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Deep-Learning-Contrastive-Center-Loss-Transfer-Learning-Food-Classification- PublicThis repository contains the ipynb for a project on deep learning visual classification of food categories
Machine-Learning PublicThis repository contains several machine learning projects done in Jupyter Notebooks
Airbnb-Recommendation-Dashboard PublicThis repository contains the code and methodology for building a recommendation app to recommend listings to users based on experiences of other similar users.
Deep-Learning-Fine-Grained-Action-Recognition-Canine-Behavior PublicThis repository contains the dataset, code and paper for my project: Capturing Spatial and Temporal Context for Fine Grained Canine Behaviour Action Recognition
Market-Cluster-Analysis-Philippine-Demographic-Data PublicThis repository contains the market cluster analysis performed on the Philippine's demographic data using JMP by SAS.
Deep-Learning-KNN-MLP-Fashion-MNIST PublicThis repository contains the ipynb for image classification on the Fashion-MNIST dataset based on KNN and MLP.
Jupyter Notebook
57 contributions in the last year
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