from application end rather than writing SQL queries.

  • Enchance data security as we are able to hide the SQL implementation of table structure. We can then call these stored procedures based on user roles for enchance data security.

  • We can also pass PARAMETERS:

    CREATE PROCEDURE get_clients(client_id INT)
      SELECT *
      FROM clients c
      WHERE c.client_id = client_id;
    END $$
    -- AND
    CALL get_clients(1);
    CREATE PROCEDURE get_clients(client_id INT)
      IF client_id IS NULL THEN
        SELECT * FROM clients
        SELECT *
        FROM clients c
        WHERE c.client_id = client_id;
      END IF;
    END $$
    -- OR
    CREATE PROCEDURE get_clients(client_id INT)
      SELECT *
      FROM clients c
      WHERE c.client_id = IFNULL(c.client_id, client_id);
    END $$
    -- AND
    CALL get_clients(NULL);
  • PARAMETER VALIDATION : is done using SIGNAL SQLSTATE & SET_MESSAGE clauses/keywords. Useful for validating parameter values before modifying/inserting in table.

    CREATE PROCEDURE update_payment_by_client
      client_id INT,
      payment_id INT
      IF payment <= 0 THEN
        SIGNAL SQLSTATE '22003' SET_MESSAGE 'Invalid type'
      END IF;
      SELECT *
      FROM clients c
      WHERE c.client_id = IFNULL(c.client_id, client_id) AND c.payment_id = IFNULL(c.payment_id, payment_id);
    END $$
    -- SQLSTATE can be checked on IBM SQL site.
  • OUT PARAMETER : are output parameters that need to be stored in variables. Used mainly for application side value return feature.

    CREATE PROCEDURE get_unpaid_invoices_for_client
      client_id INT,
      OUT invoices_count INT,
      OUT invoices_total DECIMAL(9,2)
      SELECT COUNT(*), SUM(invoices_total)
      INTO invoices_count, invoices_total
      FROM invoices i
      WHERE i.client_id = client_id
      AND payment_total = 0;
    END $$
    SET @invoices_count = 0
    SET @invoices_total = 0
    CALL sql_invoicing.get_unpaid_invoices_for_client
      (3, @invoices_count, @invoices_total);
    SELECT @invoices_count, @invoices_total;
  • User or Session Variables : These variables remain in the mysql session and decalred by the user. Hence the name.

    SET @invoices_total = 0;
  • LOCAL VARIABLES : They remain in stored procedure scope, not in the entire mysql session.

    CREATE PROCEDURE get_risk_factor()
      DECLARE risk_factor DECIMAL(9,2) DEFAULT 0;
      DECLARE invoices_total DECIMAL(9,2);
      DECLARE invoices_count INT;
      SELECT COUNT(*), SUM(invoices_total)
      INTO invoices_count, invoices_total
      FROM invoices;
      SET risk_factor = invoices_total/invoices_count;
      SELECT risk_factor;
    END $$
  • FUNCTION: can only return one single value, unlike stored procedure, where they can return multiple result set.

    CREATE FUNCTION get_risk_factor(client_id INT)
      RETURN IFNULL(risk_factor, 0);
    -- DETERMINISTIC: if we give it the same set of values and it always returns the same output for those values. Same output for same input.
    -- READS SQL DATA: If we use select statement here.
    -- MODIFIES SQL DATA: if we insert/update data here.
    SELECT client_id, name, get_risk_factor(client_id)
    FROM clients;
    DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS get_risk_factor();


10. Triggers

  • A block of code that gets executed automatically, after or before, insert, update, and delete sql query statement.

  • Two types of triggers:

    • Row Level Trigger (available in MySQL): Executes as many times as rows affected.

    • Statement Level Trigger (not available in MySQL): Executes per transaction statement.

