How to open command line instructions
- R & RStudio
- Anaconda Python
- Download and install Python 3.8 Anaconda
- Jupyter Notebooks
- Automatically installed as part of Anaconda. More information at Project Jupyter.
- To start the notebook server from the command line/command prompt type 'jupyter notebook'
- If this doesn't work, you can type in the command line/command prompt 'conda install jupyter'
- Download R kernel for Juptyer notebook
- Download and make available the kernel to Jupyter
- Anaconda Python
- Download and install Python 3.8 Anaconda
- Open the command line (Mac) or command prompt (Windows) type in:
- 'conda create -n R_class r-essentials r-base r-irkernel jupyter r-ggplot2 r-dplyr r-gtools'
- 'conda activate R_class'
- 'conda list' (this will list all of the packages you just installed)
iPython notebook (RVDistSamp.ipynb) describes:
- Random Variables: Discrete and Continuous Analysis
- Cumulative Probability Distributions, Cumulative Density Functions, Probability Density Functions, and Probability Mass Functions
- Central Limit Theorem
Note: There is an equivalent R/R-studio file (RVDistSamp.R)
iPython notebook (InferentialStats.ipynb) describes:
- One Sample, Two Sample, and Paired Tests for Continuous and Discrete data
- Parametric
- Non-parametric
- One Sample, Two Sample, and Paired Tests for Continuous and Discrete data
Note: There is an equivalent R/R-studio file (InferentialStats.R)