Pharmascope is a web application built with Streamlit that helps pharmaceutical companies identify ideal locations for their business operations. The application calculates a Relative Attractiveness Index (RAI) using World Bank data to evaluate different countries based on multiple economic and healthcare indicators.
- Interactive homepage with modern UI design
- RAI Calculator with customizable weights for different factors:
- Healthcare Expenditure
- Labor Force
- Data visualization including:
- Bar charts for RAI comparison
- Interactive map showing top 12 countries
- Detailed data tables with raw and aggregated data
- Clone the repository
- Install the required dependencies:
pip install streamlit wbdata pandas plotly scikit-learn geopy
- Run the application:
streamlit run
The application has two main sections:
- Home: Landing page with information about the service
- Predictions: RAI calculation and visualization tools
- Use the sidebar sliders to adjust weights for:
- GDP (default: 40%)
- Healthcare Expenditure (default: 30%)
- Labor Force (default: 30%)
- Click "run" to calculate RAI
- View results in multiple formats:
- Sorted data table
- Aggregated country data
- Bar charts
- Interactive map of top 12 countries
- World Bank Indicators:
- Healthcare Expenditure (SH.XPD.CHEX.PC.CD)
- Labor Force (SL.TLF.TOTL.IN)
- Uses MinMaxScaler for data normalization
- Implements Nominatim geocoding for mapping
- Handles missing data by setting null values to zero
- Provides both raw and aggregated views of the data
- The application processes data for over 200 countries
- Missing data is marked as zero in the calculations
- Geographic coordinates are fetched using the Nominatim geocoding service
- The RAI is calculated using normalized values and user-defined weights
- Custom HTML/CSS for the homepage
- Gradient-styled headings
- Responsive design
- Dark theme with purple and cyan accent colors
Terminal homepage our implementations our implementations Graphs Top12 maps Terminal
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