This powershell script is made to help C++ developers get the commit number of HEAD at buid time. Please note that this work is done assuming that the user's development environment is Visual studio on Windows.
Put "static_commit_number_getter.ps1" to the directory of the project that you want to use. (See example project)
Revise the relative directory of the project and .git file in the script if neccessary.
$RelativeGitDir = '..\..\' # Hard-code the RELATIVE path from the project folder to the .git file. $RelativeProjectDir = '.\' # Pre-build-event usually put the initial directory to the Project dir.
set the pre-buid event as below. (Project property > Build Events > Pre-build event)
Powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File static_commit_number_getter.ps1
Include "CommitNumber.h" from your cpp file as below (See example project) and build the project.
#include "CommitNumber.h" #include <iostream> int main() { std::wcout << "commit number is " << COMMIT_NUMBER << std::endl; }
The script will automatically make the header file, and the commit number will be defined as "COMMIT_NUMBER" as below.
#ifndef COMMITNUMBER_H #define COMMITNUMBER_H #include <tchar.h> #define COMMIT_NUMBER _T("cecb17b5a3fcbc314e34c39655aa7fb310dbe297") // DO NOT REVISE THIS FILE MANNUALLY. Pre-build event will do it instead of you. #endif
"Ta-da!" Now you'll see the commit number that HEAD is located.
commit number is cecb17b5a3fcbc314e34c39655aa7fb310dbe297