- Connection to Firebase
- Adding new Documents to DB
- Deleting existing Documents from DB.
- Updating existing Documents in DB.
- Routing + Nested Routing.
- Links.
- CSS Styling.
This is the landing page of the Store, From here you can navigate through all the project.
You will see a navbar with 3 buttons / links to 3 diferent pages.
- Home, the home page.
- Admin, a page with a form for Adding existing producs.
- Drinks, the page with all products displayed.
A form for Adding new products to DB.
The page where all products are displayed in grid layout.
Each card is a product, and each card contains a "Details" button wich when clicked on,
another page will open with the products Details.
A new navbar will appear with 3 buttons/links and each button will open the filtered products based on the button that was clicked.
When the aperitif button is clicked, you will be navigated to this page.
When the wines button is clicked, you will be navigated to this page.
When details is clicked, the details page will look like this.
From here you will have the possibility to Update or Delete the product.
Update or delete item