        DELIMITER $$
        CREATE TRIGGER payments_after_insert -- tablename_event(after/before)_query(insert/update/delete)
        FOR EACH ROW
          UPDATE invoices
          SET payment_total = payment_total + NEW.amount
          WHERE invoice_id = NEW.invoice_id;
          -- NEW -> for insert
          -- OLD -> for delete and update
        END $$
        DELIMITER ;
        -- NOW running below will update invoices
        INSERT INTO payments
        VALUES (9, 2, 1, '2021-03-02', 10, 1);
        DROP TRIGGERS IF EXISTS payments_after_insert;
  • We can use triggers for logging the changes made in database. Who made it, when did they made it, and where did they made it, etc.

11. Events

  • They exists in SQL to run periodic tasks.

  • SQL statements schedule by events can be run on periodic basis - yearly, monthly, weekly, daily, hourly, minutely, or in seconds.

    CREATE EVENT yearly_delete_stale_auditions_rows
      -- AT '2019-05-01'
        EVERY 1 YEAR STARTS '2019-03-02' ENDS '2029-03-02'
      DELETE FROM payments_audit
        WHERE action_date < NOW() - INTERVAL 1 YEAR;
    END $$
    SHOW EVENTS LIKE 'yearly%';
    DROP EVENT IF EXISTS '_name_';

12. Transactions

  • A group of SQL statements that represents a single unit of work. All the SQL statements should execute successfully or the transaction will fail. For example: CREDIT & DEBIT mechanism. Every time credit happens, debit must also happen somewhere in the process of transaction. Otherwise roll back all changes.

  • They have ACID properties:

    • A for Atomicity : Each transaction is unbreakable, like atoms [old science]. Either all the statements in a transaction is executed successfully and committed or the transaction is rolled back and all the changes are undone.

    • C for Consistency : Our database will remain consistent throughout. We won't end up with order without an item.

    • I for Isolation : These transaction are isolated from each other if they try to modify the same data. Other transaction gets locked unless one is done.

    • D for Durability : Once a transaction is committed, the changes made by the transaction is permanent. Even after the power shortage, it won't change.

      USE sql_store;
      INSERT INTO orders (customer_id, order_date, status)
      VALUES (1, '2019-01-01', 1);
      INSERT INTO order_items
      VALUES (LAST_INSERT_ID(), 1, 1, 1);
      -- AND
      USE sql_store;
      INSERT INTO orders (customer_id, order_date, status)
      VALUES (1, '2019-01-01', 1);
      INSERT INTO order_items
      VALUES (LAST_INSERT_ID(), 1, 1, 1);
      ROLLBACK; -- when we want to do error checking and manually rollback the transaction
      SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'autocommit';
  • MySQL wraps every single statement we write inside the transaction and then it do the commit automatically if no error.

  1. Concurrency
  • When multiple users try to access the same data in order to change it or use it. Like say, updating it at a same time.

  • Problems of concurrency :

    • LOST UPDATES : When the later transaction overwrite the former transaction commit when they are working on the same set of data. To prevent it, use LOCK. MySQL uses it automatically.
    • DIRTY READS : This happens when a transaction reads data that hasn't been committed yet. The solution is READ COMMITTED Isolation such that other transactions can only read each other after being committed.
    • NON-REPEATABLE READS : Two transactions are in non-repeatable reads when one is reads a value for some computation for the first time, and the other updates the same value while the first is still utilizing the value for its purpose, making the second time utilization happen with different updated value rather than the previous one as needed. In short, if we read same data twice in a transaction but get different results.
    • PHANTOM READS : When one transaction is being executed, another transaction updates/removes/inserts data that may or may not be required in the first transaction to get accurate results. A "ghost" data appears suddenly during a transaction, thereby getting missed. This is called phantom reads. It's solution depends on bussiness requirements and the only way to solve it is to have SERIALIZABLE Isolation level.
  • Isolation Levels :

    • READ UNCOMMITED : doesn't protect us from any of the problems. Fastest.

    • READ COMMITTED : protects from Dirty Reads.

    • REPEATABLE READ : protects from Lost Updates, Dirty Reads, Non-Repeatable Reads. Default in MySQL.

    • SERIALIZABLE : Prevents all the above + phantom reads. Needs extra resources in terms of memory and cpu. Slowest.

      SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'transaction_isolation';
      -- empty -> for current transaction
      -- SESSION -> for single mysql session and every future transaction that happens during this session
      -- GLOBAL -> for all new transaction for all session
  • DEADLOCKS : When two transaction prevent each other from running further as they are both waiting for the other to finish. To prevent it, the two transaction should have same order of query:

    -> T1 -> A, B -> END
    -> T2 -> A, B -> END

    and not like:

    -> T1 -> A, B -> END
    -> T2 -> B, A -> END

    Also, small scheduled transaction is better.


    • Strings: CHAR(X) [255B], VARCHAR(X) [64KB], TINYTEXT [255B], TEXT [64KB], MEDIUMTEXT [16MB], LONGTEXT [4GB]

    • Integers: TINYINT [1B], UNSIGNEDINT [1B], SMALLINT [2B], MEDIUMINT [3B], INT [4B], BIGINT [8B], ZEROFILL -> to zeropad values to have same number of digits. Only affects how they are displayed not how they are stored.

    • Rationals:

      • DECIMAL/DEC/NUMERIC/FIXED (p, s) -> DECIMAL(9,2) = 1234567.89 [9 DIGITS WITH 2 AFTER DECIMAL POINT]: store fixed value monetory values.
      • FLOAT/DOUBLE: Store approx. for scientific calculation.
    • Booleans: 0 -> FALSE, 1 -> TRUE [BOOL/BOOLEAN]

    • Enums: ENUM('small', 'medium', 'large')

      • Only one of the 3 values can be stored, otherwise error will happen.
      • Case-insensitive
      • BAD for design
        • duplication/no-reuse
        • change cost is high
    • SET: Only difference is that multiple values can be stored.

    • DATE/TIME:

      • DATE
      • TIME
      • DATETIME
      • YEAR
    • BLOB: For storing binary data like images, videos, pdfs, etc. Better not to use dbs for storing binary files because RDBs are designed to work with structured relational data and not binary data.

      • TINYBLOB -> 255 B

      • BLOB -> 65 KB

      • MEDIUMBLOB -> 16 MB

      • LONGBLOB -> 4 GB


        • Increase database size.
        • Slower backups
        • Performance problems as pulling files out of DBs is slower than file system. -> More code to read/write images
    • JSON: Lightweight format for storing and transfering data over the internet.

      UPDATE products
      SET properties = JSON_OBJECT(
        'weight', 10,
        'dimensions', JSON_ARRAY(1, 2, 3),
        'manufacturer', JSON_OBJECT('name', 'sony')
      ) WHERE product_id = 1;
        [product_id, JSON_EXTRACT(properties, '$.weight') AS weights]
        -- OR
        [product_id, properties -> '$.weight' ] -- -> is column pass operator
        -- OR
        [product_id, properties -> '$.dimensions[0]'] -- accessing array values of json_array
        -- OR
        [product_id, properties -> '$'] -- accessing json_object within json_object. This one will give "sony" with double quotes.
        -- OR
        [product_id, properties ->> '$'] -- this one will give sony as an output without double quotes.
      FROM products
      WHERE product_id = 1;
    • JSON_SET: update existing json_object's properties with new ones or add new properties altogether.

      UPDATE products
      SET properties = JSON_SET(
        -- Object, update, new
        '$.weight', 20,
        '$.age', 30
      ) WHERE product_id = 1;
    • JSON_REMOVE: JSON_REMOVE(json_object, property to be removed)

    • Both JSON_SET and JSON_REMOVE modify the json_object and return json_objects.


14. Designing Databases

  • Data Modelling: is the process of modelling a data that we want to store. It involves 4 steps:

    • Understanding and analyzing the business requirements
    • Build a conceptual model of business requirements : to get a visual representation in order to communicate better with the stake holders. This is representing entities and their relationship with each other.
    • Build a logical model : Logical models are independent of database technology. We come up with datastructures required in this step.
    • Build a physical model : This is database technology level designing specific to one database technology.

15. Indexing for High Performance

16. Securing Databases