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Theme Module Documentation

This app has inbuilt theme system, which should be used to style the commponents. Designated files are created for colors, spacing, dimensions & typography. Each file contains presets which can be scaled over large number of components.

NOTE: If you don't want to use theme module, simply delete the theme folder inside src, and all the components in common folder, and simply replace it with React Native Elements or Native Base or else.

Table of Contents


ThemeProvider is React component, which holds the theme that need to be apply across all the component.

  1. Wrap your top level App component with ThemeProvider and pass a default theme

    import { ThemeProvider, lightTheme } from './theme';
    export default App(){
      return (
        <ThemeProvider theme={lightTheme}>
          <Navigation />
  2. Access theme in your component using React Context API

    For Functional Component

    import React, { useContext } from 'react';
    import { ThemeContext } from '../theme';
    const CustomComponent = props => {
      const { theme } = useContext(ThemeContext);
      return <View style={{ backgroundColor: theme.backgroundColor }} />

    For Class Component

    import { ThemeContext } from '../theme';
    class CustomComponent  extends React.Component {
      static contextType = ThemeContext;
      render() {
        const { theme } = this.context;
        return <View style={{ backgroundColor: theme.backgroundColor }} />;

🎨 Theme/Colors

A single theme is a collection of several colors. The Color palette is inspired from Google Material Design color system. There is one major color primary which should be used for all component primary color. You can add secondary & tertiary as requirements unfolds here

Color Name Color Use
primaryColor To be used as background color for components which denotes primary action.
A primary color is the color displayed most frequently across your app’s screens and components
primaryLightColor Lighter shade of primary color, (can be used for hover effects)
primaryDarkColor Darker shade of primary color, (can be used for border color or text color of components)
backgroundColor The background color appears behind scrollable content
surfaceColor Surface colors affect surfaces(background) of components, such as cards, sheets, and menus
borderColor To be used for border anywhere in the component
disabledColor Color which will replace primary color, when component is in disabled state
disabledDarkColor To be used for border color & text color of disabled component
headingTextColor To be used for heading text
subHeadingTextColor To be used for sub-heading text
bodyTextColor To be used for normal text, like paragraph
successColor Green shade for success messages and icons
errorColor Red shade for error messages and icons

If surface is dark make headingTextColor, subHeadingTextColor & bodyTextColor light, and vice versa.

Note: Avoid creating custom colors in general, until & unless you can't get away with above colors


✔️ Do this

<View style={{ backgroundColor: theme.surfaceColor }}>
    <View style={{ borderColor: theme.borderColor }}>

❌ Don't do this

<View style={{ backgroundColor: '#222' }}>
    <View style={{ borderColor: '#eee' }}>

✒️ Typography

To avoid changing of text styles at several places, certain pre-defined typography styles has been defined in typography.js. The classes can be expanded as per the need.

A custom Text component has been defined in common folder, which uses these typography styles.

Name value variant
headingText Use the Heading style for card titles bold
subheadingText Use the Subheading style to denote new sections within cards bold
bodyText Default text style bold

Scale the types, like label, caption as requirements unfold.


import Text from component folder, not from react-native package

✔️ Do this

import { Text } from '../common';

❌ Don't do this

import { Text } from 'react-native';

<Text type="heading">This is a Heading</Text>
<Text type="subheading">This is a SubHeading</Text>
<Text type="body">This is a Body</Text>
<Text>Default is a Body</Text>
<Text type="heading" bold>This is a Bold Heading</Text>
<Text type="subheading" bold>This is a Bold SubHeading</Text>
<Text type="body" bold>This is a Bold Body</Text>
<Text bold>This is a Bold</Text>


📏 Spacing

Spacing should be consistent and whitespace should be thought as a first class technique up there with color and typefaces. Pre-define presets for spacing which will be used for padding and margin value.

Name Value
tiny 4
small 8
medium 12
large 16

If required, add more like extraLarge etc.


✔️ Do this

  1. Import SPACING object defined in spacing.js file from constants folder

    import { SPACING } from '../constants';
  2. Use SPACING variable to access presets

    <View style={{ padding: SPACING.large }}>
        <Text style={{ margin: SPACING.tiny }}>

❌ Don't do this

<View style={{ padding: 16 }}>
    <Text style={{ margin: 4 }}>

📐 Dimensions

App contain several custom values from image height, width to a view border radius etc. Define all numerical sizes used in app in dimens file.


  1. To define sizes related to some custom component present in HomeScreen, write this in dimens file

      homeScreen: {
        customComponentHeight: 234,
        customComponentWidth: 345,
  2. Then import DIMENS object defined in dimens.js file from constants folder

    import { DIMENS } from '../constants';
  3. In you HomeScreen access the property like this

    export default HomeScreen() {
      return (
        <CustomComponent style={{
            width: DIMENS.homeScreen.customComponentWidth,
            height: DIMENS.homeScreen.customComponentHeight,

Points to Remember

  • Try to use existing values present in above files
  • Avoid creating new values or styles
  • If some component need very specific design which goes against the general guideline, then create custom styles for it