This is an extension for Spree 0.3.x, put together by DefV
This extension makes it possible to accept payments through Ogone. It requires the active_merchant_ogone gem to be installed on your system. Readme and test cases kindly provided by Gorilla
This extension has been ported to Rails3 by bzt.
- Add gem 'ogone_gateway', :require => 'ogone_gateway', :git => 'git://' to your Gemfile
- Run 'bundle install'
- Go to the backend of your shop, and go to configuration > paying methods.
- Create a new paying method, and select 'Billing::Ogone' as the provider
- On the next screen, alter the valuta if needed, and fill in the Ogone passphrases and account name. If you have not yet set up your SHA pass phrases: Log in on Ogone, and go to Configuration > Technical information. The SHA-IN can be set under 'Data and origin verification', the SHA-OUT under 'Transaction feedback' You also need to check 'I want to receive transaction feedback parameters on the redirection URLs.' in the Transaction feedback tab.