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Containerized An Application

In this exercise we will learn how to containerize an application and enable with CICD pipeline.

Step 1: Create projects

If you want to, you can create a new project based on what you have learned in the previous lab. Since we already have a project we will use it. Run the following command to make sure.

Please replace username with the username assigned to you in the commands below.

To create a new project"

  1. Login

  2. Click Create Project

  3. Enter project information, i.e. lab1-username

  4. Click Create

Step 2: Create Application

  1. Click Add to project if you are not already in the Browse Catalog.

  2. Click PHP under Browse Catalog

  3. Click Select in the PHP box

  4. Enter: myapp as name

  5. Enter: as Git Repository URL

    IMPORTANT: please fork this git repo if you like to use this php code and use your repo URL for this Git Repo URL
  6. Click advance options

  7. Click Create New Secret (if you git repository require credential)

  8. Enter Secret name

  9. Use Basic Authentication as Authentication Type

  10. Enter your username for gitlab

  11. Enter your password

  12. Click Create

  13. Click Create

  14. Click Continue to Overview

  15. Wait until the build is down. You will see a blue solid circle on Overview page

  16. Click the link on the top right corner to view your php application

Step 3: Create QA project

  1. Login

  2. Click Create Project

  3. Enter project name as qa-<username>

  4. Click Create

  5. Click back to the top left corner the home icon

Step 4: Create CICD pipeline

  1. Make sure you are in lab1-username project

  2. Once you are inside a project, you will click Add to project -→ Import YAML/JSON tab

  3. Copy the information below and update the context with your information

Please update the following
  • replace lab1-username and qa-username to match your project name

  • replace myapp must match your application name

apiVersion: v1
kind: BuildConfig
  annotations: ~
    app: jenkins-pipeline-example
    name: sample-pipeline
    template: application-template-sample-pipeline
  name: sample-pipeline
  nodeSelector: ~
  output: {}
  postCommit: {}
  resources: {}
  runPolicy: Serial
    type: None
      jenkinsfile: |
          node {
          stage 'buildInDev'
          openshiftBuild(namespace: 'lab1-username', buildConfig: 'myapp', showBuildLogs: 'true')
          stage ('deployInDev')
          openshiftDeploy(namespace: 'lab1-username', deploymentConfig: 'myapp')
          stage ('tagImage')
          openshiftTag(namespace: 'lab1-username', sourceStream: 'myapp',  sourceTag: 'latest', destinationNamespace:'qa-username', destinationStream: 'myapp', destinationTag: 'promoteToQA')
          stage ('deployInQA') {
            input 'Promote Dev Image to Testing?'
            sh "oc project qa-username"
            sh "oc new-app myapp:promoteToQA"
            openshiftScale(namespace: 'qa-username', deploymentConfig: 'myapp',replicaCount: '2')
            sh "oc expose svc myapp"
        secret: efe7f857458df9c3
      type: Generic
        secret: 0084feefe5b6b26c
      type: GitHub
  type: JenkinsPipeline
triggers: []
  1. Paste below onto the text area

  2. Click create

  3. To view your newly created pipeline, click 'Builds' -→ Pipelines

  4. Click on the name of the pipeline sample-pipeline

  5. Click Configuration tab to view

  6. Click Action (at the top right) -→ Edit to edit the pipeline

Step 5: Grant Permission to the projects

Please update the following
  • lab1-username must match the project name

  • qa-username must match created from step 4

  • Please replace the <lab1-username> and <qa-username> with appropriate project name.

    1. Switch to the command line

    2. Execute the following via OC CLI:

      $oc login -u <your_username>
      $oc project <lab1-username>
      $oc policy add-role-to-user edit system:serviceaccount:<lab1-username>:jenkins -n <lab1-username>
      $oc policy add-role-to-user edit system:serviceaccount:<lab1-username>:jenkins -n <qa-username>
      $oc policy add-role-to-group system:image-puller system:serviceaccount:<qa-username> -n <lab1-username>

Step 6: Build Triggers (GitLab Integrations)

  1. Login OpenShift Web UI (

  2. Click on lab1-username project

  3. Click Builds -→ Pipelines

  4. Click sample-pipeline or your pipeline’s name

  5. Click Configuration tab

  6. Copy Generic Webhook URL under Triggers

  7. Login to

  8. Click into the project that you use to build your application Step #4

  9. Click Settings

  10. Click Integration

  11. Paste the Generic Webhook URL from step 6 above to the URL field

  12. Uncheck Enable SSL verification

  13. Click Add webhook

Step 7: Automatically Build new containers and shift workload to new container

  1. Run the following to cleanup the qa-<username> projects

    oc login -u <username>
    oc project qa-<username>
    oc delete all --all
  2. Make changes to the code to index.php or info.php you can make changes via the gitlab web interface via Edit

    $ git clone<yourname>/welcome-php.git
    <make code changes> with index.php
    $ git add <update files>
    $ git commit -m "description of the commit"
    $ git push -u origin master
  3. Execute the following

    git add <file-that-has-changes>
    git commit -m "update files"
    git push -u origin master
    Once the new source is pushed, the pipeline will be triggered to rebuild.
  4. Login to

  5. Click onto your project

  6. Click Builds -→ Pipelines

  7. Click Input Required from your pipeline build

  8. Click Login Openshift

  9. Click allow access

  10. Click Proceed

  11. take few minutes to promote the image to qa project

  12. Click to qa-username project

  13. Application is deployed and scale up.

Step 8: Scaling/Decommissions

  1. Switch back command line terminal

  2. Execute the following via OC CLI:

    $oc login -u <your_username>
    $oc project <qa-username>
    $oc delete all --all