- zsh
- fzf search and completion ctrl-t, ctrl-r, alt-c
- multiplex and editor
- hx, nvim, zellij, tmux
- file explore and git
- yazi, broot, lazygit
- aerospace, window manager
open /Applications/Nix\ Apps/AeroSpace.app
- see .aerospace.toml for bindings
- sane MacOS System defaults.
- terminals
- alacritty, ghostty
Some applications are installed as brew casks, appear in /Applications
or /Applications/Nix\ Apps
- Signal
- Firefox
- KeePassXC
- ...
# See: https://nikitabobko.github.io/AeroSpace/commands#workspace
# Works with 0-9 A-Z
alt-1 = 'workspace 1'
# See: https://nikitabobko.github.io/AeroSpace/commands#move-node-to-workspace
# Works with 0-9 A-Z
alt-shift-1 = 'move-node-to-workspace 1'
# See: https://nikitabobko.github.io/AeroSpace/commands#workspace-back-and-forth
alt-tab = 'workspace-back-and-forth'
# See: https://nikitabobko.github.io/AeroSpace/commands#move-workspace-to-monitor
alt-shift-tab = 'move-workspace-to-monitor --wrap-around next'
# See: https://nikitabobko.github.io/AeroSpace/commands#layout
alt-slash = 'layout tiles horizontal vertical'
alt-comma = 'layout accordion horizontal vertical'
# See: https://nikitabobko.github.io/AeroSpace/commands#focus
alt-h = 'focus left'
alt-j = 'focus down'
alt-k = 'focus up'
alt-l = 'focus right'
# See: https://nikitabobko.github.io/AeroSpace/commands#move
alt-shift-h = 'move left'
alt-shift-j = 'move down'
alt-shift-k = 'move up'
alt-shift-l = 'move right'
# Install Nix
# https://nixos.org/download/
sh <(curl -L https://nixos.org/nix/install)
# Clone config
git clone https://github.com/sanderlegit/nix-darwin.git ~/nix
# Install the config
nix run nix-darwin --extra-experimental-features "nix-command flakes" -- switch --flake ~/nix#m4
# Reload config ( works after 1st installation )
darwin-rebuild switch --flake ~/nix#m4
# Optional, Clone dotfiles
git clone -b linux https://github.com/sanderlegit/dotfiles.git ~/dotfiles
# Symlink config files and dirs as desired
ln -s ~/.config/helix ~/dotfiles/home/.config/helix
ln -s ~/.config/zellij ~/dotfiles/home/.config/zellij
ln -s ~/.aerospace.toml ~/dotfiles/home/.aerospace.toml
- Look for better dotfile management method
- still using a dotfiles repo with symlinks
- stow or chezmoi similar
- home-manager seems complex
- still using a dotfiles repo with symlinks
- Figure out a better way to compose zshrc
- Understand if/how to alter nix system pkg defaults, and find config docs
- Declarative / stored firefox?