I’m currently learning Netwoking, Incident Response and forensics
Ask me about Cryptography, C, C++, Python
How to reach me saranshracvik2209@gmail.com
I’m currently learning Netwoking, Incident Response and forensics
Ask me about Cryptography, C, C++, Python
How to reach me saranshracvik2209@gmail.com
This repository contains a C++ program implementing the Vigenère Cipher, a classical encryption technique that provides a simple yet effective method for encrypting and decrypting messages.
C++ 1
Packet Sniffer is a Python-based network traffic analysis tool that captures and dissects network packets, providing detailed information about various protocol headers and data payloads.
Image encryption using pixel manipulation works by swapping the RGB pixel values of the image or by adjusting the brightness / contrast of the image.
The Caesar Cipher is a simple encryption technique that shifts each letter in the plaintext by a fixed number of positions down the alphabet known as the shift.
Forked from aboutcode-org/vulnerablecode
A free and open vulnerabilities database and the packages they impact. And the tools to aggregate and correlate these vulnerabilities. Sponsored by NLnet https://nlnet.nl/project/vulnerabilitydatab…